Memory Optimization for child processes - c

I work on Linux for ARM processor for cable modem. There is a tool that I have written that sends/storms customized UDP packets using raw sockets. I form the packet from scratch so that we have the flexibility to play with different options. This tool is mainly for stress testing routers.
I actually have multiple interfaces created. Each interface will obtain IP addresses using DHCP. This is done in order to make the modem behave as virtual customer premises equipment (vcpe).
When the system comes up, I start those processes that are asked to. Every process that I start will continuously send packets. So process 0 will send packets using interface 0 and so on. Each of these processes that send packets would allow configuration (change in UDP parameters and other options at run time). Thats the reason I decide to have separate processes.
I start these processes using fork and excec from the provisioning processes of the modem.
The problem now is that each process takes up a lot of memory. Starting just 3 such processes, causes the system to crash and reboot.
I have tried the following:
I have always assumed that pushing more code to the Shared Libraries will help. So when I tried moving many functions into shared library and keeping minimum code in the processes, it made no difference to my surprise. I also removed all arrays and made them use the heap. However it made no difference. This maybe because the processes runs continuously and it makes no difference if it is stack or heap? I suspect the process from I where I call the fork is huge and that is the reason for the processes that I make result being huge. I am not sure how else I could go about. say process A is huge -> I start process B by forking and excec. B inherits A's memory area. So now I do this -> A starts C which inturn starts B will also not help as C still inherits A?. I used vfork as an alternative which did not help either. I do wonder why.
I would appreciate if someone give me tips to help me reduce the memory used by each independent child processes.

Given this is a test tool, then the most efficient thing to do is to add more memory to the testing machine.
Failing that:
How are you measuring memory usage? Some methods don't get accurate results.
Check you don't have any memory leaks. e.g. with Valgrind on Linux x86.
You could try running the different testers in a single process, as different threads, or even multiplexed in a single thread - since the network should be the limiting factor?
exec() will shrink the processes memory size as the new execution gets a fresh memory map.
If you can't add physical memory, then maybe you can add swap, maybe just for testing?

Not technically answering your question, but providing a couple of alternative solutions:
If you are using Linux have you considered using pktgen? It is a flexible tool for sending UDP packets from kernel as fast as the interface allows. This is much faster than a userspace tool.
oh and a shameless plug. I have made a multi-threaded network testing tool, which could be used to spam the network with UDP packets. It can operate in multi-process mode (by using fork), or multi-thread mode (by using pthreads). The pthreads might use less RAM, so might be better for you to use. If anything it might be worth looking at the source as I've spent many years improving this code, and its been able to generate enough packets to saturate a 10gbps interface.

What could be happening is that the fork call in process A requires a significant amount of RAM + swap (if any). Thus, when you call fork() from this process the kernel must reserve enough RAM and swap for the child process to have it's own copy (copy-on-write, actually) of the parent process's writable private memory, namely it's stack and heap. When you call exec() from the child process, that memory is no longer needed and your child process can have it's own, smaller private working set.
So, first thing to make sure is that you don't have more than one process at a time in the state between fork() and exec(). During this state is where the child process must have a duplicate of it's parent process virtual memory space.
Second, try using the overcommit settings which will allow the kernel to reserve more memory than actually exists. These are /proc/sys/vm/overcommit*. You can get away with using overcommit because your child processes only need the extra VM space until they call exec, and shouldn't actually touch the duplicated address space of the parent process.
Third, in your parent process you can allocate the largest blocks using shared memory, rather than the stack or heap, which are private. Thus, when you fork, those shared memory regions will be shared with the child process rather than duplicated copy-on-write.


