Finding the maximum area in given binary data - c

I have a problem with describing algorithm for finding maximum rectangular area of binary data, where 1 occurs k-times more often than 0. Data is always n^2 bits like this:
For example data for n = 4 looks like:
1 0 1 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 1 1
1 1 0 1
Value of k can be 1 .. j (k = 1 means, that number of 0 and 1 is equal).
For above example of data and for k = 1 solution is:
1 0 1 0 <- 4 x '0' and 4 x '1'
0 0 1 1
0 1 1 1
1 1 0 1
But in this example:
1 1 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1
Solution would be:
1 1 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1
I tried with few brute force algorithms but for n > 20 it is getting too slow. Can you advise me how I should solve this problem?
As RBerteig proposed - the problem can be also described like that: "In a given square bitmap with cells set to 1 or 0 by some arbitrary process, find the largest rectangular area where the 1's and 0's occur in a specified ratio, k."

Bruteforce should do just fine here for n < 100, if properly implemented: solution below has O(n^4) time and O(n^2) memory complexity. 10^8 operations should be well under 1 second on modern PC (especially considering that each operation is very cheap: few additions and subtractions).
Some observations
There're O(n^4) sub-rectangles to consider and each of them can be a solution.
If we can find number of 1's and 0's in each sub-rectangle in O(1) (constant time), we'll solve problem in O(n^4) time.
If we know number of 1's in some sub-rectangle, we can find number of zeroes (through area).
So, the problem is reduced to following: create data structure allowing to find number of 1's in each sub-rectangle in constant time.
Now, imagine we have sub-rectangle [i0..i1]x[j0..j1]. I.e., it occupies rows between i0 and i1 and columns between j0 and j1. And let count_ones be the function to count number of 1's in subrectangle.
This is the main observation:
count_ones([i0..i1]x[j0..j1]) = count_ones([0..i1]x[0..j1]) - count_ones([0..i0 - 1]x[0..j1]) - count_ones([0..i1]x[0..j0 - 1]) + count_ones([0..i0 - 1]x[0..j0 - 1])
Same observation with practical example:
If we need to find number of 1's in D sub-rectangle (3x4), we can do it by taking number of 1's in the whole rectangle (A + B + C + D), subtracting number of 1's in (A + B) rectangle, subtracting number of 1's in (A + C) rectangle, and adding number of 1's in (A) rectangle. (A + B + C + D) - (A + B) - (A + C) + (A) = D
Thus, we need table sums, for each i and j containing number of 1's in sub-rectangle [0..i][0..j].
You can create this table in O(n^2), but even the direct way to fill it (for each i and j iterate all elements of [0..i][0..j] area) will be O(n^4).
Having this table,
count_ones([i0..i1]x[j0..j1]) = sums[i1][j1] - sums[i0 - 1][j1] - sums[i1][j0 - 1] + sums[i0 - 1][j0 - 1]
Therefore, time complexity O(n^4) reached.

This is still brute force, but something you should note is that you don't have to recompute everything from scratch for a new i*j rectangle. Instead, for each possible rectangle size, you can move the rectangle across the n*n grid one step at a time, decrementing the counts for the bits no longer within the rectangle and incrementing the counts for the bits that newly entered the rectangle. You could potentially combine this with varying the rectangle size, and try to find an optimal pattern for moving and resizing the rectangle.

Just some hints..
You could impose better restrictions on the values. The requirement leads to condition
N1*(k+1) == S*k, where N1 is number of ones in an area, and S=dx*dy is its surface.
It can be rewritten in better form:
N1/k == S/(k+1).
Because the greatest common divisor of numbers n and n+1 is always 1, then N1 have to be multiple of k and dx*dy to be multiple of k+1. It reduces greatly the possible space of solutions, the larger is k, the better (for dx*dy case you'll need to play with prime divisors of k+1).
Now, because you need just the surface of the largest area with such property, it would be wise to start from largest areas and move to smaller ones. By trying dx*dy from n^2 downto k+1 that would satisfy the divisor and the bounding conditions, you'll find quite fast the solution, muuuch faster than O(n^4), because of a special reason: except cases when the array was specially constructed, if we assume a random input, the probability that there are N1 ones out of S values in the (n-dx+1)*(n-dy+1) areas that have the surface S will constantly grow with decrease of S. (large values of k will make the probability smaller, but in the same time they will make the filter for dx and dy pairs stronger).
Also, this problem: , looks somehow similar, maybe you'll find some ideas in their solution.


