Determine regular expression's specificity - c

Given the following regular expressions:
- alice#[a-z]+\.[a-z]+
- [a-z]+#[a-z]+\.[a-z]+
- .*
The string will obviously match all three regular expressions. In the application I am developing, we are only interested in the 'most specific' match. In this case this is obviously the first one.
Unfortunately there seems no way to do this. We are using PCRE and I did not find a way to do this and a search on the Internet was also not fruitful.
A possible way would be to keep the regular expressions sorted on descending specificity and then simply take the first match. Of course then the next question would be how to sort the array of regular expressions. It is not an option to give the responsability to the end-user to ensure that the array is sorted.
So I hope you guys could help me out here...
Thanks !!

The following is the solution to this problem I developed based on Donald Miner's research paper, implemented in Python, for rules applied to MAC addresses.
Basically, the most specific match is from the pattern that is not a superset of any other matching pattern. For a particular problem domain, you create a series of tests (functions) which compare two REs and return which is the superset, or if they are orthogonal. This lets you build a tree of matches. For a particular input string, you go through the root patterns and find any matches. Then go through their subpatterns. If at any point, orthogonal patterns match, an error is raised.
import re
class RegexElement:
def __init__(self, string,index):
self.supersets = []
self.subsets = []
self.disjoints = []
self.intersects = []
self.maybes = []
self.precompilation = {}
self.compiled = re.compile(string,re.IGNORECASE)
self.index = index
SUPERSET = object()
SUBSET = object()
INTERSECT = object()
DISJOINT = object()
EQUAL = object()
The Tests
Each test takes 2 strings (a and b) and tries to determine how they are related. If the test cannot determine the relation, None is returned.
SUPERSET means a is a superset of b. All matches of b will match a.
SUBSET means b is a superset of a.
INTERSECT means some matches of a will match b, but some won't and some matches of b won't match a.
DISJOINT means no matches of a will match b.
EQUAL means all matches of a will match b and all matches of b will match a.
def equal_test(a, b):
if a == b: return EQUAL
The graph
class SubsetGraph(object):
def __init__(self, tests):
self.regexps = []
self.tests = tests
self._dirty = True
self._roots = None
def roots(self):
if self._dirty:
r = self._roots = [i for i in self.regexps if not i.supersets]
return r
return self._roots
def add_regex(self, new_regex):
roots = self.roots
new_re = RegexElement(new_regex)
for element in roots:
self.process(new_re, element)
def process(self, new_re, element):
relationship =, element)
if relationship:
getattr(self, 'add_' + relationship)(new_re, element)
def add_SUPERSET(self, new_re, element):
for i in element.subsets:
def add_SUBSET(self, new_re, element):
for i in element.subsets:
self.process(new_re, i)
def add_DISJOINT(self, new_re, element):
for i in element.subsets:
def add_INTERSECT(self, new_re, element):
for i in element.subsets:
self.process(new_re, i)
def add_EQUAL(self, new_re, element):
new_re.supersets = element.supersets.copy()
new_re.subsets = element.subsets.copy()
new_re.disjoints = element.disjoints.copy()
new_re.intersects = element.intersects.copy()
def compare(self, a, b):
for test in self.tests:
result = test(a.string, b.string)
if result:
return result
def match(self, text, strict=True):
matches = set()
self._match(text, self.roots, matches)
out = []
for e in matches:
for s in e.subsets:
if s in matches:
if strict and len(out) > 1:
for i in out:
raise Exception("Multiple equally specific matches found for " + text)
return out
def _match(self, text, elements, matches):
new_elements = []
for element in elements:
m = element.compiled.match(text)
if m:
if new_elements:
self._match(text, new_elements, matches)
graph = SubsetGraph([equal_test, test_2, test_3, ...])
A complete usable version is here.

My gut instinct says that not only is this a hard problem, both in terms of computational cost and implementation difficulty, but it may be unsolvable in any realistic fashion. Consider the two following regular expressions to accept the string
Which one of these is more specific?