Modify read-only memory at low overhead

Assume that I have a page of memory that is read-only (e.g., set through mmap/mprotect). How do I modify one word (8 bytes) on this page at the lowest possible overhead?
Some context: I assume x86-64, Linux as my runtime environment. The modifications happen rarely but frequently enough so that I have to worry about overhead. The page is read only to protect some important data that must be read by the program frequently against rogue/illegal modifications. There are only few places that are allowed to modify the data on the page and I know all the locations of these places and the address of the page statically. The problem I'm trying to solve is protecting some data against memory safety bugs in the program with a few authorized places where I need to make modifications to the data. The modifications are not frequent but frequent enough so that several kernel-roundtrips (through system calls) are too costly.
So far, I thought of the following solutions:
shared memory
new system call
mprotect(addr, 4096, PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ);
addr[12] = 0xc0fec0fe;
mprotect(addr, 4096, PROT_READ);
The mprotect solution is clean, simple, and straight-forward. Unfortunately, it involves two round trips into the kernel and will result in some overhead. In addition, the whole page will be writable during that time frame, allowing for some other thread to modify that memory area concurrently.
Unfortunately, ptraceing yourself is no longer possible (as a ptraced-process needs to be stopped. So the solution is to fork, ptrace the child process, then use PTRACE_POKETEXT to write to the child processes memory.
This option has the drawback of spawning a parent process and will result in problems if the tracee uses multiple processes. The overhead per write is at least one system call for PTRACE plus the required synchronization between the processes.
shared memory
Shared memory is similar to the ptrace solution except that it reduces the system call. Both processes set up shared memory with different permissions (RW in the child, R in the parent). The two processes still need to synchronize on each write that is then carried out by the parent. Shared memory has similar drawbacks in complexity as the ptrace solution and incompatibilities with multiple communicating processes.
new system call
Adding a new system call to the kernel would solve the problem and would only require a single system call to modify one word in the process without having to change the page tables or the requirement to set up multiple communicating processes.
Is there anything that is faster than the 4 discussed/sketched solutions? Could I rely on any debug features? Are there any other neat low-level systems tricks?