binomial coefficient for very high numbers in c

So the task I have to solve is to calculate the binomial coefficient for 100>=n>k>=1 and then say how many solutions for n and k are over an under barrier of 123456789.
I have no problem in my formula of calculating the binomial coefficient but for high numbers n & k -> 100 the datatypes of c get to small to calculated this.
Do you have any suggestions how I can bypass this problem with overflowing the datatypes.
I thought about dividing by the under barrier straight away so the numbers don't get too big in the first place and I have to just check if the result is >=1 but i couldn't make it work.
Say your task is to determine how many binomial coefficients C(n, k) for 1 ≤ k < n ≤ 8 exceed a limit of m = 18. You can do this by using the recurrence C(n, k) = C(n − 1, k) + C(n − 1, k − 1) that can visualized in Pascal's triangle.
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 (20) 15 6 1
1 7 (21 35 35 21) 7 1
1 8 (28 56 70 56 28) 8 1
Start at the top and work your way down. Up to n = 5, everything is below the limit of 18. On the next line, the 20 exceeds the limit. From now on, more and more coefficients are beyond 18.
The triangle is symmetric and strictly increasing in the first half of each row. You only need to find the first element that exceeds the limit on each line in order to know how many items to count.
You don't have to store the whole triangle. It is enough to keey the last and current line. Alternatively, you can use the algorithm detailed [in this article][ot] to work your way from left to right on each row. Since you just want to count the coefficients that exceed a limit and don't care about their values, the regular integer types should be sufficient.
First, you'll need a type that can handle the result. The larget number you need to handle is C(100,50) = 100,891,344,545,564,193,334,812,497,256. This number requires 97 bits of precision, so your normal data types won't do the trick. A quad precision IEEE float would do the trick if your environment provides it. Otherwise, you'll need some form of high/arbitrary precision library.
Then, to keep the numbers within this size, you'll want cancel common terms in the numerator and the denominator. And you'll want to calculate the result using ( a / c ) * ( b / d ) * ... instead of ( a * b * ... ) / ( c * d * ... ).

Change the minimum number of entries in an array so that the sum of any k consecutive items is even

We are given an array of integers. We have to change the minimum number of those integers however we'd like so that, for some fixed parameter k, the sum of any k consecutive items in the array is even.
N = 8; K = 3;
A = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
We can change 3 elements (4th,5th,6th)
so the array can be {1,2,3,5,6,7,7,8}
1+2+3=6 is even
2+3+5=10 is even
3+5+6=14 is even
5+6+7=18 is even
6+7+7=20 is even
7+7+8=22 is even
There's a very nice O(n)-time solution to this problem that, at a high level, works like this:
Recognize that determining which items to flip boils down to determining a pattern that repeats across the array of which items to flip.
Use dynamic programming to determine what that pattern is.
Here's how to arrive at this solution.
First, some observations. Since all we care about here is whether the sums are even or odd, we actually don't care about the numbers' exact values. We just care about whether they're even or odd. So let's begin by replacing each number with either 0 (if the number is even) or 1 (if it's odd). Now, our task is to make each window of k elements have an even number of 1s.
Second, the pattern of 0s and 1s that results after you've transformed the array has a surprising shape: it's simply a repeated copy of the first k elements of the array. For example, suppose k = 5 and we decide that the array should start off as 1 0 1 1 1. What must the sixth array element be? Well, in moving from the first window to the second, we dropped a 1 off the front of the window, changing the parity to odd. We therefore have to have the next array element be a 1, which means that the sixth array element must be a 1, equal to the first array element. The seventh array element then has to be a 0, since in moving from the second window to the third we drop off a zero. This process means that whatever we decide on for the first k elements turns out to determine the entire final sequence of values.
This means that we can reframe the problem in the following way: break the original input array of n items into n/k blocks of size k. We're now asked to pick a sequence of 0s and 1s such that
this sequence differs in as few places as possible from the n/k blocks of k items each, and
the sequence has an even number of 1s.
For example, given the input sequence
0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
and k = 3, we would form the blocks
0 1 1, 0 1 1, 1 0 0, 1 0 1, 1 1 0, 1 1 1
and then try to find a pattern of length three with an even number of 1s in it such that replacing each block with that pattern requires the fewest number of edits.
Let's see how to take that problem on. Let's work one bit at a time. For example, we can ask: what's the cost of making the first bit a 0? What's the cost of making the first bit a 1? The cost of making the first bit a 0 is equal to the number of blocks that have a 1 at the front, and the cost of making the first bit a 1 is equal to the number of blocks that have a 0 at the front. We can work out the cost of setting each bit, individually, to either to zero or to one. That gives us a matrix like this one:
Bit #0 Bit #1 Bit #2 Bit #3 ... Bit #k-1
Cost of setting to 0 | | | | | | |
Cost of setting to 1 | | | | | | |
We now need to choose a value for each column with the goal of minimizing the total cost picked, subject to the constraint that we pick an even number of bits to be equal to 1. And this is a nice dynamic programming exercise. We consider subproblems of the form
What is the lowest cost you can make out of the first m columns from the table, provided your choice has parity p of items chosen from the bottom row?
We can store this in an (k + 1) × 2 table T[m][p], where, for example, T[3][even] is the lowest cost you can achieve using the first three columns with an even number of items set to 1, and T[6][odd] is the lowest cost you can achieve using the first six columns with an odd number of items set to 1. This gives the following recurrence:
T[0][even] = 0 (using zero columns costs nothing)
T[0][odd] = ∞ (you cannot have an odd number of bits set to 1 if you use no colums)
T[m+1][p] = min(T[m][p] + cost of setting this bit to 0, T[m][!p] + cost of setting this bit to 1) (either use a zero and keep the same parity, or use a 1 and flip the parity).
This can be evaluated in time O(k), and the resulting minimum cost is given by T[n][even]. You can use a standard DP table walk to reconstruct the optimal solution from this point.
Overall, here's the final algorithm:
create a table costs[k+1][2], all initially zero.
/* Populate the costs table. costs[m][0] is the cost of setting bit m
* to 0; costs[m][1] is the cost of setting bit m to 1. We work this
* out by breaking the input into blocks of size k, then seeing, for
* each item within each block, what its parity is. The cost of setting
* that bit to the other parity then increases by one.
for i = 0 to n - 1:
parity = array[i] % 2
costs[i % k][!parity]++ // Cost of changing this entry
/* Do the DP algorithm to find the minimum cost. */
create array T[k + 1][2]
T[0][0] = 0
T[0][1] = infinity
for m from 1 to k:
for p from 0 to 1:
T[m][p] = min(T[m - 1][p] + costs[m - 1][0],
T[m - 1][!p] + costs[m - 1][1])
return T[m][0]
Overall, we do O(n) work with our initial pass to work out the costs of setting each bit, independently, to 0. We then do O(k) work with the DP step at the end. The overall work is therefore O(n + k), and assuming k ≤ n (otherwise the problem is trivial) the cost is O(n).