This is a bit of a hack, but it could provide a practical solution to this question asked nearly 10 years ago.
As pointed out by #torak, there are difficulties in defining what it means for one regular expression to be more specific than another.
My suggestion is to look at how stable the regular expression is with respect to a string that matches it. The usual way to investigate stability is to make minor changes to the inputs, and see if you still get the same result.
For example, the string matches the regex /alice#myprovider\.com/, but if you make any change to the string, it will not match. So this regex is very unstable. But the regex /.*/ is very stable, because you can make any change to the string, and it still matches.
So, in looking for the most specific regex, we are looking for the least stable one with respect to a string that matches it.
In order to implement this test for stability, we need to define how we choose a minor change to the string that matches the regex. This is another can of worms. We could for example, choose to change each character of the string to something random and test that against the regex, or any number of other possible choices. For simplicity, I suggest deleting one character at a time from the string, and testing that.
So, if the string that matches is N characters long, we have N tests to make. Lets's look at deleting one character at a time from the string, which matches all of the regular expressions in the table below. It's 12 characters long, so there are 12 tests. In the table below,
0 means the regex does not match (unstable),
1 means it matches (stable)
/alice#[a-z]+\.[a-z]+/ /[a-z]+#[a-z]+\.[a-z]+/ /.*/ 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
alice#foocom 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
--- --- ---
total score: 5 10 12
The regex with the lowest score is the most specific. Of course, in general, there may be more than one regex with the same score, which reflects the fact there are regular expressions which by any reasonable way of measuring specificity are as specific as one another. Although it may also yield the same score for regular expressions that one can easily argue are not as specific as each other (if you can think of an example, please comment).
But coming back to the question asked by #torak, which of these is more specific:
We could argue that the second is more specific because it constrains more characters, and the above test will agree with that view.
As I said, the way we choose to make minor changes to the string that matches more than one regex is a can of worms, and the answer that the above method yields may depend on that choice. But as I said, this is an easily implementable hack - it is not rigourous.
And, of course the method breaks if the string that matches is empty. The usefulness if the test will increase as the length of the string increases. With very short strings, it is more likely produce equal scores for regular expressions that are clearly different in their specificity.

I'm thinking of a similar problem for a PHP projects route parser. After reading the other answers and comments here, and also thinking about the cost involved I might go in another direction altogether.
A solution however, would be to simply sort the regular expression list in order of it's string length.
It's not perfect, but simply by removing the []-groups it would be much closer. On the first example in the question it would this list:
- alice#[a-z]+\.[a-z]+
- [a-z]+#[a-z]+\.[a-z]+
- .*
To this, after removing content of any []-group:
- alice#+\.+
- +#+\.+
- .*
Same thing goes for the second example in another answer, with the []-groups completely removed and sorted by length, this:
Would become sorted as:
This is a good enough solution at least for me, if I choose to use it. Downside would be the overhead of removing all groups of [] before sorting and applying the sort on the unmodified list of regexes, but hey - you can't get everything.


Regex with no 2 consecutive a's and b's

I have been trying out some regular expressions lately. Now, I have 3 symbols a, b and c.
I first looked at a case where I don't want 2 consecutive a's. The regex would be something like:
((b|c + a(b|c))*(a + epsilon)
Now I'm wondering if there's a way to generalize this problem to say something like:
A regular expression with no two consecutive a's and no two consecutive b's. I tried stuff like:
(a(b|c) + b(a|c) + c)* (a + b + epsilon)
But this accepts inputs such as"abba" or "baab" which will have 2 consecutive a's (or b's) which is not what I want. Can anyone suggest me a way out?
If you can't do a negative match then perhaps you can use negative lookahead to exclude strings matching aa and bb? Something like the following (see Regex 101 for more information):
I (think I) solved this by hand-drawing a finite state machine, then, generating a regex using FSM2Regex. The state machine is written below (with the syntax from the site):
If you look at the transitions, you'll notice it's fairly straightforward- I have states that correspond to a "sink" for each letter of the alphabet, and I only allow transitions out of that state for other letters (not the "sink" letter). For example, s1 is the "sink" for a. From all other states, you can get to s1 with an a. Once you're in s1, though, you can only get out of it with a b or a c, which have their own "sinks" s2 and s3 respectively. Because we can repeat c, s3 has a transition to itself on the character c. Paste the block text into the site, and it'll draw all this out for you, and generate the regex.
The regex it generated for me is:
Which, I'm pretty sure, is not optimal :)
EDIT: The generated regex uses + as the choice operator (usually known to us coders as |), which means it's probably not suitable to pasting into code. However, I'm too scared to change it and risk ruining my regex :)
You can use back references to match the prev char
string input = "acbbaacbba";
string pattern = #"([ab])\1";
var matchList = Regex.Matches(input, pattern);
This pattern will match: bb, aa and bb. If you don't have any match in your input pattern, it means that it does not contain a repeated a or b.
([ab]): define a group, you can extend your symbols here
\1: back referencing the group, so for example, when 'a' is matched, \1 would be 'a'
check this page:

