stack pointer vs application - c

Most architectures have a memory map where the user application grows towards
lower memory where the stack grows to the opposite direction. I am wondering what
is happening when I write such a big C-program that all the space for the application
and the is taken away, ie, that stack pointer and application try to write to the same
region in memory? I assume in C something like a segmentation fault occurs? Is there
any processor support that tries to avoid such a problem from happening?

No, in C you can get out of memory, which you only notice directly if you actually check the return value of malloc et al. If not, you probably get to dereference a null pointer somewhere, making your app crash. But possibly there may be no immediate visible signs, only your memory gets silently corrupted. Since the memory space for the application is managed by the app itself, the processor/OS can't detect such errors. In modern OSs memory space of the OS itself and of other apps is protected from your app, so if you accidentally try to write to memory outside your own memory space, you are likely to get segmentation fault. But inside your own memory space, it is up to yourself to protect your memory.

The stack pointer is limited. Once it tries to go further than allowed, you typically get a StackOverflow exception or interrupt, leading to program termination. This most commonly happens with runaway recursive functions.
Similarly, space for the stack is reserved, and not accessible to the heap allocator. When you try to do a heap allocation (malloc or new) without enough space, the allocator will typically return NULL or throw an OutOfMemory exception.
I disagree with the answer that says "there will be no immediate visible signs, only your memory gets silently corrupted."
You'll either get a StackOverflow or OutOfMemory, depending on which resource was exhausted first.

Abelenky is correct, modern architectures will trap the stack growing past some limit much smaller than all available address space (this is easy to test with a simple recursive function)
Also, "App grows down, stack grows up" doesn't really describe the memory mapping of multithreaded systems anyway, each thread has it's own stack, which has a pre-set maximium size, and the heap is one or more seperately mapped areas of address space.
The easiest way to figure this stuff out is to attach a debugger to a simple test program; you can see the memory regions used by your process in any decent one. be sure to look where your libraries and code are loaded, as well as more than one thread worth of stack.


Where does malloc() allocate memory? Is it the data section or the heap section of the virtual address space of the process?

