Database design too repetitive? - database

I'm working on a database schema that's driving me a little mad at the moment because I seem to be repeating the same tables to reproduce behaviour for different types.
Basically the system consists of live sensors that are monitored over a network, and loggers that are collected via a handset. The sensors and loggers are divided up into Locations, and Locations are divided up into Areas. A location can have up to 1 logger, but can have any number of live sensors.
I'll try and break the rules down:
The system can have 0 to many Areas
An area can have 0 to many Locations
A Location can have 0 to 1 Loggers
A Location can have 0 to many LiveAnalogSensors
A Location can have 0 to many LiveSwitchSensors
A Location can have 0 to many Actions allowed
A LiveAnalogSensor must belong to 1 LiveSensorRelay
A LiveSwitchSensor must belong to 1 LiveSensorRelay
A logger can have 0 to many Readings
A LiveAnalogSensor can have 0 to many Readings
A LiveSwitchSensor can have 0 to many Readings
A Reading can have an Alarm
The system can have 0 to many Actions
An Alarm can have 0 to 1 Action applied to it
An Alarm can have 0 to 1 AlarmResolution
The schema picture is HERE.
So the scenario is, a reading comes in and is stored (either via the Logger download or a live reading coming in over the network). The reading is out of range so it has an alarm code. An alarm gets generated for that reading. An action is eventually applied to it by the user. If a reading comes in that indicates the alarm condition has ended, an AlarmResolution (or AlarmEnd as I called it in the schema) entry is made linked to the Alarm to show that it has ended, and the time it has ended.
On analog alarms, whenever a new reading is higher than the last, a new "Peak" reading is stored, which is what the AnalogSensorReadingAlertPeak table is for.
That is basically it. My issue is how repetitive the schema seems for the different sensors (especially logger and analog-sensor which are basically the same) - and I seem to have a lot of 1 to 0..1 relationships, though I'm less concerned about that.
I'm after a sanity check really. I can think of ways to get rid of the repetitiveness, but it always seems to be at the expense of data integrity.
EDIT: I've revised the title and question slightly after the down vote as it wasn't particularly specific. I hope it's better now..

I'd say it's repetitive if each Sensor (for example) has exactly the same properties (columns).
If they differ at all, they should have different tables.
I'd try capturing this using NORMA or similar too to validate the design.

I wouldn't worry too much about too many Zero-To-One relationships. I do worry about having Zero-To-One relationships in the first place. In the long run, these turn out to be One-to-Many relationships.
For me, there is nothing more confusing than that mess of an ER diagram that comes standard in many tools. I use an technique called "Levelized Conceptual Diagrams" to help make sense of my relationships.
You should make a Levelized Diagram - it will make your life really easy when it comes to
database designs.
Hopefully I will make this easy - the One side is on the top, the many side on the bottom. Many to many get broken down to two One-to-Many tables.
Repeat until done.
Link to full image:

In Oracle, an ARC describes mutually exclusive relationships to other tables. This concept can be implemented in other databases using nullable FK columns.
Depending on the functionality of the tables, you may choose to combine all *Readings or all *Alerts tables into a single table, having nullable foreign key columns to the respective Logger, AnalogSensor, and SwitchSensor tables.
As a consequence, the *AlertEnd and *AlertAction tables can also be combined (probably adding a Type column if required).
Optionally, add views for the three domains (Logger, AnalogSensor, and SwitchSensor) to simulate the original tables.

Why do you need tables with only PK fields? Can't you relate their children directly to their parents?
Also consider creating a limit table with two fields and a contextID key field, so instead of 2 tables with 4 limit fields each (2 upper and 2 lower limit fields,) have a new table with 3 fields and change your existing tables have 2 fields with FK relationships to the new one, with names like upperLimitContextID and lowerLimitContextID.
Also, since the action and end tables have the same PK, consider combining them. Any time there are tables with the same PK they can be combined.


