Silverlight Async Method Chaining (Possible gotchas?) - silverlight

I am working on a 'proof of concept' Silverlight 4 project and am learning the way of THE ASYNC. I have stopped fighting the urge to implement some pseudo-synchronous smoke and mirrors technique. I am going to learn to stop worrying and love THE ASYNC.
Most of the time I just use a BusyIndicator while async methods are running and all is good but I have run into a few situations where I need to call methods sequentially. I put together this example and it works. But in my experience... if it works... there is something wrong with it.
When is this going to blow up in my face or steal my wife or date one of my daughters?
Is there a better way to do this?
The Code:
public class CustomPage : Page
static readonly object _AsyncMethodChain_Lock = new object();
private Dictionary<Action<object>, string> _AsyncMethodChain = new Dictionary<Action<object>, string>();
public Dictionary<Action<object>, string> AsyncMethodChain
get { lock (_AsyncMethodChain_Lock) { return this._AsyncMethodChain; } }
set { lock (_AsyncMethodChain_Lock) { this._AsyncMethodChain = value; } }
private void CustomPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (!System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this))
var user = this.SecurityProvider.UserObject as TimeKeeper.UserServiceReference.User;
if (user == null)
data =>
var userServiceClient = new UserServiceClient();
userServiceClient.GetCompleted +=
(send, arg) =>
var userViewSource = this.Resources["userViewSource"] as CollectionViewSource;
userViewSource.Source = new List<UserServiceReference.User>(new UserServiceReference.User[1] { arg.Result });
this.AsyncMethodChain.ExecuteNext(arg.Result.UserID, this.BusyIndicator);
"Loading user..."
data =>
var userID = (int)data;
var timeLogServiceClient = new TimeLogServiceClient();
timeLogServiceClient.FindByUserIDCompleted +=
(send, arg) =>
var timeLogViewSource = this.Resources["timeLogViewSource"] as CollectionViewSource;
timeLogViewSource.Source = arg.Result;
this.AsyncMethodChain.ExecuteNext(null, this.BusyIndicator);
"Loading time logs..."
this.AsyncMethodChain.ExecuteNext(null, this.BusyIndicator);
public static class Extensions
public static void ExecuteNext(this Dictionary<Action<object>, string> methods, object data, BusyIndicator busyIndicator)
if (methods.Count <= 0)
busyIndicator.BusyContent = "";
busyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
var method = methods.Keys.ToList<Action<object>>()[0];
busyIndicator.BusyContent = methods[method];
busyIndicator.IsBusy = true;
public static void ExecuteNext(this Dictionary<Action<object>, string> methods, object data)
var method = methods.Keys.ToList<Action<object>>()[0];

What you have sine looks pretty good, but if you are still worried about the callsequence i would sugest that you create a new method in your webservice which will call the other four in whatever sequence you need them to and call this new method from your silverlight application.
I dont see the need for you to do that as your current implemenation is pretty good as well.


How to access Npgsql counters inside of NetCore application

I stumbled upon issue in Npgsql repo, that it is possible to collect counters data :
is there any samples or info on how to get access to those counters?
By referrring to the following article, I've tried following with no luck and no data on event counters( like idle-connections etc)
only CommandStart CommandEnd
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var listener = new TestEventListener();
while (true)
using var cn = new Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection("..."); cn.Open();
var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("select 1", cn); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
class TestEventListener : EventListener
private readonly EventLevel level = EventLevel.Verbose;
protected override void OnEventWritten(EventWrittenEventArgs eventData)
if (eventData.EventName.Equals("EventCounters", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
for (var i = 0; i < eventData.Payload.Count; i++)
if (eventData.Payload[i] is IDictionary<string, object> payload)
protected override void OnEventSourceCreated(EventSource eventSource)
if (eventSource.Name.Equals("Npgsql"))
var refreshInterval = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ "connection-pools", "1" },
{ "idle-connections", "1" },
{ "busy-connections", "1" }
EnableEvents(eventSource, level, EventKeywords.None, refreshInterval);
I see that those counters do work by running dotnet counters monitor Npgsql -p <pid> but how to do it inside code?
Answer is to follow documentm and provide actual argument specified in document:
Dictionary<string, string> refreshInterval = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ "EventCounterIntervalSec", "1" }

How to call wpf function via JS when visiting https link

I need to execute a function defined in wpf project, which is called from JS in a https web page.
The demo project of all codes is here:
JS part:
The web page link is
And it contains below line:
<script src="js/index.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
And js/index.js contains below code:
setTitle( + weekDay( +"天气" )
setTitle() is defined below: uses method of window.external.notify()
function setTitle(_str){
The function window.external.notify() will call wpf function via ScriptNotify().