Effectively derive term co-occurrence matrix from Google Ngrams

I need to use the lexical data from Google Books N-grams to construct a (sparse!) matrix of term co-occurrences (where rows are words and columns are the same words, and the cells reflect how many times they appear in the same context window). The resulting tcm would then be used to measure a bunch of lexical statistics and serve as input into vector semantics methods (Glove, LSA, LDA).
For reference, the Google Books (v2) dataset is formatted as follows (tab-separated)
ngram year match_count volume_count
some word 1999 32 12 # example bigram
However, problem is of course, these data be superhuge. Although, I will only need a subset of the data from certain decades (about 20 years worth of ngrams), and I am happy with a context window of up to 2 (i.e., use the trigram corpus). I have a few ideas but none seem particularly, well, good.
-Idea 1- initially was more or less this:
# preprocessing (pseudo)
for file in trigram-files:
download $file
filter $lines where 'year' tag matches one of years of interest
find the frequency of each of those ngrams (match_count)
cat those $lines * $match_count >> file2
# (write the same line x times according to the match_count tag)
remove $file
# tcm construction (using R)
grams <- # read lines from file2 into list
# treat lines (ngrams) as documents to avoid unrelated ngram overlap
it <- itoken(grams)
vocab <- create_vocabulary(it)
vectorizer <- vocab_vectorizer(vocab, skip_grams_window = 2)
tcm <- create_tcm(it, vectorizer) # nice and sparse
However, I have a hunch this might not be the best solution. The ngram data files already contain the co-occurrence data in the form of n-grams, and there is a tag that gives the frequency. I have a feeling there should be a more direct way.
-Idea 2- I was also thinking of cat'ing each filtered ngram only once into the new file (instead of replicating it match_count times), then creating an empty tcm and then looping over the whole (year-filtered) ngram dataset and record instances (using the match_count tag) where any two words co-occur to populate the tcm. But, again, the data is big, and this kind of looping would probably take ages.
-Idea 3- I found a Python library called google-ngram-downloader that apparently has a co-occurrence matrix creation function, but looking at the code, it would create a regular (not sparse) matrix (which would be massive, given most entries are 0s), and (if I got it right) it simply loops through everything (and I assume a Python loop over this much data would be superslow), so it seems to be more aimed at rather smaller subsets of data.
edit -Idea 4- Came across this old SO question asking about using Hadoop and Hive for a similar task, with a a short answer with a broken link and a comment about MapReduce (none of which I am familiar with, so I would not know where to start).
But I'm thinking I can't be the first one with the need to tackle such a task, given the popularity of the Ngram dataset, and the popularity of (non-word2vec) distributed semantics methods that operate on a tcm or dtm input; hence ->
...the question: what would be a more reasonable/effective way of constructing a term-term co-occurrence matrix from Google Books Ngram data? (be it a variation of the proposed ideas of something completely different; R preferred but not necessary)
I will give an idea of how you can do this. But it can be improved in several places. I specially wrote in a "spagetti-style" for better interpretability, but it can be generalized to more than tri-grams
ngram_dt = data.table(ngram = c("as we know", "i know you"), match_count = c(32, 54))
# here we split tri-grams to obtain words
tokens_matrix = strsplit(ngram_dt$ngram, " ", fixed = T) %>% simplify2array()
# vocab here is vocabulary from chunk, but you can be interested first
# to create vocabulary from whole corpus of ngrams and filter non
# interesting/rare words
vocab = unique(tokens_matrix)
# convert char matrix to integer matrix for faster downstream calculations
tokens_matrix_int = match(tokens_matrix, vocab)
dim(tokens_matrix_int) = dim(tokens_matrix)
ngram_dt[, token_1 := tokens_matrix_int[1, ]]
ngram_dt[, token_2 := tokens_matrix_int[2, ]]
ngram_dt[, token_3 := tokens_matrix_int[3, ]]
dt_12 = ngram_dt[, .(cnt = sum(match_count)), keyby = .(token_1, token_2)]
dt_23 = ngram_dt[, .(cnt = sum(match_count)), keyby = .(token_2, token_3)]
# note here 0.5 - discount for more distant word - we follow text2vec discount of 1 / distance
dt_13 = ngram_dt[, .(cnt = 0.5 * sum(match_count)), keyby = .(token_1, token_3)]
dt = rbindlist(list(dt_12, dt_13, dt_23))
# "reduce" by word indices again - sum pair co-occurences which were in different tri-grams
dt = dt[, .(cnt = sum(cnt)), keyby = .(token_1, token_2)]
tcm = Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = dt$token_1, j = dt$token_2, x = dt$cnt, dims = rep(length(vocab), 2), index1 = T,
giveCsparse = F, check = F, dimnames = list(vocab, vocab))