Ever since I was introduced to C, I was told that in C dynamic memory allocation is done using the functions in the malloc family. I also learned that memory dynamically allocated using malloc is allocated on the heap section of the process.
Various OS textbooks say that malloc involves system call (though not always but at times) to allocate structures on heap to the process. Now supposing that malloc returns pointer to chunk of bytes allocated on the heap, why should it need a system call. The activation records of a function are placed in the stack section of the process and since the "stack section" is already a part of the virtual address space of the process, pushing and popping of activation records, manipulation of stack pointers, just start from the highest possible address of the virtual address space. It does not even require a system call.
Now on the same grounds since the "heap section" is also a part of the virtual address space of the process, why should a system call be necessary for allocating a chunk of bytes in this section. The routine like malloc could self handle the "free" list and "allocated" list on its own. All it needs to know is the end of the "data section". Certain texts say that system calls are necessary to "attach memory to the process for dynamic memory allocation", but if malloc allocates memory on "heap section" why is it at all required to attach memory to the process during malloc? Could be simply taken from portion already part of the process.
While going through the text "The C Programming Language" [2e] by Kernighan and Ritchie, I came across their implementation of the malloc function [section 8.7 pages 185-189]. The authors say :
malloc calls upon the operating system to obtain more memory as necessary.
Which is what the OS texts say, but counter intuitive to my thought above (if malloc allocates space on heap).
Since asking the system for memory is a comparatively expensive operation, the authors do not do that on every call to malloc, so they create a function morecore which requests at least NALLOC units; this larger block is chopped up as needed. And the basic free list management is done by free.
But the thing is that the authors use sbrk() to ask the operating system for memory in morecore. Now Wikipedia says:
brk and sbrk are basic memory management system calls used in Unix and Unix-like operating systems to control the amount of memory allocated to the data segment of the process.
a data segment (often denoted .data) is a portion of an object file or the corresponding address space of a program that contains initialized static variables, that is, global variables and static local variables.
Which I guess is not the "heap section". [Data section is the second section from bottom in the picture above, while heap is the third section from bottom.]
I am totally confused. I want to know what really happens and how both the concepts are correct? Please help me understand the concept by joining the scattered pieces together...
In your diagram, the section labeled "data" is more precisely called "static data"; the compiler pre-allocates this memory for all the global variables when the process starts.
The heap that malloc() uses is the rest of the process's data segment. This initially has very little memory assigned to it in the process. If malloc() needs more memory, it can use sbrk() to extend the size of the data segment, or it can use mmap() to create additional memory segments elsewhere in the address space.
Why does malloc() need to do this? Why not simply make the entire address space available for it to use? There are historical and practical reasons for this.
The historical reason is that early computers didn't have virtual memory. All the memory assigned to a process was swapped in bulk to disk when switching between processes. So it was important to only assign memory pages that were actually needed.
The practical reason is that this is useful for detecting various kinds of errors. If you've ever gotten a segmentation violation error because you dereferenced an uninitialized pointer, you've benefited from this. Much of the process's virtual address space is not allocated to the process, which makes it likely that unitialized pointers point to unavailable memory, and you get an error trying to use it.
There's also an unallocated gap between the heap (growing upwards) and the stack (growing downward). This is used to detect stack overflow -- when the stack tries to use memory in that gap, it gets a fault that's translated to the stack overflow signal.
This is the Standard C Library specification for malloc(), in its entirety: The malloc function
#include <stdlib.h>
void *malloc(size_t size);
The malloc function allocates space for an object whose size is
specified by size and whose value is indeterminate. Note that this need
not be the same as the representation of floating-point zero or a null
pointer constant.
The malloc function returns either a null pointer or a pointer to the
allocated space.
That's it. There's no mention of the Heap, the Stack or any other memory location, which means that the underlying mechanisms for obtaining the requested memory are implementation details.
In other words, you don't care where the memory comes from, from a C perspective. A conforming implementation is free to implement malloc() in any way it sees fit, so long as it conforms to the above specification.
I was told that in C dynamic memory allocation is done using the functions in the malloc family. I also learned that memory dynamically allocated using malloc is allocated on the heap section of the process.
Correct on both points.
Now supposing that malloc returns pointer to chunk of bytes allocated on the heap, why should it need a system call.
It needs to request an adjustment to the size of the heap, to make it bigger.
...the "stack section" is already a part of the virtual address space of the process, pushing and popping of activation records, manipulation of stack pointers, [...] does not even require a system call.
The stack segment is grown implicitly, yes, but that's a special feature of the stack segment. There's typically no such implicit growing of the data segment. (Note, too, that the implicit growing of the stack segment isn't perfect, as witness the number of people who post questions to SO asking why their programs crash when they allocate huge arrays as local variables.)
Now on the same grounds since the "heap section" is also a part of the virtual address space of the process, why should a system call be necessary for allocating a chunk of bytes in this section.
Answer 1: because it's always been that way.
Answer 2: because you want accidental stray pointer references to crash, not to implicitly allocate memory.
malloc calls upon the operating system to obtain more memory as necessary.
Which is what the OS texts say, but counter intuitive to my thought above (if malloc allocates space on heap).