WPF part:
For the WebView inside of the wpf project
this.wv.IsScriptNotifyAllowed = true;
this.wv.ScriptNotify += Wv_ScriptNotify;
private void Wv_ScriptNotify(object sender, Microsoft.Toolkit.Win32.UI.Controls.Interop.WinRT.WebViewControlScriptNotifyEventArgs e)
textBlock.Text = e.Value;
The problem here is if the web page uses https://, then the above function Wv_ScriptNotify() in wpf will not be fired. But if the web page link uses http://, then the above function Wv_ScriptNotify() in wpf can be fired.
Why and how to solve it?
2020-3-2 17:25:55, tested just now, https works. I do not know what causes https does not work previously
JS in the web page uses a object wtjs (defined by ourselves and work well with an UWP project using JSBridge).
And I want to use a similiar method to UWP, using a bridge so that I can add multiple funtions/interfaces for JS to call. The disadvantage of ScriptNotify() is that only one interface is usable.
To achieve it, I make below code, which is commented out now.
wv.RegisterName("wtjs", new myBridge());
And more functions are defined as below
public class myBridge
public void SetTitle(string title)
Debug.WriteLine("SetTitle is executing...title = {0}", title);
public void PlayTTS(string tts)
Debug.WriteLine("PlayTTS is executing...tts = {0}", tts);
While in JS side, corresponding functions will be called.
But in fact wpf side did not work, while the UWP project using JSBridge works with the web link(so web page and JS script are workable). How to achieve it?
The above two problems are solved by DK Dhilip's answer already.
But a new problem is found. Please check my GitHub code, update it to latest commit.
I put a TextBlock onto WebView and expect to see the text floating on the web content. But in fact, the text is covered by the WebView. Why and how to solve it?
For Problem (1, 2)
HTTPS link worked fine for me, maybe the page is too slow to load?
According to Microsoft (source), only ScriptNotify is supported in WebView:
Can I inject native objects into my WebViewControl content?
Neither the WebBrower (Internet Explorer) ObjectForScripting property
nor the WebView (UWP) AddWebAllowedObject method are supported in
WebViewControl. As a workaround, you can use window.external.notify/
ScriptNotify and JavaScript execution to communicate between the
layers, for example:
But the above suggested workaround solution seems to work differently to your expectation, so I just implement my own solution to emulate the JSBridge convention you have expected.
My custom solution is not battle-tested, it might break in some edge cases but it seems to work fine in few simple tests.
What's supported:
Multiple bridge objects
JS to C# method call
JS to C# get/set property
C# Usage:
// Add
webView.AddWebAllowedObject("wtjs", new MyBridge(this));
webView.AddWebAllowedObject("myBridge", new MyOtherBridge());
// Remove
JS Usage:
// Call C# object method (no return value)
wtjs.hello('hello', 'world', 666);
// Call C# object method (return value)
wtjs.add(10, 20).then(function (result) { console.log(result); });
// Get C# object property
wtjs.backgroundColor.then(function (color) { console.log(color); });
// Set C# object property
wtjs.niubility = true;
using Microsoft.Toolkit.Win32.UI.Controls.Interop.WinRT;
using Microsoft.Toolkit.Wpf.UI.Controls;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
namespace WpfApp3
// Source:
public static class JsonHelper
private static readonly Type[] _specialNumericTypes = { typeof(ulong), typeof(uint), typeof(ushort), typeof(sbyte) };
public static object ConvertWeaklyTypedValue(object value, Type targetType)
if (targetType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(targetType));
if (value == null)
return null;
if (targetType.IsInstanceOfType(value))
return value;
var paramType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(targetType) ?? targetType;
if (paramType.IsEnum)
if (value is string)
return Enum.Parse(paramType, (string)value);
return Enum.ToObject(paramType, value);
if (paramType == typeof(Guid))
return Guid.Parse((string)value);
if (_specialNumericTypes.Contains(paramType))
if (value is BigInteger)
return (ulong)(BigInteger)value;
return Convert.ChangeType(value, paramType);
if (value is long || value is double)
return Convert.ChangeType(value, paramType);
return value;
public enum WebViewInteropType
Notify = 0,
InvokeMethod = 1,
InvokeMethodWithReturn = 2,
GetProperty = 3,
SetProperty = 4
public class WebAllowedObject
public WebAllowedObject(WebView webview, string name)
WebView = webview;
Name = name;
public WebView WebView { get; private set; }
public string Name { get; private set; }
public ConcurrentDictionary<(string, WebViewInteropType), object> FeaturesMap { get; } = new ConcurrentDictionary<(string, WebViewInteropType), object>();
public EventHandler<WebViewControlNavigationCompletedEventArgs> NavigationCompletedHandler { get; set; }
public EventHandler<WebViewControlScriptNotifyEventArgs> ScriptNotifyHandler { get; set; }