Fast Way to Find Border Cells in a 2D array

Suppose that I have a n x n 2D array where the entries are either 0 or 1. For example:
[[0, 1, 1]
[1, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0]]
Now I want to find the neighbor cells of the 1s in the array, which are the cells to the sides and directly diagonal of the 1s in the array that equal to 0. So in the example above, the neighbor cells would be {(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1)}. There is the brute-force method of doing this, where I iterate through every entry and if it is a 1, I look at its neighbors and check if it equal to 0. For large n with a high density of 1s, the number of checks made is around 8n^2. However, I feel like I can make use of the redundancy of this problem to come up with a faster solution. For example, after look at the first entry in the cell (0, 0), I see that that it has two neighboring ones and a neighboring 0. So I know that I don't have to check the cell (1, 1) and its neighbors. I also know that at (0, 1) and (1, 0) the entry is 1, so I can add (0, 0) as a neighbor cell.
What's the fastest implementation of a solution to this problem that someone can come up with for this problem? Personally, I've thinking of using some sort of BFS or DFS implementation, but I'm not sure how I would implement it. I was thinking instead of taking around 8n^2 checks, it would only take around n^2 checks.
(Also, I don't know if this is a leetcode problem. It seem suitable to be one, so if anyone knows the name or number of this problem on leetcode, please let me know!)
Well, I can think of an idea that will lower the 8.
First you sum all the numbers int the matrix, that will gives you how many 1s there are in the matrix. This step can be made in O(n^2).
Then if there are less 1s than (n * n) / 2 you do the check by the 1s. I mean you go for every item and if it is a 1 you look for all the 0 positions in the eight neighbor (and add them to your answer).
In the other side, if there are more 1s than (n * n) / 2 you do the same but this time you do the check by the 0s. You go for every item and if it is a 0 you look for at least one 1 in the eight neighbor. If there is a 1 neighbor you add to your answer the current 0 position.
Why doing this? Well you are checking the 8 neighbor at most (n^2)/2 so the final time in the worst case will be: n^2 + n^2 + 8(n^2)/2 = 2n^2 + 4(n^2) = 6n^2
Ps: Thanks to #unlut that pointed some error this answer had
I was thinking instead of taking around 8n^2 checks, it would only take around n^2 checks.
I think this is impossible. It all depends on input. For every 1, you must check/overwrite neighbors. So, minimum of number of 1s in input matrix * 8 checks are required.
Try out some examples
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