Again, malloc does request space on the heap, but it must use an explicit system call to do so.
But the thing is that the authors use sbrk() to ask the operating system for memory in morecore. Now Wikipedia says:
brk and sbrk are basic memory management system calls used in Unix and Unix-like operating systems to control the amount of memory allocated to the data segment of the process.
Different people use different nomenclatures for the different segments. There's not much of a distinction between the "data" and "heap" segments. You can think of the heap as a separate segment, or you can think of those system calls -- the ones that "allocate space on the heap" -- as simply making the data segment bigger. That's the nomenclature the Wikipedia article is using.
Some updates:
I said that "There's not much of a distinction between the 'data' and 'heap' segments." I suggested that you could think of them as subparts of a single, more generic data segment. And actually there are three subparts: initialized data, uninitialized data or "bss", and the heap. Initialized data has initial values that are explicitly copied out of the program file. Uninitialized data starts out as all bits zero, and so does not need to be stored in the program file; all the program file says is how many bytes of uninitialized data it needs. And then there's the heap, which can be thought of as a dynamic extension of the data segment, which starts out with a size of 0 but may be dynamically adjusted at runtime via calls to brk and sbrk.
I said, "you want accidental stray pointer references to crash, not to implicitly allocate memory", and you asked about this. This was in response to your supposition that explicit calls to brk or sbrk ought not to be required to adjust the size of the heap, and your suggestion that the heap could grow automatically, implicitly, just like the stack does. But how would that work, really?
The way automatic stack allocation works is that as the stack pointer grows (typically "downward"), it eventually reaches a point that it points to unallocated memory -- that blue section in the middle of the picture you posted. At that point, your program literally gets the equivalent of a "segmentation violation". But the operating system notices that the violation involves an address just below the existing stack, so instead of killing your program on an actual segmentation violation, it quick-quick makes the stack segment a little bigger, and lets your program proceed as if nothing had happened.
So I think your question was, why not have the upward-growing heap segment work the same way? And I suppose an operating system could be written that worked that way, but most people would say it was a bad idea.
I said that in the stack-growing case, the operating system notices that the violation involves an address "just below" the existing stack, and decides to grow the stack at that point. There's a definition of "just below", and I'm not sure what it is, but these days I think it's typically a few tens or hundreds of kilobytes. You can find out by writing a program that allocates a local variable
char big_stack_array[100000];
and seeing if your program crashes.
Now, sometimes a stray pointer reference -- that would otherwise cause a segmentation violation style crash -- is just the result of the stack normally growing. But sometimes it's a result of a program doing something stupid, like the common error of writing
char *retbuf;
printf("type something:\n");
fgets(retbuf, 100, stdin);
And the conventional wisdom is that you do not want to (that is, the operating system does not want to) coddle a broken program like this by automatically allocating memory for it (at whatever random spot in the address space the uninitialized retbuf pointer seems to point) to make it seem to work.
If the heap were set up to grow automatically, the OS would presumably define an analogous threshold of "close enough" to the existing heap segment. Apparently stray pointer references within that region would cause the heap to automatically grow, while references beyond that (farther into the blue region) would crash as before. That threshold would probably have to be bigger than the threshold governing automatic stack growth. malloc would have to be written to make sure not to try to grow the heap by more than that amount. And true, stray pointer references -- that is, program bugs -- that happened to reference unallocated memory in that zone would not be caught. (Which is, it's true, what can happen for buggy, stray pointer references just off the end of the stack today.)
But, really, it's not hard for malloc to keep track of things, and explicitly call sbrk when it needs to. The cost of requiring explicit allocation is small, and the cost of allowing automatic allocation -- that is, the cost of the stray pointer bugs not caught -- would be larger. This is a different set of tradeoffs than for the stack growth case, where an explicit test to see if the stack needed growing -- a test which would have to occur on every function call -- would be significantly expensive.
Finally, one more complication. The picture of the virtual memory layout that you posted -- with its nice little stack, heap, data, and text segments -- is a simple and perhaps outdated one. These days I believe things can be a lot more complicated. As #chux wrote in a comment, "your malloc() understanding is only one of many ways allocation is handled. A clear understanding of one model may hinder (or help) understanding of the many possibilities." Among those complicating possibilities are:
A program may have multiple stack segments maintaining multiple stacks, if it supports coroutines or multithreading.
The mmap and shm_open system calls may cause additional memory segments to be allocated, scattered anywhere within that blue region between the heap and the stack.
For large allocations, malloc may use mmap rather than sbrk to get memory from the OS, since it turns out this can be advantageous.
See also Why does malloc() call mmap() and brk() interchangeably?
As the bard said, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." :-)
Not all virtual addresses are available at the beginning of a process.
OS does maintain a virtual-to-physics map, but (at any given time) only some of the virtual addresses are in the map. Reading or Writing to an virtual address that isn't in the map cause a instruction level exception. sbrk puts more addresses in the map.
Stack just like data section but has a fixed size, and there is no sbrk-like system call to extend it. We can say there is no heap section, but only a fixed-size stack section and a data section which can be grown upward by sbrk.
The heap section you say is actually a managed (by malloc and free) part of the data section. It's clear that the code relating to heap management is not in OS kernel but in C library executing in CPU user mode.