public static class WebViewExtensions
public static bool IsNotification(this WebViewControlScriptNotifyEventArgs e)
var message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(e.Value);
if (message["___magic___"] != null)
return false;
catch (Exception) { }
return true;
public static void AddWebAllowedObject(this WebView webview, string name, object targetObject)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
if (targetObject == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(targetObject));
if (webview.Tag == null)
webview.Tag = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, WebAllowedObject>();
else if (!(webview.Tag is ConcurrentDictionary<string, WebAllowedObject>))
throw new InvalidOperationException("WebView.Tag property is already being used for other purpose.");
var webAllowedObjectsMap = webview.Tag as ConcurrentDictionary<string, WebAllowedObject>;
var webAllowedObject = new WebAllowedObject(webview, name);
if (webAllowedObjectsMap.TryAdd(name, webAllowedObject))
var objectType = targetObject.GetType();
var methods = objectType.GetMethods();
var properties = objectType.GetProperties();
var jsStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
jsStringBuilder.Append("(function () {");
jsStringBuilder.Append("'] = {");
jsStringBuilder.Append("__callback: {},");
jsStringBuilder.Append("__newUuid: function () { return ([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g, function (c) { return (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16); }); },");
foreach (var method in methods)
if (!method.IsSpecialName)
if (method.ReturnType == typeof(void))
webAllowedObject.FeaturesMap.TryAdd((method.Name, WebViewInteropType.InvokeMethod), method);
webAllowedObject.FeaturesMap.TryAdd((method.Name, WebViewInteropType.InvokeMethodWithReturn), method);
var parameters = method.GetParameters();
var parametersInString = string.Join(",", parameters.Select(x => x.Position).Select(x => "$$" + x.ToString()));
jsStringBuilder.Append(": function (");
jsStringBuilder.Append(") {");
if (method.ReturnType != typeof(void))
jsStringBuilder.Append("var callbackId = window['" + name + "'].__newUuid();");
jsStringBuilder.Append("source: '");
jsStringBuilder.Append("target: '");
jsStringBuilder.Append("parameters: [");
if (method.ReturnType != typeof(void))
jsStringBuilder.Append("callbackId: callbackId");
jsStringBuilder.Append("}), ");
jsStringBuilder.Append((method.ReturnType == typeof(void)) ? (int)WebViewInteropType.InvokeMethod : (int)WebViewInteropType.InvokeMethodWithReturn);
if (method.ReturnType != typeof(void))
jsStringBuilder.Append("var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {");
jsStringBuilder.Append("window['" + name + "'].__callback[callbackId] = { resolve, reject };");
jsStringBuilder.Append("return promise;");
foreach (var property in properties)
jsStringBuilder.Append("'], '");
jsStringBuilder.Append("', {");
if (property.CanRead)
webAllowedObject.FeaturesMap.TryAdd((property.Name, WebViewInteropType.GetProperty), property);
jsStringBuilder.Append("get: function () {");
jsStringBuilder.Append("var callbackId = window['" + name + "'].__newUuid();");
jsStringBuilder.Append("source: '");
jsStringBuilder.Append("target: '");
jsStringBuilder.Append("callbackId: callbackId,");
jsStringBuilder.Append("parameters: []");
jsStringBuilder.Append("}), ");
jsStringBuilder.Append("var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {");
jsStringBuilder.Append("window['" + name + "'].__callback[callbackId] = { resolve, reject };");
jsStringBuilder.Append("return promise;");
if (property.CanWrite)
webAllowedObject.FeaturesMap.TryAdd((property.Name, WebViewInteropType.SetProperty), property);
jsStringBuilder.Append("set: function ($$v) {");
jsStringBuilder.Append("source: '");
jsStringBuilder.Append("target: '");
jsStringBuilder.Append("parameters: [$$v]");
jsStringBuilder.Append("}), ");
var jsString = jsStringBuilder.ToString();
webAllowedObject.NavigationCompletedHandler = (sender, e) =>
var isExternalObjectCustomized = webview.InvokeScript("eval", new string[] { "window.external.hasOwnProperty('isCustomized').toString();" }).Equals("true");
if (!isExternalObjectCustomized)
webview.InvokeScript("eval", new string[] { #"
(function () {
var originalExternal = window.external;
var customExternal = {
notify: function (message, type = 0) {
if (type === 0) {
} else {
___magic___: true,
type: type,
interop: message
isCustomized: true
window.external = customExternal;
})();" });
webview.InvokeScript("eval", new string[] { jsString });
webAllowedObject.ScriptNotifyHandler = (sender, e) =>
var message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(e.Value);
if (message["___magic___"] != null)
var interopType = (WebViewInteropType)message.type;
var interop = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(message.interop.ToString());
var source = (string)interop.source.ToString();
var target = (string);
var parameters = (object[])interop.parameters.ToObject<object[]>();