System design: whether to normalize the departments or not

I'm working with two consultants in one project. The thing is we reached a point where both of them cannot get into an agreement and each offer a different approach.
The thing is we have a store with four departments and we want to find the best approach for working with all of them in the same database.
Each department sell different products: Cars, Boats, Jetskies and Motorbikes.
When the data is inserted or updated in each department there are some triggers to be fires so different workflows will begin, when adding a new car there are certain requirements that needs to be checked as well as the details of the car that are completely different than a boat. Also, regarding the data there are not many fields there are in common, I would say so far only the brand, color, model and year, everything else is specific for each deparment due to the different products and how they work with them..
Consultant one says:
Create one table for all the departments and use a column to identify what department the row belongs to, this way you will have only one trigger and inside the trigger you will then call the function/mehod you need for each record type.
Reason: you only have one table (with over 200 fields) and one trigger, is easier to maintain. Also if you need to report you just need to query one table and filter based on the record type. If you need to report for all the items you don't need to have multiple joins.
Consultant two says:
Create one table for each deparment and a trigger for each table.
Reason: you will have smaller tables (aprox 50 fields each) and is more flexible and you have it all separated. If you want to report you need to join the tables as you want to include data from different places.
I see the advantages of having everything in one place but if I want to expand or change anything I have the feeling I will bre creating a beast table as the data grows.
On the other side keep it separated look more appealing but will need to setup everything for each different table.
What would you say is the best approach?
You should probably listen to consultant number two.
The thing is, all design is trade-offs. You need to assess the pros and cons of each approach and you need to think about the risks that each design entails.
What happens when your design grows? (department 5, more details per product type,...)
What happens when the system scales up to higher transaction volumes?
What happens when your business rules change?
I've been doing this for a long time and I've seen some pendulums swing back and forth when it comes to what is "in fashion" as far as database and software best practices.
I'd say right now the prevailing wisdom is that separation of concerns is innately good. This means you should keep your program logic (trigger code) separate for each department. This makes sense because your logic will vary from one product type to the next since they mostly have distinct columns.
This second point is also important, because your stake in the ground for a transactional system should always be start with third normal form (or higher, if necessary). Sometimes you can get away without it, but four different types of objects with 40 or more distinct attributes each doesn't sound like a good candidate for jamming everything into one table. How do you keep track of which columns belong to which type of product, for example? A separate table for each product type keeps this clean and simple - and importantly - easy for your support programmers to understand.
Contrary to what consultant one is saying, having one trigger instead of four is not likely to be easier to maintain if that one trigger is a big bowl of spaghetti, or even four tidy, well written subroutines joined together with a switch type statement.
These days, programmers favour short, atomic, single-purpose functions (triggers, in your case).
If there is enough common data and common business logic that doing it four times seems awkward, then maybe you have a good candidate for a super-type / sub-type design.
I'll say one
These are all Products, It doesn't matter that its a Bike or a Car. You can control the fields and the object by RecordTypes and Page layouts and that will save you from having 4 Objects, which means potentially 8 new classes(if it follows my pattern it could be up to 20+) + all of the workflow rules and validation rules across the these new objects, it will be very hard to maintain a structure that has 4 objects but are all the same thing.. Tracking Products.
Down the road if you decide to add a new product such as planes, it will be very easy to add a plane to this object and the code will be able to pick up from there if needed. You will definitely need Record Types to manage each Product. The trigger code shouldn't be an issue if the consultants are building it properly meaning a trigger should never have any business logic so as long as that is followed all of the code will be maintainable
I will go with one.
I assume you have a large number of products and this list will grow in future. All these are Products at the end. They will have some common fields and common logic.
If you use Process Builder with Invocable classes instead of Triggers, you may be able to get away with just configuration changes while adding a new object, if its fields and functionality are same/similar to a existing object.
There may also be limitation on the number of different objects a profile has access to based on your license types.
Salesforce has a standard object called Product. Its a single object to be classifies based on record type.
I would have gone with approach two if this was not salesforce. Based on how salesforce works and the limitations it imposes one seems like a better and cleaner solution.
I would say option 2.
(1) I would find one table with 200+ columns harder to maintain. You're also then going to have to expose fields for an object that doesn't need said fields.
(2) You are also going to have to "hide" logic inside the trigger which then decides to do different actions based on the type of department etc...
(3) Option 2 involves more "scaffolding" and separate objects but those are objects are inherently smaller and easier to maintain and don't specifically hide logic or cause any sort of ambiguity.
(4) Option 2 abides by the single responsibility principle. Not everyone follows this I understand but I find it a good guiding principle, as the responsibility for the data lies with the individual table and the responsibility for triggered the action lies with the individual trigger as opposed to just being one mammoth entity/trigger.
** I would state that I am simply looking at this from a software development perspective, I am not sure whether or not SalesForce would handle this setup, but it is the way I would personally prefer to design it. :)
Option 2 for me.
You've said that there is little common data and the trigger logic is completely different. Here are some additional technical considerations.
Option 1 Warnings
The trigger would be a single point of failure and errors will be trickier to debug. I have worked with large triggers where broken logic near the top has stopped logic near the bottom from running, sometimes silently! You also have to maintain conditional guards to control the flow of logic based on the data which is another opportunity for error.
I'm not red hot on indexes but I believe performance will suffer due to no natural order of the multi-purpose data. More specific tables will yield better indexing strategies. Also, large rows can lead to fragmented indexes.
You would need extra consideration when setting nullable/default constraints on each surplus field not relevant to the product in question. These subtleties can introduce bugs and might make it harder if/when you decide to work with a data layer technology such as Entity Framework. E.g. the logical difference between NULL, 0 and 'None', especially on shared columns.

