How can I select elements in ExtJS? - extjs

I have a ExtJS page that is outputting the following DOM.
I want to select a specific element so that I can respond to a click on it.
However, the following code never selected the elements that are built with the extJS library. JQuery can't seem to select them either.
ExtJS can't even find an element that is defined in the <body> element in the HTML file itself. However, JQuery can indeed select an element defined in the <body> element.
I have been reading this guide which seems to indicate it should be no problem to just use Ext.get() and to get elements, however, as the following code shows, the elements are never selected.
How do I select an element in ExtJS?
var members ='x-panel');
for (var i = members.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
element = members[i];
element.on('click', function() { alert('test');})

Try'.x-panel') with a period in the selector, which is required for selecting by class name.

bmoeskau is right, you can use'.x-panel') which returns a collection of divs with class x-panel.
Note that Ext.get() just returns a single element, so if you want to get multiple matches you should use or Ext.query().
And what's more, returns Ext.CompositeElement, though the document does not list but it supports all the methods of Ext.Element so your example can be simply written as:'.x-panel').on('click', function(){ alert('test') });
Code above will add event handler for click operation to each x-panel.

if you need to get the flyweight element, use:;
See the API documentation for the Static Ext object for details


Is there a way to get the name of an ng-model from an element

I want to find the name of the model on the active element. Basically I have document.activeElement how do I find out what it's ng-model is.
<input ng-model="myModel">
So in the above control if that was active how would I be able to find out that we are in the element with the ng-model of myModel. This is technically a workaround for adding an id or a name, but I would rather not do it if I can
As an aside this code is in the controller not a directive.
Here is the Fiddle
You need to get the element object as discribed in the comment in the code and then access it with attr
// get element
var result = document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
// get object using jQLite or jQuery
var ele = angular.element(result);
// access 'ng-model' as 'attribute'
CAUTION: Here it's shown just for example considering just one input element. Use proper class/element/attribute selector to get proper element you want to target.
input/element In Angularjs will bind a ng-model.Without using id or classes to get the element DOM can use $('[ng-model="Model"]') But If the model is under ng-repeat.
if you write
and to get the element use $('[ng-model="name"]'), it will inject that particular element from the DOM.
With document.activeElement, you can access the list of attributes on the returned element like this:
var nameOfModel = document.activeElement.attributes['ng-model'].value;

Dynamically Populate Drop Down List inside Multifield in AEM

I have two tabs in my dialog.First Tab is having a pathfield and second tab is having a multifield inside that only one widget of xtype selection(drop down) exist.I want to send the pathfield path as a query parameter to a servlet and want to populate json in the list.
I have done this by having a listener under drop-down widget.
i am using property render and its value:
var dialog = this.findParentByType('dialog');
var path=dialog.findById('path');
$.getJSON('/bin/demo?path=' + path.value,
My JSON response is coming but setOptions is not a function error is coming.
Please Help!!!!
this value depends upon the context where you are making use of this.
I believe that is the problem here. this value would differ inside and outside the $.getJSON. You would need to bind the value of this object for the function.
The link has given the example also. Either you need to store reference of this to a variable or bind this reference using the bind method. Refer this for more details

Get number of components in placeholder, Sitecore

I have a component that needs to know how many components thats currently added to the very same placeholder, this since it needs to update a value of an html-attribute based on its index within the placeholder.
Is there anyway to get either the number of components thats already added to a placeholder, or to get the current-renderers index?
Usually I would just use a simple for-loop and set the attribute, but since its a placeholder with components thats not an option.
Thanks in advance!
Try this:
var placeholder = "my-placeholder";
var renderingReferences = Sitecore.Context.Item.Visualization.GetRenderings(Sitecore.Context.Device, true);
var renderingsInPlaceholder = renderingReferences.Where(r => r.Placeholder.EndsWith('/' + placeholder, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
var numberOfRenderingsInPlaceholder = renderingsInPlaceholder.Count();
Update: Changed search for placeholder key from IndexOf to EndsWith.
What is the HTML attribute you are trying to update and how are you planning on update this value? From C# code at render time? Or do you want to store this value when a component is added in the Page Editor and store the value against a Sitecore Item?
It depends on what your use-case is, but by suggestion for front-end use would be to execute this logic using JavaScript, otherwise you have to hook into Sitecore pipelines, find your HTML element and the add the attribute appropriately. Saving this value when a component is added means you need to r-run the login for the entire placeholder and update any stored values, since it will (should) be possible for the user to components anywhere...
Something like the following to add a order order data-attribute to a list of elements. If this is being used by another plugin the make sure you run this code before initializing your plugin.
// get element + its siblings
var $els = $('.selector').siblings().addBack();
// loop and add data-attr with index number
$els.each(function(index, element) {
$(this).attr('data-sortorder', index);