How do only add item to an array if it doesn't exist already (in a case insensitive way)? [duplicate]

I want to know what's the best way to make the String.include? methods ignore case. Currently I'm doing the following. Any suggestions? Thanks!
a = "abcDE"
b = "CD"
result = a.downcase.include? b.downcase
How about Array.include?. All elements of the array are strings.
If you are only going to test a single word against an array, or if the contents of your array changes frequently, the fastest answer is Aaron's:
array.any?{ |s| s.casecmp(mystr)==0 }
If you are going to test many words against a static array, it's far better to use a variation of farnoy's answer: create a copy of your array that has all-lowercase versions of your words, and use include?. (This assumes that you can spare the memory to create a mutated copy of your array.)
# Do this once, or each time the array changes
downcased =
# Test lowercase words against that array
downcased.include?( mystr.downcase )
Even better, create a Set from your array.
# Do this once, or each time the array changes
downcased =
# Test lowercase words against that array
downcased.include?( mystr.downcase )
My original answer below is a very poor performer and generally not appropriate.
Following are benchmarks for looking for 1,000 words with random casing in an array of slightly over 100,000 words, where 500 of the words will be found and 500 will not.
The 'regex' text is my answer here, using any?.
The 'casecmp' test is Arron's answer, using any? from my comment.
The 'downarray' test is farnoy's answer, re-creating a new downcased array for each of the 1,000 tests.
The 'downonce' test is farnoy's answer, but pre-creating the lookup array once only.
The 'set_once' test is creating a Set from the array of downcased strings, once before testing.
user system total real
regex 18.710000 0.020000 18.730000 ( 18.725266)
casecmp 5.160000 0.000000 5.160000 ( 5.155496)
downarray 16.760000 0.030000 16.790000 ( 16.809063)
downonce 0.650000 0.000000 0.650000 ( 0.643165)
set_once 0.040000 0.000000 0.040000 ( 0.038955)
If you can create a single downcased copy of your array once to perform many lookups against, farnoy's answer is the best (assuming you must use an array). If you can create a Set, though, do that.
If you like, examine the benchmarking code.
Original Answer
I (originally said that I) would personally create a case-insensitive regex (for a string literal) and use that:
re = /\A#{Regexp.escape(str)}\z/i # Match exactly this string, no substrings
all = array.grep(re) # Find all matching strings…
any = array.any?{ |s| s =~ re } # …or see if any matching string is present
Using any? can be slightly faster than grep as it can exit the loop as soon as it finds a single match.
For an array, use:
Regexps are very slow and should be avoided.
You can use casecmp to do your comparison, ignoring case.
"abcdef".casecmp("abcde") #=> 1
"aBcDeF".casecmp("abcdef") #=> 0
"abcdef".casecmp("abcdefg") #=> -1
"abcdef".casecmp("ABCDEF") #=> 0
class String
def caseinclude?(x)
end!{|c| c.downcase.strip}
where map! changes my_array, map instead returns a new array.
To farnoy in my case your example doesn't work for me. I'm actually looking to do this with a "substring" of any.
Here's my test case.
x = "<TD>", "<tr>", "<BODY>"
y = "td"
x.collect { |r| r.downcase }.include? y
=> false
x[0].include? y
=> false
x[0].downcase.include? y
=> true
Your case works with an exact case-insensitive match.
a = "TD", "tr", "BODY"
b = "td"
a.collect { |r| r.downcase }.include? b
=> true
I'm still experimenting with the other suggestions here.
I found the answer. Thanks to Drew Olsen
var1 = "<TD>", "<tr>","<BODY>"
=> ["<TD>", "<tr>", "<BODY>"]
var2 = "td"
=> "td"
var1.find_all{|item| item.downcase.include?(var2)}
=> ["<TD>"]
var1[0] = "<html>"
=> "<html>"
var1.find_all{|item| item.downcase.include?(var2)}
=> []

How do I prevent a Datalog rule from pruning nulls?