How to check sums of all possible rectangles of array

Let us assume that we have a two dimensional array A (n X n). All elements of A are either O or 1. We also have a given integer K. Our task is to find the number of all possible "rectangles" in A, which contain elements with total sum K.
To give an example , if A =
0 0 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 and k=3 ,
0 0 1 0
1 0 0 1 holds the property ,
1 1 1 holds the property ,
1 1 1 holds the property ,
0 0
1 0
1 1 holds the property ,
1 1
1 0 holds the property ,
1 1
0 1 holds the property ,
1 holds the property
1 holds the property
So unless I missed something, the answer should be 8 for this example.
In other words, we need to check all possible rectangles in A to see if the sum of their elements is K. Is there a way to do it faster than O(n^2 * k^2) ?
You could do this in O(n^3).
First note that a summed area table allows you to compute the sum of any rectangle in O(1) time given O(n^2) preprocessing time.
In this problem we only need to sum the columns, but the general technique is worth knowing.
Then for each start row and end row combination you can do a linear scan across the matrix to count the solutions either with a two pointers approach or simply by storing the previous sums.
Example Python code (finds 14 solutions to your example):
from collections import defaultdict
A=[[0, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 0, 1]]
C=[ [0]*w for i in range(h+1)]
for x in range(w):
for y in range(1,h+1):
C[y][x] = C[y-1][x] + A[y-1][x]
# C[y][x] contains sum of all values A[y2][x] with y2<y
for start_row in range(h):
for end_row in range(start_row,h):
D=defaultdict(int) # Key is sum of columns from start to here, value is count
t=0 # Sum of all A[y][x] for x <= col, start_row<=y<=end_row
for x in range(w):
t+=C[end_row+1][x] - C[start_row][x]
count += D[t-k]
D[t] += 1
print count
I think it's worse than you calculated. I found a total of 14 rectangles with three 1's (green squares). The method I used was to take each {row,column} position in the array as the upper-left of a rectangle, and then consider every possible combination of width and height.
Since the width and height are not constrained by k(at least not directly), the search time is O(n^4). Of course, for any given {row,column,width}, the search ends when the height is such that the sum is greater than k. But that doesn't change the worst case time.
The three starting points in the lower-right need not be considered because it's not possible to construct a rectangle containing k 1's starting from those positions. But again, that doesn't change the time complexity.
Note: I'm aware that this is more of a comment than an answer. However, it doesn't fit in a comment, and I believe it's still useful to the OP. You can't solve a problem until you fully understand it.

Is there a more elegant way of doing this?