if (interopType == WebViewInteropType.InvokeMethod)
if (webAllowedObjectsMap.TryGetValue(source, out WebAllowedObject storedWebAllowedObject))
if (storedWebAllowedObject.FeaturesMap.TryGetValue((target, interopType), out object methodObject))
var method = (MethodInfo)methodObject;
var parameterTypes = method.GetParameters().Select(x => x.ParameterType).ToArray();
var convertedParameters = new object[parameters.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
convertedParameters[i] = JsonHelper.ConvertWeaklyTypedValue(parameters[i], parameterTypes[i]);
method.Invoke(targetObject, convertedParameters);
else if (interopType == WebViewInteropType.InvokeMethodWithReturn)
var callbackId = interop.callbackId.ToString();
if (webAllowedObjectsMap.TryGetValue(source, out WebAllowedObject storedWebAllowedObject))
if (storedWebAllowedObject.FeaturesMap.TryGetValue((target, interopType), out object methodObject))
var method = (MethodInfo)methodObject;
var parameterTypes = method.GetParameters().Select(x => x.ParameterType).ToArray();
var convertedParameters = new object[parameters.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
convertedParameters[i] = JsonHelper.ConvertWeaklyTypedValue(parameters[i], parameterTypes[i]);
var invokeResult = method.Invoke(targetObject, convertedParameters);
webview.InvokeScript("eval", new string[] { string.Format("window['{0}'].__callback['{1}'].resolve({2}); delete window['{0}'].__callback['{1}'];", source, callbackId, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invokeResult)) });
else if (interopType == WebViewInteropType.GetProperty)
var callbackId = interop.callbackId.ToString();
if (webAllowedObjectsMap.TryGetValue(source, out WebAllowedObject storedWebAllowedObject))
if (storedWebAllowedObject.FeaturesMap.TryGetValue((target, interopType), out object propertyObject))
var property = (PropertyInfo)propertyObject;
var getResult = property.GetValue(targetObject);
webview.InvokeScript("eval", new string[] { string.Format("window['{0}'].__callback['{1}'].resolve({2}); delete window['{0}'].__callback['{1}'];", source, callbackId, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(getResult)) });
else if (interopType == WebViewInteropType.SetProperty)
if (webAllowedObjectsMap.TryGetValue(source, out WebAllowedObject storedWebAllowedObject))
if (storedWebAllowedObject.FeaturesMap.TryGetValue((target, interopType), out object propertyObject))
var property = (PropertyInfo)propertyObject;
property.SetValue(targetObject, JsonHelper.ConvertWeaklyTypedValue(parameters[0], property.PropertyType));
catch (Exception ex)
// Do nothing
webview.NavigationCompleted += webAllowedObject.NavigationCompletedHandler;
webview.ScriptNotify += webAllowedObject.ScriptNotifyHandler;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Object with the identical name is already exist.");
public static void RemoveWebAllowedObject(this WebView webview, string name)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
var allowedWebObjectsMap = webview.Tag as ConcurrentDictionary<string, WebAllowedObject>;
if (allowedWebObjectsMap != null)
if (allowedWebObjectsMap.TryRemove(name, out WebAllowedObject webAllowedObject))
webview.NavigationCompleted -= webAllowedObject.NavigationCompletedHandler;
webview.ScriptNotify -= webAllowedObject.ScriptNotifyHandler;
webview.InvokeScript("eval", new string[] { "delete window['" + name + "'];" });
using Microsoft.Toolkit.Win32.UI.Controls.Interop.WinRT;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows;
namespace WpfApp3
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public class MyBridge
private readonly MainWindow _window;
public MyBridge(MainWindow window)
_window = window;
public void setTitle(string title)
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("SetTitle is executing...title = {0}", title));
public void playTTS(string tts)
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("PlayTTS is executing...tts = {0}", tts));
public MainWindow()
this.wv.IsScriptNotifyAllowed = true;
this.wv.ScriptNotify += Wv_ScriptNotify;
this.wv.AddWebAllowedObject("wtjs", new MyBridge(this));
this.Loaded += MainPage_Loaded;
private void Wv_ScriptNotify(object sender, WebViewControlScriptNotifyEventArgs e)
if (e.IsNotification())
private void setTitle(string str)
textBlock.Text = str;
private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
this.wv.Source = new Uri("");
For Problem (3)
According to (1, 2, 3), it is impossible to overlay UI elements on top of WebView/WebBrowser control.
Luckily there is an alternative solution called CefSharp which is based on Chromium web browser and would be good enough for your use case, plus the background animation worked (which doesn't work in original WebView control).
However, there is no perfect solution; WPF design view is unusable with CefSharp (showing Invalid Markup error), but the program will just compile and run. Also, the project can only be built with either x86 or x64 option, AnyCPU will not work.
Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
<Grid x:Name="grid">
<cefSharp:ChromiumWebBrowser x:Name="wv" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="405" Margin="50,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="725" RenderTransformOrigin="-0.45,-0.75" />
<TextBlock x:Name="textBlock" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="30,30,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="TextBlock" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="60" Width="335"/>
using CefSharp;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows;
namespace WpfApp3
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public class MyBridge
private readonly MainWindow _window;
public MyBridge(MainWindow window)
_window = window;
public void setTitle(string title)
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("SetTitle is executing...title = {0}", title));
public void playTTS(string tts)
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("PlayTTS is executing...tts = {0}", tts));
public MainWindow()
this.wv.JavascriptObjectRepository.Register("wtjs", new MyBridge(this), true, new BindingOptions() { CamelCaseJavascriptNames = false });
this.wv.FrameLoadStart += Wv_FrameLoadStart;
this.Loaded += MainPage_Loaded;
private void Wv_FrameLoadStart(object sender, FrameLoadStartEventArgs e)
if (e.Url.StartsWith(""))
private void setTitle(string str)
this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
textBlock.Text = str;
private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
this.wv.Address = "";

Query CRM data in Silverlight

I am building a silverlight app for CRM 2011 and I was wondering what the best way to retrieve data from the CRM system is.
I have linked in my organisation as a service reference and am able to access that. I have seen a few different ways to retrieve data but they all seem rather complicated. Is there anything like what we can use in plugins such as a fetch XMl query or a simple Service.Retrieve method?
If you add a service reference to your project you can use LINQ to query the datasets.
You can download the CSDL from Developer Resources under the customisation area.
private FelineSoftContext context;
private System.String serverUrl;
private DataServiceCollection<SalesOrder> _orders;
public MainPage()
serverUrl = (String)GetContext().Invoke("getServerUrl");
//Remove the trailing forward slash returned by CRM Online
//So that it is always consistent with CRM On Premises
if (serverUrl.EndsWith("/"))
serverUrl = serverUrl.Substring(0, serverUrl.Length - 1);
Uri ODataUri = new Uri(serverUrl + "/xrmservices/2011/organizationdata.svc/", UriKind.Absolute);
context = new FelineSoftContext(ODataUri) { IgnoreMissingProperties = true };
var orders = from ord in context.SalesOrderSet
orderby ord.Name
select new SalesOrder
Name = ord.Name,
SalesOrderId = ord.SalesOrderId
_orders = new DataServiceCollection<SalesOrder>();
_orders.LoadCompleted += _orders_LoadCompleted;
void _orders_LoadCompleted(object sender, LoadCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error == null)
if (_orders.Continuation != null)
OrderLookup.ItemsSource = _orders;
OrderLookup.DisplayMemberPath = "Name";
OrderLookup.SelectedValuePath = "Id";
You will also need to add a method in your class as below:
private static ScriptObject GetContext()
ScriptObject xrmProperty = (ScriptObject)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("Xrm");
if (null == xrmProperty)
//It may be that the global context should be used
ScriptObject globalContext = (ScriptObject)HtmlPage.Window.Invoke("GetGlobalContext");
return globalContext;
catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Property \"Xrm\" is null and the Global Context is not available.");
ScriptObject pageProperty = (ScriptObject)xrmProperty.GetProperty("Page");
if (null == pageProperty)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Property \"Xrm.Page\" is null");
ScriptObject contextProperty = (ScriptObject)pageProperty.GetProperty("context");
if (null == contextProperty)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Property \"Xrm.Page.context\" is null");
return contextProperty;
You will need to add an additional class library and put the following code within it. Change the class name to match the Context you exported:
partial class FelineSoftContext
#region Methods
partial void OnContextCreated()
this.ReadingEntity += this.OnReadingEntity;
this.WritingEntity += this.OnWritingEntity;
#region Event Handlers
private void OnReadingEntity(object sender, ReadingWritingEntityEventArgs e)
ODataEntity entity = e.Entity as ODataEntity;
if (null == entity)
private void OnWritingEntity(object sender, ReadingWritingEntityEventArgs e)
ODataEntity entity = e.Entity as ODataEntity;
if (null == entity)
public abstract class ODataEntity
private readonly Collection<string> ChangedProperties = new Collection<string>();
public ODataEntity()
EventInfo info = this.GetType().GetEvent("PropertyChanged");
if (null != info)
PropertyChangedEventHandler method = new PropertyChangedEventHandler(this.OnEntityPropertyChanged);
//Ensure that the method is not attached and reattach it
info.RemoveEventHandler(this, method);
info.AddEventHandler(this, method);
#region Methods
public void ClearChangedProperties()
internal void RemoveUnchangedProperties(XElement element)
const string AtomNamespace = "";
const string DataServicesNamespace = "";
const string DataServicesMetadataNamespace = DataServicesNamespace + "/metadata";
if (null == element)
throw new ArgumentNullException("element");
List<XElement> properties = (from c in element.Elements(XName.Get("content", AtomNamespace)
).Elements(XName.Get("properties", DataServicesMetadataNamespace)).Elements()
select c).ToList();
foreach (XElement property in properties)
if (!this.ChangedProperties.Contains(property.Name.LocalName))
private void OnEntityPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (!this.ChangedProperties.Contains(e.PropertyName))
I am will suggest you to use Silvercrmsoap , it's very easy to use. I have used this in my silverlight projects.