Executing an external program when forking is not advisable

I have this a big server software that can hog 4-8GB of memory.
This makes fork-exec cumbersome, as the fork itself can take significant time, plus the default behavior seems to be that fork will fail unless there is enough memory for a copy of the entire resident memory.
Since this is starting to show as the hottest spot (60% of time spent in fork) when profiling I need to address it.
What would be the easiest way to avoid fork-exec routine?
You basically cannot avoid fork(2) (or the equivalent clone(2) syscall..., or the obsolete vfork which I don't recommend using) + execve(2) to start an external command (à la system(3), or à la posix_spawn) on Linux and (probably) MacOSX and most other Unix or POSIX systems.
What makes you think that it is becoming an issue? And 8GB process virtual address space is not a big deal today (at least on machines with 8Gbytes, or 16Gbytes RAM, like my desktop has). You don't practically need twice as much RAM (but you do need swap space) thanks to the lazy copy-on-write techniques used by all recent Unixes & Linux.
Perhaps you might believe that swap space could be an issue. On Linux, you could add swap space, perhaps by swapping on a file; just run as root:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/tmp/myswap bs=1M count=32768
mkswap /var/tmp/myswap
swapon /var/tmp/myswap
(of course, be sure that /var/tmp/ is not a tmpfs mounted filesystem, but sits on some disk, perhaps an SSD one....)
When you don't need any more a lot of swap space, run swapoff /var/tmp/myswap....
You could also start some external shell process near the beginning of your program (à la popen) and later you might send shell commands to it. Look at my execicar.c program for inspiration, or use it if it fits (I wrote it 10 years ago for similar purposes, but I forgot the details)
Alternatively fork at the beginning of your program some interpreter (Lua, Guile...) and send some commands to it.
Running more than a few dozens commands per second (starting any external program) is not reasonable, and should be considered as a design mistake, IMHO. Perhaps the commands that you are running could be replaced by in-process functions (e.g. /bin/ls can be done with stat, readdir, glob functions ...). Perhaps you might consider adding some plugin ability (with dlopen(3) & dlsym) to your code (and run functions from plugins instead of starting very often the same programs). Or perhaps embed an interpreter (Lua, Guile, ...) inside your code.
As an example, for web servers, look for old CGI vs FastCGI or HTTP forwarding (e.g. URL redirection) or embedded PHP or HOP or Ocsigen
This makes fork-exec cumbersome, as the fork itself can take
significant time
This is only half true. You didn't specify the OS, but fork(2) is pretty optimized in Linux (and I believe in other UNIX variants) by using copy-on-write. Copy-on-write means that the operating system will not copy the entire parent memory address space until the child (or the parent) writes to memory. So you can rest assured that if you have a parent process using 8 GB of memory and then you fork, you won't be using 16 GB of memory - especially if the child execs() something immediately.
fork will fail unless there is enough memory for a copy of the entire
resident memory.
No. The only overhead incurred by fork(2) is the copy and allocation of a task structure for the child, the allocation of a PID, and copying the parent's page tables. fork(2) will not fail if there isn't enough memory to copy the entire parent's address space, it will fail if there isn't enough memory to allocate a new task structure and the page tables. It may also fail if the maximum number of processes for the user has been reached. You can confirm this in man 2 fork (NOTE: See comments below).
If you still don't want to use fork(2), you can use vfork(2), which does no copying at all - it doesn't even copy the page tables - everything is shared with the parent. You can use that to create a new child process with a negligible overhead and then exec() something. Be aware that vfork(2) blocks the calling thread until the child either exits or calls one of the seven exec() functions. You also shouldn't modify the memory inside the child process before calling any of the exec() functions.
You mentioned that you can fork+exec 10k times per second. That sounds very excessive. Have you considered making the things you're execing into a daemon? Or maybe implement those external programs inside your application? It sounds very dodgy to have to fork that much.
fork most likely starts failing for you despite having the memory to back it because you're on a flavor of linux that has disabled (or put a limit on) memory overcommit. Check the file /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory. If it's 1 then my guess is wrong and there's something else weird going on. If it's 0 then you're not allowed to overcommit at all. If it's 2 then you need to read the documentation for how exactly this gets configured.
One solution mentioned above is just adding swap (that will never get used).
Another solution is to implement a small daemon that will take commands and execute those forks and execs for you piping back whatever output you need.
N.B. fork of a large process can in theory be as fast as a small process. The performance of fork is determined by how many memory mappings you have rather than how much memory they cover. Setting up copy-on-write is done per mapping. Except that on certain operating systems setting up COW of anonymous mappings is linear to amount of memory in those mappings, but I don't know what Linux does here, last time I studied the VM system in Linux was over 15 years ago.

Opening two programs in a same memoryspace

Is it possible to launch two completely independent programs into one scope of memory area?
For example, I have skype.exe and opera.exe and I want to launch them on a way that will allows them to share common memory. Sounds like threading to me.
These are quite some questions at the same time, let me try to dissect:
It is the definition of a process on a modern OS to have its own virtual address space. So running two processes in the same address space can't happen without a modification to the OS to allow exactly that.
Even if such a modification were available, it would be a less than perfect idea: Access to memory shared between threads is governed by synchronisation primitives explicitly built into them. There is no such mechanism to manage memory access between two processes, that have not explicitly been designed so
Sharing memory if so designed between processes does not at all need them to run in the same virtual address space in their totality: Shared memory segments exist in virtually all modern OS to facilitate exactly that. Again, those processes have to be explicitly designed to use this feature.
If they are two independent programs running then you have to ensure that the data is passed in an independent way between them. Let's say the two programs are running, the first program compute some data that the second program needs. The simplest thing to do is print the data from the first program into a file with some status at the end of the file (to indicate that it is safe for the other program to start reading it). From the other program you have a while loop that checks the status of the last line in that file every period of time.
The other option is to use some library like MPI which has protocols for message passing implemented.