Given an array of positive integers a I want to output array of integers b so that b[i] is the closest number to a[i] that is smaller then a[i], and is in {a[0], ... a[i-1]}. If such number doesn't exist, then b[i] = -1.
a = 2 1 7 5 7 9
b = -1 -1 2 2 5 7
b[0] = -1 since there is no number that is smaller than 2
b[1] = -1 since there is no number that is smaller than 1 from {2}
b[2] = 2, closest number to 7 that is smaller than 7 from {2,1} is 2
b[3] = 2, closest number to 5 that is smaller than 5 from {2,1,7} is 2
b[4] = 5, closest number to 7 that is smaller than 7 from {2,1,7,5} is 5
I was thinking about implementing balanced binary tree, however it will require a lot of work. Is there an easier way of doing this?
Here is one approach:
for i ← 1 to i ← (length(A)-1) {
// A[i] is added in the sorted sequence A[0, .. i-1] save A[i] to make a hole at index j
item = A[i]
j = i
// keep moving the hole to next smaller index until A[j - 1] is <= item
while j > 0 and A[j - 1] > item {
A[j] = A[j - 1] // move hole to next smaller index
j = j - 1
A[j] = item // put item in the hole
// if there are elements to the left of A[j] in sorted sequence A[0, .. i-1], then store it in b
// TODO : run loop so that duplicate entries wont hamper results
if j > 1
b[i] = A[j-1]
b[1] = -1;
Dry run:
a = 2 1 7 5 7 9
a[1] = 2
its straight forward, set b[1] to -1
a[2] = 1
insert into subarray : [1 ,2]
any elements before 1 in sorted array ? no.
So set b[2] to -1 . b: [-1, -1]
a[3] = 7
insert into subarray : [1 ,2, 7]
any elements before 7 in sorted array ? yes. its 2
So set b[3] to 2. b: [-1, -1, 2]
a[4] = 5
insert into subarray : [1 ,2, 5, 7]
any elements before 5 in sorted array ? yes. its 2
So set b[4] to 2. b: [-1, -1, 2, 2]
and so on..
Here's a sketch of a (nearly) O(n log n) algorithm that's somewhere in between the difficulty of implementing an insertion sort and balanced binary tree: Do the problem backwards, use merge/quick sort, and use binary search.
let c be a copy of a
let b be an array sized the same as a
sort c using an O(n log n) algorithm
for i from a.length-1 to 1
binary search over c for key a[i] // O(log n) time
remove the item found // Could take O(n) time
if there exists an item to the left of that position, b[i] = that item
otherwise, b[i] = -1
b[0] = -1
return b
There's a few implementation details that can make this have poor runtime.
For instance, since you have to remove items, doing this on a regular array and shifting things around will make this algorithm still take O(n^2) time. So, you could store key-value pairs instead. One would be the key, and the other would be the number of those keys (kind of like a multiset implemented on an array). "Removing" one would just be subtracting the second item from the pair and so on.
Eventually you will be left with a bunch of 0-value keys. This would eventually make the if there exists an item to the left take roughly O(n) time, and therefore, the entire algorithm would degrade to a O(n^2) for that reason. So another optimization might be to batch remove all of them periodically. For instance, when 1/2 of them are 0-values, perform a pruning.
The ideal option might be to implement another data structure that has a much more favorable remove time. Something along the lines of a modified unrolled linked list with indices could work, but it would certainly increase the implementation complexity of this approach.
I've actually implemented this. I used the first two optimizations above (storing key-value pairs for compression, and pruning when 1/2 of them are 0s). Here's some benchmarks to compare using an insertion sort derivative to this one:
a.length This method Insert sort Method
100 0.0262ms 0.0204ms
1000 0.2300ms 0.8793ms
10000 2.7303ms 75.7155ms
100000 32.6601ms 7740.36 ms
300000 98.9956ms 69523.6 ms
1000000 333.501 ms ????? Not patient enough
So, as you can see, this algorithm grows much, much slower than the insertion sort method I posted before. However, it took 73 lines of code vs 26 lines of code for the insertion sort method. So in terms of simplicity, the insertion sort method might still be the way to go if you don't have time requirements/the input is small.
You could treat it like an insertion sort.
let arr be one array with enough space for every item in a
let b be another array with, again, enough space for all elements in a
For each item in a:
perform insertion sort on item into arr
After performing the insertion, if there exists a number to the left, append that to b.
Otherwise, append -1 to b
return b
The main thing you have to worry about is making sure that you don't make the mistake of reallocating arrays (because it would reallocate n times, which would be extremely costly). This will be an implementation detail of whatever language you use (std::vector's reserve for C++ ... arr.reserve(n) for D ... ArrayList's ensureCapacity in Java...)
A potential downfall with this approach compared to using a binary tree is that it's O(n^2) time. However, the constant factors using this method vs binary tree would make this faster for smaller sizes. If your n is smaller than 1000, this would be an appropriate solution. However, O(n log n) grows much slower than O(n^2), so if you expect a's size to be significantly higher and if there's a time limit that you are likely to breach, you might consider a more complicated O(n log n) algorithm.
There are ways to slightly improve the performance (such as using a binary insertion sort: using binary search to find the position to insert into), but generally they won't improve performance enough to matter in most cases since it's still O(n^2) time to shift elements to fit.
Consider this:
a = 2 1 7 5 7 9
b = -1 -1 2 2 5 7
c 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 - - - - - - - - - -
Where the index of C is value of a[i] such that 0,3,4,6,8 would have null values.
and the 1st dimension of C contains the highest to date closest value to a[i]
So in step by a[3] we have the following
c 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 - -1 -1 - - 2 - 2 - -
and by step a[5] we have the following
c 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 - -1 -1 - - 2 - 5 - 7
This way when we get to the 2nd 7 at a[4] we know that 2 is the largest value to date and all we need to do is loop back through a[i-1] until we encounter a 7 again comparing the a[i] value to that in c[7] if bigger, replace c[7]. Once a[i-1] = the 7 we put c[7] into b[i] and move on to next a[i].
The main downfalls to this approach that I can see are:
footprint size depending on how big the c[] needs to be dimensioned..
the fact that you have to revisit elements of a[] that you've already touched. If the distribution of data is such that there are significant spaces between the two 7's then keeping track of the highest value as you go would presumably be faster. Alternatively it might be better to gather statistics on the a[i] up front to know what distributions exist and then use a hybrid method maintaining the max until such time that no more instances of that number are in the statistics.