Easy way to dynamically invoke web services (without JDK or proxy classes)

In Python I can consume a web service so easily:
from suds.client import Client
client = Client('') #create client
result = client.service.myWSMethod("Bubi", 15) #invoke method
print result #print the result returned by the WS method
I'd like to reach such a simple usage with Java.
With Axis or CXF you have to create a web service client, i.e. a package which reproduces all web service methods so that we can invoke them as if they where normal methods. Let's call it proxy classes; usually they are generated by wsdl2java tool.
Useful and user-friendly. But any time I add/modify a web service method and I want to use it in a client program I need to regenerate proxy classes.
So I found CXF DynamicClientFactory, this technique avoids the use of proxy classes:
import org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Client;
import org.apache.cxf.endpoint.dynamic.DynamicClientFactory;
//create client
DynamicClientFactory dcf = DynamicClientFactory.newInstance();
Client client = dcf.createClient("");
//invoke method
Object[] res = client.invoke("myWSMethod", "Bubi");
//print the result
System.out.println("Response:\n" + res[0]);
But unfortunately it creates and compiles proxy classes runtime, hence requires JDK on the production machine. I have to avoid this, or at least I can't rely on it.
My question:
Is there another way to dinamically invoke any method of a web service in Java, without having a JDK at runtime and without generating "static" proxy classes? Maybe with a different library? Thanks!
I know this is a really old question but if you are still interested you could use soap-ws github project:
Here you have a sample usage really simple:
Wsdl wsdl = Wsdl.parse("");
SoapBuilder builder = wsdl.binding()
SoapOperation operation = builder.operation()
Request request = builder.buildInputMessage(operation)
SoapClient client = SoapClient.builder()
String response =;
As you can see it is really simple.
With CXF 3.x this could be possible with StaxDataBinding. Follow below steps to get the basics. Of course, this could be enhanced to your needs.
Create StaxDataBinding something like below. Note below code can be enhanced to your sophistication.
class StaxDataBinding extends AbstractInterceptorProvidingDataBinding {
private XMLStreamDataReader xsrReader;
private XMLStreamDataWriter xswWriter;
public StaxDataBinding() {
this.xsrReader = new XMLStreamDataReader();
this.xswWriter = new XMLStreamDataWriter();
inInterceptors.add(new StaxInEndingInterceptor(Phase.POST_INVOKE));
inFaultInterceptors.add(new StaxInEndingInterceptor(Phase.POST_INVOKE));
static class RemoveStaxInEndingInterceptor
extends AbstractPhaseInterceptor<Message> {
static final RemoveStaxInEndingInterceptor INSTANCE = new RemoveStaxInEndingInterceptor();
public RemoveStaxInEndingInterceptor() {
public void handleMessage(Message message) throws Fault {
public void initialize(Service service) {
for (ServiceInfo serviceInfo : service.getServiceInfos()) {
SchemaCollection schemaCollection = serviceInfo.getXmlSchemaCollection();
if (schemaCollection.getXmlSchemas().length > 1) {
// Schemas are already populated.
new ServiceModelVisitor(serviceInfo) {
public void begin(MessagePartInfo part) {
if (part.getTypeQName() != null
|| part.getElementQName() != null) {
public <T> DataReader<T> createReader(Class<T> cls) {
if (cls == XMLStreamReader.class) {
return (DataReader<T>) xsrReader;
else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"The type " + cls.getName() + " is not supported.");
public Class<?>[] getSupportedReaderFormats() {
return new Class[] { XMLStreamReader.class };
public <T> DataWriter<T> createWriter(Class<T> cls) {
if (cls == XMLStreamWriter.class) {
return (DataWriter<T>) xswWriter;
else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"The type " + cls.getName() + " is not supported.");
public Class<?>[] getSupportedWriterFormats() {
return new Class[] { XMLStreamWriter.class, Node.class };
public static class XMLStreamDataReader implements DataReader<XMLStreamReader> {
public Object read(MessagePartInfo part, XMLStreamReader input) {
return read(null, input, part.getTypeClass());
public Object read(QName name, XMLStreamReader input, Class<?> type) {
return input;
public Object read(XMLStreamReader reader) {
return reader;
public void setSchema(Schema s) {
public void setAttachments(Collection<Attachment> attachments) {
public void setProperty(String prop, Object value) {
public static class XMLStreamDataWriter implements DataWriter<XMLStreamWriter> {