why am I not gettting Segmentation error?

I have
x=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(1));
but still I am able to read x[20] or x[4].
How am I able to access those values? Shouldn't I be getting segmentation error while accessing those memory?
The basic premise is that of Sourav Ghosh's answer: accessing memory returned from malloc beyond the size you asked for is undefined behavior, so a conforming implementation is allowed to do pretty much anything, including happily returning bizarre values.
But given a "normal" implementation on mainstream operating systems on "normal" machines (gcc/MSVC/clang, Linux/Windows/macOS, x86/ARM) why do you sometimes get segmentation faults (or access violations), and sometimes not?
Pretty much every "regular" C implementation doesn't perform any kind of memory check when reading/writing through pointers1; these loads/stores get generally translated straight to the corresponding machine code, which accesses the memory at a given location without much regard for the size of the "abstract C machine" objects.
However, on these machines the CPU doesn't straight access the physical memory (RAM) of the PC, but a translation layer (MMU) is introduced2; whenever your program tries to access an address, the MMU checks to see whether anything has been mapped there, and if your process has permissions to write over there. In case any of those checks fail3, you get a segmentation fault and your process gets killed. This is why uninitialized and NULL pointer values generally give nice segfaults: some memory at the beginning of the virtual address space is reserved unmapped just to spot NULL dereferences, and in general if you throw a dart at random into a 32 bit address space (or even better, a 64 bit one) you are most likely to find zones of memory that have never been mapped to anything.
As good as it is, the MMU cannot catch all your memory errors for several reasons.
First of all, the granularity of memory mappings is quite coarse compared to most "run of the mill" allocations; on PCs memory pages (the smallest unit of memory that can be mapped and have protection attributes) are generally 4 KB in size. There is of course a tradeoff here: very small pages would require a lot of memory themselves (as there's a target physical address plus protection attributes associated to each page, and those have to be stored somewhere) and slow down the MMU operation3. So, if you access memory out of "logical" boundaries but still within the same memory page, the MMU cannot help you: as far as the hardware is concerned, you are still accessing valid memory.
Besides, even if you go outside of the last page of your allocation, it may be that the page that follows is "valid" as far as the hardware is concerned; indeed, this is pretty common for memory you get from the so-called heap (malloc & friends).
This comes from the fact that malloc, for smaller allocations, doesn't ask the OS for "new" blocks of memory (which in theory may be allocated keeping a guard page at both ends); instead, the allocator in the C runtime asks the OS for memory in big sequential chunks, and logically partitions them in smaller zones (usually kept in linked lists of some kind), which are handed out on malloc and returned back by free.
Now, when in your program you step outside the boundaries of the requested memory, you probably don't get any error as:
the memory chunk you are using isn't near a page boundary, so your out-of-bounds read doesn't trigger an access violation;
even if it was at the end of a page, the page that follows is still mapped, as it still belongs to the heap; it may either be memory that has been given to some other code of your process (so you are reading data of some unrelated part of your code), or a free memory zone (so you are reading whatever garbage happened to be left by the previous owner of the block when it freed it), or a zone used by the allocator to keep its bookkeping data (so you are reading parts of such data).
In all these cases except for the "free block" one, even if you were to write there you wouldn't get a segmentation fault, but you could corrupt unrelated data or the data structures of the heap (which generally results in crashes later, as the allocator finds inconsistencies in its data).
Although modern compilers provide special instrumented builds to trap some of these errors; gcc and clang, in particular, provide the so-called "address sanitizer".
This allows to introduce transparent paging (swapping out to disk memory zones that aren't actively used in case of low physical memory availability) and, most importantly, memory protection and address space separation (when a user-mode process is running, it "sees" a full virtual address space containing only his stuff, and nothing from the other processes or the kernel).
And it's not a failure put there on purpose by the operating system to be notified that the processes is trying to access memory that has been swapped out.
Given that each access to memory needs to go through the MMU, the mapping must be very fast, so the most used page mappings are kept in a cache; if you make the pages very small and the cache can hold just as many entries, you effectively have a smaller memory range covered by the cache.
No, accessing invalid memory is undefined behavior, and segmantation fault is one of the many side effects of UB. It is not guaranteed.
That said,
Always check for the success of the malloc() by checking the returned pointer against NULL before using the returned pointer.
Please see this: Do I cast the result of malloc?