I have the following facts and rules:
% frequents(D,P) % D=drinker, P=pub
% serves(P,B) % B=beer
% likes(D,B)
frequents(janus, godthaab).
frequents(janus, goldenekrone).
frequents(yanai, goldenekrone).
frequents(dimi, schlosskeller).
serves(godthaab, tuborg).
serves(godthaab, carlsberg).
serves(goldenekrone, pfungstaedter).
serves(schlosskeller, fix).
likes(janus, tuborg).
likes(janus, carlsberg).
count_good_beers_for_at(D,P,F) :- group_by((frequents(D,P), serves(P,B), likes(D,B)),[D,P],(F = count)).
possible_beers_served_for_at(D,P,B) :- lj(serves(P,B), frequents(D,R), P=R).
Now I would like to construct a rule that should work like a predicate returning "true" when the number of available "liked" beers at each pub that a "drinker" "frequents" is bigger than 0.
I would consider the predicate true when the rule returns no tuples. If the predicate is false, I was planning to make it return the bars not having a single "liked" beer.
As you can see, I already have a rule counting the good beers for a given drinker at a given pub. I also have a rule giving me the number of servable beers.
DES> count_good_beers_for_at(A,B,C)
Info: 1 tuple computed.
As you can see, the counter doesn't return the pubs frequented but having 0 liked beers. I was planning to work around this by using a left outer join.
DES> is_happy_at(D,P,Z) :- lj(serves(P,B), count_good_beers_for_at(D,Y,Z), (Y=P))
Info: Processing:
is_happy_at(D,P,Z) :-
lj(serves(P,B),count_good_beers_for_at(D,Y,Z),Y = P).
Info: 3 tuples computed.
This is almost right, except it is also giving me the pubs not frequented. I try adding an extra condition:
DES> is_happy_at(D,P,Z) :- lj(serves(P,B), count_good_beers_for_at(D,Y,Z), (Y=P)), frequents(D,P)
Info: Processing:
is_happy_at(D,P,Z) :-
lj(serves(P,B),count_good_beers_for_at(D,Y,Z),Y = P),
Info: 1 tuple computed.
Now I somehow filtered everything containing nulls away! I suspect this is due to null-value logic in DES.
I recognize that I might be approaching this whole problem in a wrong way. Any help is appreciated.
EDIT: Assignment is "very_happy(D) ist wahr, genau dann wenn jede Bar, die Trinker D besucht, wenigstens ein Bier ausschenkt, das er mag." which translates to "very_happy(D) is true, iff each bar drinker D visits, serves at least 1 beer, that he likes". Since this assignment is about Datalog, I would think it is definitely possible to solve without using Prolog.
I think that for your assignement you should use basic Datalog, without abusing of aggregates. The point of the question is how to express universally quantified conditions. I googled for 'universal quantification datalog', and at first position I found deductnotes.pdf that asserts:
An universally quantified condition can only be expressed by an equivalent condition with existential quantification and negation.
In that PDF you will find also an useful example (pagg 9 & 10).
Thus we must rephrase our question. I ended up with this code:
not_happy(D) :-
frequents(D, P),
likes(D, B),
not(serves(P, B)).
very_happy(D) :-
likes(D, _),
that seems what's required:
DES> very_happy(D)
Info: 0 tuple computed.
Note the likes(D, _), that's required to avoid that yanai and dimi get listed as very_happy, without explicit assertion of what them like (OT sorry my English really sucks...)
EDIT: I'm sorry, but the above solution doesn't work. I've rewritten it this way:
likes_pub(D, P) :-
likes(D, B),
serves(P, B).
unhappy(D) :-
frequents(D, P),
not(likes_pub(D, P)).
very_happy(D) :-
likes(D, _),
DES> unhappy(D)
Info: 3 tuples computed.
DES> very_happy(D)
Info: 0 tuples computed.
Now we add a fact:
serves(goldenekrone, tuborg).
and we can see the corrected code outcome:
DES> unhappy(D)
Info: 2 tuples computed.
DES> very_happy(D)
Info: 1 tuple computed.
Maybe not the answer your are expecting. But you can use ordinary Prolog and easily do group by queries with the bagof/3 or setof/3 builtin predicates.
?- bagof(B,(frequents(D,P), serves(P,B), likes(D,B)),L), length(L,N).
D = janus,
P = godthaab,
L = [tuborg,carlsberg],
N = 2
The semantics of bagof/3 is such that it does not compute an outer join for the given query. The query is normally executed by Prolog. The results are first accumulated and key sorted. Finally the results are then returned by backtracking. If your datalog cannot do without nulls, then yes you have to filter.
But you don't need to go into aggregates when you only want to know the existence of a liked beer. You can do it directly via a query without any aggregates:
is_happy_at(D,P) :- frequents(D,P), once((serves(P,B), likes(D,B))).
?- is_happy_at(D,P).
D = janus,
P = godthaab ;
The once/1 prevents from unnecessary backtrack. Datalog might either automatically not do unnecessary backtracking when it sees the projection in is_happy_at/2, i.e. B is projected away. Or you might need to explicitly use what corresponds to SQL DISTINCT. Or eventually your datalog provides you something that corresponds to SQL EXISTS which most closely corresponds to once/1.