private static final Logger LOG = LogUtils
public void write(Object obj, MessagePartInfo part, XMLStreamWriter writer) {
try {
if (!doWrite(obj, writer)) {
if (part.isElement()) {
QName element = part.getElementQName();
if (obj != null) {
catch (XMLStreamException e) {
throw new Fault("COULD_NOT_READ_XML_STREAM", LOG, e);
public void write(Object obj, XMLStreamWriter writer) {
try {
if (!doWrite(obj, writer)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Data types of "
+ obj.getClass() + " are not supported.");
catch (XMLStreamException e) {
throw new Fault("COULD_NOT_READ_XML_STREAM", LOG, e);
private boolean doWrite(Object obj, XMLStreamWriter writer)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (obj instanceof XMLStreamReader) {
XMLStreamReader xmlStreamReader = (XMLStreamReader) obj;
StaxUtils.copy(xmlStreamReader, writer);
return true;
else if (obj instanceof XMLStreamWriterCallback) {
((XMLStreamWriterCallback) obj).write(writer);
return true;
return false;
public void setSchema(Schema s) {
public void setAttachments(Collection<Attachment> attachments) {
public void setProperty(String key, Object value) {
Prepare your input to match the expected input, something like below
private Object[] prepareInput(BindingOperationInfo operInfo, String[] paramNames,
String[] paramValues) {
List<Object> inputs = new ArrayList<Object>();
List<MessagePartInfo> parts = operInfo.getInput().getMessageParts();
if (parts != null && parts.size() > 0) {
for (MessagePartInfo partInfo : parts) {
QName element = partInfo.getElementQName();
String localPart = element.getLocalPart();
// whatever your input data you need to match data value for given element
// below code assumes names are paramNames variable and value in paramValues
for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.length; i++) {
if (paramNames[i].equals(localPart)) {
inputs.add(findParamValue(paramNames, paramValues, localPart));
return inputs.toArray();
Now set the proper data binding and pass the data
Bus bus = CXFBusFactory.getThreadDefaultBus();
WSDLServiceFactory sf = new WSDLServiceFactory(bus, wsdl);
Service svc = sf.create();
Client client = new ClientImpl(bus, svc, null,
StaxDataBinding databinding = new StaxDataBinding();
bus.getFeatures().add(new StaxDataBindingFeature());
BindingOperationInfo operInfo = ...//find the operation you need (see below)
Object[] inputs = prepareInput(operInfo, paramNames, paramValues);
client.invoke("operationname", inputs);
If needed you can match operation name something like below
private BindingOperationInfo findBindingOperation(Service service,
String operationName) {
for (ServiceInfo serviceInfo : service.getServiceInfos()) {
Collection<BindingInfo> bindingInfos = serviceInfo.getBindings();
for (BindingInfo bindingInfo : bindingInfos) {
Collection<BindingOperationInfo> operInfos = bindingInfo.getOperations();
for (BindingOperationInfo operInfo : operInfos) {
if (operInfo.getName().getLocalPart().equals(operationName)) {
if (operInfo.isUnwrappedCapable()) {
return operInfo.getUnwrappedOperation();
return operInfo;
return null;

Pros / Cons to Different Binding Approaches using MVVM and RIA Services

I have been building an application, which uses the LoadOperation's Entities to return an IEnumerable which becomes the source of a CollectionViewSource in my View Model. I am now discovering the potential pitfall to this approach, when adding Entities in my Silverlight client, I cannot see these entities, unless I either submit the New Entity, then reload, or Maintain a separate collection of items, which I am binding to.
What I really see as my options are:
Add an ObservableCollection to use as the Source of the CollectionViewSource property in my ViewModel - this way I can add to both the DomainContext and the ObservableCollection at the same time to keep the collections in sync.
Change the Binding to the EntitySet directly, and add a filtering event handler to provide the filtering on the CollectionViewSource.
If anyone has tips or thoughts about pros/cons of each, I would greatly appreciate it. In particular, I am wondering, if there are performance and/or programming benefits in favor of one or the other?
I am taking this one approach at a time. First, I am going to show a point of reference to dicuss this with, then I will highlight the different changes necessary to support each methodology.
The basis for my demo is a single, authenticated domain service which returns a single entity of Resource. I will expose 4 commands (save, undo, add, and delete), plus a Collection, and a Property to hold the SelectedResource.