having database in memory - C

I am programming a server daemon from which users can query data in C. The data can also be modified from clients.
I thought about keeping the data in memory.
For every new connection I do a fork().
First thing I thought about that this will generate a copy of the db every time a connection takes places, which is a waste of memory.
Second problem I have is that I don't know how to modify the database in the parent process.
What concepts are there to solve these problems?
Shared memory and multi-threading are two ways of sharing memory between multiple execution units. Check out POSIX Threads for multi-threading, and don't forget to use mutexes and/or semaphores to lock the memory areas from writing when someone is reading.
All this is part of the bigger problem of concurrency. There are multiple books and entire university courses about the problems of concurrency so maybe you need to sit down and study it a bit if you find yourself lost. It's very easy to introduce deadlocks and race conditions into concurrent C programs if you are not careful.
What concepts are there to solve these problems?
Just a few observations:
fork() only clones the memory of the process it executes at the time of execution. If you haven't opened or loaded your database at this stage, it won't be cloned into the child processes.
Shared memory - that is, memory mapped with mmap() and MAP_SHARED will be shared between processes and will not be duplicated.
The general term for communicating between processes is Interprocess communication of which there are several types and varieties, depending on your needs.
Aside On modern Linux systems, fork() implements copy-on-write copying of process memory. Actually, you won't end up with two copies of a process in memory - you'll end up with one copy that believes it has been copied twice. If you write to any of the memory, then it will be copied. This is an efficiency saving that makes use of the fact that the majority of processes alter only a small fraction of their memory as they run, so in fact even if you went for the copy the whole database approach, you might find the memory usage less that you expect - although of course that wouldn't fix your synchronisation problems!

Choice of Linux IPC technique

I am building an application which takes as it's input an executable , executes it and keeps track of dynamic memory allocations among others to help track down memory errors.
After reading the name of the executable I create a child process,link the executable with my module ( which includes my version of malloc family of functions) and execute the executable provided by the user. The parent process will consist of a GUI ( using QT framework ) where I want to display warnings/errors/number of allocations.
I need to communicate the number of mallocs/frees and a series of warning messages to the parent process in real-time. After the users application has finished executing I wish to display the number of memory leaks. ( I have taken care of all the backend coding needed for this in the shared library I link against).
I though of 2 different approaches to communicate this information.
Child process will write to 2 pipes ( 1 for writing whether allocation/free happened and another for writing a single integer to denote a warning message).
I though of simply sending a signal to denote whether an allocation has happened. Also create signals for each of the warning messages. I will map these to the actual warnings (strings) in the parent process.
Is the signal version as efficient as using a pipe? Is it feasible ? Is there any better choice , as I do care about efficiency:)
After user's application finishes executing:
I need to send the whole data structure I use to keep track of memory leaks here. This could possibly be very large so I am not sure which IPC method would be the most efficient.
Thanks for your time
I would suggest a unix-domain socket, it's a little more flexible than a pipe, can be configured for datagram mode which save you having to find message boundaries, and makes it easy to move to a network interface later.
Signals are definitely not the way to do this. In general, signals are best avoided whenever possible.
A pipe solution is fine. You could also use shared memory, but that would be more vulnerable to accidental corruption by the target application.
I suggest a combination of shared memory and a socket. Have a shared memory area, say 1MB, and log all your information in some standard format in that buffer. If/when the buffer fills or the process terminates you send a message, via the socket, to the reader. After the reader ACKs you can clear the buffer and carry on.
To answer caf's concern about target application corruption, just use the mprotect system call to remove permissions (set PROT_NONE) from the shared memory area before giving control to your target process. Naturally this means you'll have to set PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE before updating your log on each allocation, not sure if this is a performance win with the mprotect calls thrown in.
EDIT: in case it isn't blindingly obvious, you can have multiple buffers (or one divided into N parts) so you can pass control back to the target process immediately and not wait for the reader to ACK. Also, given enough computation resources the reader can run as often as it wants reading the currently active buffer and performing real-time updates to the user or whatever it's reading for.