Help with a special case of permutations algorithm (not the usual)

I have always been interested in algorithms, sort, crypto, binary trees, data compression, memory operations, etc.
I read Mark Nelson's article about permutations in C++ with the STL function next_perm(), very interesting and useful, after that I wrote one class method to get the next permutation in Delphi, since that is the tool I presently use most. This function works on lexographic order, I got the algo idea from a answer in another topic here on stackoverflow, but now I have a big problem. I'm working with permutations with repeated elements in a vector and there are lot of permutations that I don't need. For example, I have this first permutation for 7 elements in lexographic order:
6667778 (6 = 3 times consecutively, 7 = 3 times consecutively)
For my work I consider valid perm only those with at most 2 elements repeated consecutively, like this:
6676778 (6 = 2 times consecutively, 7 = 2 times consecutively)
In short, I need a function that returns only permutations that have at most N consecutive repetitions, according to the parameter received.
Does anyone know if there is some algorithm that already does this?
Sorry for any mistakes in the text, I still don't speak English very well.
Thank you so much,
My approach is a recursive generator that doesn't follow branches that contain illegal sequences.
Here's the python 3 code:
def perm_maxlen(elements, prefix = "", maxlen = 2):
if not elements:
yield prefix + elements
used = set()
for i in range(len(elements)):
element = elements[i]
if element in used:
#already searched this path
suffix = prefix[-maxlen:] + element
if len(suffix) > maxlen and len(set(suffix)) == 1:
#would exceed maximum run length
sub_elements = elements[:i] + elements[i+1:]
for perm in perm_maxlen(sub_elements, prefix + element, maxlen):
yield perm
for perm in perm_maxlen("6667778"):
The implentation is written for readability, not speed, but the algorithm should be much faster than naively filtering all permutations.
print(len(perm_maxlen("a"*100 + "b"*100, "", 1)))
For example, it runs this in milliseconds, where the naive filtering solution would take millenia or something.
So, in the homework-assistance kind of way, I can think of two approaches.
Work out all permutations that contain 3 or more consecutive repetitions (which you can do by treating the three-in-a-row as just one psuedo-digit and feeding it to a normal permutation generation algorithm). Make a lookup table of all of these. Now generate all permutations of your original string, and look them up in lookup table before adding them to the result.
Use a recursive permutation generating algorthm (select each possibility for the first digit in turn, recurse to generate permutations of the remaining digits), but in each recursion pass along the last two digits generated so far. Then in the recursively called function, if the two values passed in are the same, don't allow the first digit to be the same as those.
Why not just make a wrapper around the normal permutation function that skips values that have N consecutive repetitions? something like:
funciton custom_perm(int max_rep)
p := next_perm()
while count_max_rerps(p) < max_rep
return p
Krusty, I'm already doing that at the end of function, but not solves the problem, because is need to generate all permutations and check them each one.
consecutive := 1;
IsValid := True;
for n := 0 to len - 2 do
if anyVector[n] = anyVector[n + 1] then
consecutive := consecutive + 1
consecutive := 1;
if consecutive > MaxConsecutiveRepeats then
IsValid := False;
Since I do get started with the first in lexographic order, ends up being necessary by this way generate a lot of unnecessary perms.
This is easy to make, but rather hard to make efficient.
If you need to build a single piece of code that only considers valid outputs, and thus doesn't bother walking over the entire combination space, then you're going to have some thinking to do.
On the other hand, if you can live with the code internally producing all combinations, valid or not, then it should be simple.
Make a new enumerator, one which you can call that next_perm method on, and have this internally use the other enumerator, the one that produces every combination.
Then simply make the outer enumerator run in a while loop asking the inner one for more permutations until you find one that is valid, then produce that.
Pseudo-code for this:
when called, yield the next combination
internally keep a generator1 object
when called, keep asking generator1 for a new combination
check the combination
if valid, then yield it