Bitemporal Database Design Question

I am designing a database that needs to store transaction time and valid time, and I am struggling with how to effectively store the data and whether or not to fully time-normalize attributes. For instance I have a table Client that has the following attributes: ID, Name, ClientType (e.g. corporation), RelationshipType (e.g. client, prospect), RelationshipStatus (e.g. Active, Inactive, Closed). ClientType, RelationshipType, and RelationshipStatus are time varying fields. Performance is a concern as this information will link to large datasets from legacy systems. At the same time the database structure needs to be easily maintainable and modifiable.
I am planning on splitting out audit trail and point-in-time history into separate tables, but I’m struggling with how to best do this.
Some ideas I have:
1)Three tables: Client, ClientHist, and ClientAudit. Client will contain the current state. ClientHist will contain any previously valid states, and ClientAudit will be for auditing purposes. For ease of discussion, let’s forget about ClientAudit and assume the user never makes a data entry mistake. Doing it this way, I have two ways I can update the data. First, I could always require the user to provide an effective date and save a record out to ClientHist, which would result in a record being written to ClientHist each time a field is changed. Alternatively, I could only require the user to provide an effective date when one of the time varying attributes (i.e. ClientType, RelationshipType, RelationshipStatus) changes. This would result in a record being written to ClientHist only when a time varying attribute is changed.
2) I could split out the time varying attributes into one or more tables. If I go this route, do I put all three in one table or create two tables (one for RelationshipType and RelationshipStatus and one for ClientType). Creating multiple tables for time varying attributes does significantly increase the complexity of the database design. Each table will have associated audit tables as well.
Any thoughts?
A lot depends (or so I think) on how frequently the time-sensitive data will be changed. If changes are infrequent, then I'd go with (1), but if changes happen a lot and not necessarily to all the time-sensitive values at once, then (2) might be more efficient--but I'd want to think that over very carefully first, since it would be hard to manage and maintain.
I like the idea of requiring users to enter effective daes, because this could serve to reduce just how much detail you are saving--for example, however many changes they make today, it only produces that one History row that comes into effect tomorrow (though the audit table might get pretty big). But can you actually get users to enter what is somewhat abstract data?
you might want to try a single Client table with 4 date columns to handle the 2 temporal dimensions.
Something like (client_id, ..., valid_dt_start, valid_dt_end, audit_dt_start, audit_dt_end).
This design is very simple to work with and I would try and see how ot scales before going with somethin more complicated.