2 Different classes implement this interface (1 for blending, 1 for production). The production is the only one I will discuss here. Notice the action(lo.Entities) in the GetMyResources function:
public class WorkProvider
static WorkContext workContext;
public WorkProvider()
if (workContext == null)
workContext = new WorkContext();
public void AddResource(Resource resource)
public void DelResource(Resource resource)
public void UndoChanges()
public void SaveChanges(Action action)
workContext.SubmitChanges(so =>
if (so.HasError)
// Handle Error
throw so.Error;
}, null);
public void GetMyResources(Action<IEnumerable<Resource>> action)
var query = workContext.GetResourcesQuery()
.Where(r => r.UserName == WebContext.Current.User.Name);
workContext.Load(query, LoadBehavior.MergeIntoCurrent, lo =>
if (lo.HasError)
// Handle Error
throw lo.Error;
}, null);
In the ViewModel, I have the following Implementation:
public class HomeViewModel : ViewModelBase
WorkProvider workProvider;
public HomeViewModel()
workProvider = new WorkProvider();
// _Source is required when returning IEnumerable<T>
ObservableCollection<Resource> _Source;
public CollectionViewSource Resources { get; private set; }
void setupCollections()
Resources = new CollectionViewSource();
using (Resources.DeferRefresh())
_Source = new ObservableCollection<Resource>();
Resources.Source = _Source;
Resources.GroupDescriptions.Add(new PropertyGroupDescription("Title"));
Resources.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Title", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
Resources.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Rate", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
void loadMyResources()
workProvider.GetMyResources(results =>
using (Resources.DeferRefresh())
// This is required when returning IEnumerable<T>
foreach (var result in results)
if (!_Source.Contains(result))
Resource _SelectedResource;
public Resource SelectedResource
get { return _SelectedResource; }
if (_SelectedResource != value)
_SelectedResource = value;
public RelayCommand CmdSave { get; private set; }
public RelayCommand CmdUndo { get; private set; }
public RelayCommand CmdAdd { get; private set; }
public RelayCommand CmdDelete { get; private set; }
void setupCommands()
CmdSave = new RelayCommand(() =>
workProvider.SaveChanges(() =>
DispatcherHelper.CheckBeginInvokeOnUI(() =>
CmdUndo = new RelayCommand(() =>
// This is required when returning IEnumerable<T>
CmdAdd = new RelayCommand(() =>
Resource newResource = new Resource()
ResourceID = Guid.NewGuid(),
Rate = 125,
Title = "Staff",
UserName = "jsmith"
// This is required when returning IEnumerable<T>
CmdDelete = new RelayCommand(() =>
// This is required when returning IEnumerable<T>
The alternate method would involve changing the WorkProvider class as follows (notice the action(workContext.Resources) that is returned:
public void GetMyResources(Action<IEnumerable<Resource>> action)
var query = workContext.GetResourcesQuery()
.Where(r => r.UserName == WebContext.Current.User.Name);
workContext.Load(query, LoadBehavior.MergeIntoCurrent, lo =>
if (lo.HasError)
// Handle Error
throw lo.Error;
// Notice Changed Enumeration
}, null);
And the changes to the viewmodel are as follows (notice the removal of the _Source ObservableCollection):
public class HomeViewModel : ViewModelBase
WorkProvider workProvider;
public HomeViewModel()
workProvider = new WorkProvider();
public CollectionViewSource Resources { get; private set; }
void setupCollections()
Resources = new CollectionViewSource();
using (Resources.DeferRefresh())
Resources.Filter += (s,a) =>
a.Accepted = false;
if (s is Resource)
Resource res = s as Resource;
if (res.UserName == WebContext.Current.User.Name)
a.Accepted = true;
Resources.GroupDescriptions.Add(new PropertyGroupDescription("Title"));
Resources.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Title", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
Resources.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Rate", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
void loadMyResources()
workProvider.GetMyResources(results =>
using (Resources.DeferRefresh())
Resources.Source = results;
Resource _SelectedResource;
public Resource SelectedResource
get { return _SelectedResource; }
if (_SelectedResource != value)
_SelectedResource = value;
public RelayCommand CmdSave { get; private set; }
public RelayCommand CmdUndo { get; private set; }
public RelayCommand CmdAdd { get; private set; }
public RelayCommand CmdDelete { get; private set; }
void setupCommands()
CmdSave = new RelayCommand(() =>
workProvider.SaveChanges(() =>
DispatcherHelper.CheckBeginInvokeOnUI(() =>
CmdUndo = new RelayCommand(() =>
CmdAdd = new RelayCommand(() =>
Resource newResource = new Resource()
ResourceID = Guid.NewGuid(),
Rate = 125,
Title = "Staff",
UserName = "jsmith"
CmdDelete = new RelayCommand(() =>
While the second approach definately requires adding the filter event handler in the configuration of the CollectionViewSource, and could be seen as filtering data 2 times (1 time at the server, and the second time by the CollectionViewSource), it does off the following benefits: There is a single collection - which makes management of collection notifications simpler and easier. The collection is the actual collection which will be submitted to the server, which makes managing adds/deletes simpler, since there are not opportunities for forgetting to add/remove entities from the correct collection to initiate the add/delete function when submitting back.
The one last thing I need to confirm is the following: On a collectionviewsource, it is my understanding that you should use DeferRefresh() when making multiple changes that affect the view. This just prevents unnecessary refreshes from occuring when internal changes may cause refreshes such as configuring sorting, grouping, etc. It is also important to call .View.Refresh() when we expect the UI to process some update changes. The .View.Refresh() is probably more important to note than the DeferRefresh(), since it actually causes a UI update, as opposed to a prevent unexpected UI updates.
I don't know if this will help others, but I hope so. I definately spent some time working through these and trying to understand this. If you have clarifications or other things to add, please feel free to do so.
Ryan, it might be worth your while to take a look through this post on collection binding (and some of the related ones). Your implementation is certainly a reasonable one, but I can see it wrestles with a few of the issues that have already been resolved at the framework level.