malloc causes the application to crash and show memory map [duplicate]

I have a large body of legacy code that I inherited. It has worked fine until now. Suddenly at a customer trial that I cannot reproduce inhouse, it crashes in malloc. I think that I need to add instrumentation e.g on top of malloc I have my own malloc that stores some meta information about each malloc e.g. who has made the malloc call. When it crashes, I can then look up the meta information and see what was happening. I had done something similar years ago but cannot recall it now...I am sure people have come up with better ideas. Will be glad to have inputs.
Is memory allocation broken?
Try valgrind.
Malloc is still crashing.
Okay, I'm going to have to assume that you mean SIGSEGV (segmentation fault) is firing in malloc. This is usually caused by heap corruption. Heap corruption, that itself does not cause a segmentation fault, is usually the result of an array access outside of the array's bounds. This is usually nowhere near the point where you call malloc.
malloc stores a small header of information "in front of" the memory block that it returns to you. This information usually contains the size of the block and a pointer to the next block. Needless to say, changing either of these will cause problems. Usually, the next-block pointer is changed to an invalid address, and the next time malloc is called, it eventually dereferences the bad pointer and segmentation faults. Or it doesn't and starts interpreting random memory as part of the heap. Eventually its luck runs out.
Note that free can have the same thing happen, if the block being released or the free block list is messed up.
How you catch this kind of error depends entirely on how you access the memory that malloc returns. A malloc of a single struct usually isn't a problem; it's malloc of arrays that usually gets you. Using a negative (-1 or -2) index will usually give you the block header for your current block, and indexing past the array end can give you the header of the next block. Both are valid memory locations, so there will be no segmentation fault.
So the first thing to try is range checking. You mention that this appeared at the customer's site; maybe it's because the data set they are working with is much larger, or that the input data is corrupt (e.g. it says to allocate 100 elements and then initializes 101), or they are performing things in a different order (which hides the bug in your in-house testing), or doing something you haven't tested. It's hard to say without more specifics. You should consider writing something to sanity check your input data.
Try Asan
AddressSanitizer (aka ASan) is a memory error detector for C/C++. It finds:
Use after free (dangling pointer dereference)
Heap buffer overflow
Stack buffer overflow
Global buffer overflow
Use after return
Use after scope
Initialization order bugs
Memory leaks
Please find the links to know more and how to use it and
I know this is old, but issues like this will continue to exist as long as we have pointers. Although valgrind is the best tool for this purpose, it has a steep learning curve and often the results are too intimidating to understand.
Assuming you are working on some *nux, another tool I can suggest is electricfence. Quote:
Electric Fence helps you detect two common programming bugs:
software that overruns the boundaries of a malloc() memory allocation,
software that touches a memory allocation that has been released by free().
Unlike other malloc() debuggers, Electric Fence will detect read accesses
as well as writes, and it will pinpoint the exact instruction that causes
an error.
Usage is amazingly simple. Just link your code with an additional library lefence
When you run the application, a corefile will be generated when memory is corrupted, instead of when corrupted memory is used.

Why we shouldn't dynamically allocate memory on stack in C?