Designing a database with periodic sensor data

I'm designing a PostgreSQL database that takes in readings from many sensor sources. I've done a lot of research into the design and I'm looking for some fresh input to help get me out of a rut here.
To be clear, I am not looking for help describing the sources of data or any related metadata. I am specifically trying to figure out how to best store data values (eventually of various types).
The basic structure of the data coming in is as follows:
For each data logging device, there are several channels.
For each channel, the logger reads data and attaches it to a record with a timestamp
Different channels may have different data types, but generally a float4 will suffice.
Users should (through database functions) be able to add different value types, but this concern is secondary.
Loggers and channels will also be added through functions.
The distinguishing characteristic of this data layout is that I've got many channels associating data points to a single record with a timestamp and index number.
Now, to describe the data volume and common access patterns:
Data will be coming in for about 5 loggers, each with 48 channels, for every minute.
The total data volume in this case will be 345,600 readings per day, 126 million per year, and this data needs to be continually read for the next 10 years at least.
More loggers & channels will be added in the future, possibly from physically different types of devices but hopefully with similar storage representation.
Common access will include querying similar channel types across all loggers and joining across logger timestamps. For example, get channel1 from logger1, channel4 from logger2, and do a full outer join on logger1.time = logger2.time.
I should also mention that each logger timestamp is something that is subject to change due to time adjustment, and will be described in a different table showing the server's time reading, the logger's time reading, transmission latency, clock adjustment, and resulting adjusted clock value. This will happen for a set of logger records/timestamps depending on retrieval. This is my motivation for RecordTable below but otherwise isn't of much concern for now as long as I can reference a (logger, time, record) row from somewhere that will change the timestamps for associated data.
I have considered quite a few schema options, the most simple resembling a hybrid EAV approach where the table itself describes the attribute, since most attributes will just be a real value called "value". Here's a basic layout:
RecordTable DataValueTable
---------- --------------
[PK] id <-- [FK] record_id
[FK] logger_id [FK] channel_id
record_number value
Considering that logger_id, record_number, and logger_time are unique, I suppose I am making use of surrogate keys here but hopefully my justification of saving space is meaningful here. I have also considered adding a PK id to DataValueTable (rather than the PK being record_id and channel_id) in order to reference data values from other tables, but I am trying to resist the urge to make this model "too flexible" for now. I do, however, want to start getting data flowing soon and not have to change this part when extra features or differently-structured-data need to be added later.
At first, I was creating record tables for each logger and then value tables for each channel and describing them elsewhere (in one place), with views to connect them all, but that just felt "wrong" because I was repeating the same thing so many times. I guess I'm trying to find a happy medium between too many tables and too many rows, but partitioning the bigger data (DataValueTable) seems strange because I'd most likely be partitioning on channel_id, so each partition would have the same value for every row. Also, partitioning in that regard would require a bit of work in re-defining the check conditions in the main table every time a channel is added. Partitioning by date is only applicable to the RecordTable, which isn't really necessary considering how relatively small it will be (7200 rows per day with the 5 loggers).
I also considered using the above with partial indexes on channel_id since DataValueTable will grow very large but the set of channel ids will remain small-ish, but I am really not certain that this will scale well after many years. I have done some basic testing with mock data and the performance is only so-so, and I want it to remain exceptional as data volume grows. Also, some express concern with vacuuming and analyzing a large table, and dealing with a large number of indexes (up to 250 in this case).
On a very small side note, I will also be tracking changes to this data and allowing for annotations (e.g. a bird crapped on the sensor, so these values were adjusted/marked etc), so keep that in the back of your mind when considering the design here but it is a separate concern for now.
Some background on my experience/technical level, if it helps to see where I'm coming from: I am a CS PhD student, and I work with data/databases on a regular basis as part of my research. However, my practical experience in designing a robust database for clients (this is part of a business) that has exceptional longevity and flexible data representation is somewhat limited. I think my main problem now is I am considering all the angles of approach to this problem instead of focusing on getting it done, and I don't see a "right" solution in front of me at all.
So In conclusion, I guess these are my primary queries for you: if you've done something like this, what has worked for you? What are the benefits/drawbacks I'm not seeing of the various designs I've proposed here? How might you design something like this, given these parameters and access patterns?
I'll be happy to provide clarification/details where needed, and thanks in advance for being awesome.
It is no problem at all to provide all this in a Relational database. PostgreSQL is not enterprise class, but it is certainly one of the better freeware SQLs.
To be clear, I am not looking for help describing the sources of data or any related metadata. I am specifically trying to figure out how to best store data values (eventually of various types).
That is your biggest obstacle. Contrary to program design, which allows decomposition and isolated analysis/design of components, databases need to be designed as a single unit. Normalisation and other design techniques need to consider both the whole, and the component in context. The data, the descriptions, the metadata have to be evaluated together, not as separate parts.
Second, when you start off with surrogate keys, implying that you know the data, and how it relates to other data, it prevents you from genuine modelling of the data.
I have answered a very similar set of questions, coincidentally re very similar data. If you could read those answers first, it would save us both a lot of typing time on your question/answer.
Answer One/ID Obstacle
Answer Two/Main
Answer Three/Historical
I did something like this with seismic data for a petroleum exploration company.
My suggestion would be to store the meta-data in a database, and keep the sensor data in flat files, whatever that means for your computer's operating system.
You would have to write your own access routines if you want to modify the sensor data. Actually, you should never modify the sensor data. You should make a copy of the sensor data with the modifications so that you can show later what changes were made to the sensor data.