AngularJS typeahead select on blur

I'm using typeahead through in my AngularJS project and I would like to have it select the entry if I type the full value and click out of the field.
I've put together an example of what I mean
<input class='typeahead' type="text" sf-typeahead options="exampleOptions" datasets="numbersDataset" ng-model="selectedNumber">
If I type in 'two' and click on 'two' from the drop down then I get the full object {id: 2, name: 'two'}. This is good, if however I type 'two' and click to the next field without selecting is there a way to accept the top of the list on loss of focus on a text field?
I'm not sure if I'd want to have that sort of functionality in my app. The user hasn't actually selected anything. So selecting something for them would introduce frustrations.
But I do understand that often odd requirements are needed. In this case, I'd attack it using ngBlur. Assign a function to be called on blur. You can grab the contents of ng-model and then loop through your data (assuming static & not being sent via server) to find a match.
You can most likely just look at the source code of your typeahead directive and strip out the part does the comparison and then choose the first item in the array.
Unfortunately the underlying component does not emit any events for this condition. This will make the solution more complex. However when the value is being entered and the Typehead magic has happened you can supplement those events and catch them to update your ngModel.
I have created a plnkr based on your plnkr and although have not cleaned up but it is a working plnkr doing by far what you need.
The gist of this is following code however you can put this code wherever best suited
The explanation below:
//Crux - this gets you the Typeahead object
var typeahead ='ttTypeahead');
//This gets you the first
var datum = typeahead.dropdown.getDatumForTopSuggestion();
if (datum){
//you can do lot of things here however
//..I tried to - fill in the functionality best suited to be provided by Typeahead
//for your use case. In future if Typeahead gets this
//..feature you could remove this code
typeahead.eventBus.trigger("hasselections", datum.raw, datum.datasetName);
In the above code you can also save the datum somewhere in the scope for doing whatever you like with it later. This is essentially your object {num: 'Six'} Then you may also use ngBlur to set it somewhere (however the plnkr I created doe snot need these gimmicks.)
Then further down - ngModel's value is set as below
element.bind('typeahead:hasselections', function(object, suggestion, dataset) {
}, 1);
//scope.$emit('typeahead:hasselections', suggestion, dataset);
I'm with EnigmaRM in that ngBlur seems to be the way to do what you want. However, I agree with the others that this could be somewhat strange for the end users. My implementation is below (and in plnkr). Note that I trigger on ngBlur, but only apply the model if and only if there is only one match from Bloodhound and the match is exact. I think this is probably the best of both worlds, and hope it should give you enough to go on.
$scope.validateValue = function() {
typedValue = $scope.selectedNumber;
if(typedValue.num !== undefined && typedValue.num !== null)
numbers.get(typedValue, function(suggestions) {
if(suggestions.length == 1 && suggestions[0].num === typedValue) {
$scope.selectedNumber = suggestions[0];

Re-Rendering Handlebars partial from backbone view

I have a view, which holds handlebars template.
that template consist of another partial template.
that partial template holds a list of results, which i am using in different parts of my app.
anyhow, when trying to filter the results, i'd like to render only that part. meaning the backbone view should not render the whole view just the partial.
can it be done?
Yes, it's possible. The easiest way is to execute the whole template as you do when rendering the complete view, but only replace the the part you need in the view's el.
Something like:
template: Handlebars.compile(templateHtml),
render: function() {
//let's say your render looks something like this
renderList: function() {
var html = this.template(this.model.toJSON());
var selector = "#list";
//replace only the contents of the #list element
this.$el.find(selector).replaceWith($(selector, html));
Depending on how dynamic your template is, you may have to call this.delegateEvents() after replacing the list for the view's events to work correctly.
Edit based on comments:
To clarify, the method I propose here does execute the view's main handlebars template again, but it doesn't render the whole view again.
Step by step:
Execute the Handlebars template function as you do in normal render.
var html = this.template(this.model.toJSON());
The variable html now contains a string of HTML markup. Nothing has yet been rendered.
Define a selector for the element, which you would like to re-render.
var selector = "#list";
Find the DOM element to replace. This presumes that you have already rendered the view once. Otherwise there will be no #list element within this.$el.
Find the corresponding element in the templated html string, and replace the existing element with the new one:
.replaceWith($(selector, html));
This will only replace the #list element that's currently on the page. Anything outside #list will not be re-rendered or touched in any way.
The main reason I propose you do it this way instead of executing and rendering the partial template separately is that your view doesn't need to know anything about the implementation details of the template and the templating engine. All it needs to know that there is an element #list. I believe this is a cleaner solution, and keeps your template details separate from your view logic.