We have functions to allocate memory on stack in both in windows and Linux systems but their use is discouraged also they are not a part of the C standard? This means that they provide some non-standard behavior. As I'm not that experienced I cannot understand what could be the problem when allocating memory from stack rather then using heap?
EDIT: My view: As Delan has explained that the amount of stack allocated to a program is decided during compile time so we cannot ask for more stack from the OS if we run out of it.The only way out would be a crash.So it's better to leave the stack for storage of primary things like variables,functions,function calls,arrays,structures etc. and use heap as much as the capacity of the OS/machine.
Stack memory has the benefit of frequently being faster to allocate than heap memory.
However, the problem with this, at least in the specific case of alloca(3), is that in many implementations, it just decreases the stack pointer, without giving regard or notification as to whether or not there actually is any stack space left.
The stack memory is fixed at compile- or runtime, and does not dynamically expand when more memory is needed. If you run out of stack space, and call alloca, you have a chance of getting a pointer to non-stack memory. You have no way of knowing if you have caused a stack overflow.
Addendum: this does not mean that we shouldn't use dynamically allocate stack memory; if you are
in a heavily controlled and monitored environment, such as an embedded application, where the stack limits are known or able to be set
keeping track of all memory allocations carefully to avoid a stack overflow
ensuring that you don't recurse enough to cause a stack overflow
then stack allocations are fine, and can even be beneficial to save time (motion of stack pointer is all that happens) and memory (you're using the pre-allocated stack, and not eating into heap).
Memory on stack (automatic in broader sense) is fast, safe and foolproof compared to heap.
Fast: Because it's allocated at compile time, so no overhead involved
safe: It's exception safe. The stack gets automatically wound up, when exception is thrown.
full proof: You don't have to worry about virtual destructors kind of scenarios. The destructors are called in proper order.
Still there are sometimes, you have to allocate memory runtime, at that time you can first resort on standard containers like vector, map, list etc. Allocating memory to row pointers should be always a judicious decision.

How MMU detects double free of a pointer?

How the memory management unit(MMU) detects the double free of a pointer?
I know that its a good practice to make the pointer NULL just after freeing it, but suppose programmer does not do it. Is there any MMU mechanism to detect it?
The MMU has nothing to do with it. If you free a pointer allocated with malloc twice you will probably corrupt the C runtime heap. The heap (not the MMU) can in principle protect itself against such things, but most don't. Please note that this has nothing to do with the operating system - neither malloc() nor free() are system calls.
How the memory management unit(MMU) detects the double free of a pointer?
The MMU just does virtual address space -> physical memory mapping, it doesn't know anything about how the heap is organized/how the allocation works/..., that is operating system/allocator work.
How does OS detects the double free then? Whats the mechanism??
It walks the list/bitmap/... of allocated blocks, sees that there's no allocated block with the address you passed to it, so it detects that it's a double free.
However if that block has already been re-allocated, it finds it and correctly free it => but now the code that used the re-allocated block will go nuts, since the memory it has correctly acquired and that it didn't release has become unallocated.
If the allocator protects the unallocated memory marking it as no-read and no-write/removing it from the committed pages of the virtual address space the program will die as soon as that memory is accessed again (but the code that apparently caused the crash will be actually innocent, since it didn't do anything wrong).
Otherwise, the application may still work for some time, until that memory block will be given to some other piece of code that requested some memory. At that point, two pieces of the same application will try to work on the same block of memory, with all the mess that can originate from this.
(Thanks to Pascal Cuoq for pointing out my error.)
No, there is no MMU mechanism to detect it. It is common that calling free on an already free'd address causes the program to crash as the implentation of free does something unexpected and causes a segmentation fault.
Running valgrind is a good way of checking for memory management problems, such as double freeing a pointer.
Setting it to NULL isn't actually a good practice, it hides bugs. Particularly double free()s. Check the OS memory map, something like 0xfeeefeee or 0xdeadbeef is usually good.
You can diagnose double free()s with a debug allocator. Most any decent CRT has one.