SQL-Server DB design time scenario (distributed or centralized)

We've an SQL Server DB design time scenario .. we've to store data about different Organizations in our database (i.e. like Customer, Vendor, Distributor, ...). All the diff organizations share the same type of information (almost) .. like Address details, etc... And they will be referred in other tables (i.e. linked via OrgId and we have to lookup OrgName at many diff places)
I see two options:
We create a table for each organization like OrgCustomer, OrgDistributor, OrgVendor, etc... all the tables will have similar structure and some tables will have extra special fields like the customer has a field HomeAddress (which the other Org tables don't have) .. and vice-versa.
We create a common OrgMaster table and store ALL the diff Orgs at a single place. The table will have a OrgType field to distinguish among the diff types of Orgs. And the special fields will be appended to the OrgMaster table (only relevant Org records will have values in such fields, in other cases it'll be NULL)
Some Pros & Cons of #1:
It helps distribute the load while accessing diff type of Org data so I believe this improves performance.
Provides a full scope for accustomizing any particular Org table without effecting the other existing Org types.
Not sure if diff indexes on diff/distributed tables work better then a single big table.
Replication of design. If I have to increase the size of the ZipCode field - I've to do it in ALL the tables.
Replication in manipulation implementation (i.e. we've used stored procedures for CRUD operations so the replication goes n-fold .. 3-4 Inert SP, 2-3 SELECT SPs, etc...)
Everything grows n-fold right from DB constraints\indexing to SP to the Business objects in the application code.
Change(common) in one place has to be made at all the other places as well.
Some Pros & Cons of #2:
N-fold becomes 1-fold :-)
Maintenance gets easy because we can try and implement single entry points for all the operations (i.e. a single SP to handle CRUD operations, etc..)
We've to worry about maintaining a single table. Indexing and other optimizations are limited to a single table.
Does it create a bottleneck? Can it be managed by implementing Views and other optimized data access strategy?
The other side of centralized implementation is that a single change has to be tested and verified at ALL the places. It isn't abstract.
The design might seem a little less 'organized\structured' esp. due to those few Orgs for which we need to add 'special' fields (which are irrelevant to the other tables)
I also got in mind an Option#3 - keep the Org tables separate but create a common OrgAddress table to store the common fields. But this gets me in the middle of #1 & #2 and it is creating even more confusion!
To be honest, I'm an experienced programmer but not an equally experienced DBA because that's not my main-stream job so please help me derive the correct tradeoff between parameters like the design-complexity and performance.
Thanks in advance. Feel free to ask for any technical queries & suggestions are welcome.
I would say that your 2nd option is close, just few points:
Customer, Distributor, Vendor are TYPES of organizations, so I would suggest:
Table [Organization] which has all columns common to all organizations and a primary key for the row.
Separate tables [Vendor], [Customer], [Distributor] with specific columns for each one and FK to the [Organization] row PK.
The sounds like a "supertype/subtype relationship".
I have worked on various applications that have implemented all of your options. To be honest, you probably need to take account of the way that your users work with the data, how many records you are expecting, commonality (same organisation having multiple functions), and what level of updating of the records you are expecting.
Option 1 worked well in an app where there was very little commonality. I have used what is effectively your option 3 in an app where there was more commonality, and didn't like it very much (there is more work involved in getting the data from different layers all of the time). A rewrite of this app is implementing your option 2 because of this.

Adding relations to an Access Database

I have an MS Access database with plenty of data. It's used by an application me and my team are developing. However, we've never added any foreign keys to this database because we could control relations from the code itself. Never had any problems with this, probably never will either.
However, as development has developed further, I fear there's a risk of losing sight over all the relationships between the 30+ tables, even though we use well-normalized data. So it would be a good idea go get at least the relations between the tables documented.
Altova has created DatabaseSpy which can show the structure of a database but without the relations, there isn't much to display. I could still use to add relations to it all but I don't want to modify the database itself.
Is there any software that can analyse a database by it's structures and data and then do a best-guess about its relations? (Just as documentation, not to modify the database.)
This application was created more than 10 years ago and has over 3000 paying customers who all use it. It's actually document-based, using an XML document for it's internal storage. The database is just used as storage and a single import/export routine converts it back and to XML. Unfortunately, the XML structure isn't very practical to use for documentation and there's a second layer around this XML document to expose it as an object model. This object model is far from perfect too, but that's what 10 years of development can do to an application. We do want to improve it but this takes time and we can't disappoint the current users by delaying new updates.Basically, we're stuck with its current design and to improve it, we need to make sure things are well-documented. That's what I'm working on now.
Only 30+ tables? Shouldn't take but a half hour or an hour to create all the relationships required. Which I'd urge you to do. Yes, I know that you state your code checks for those. But what if you've missed some? What if there are indeed orphaned records? How are you going to know? Or do you have bullet proof routines which go through all your tables looking for all these problems?
Use a largish 23" LCD monitor and have at it.
If your database does not have relationships defined somewhere other than code, there is no real way to guess how tables relate to each other.
Worse, you can't know the type of relationship and whether cascading of update and deletion should occur or not.
Having said that, if you followed some strict rules for naming your foreign key fields, then it could be possible to reconstruct the structure of the relationships.
For instance, I use a scheme like this one:
Table Product
- Field ID /* The Unique ID for a Product */
- Field Designation
- Field Cost
Table Order
- Field ID /* the unique ID for an Order */
- Field ProductID
- Field Quantity
The relationship is easy to detect when looking at the Order: Order.ProductID is related to Product.ID and this can easily be ascertain from code, going through each field.
If you have a similar scheme, then how much you can get out of it depends on how well you follow your own convention, but it could go to 100% accuracy although you're probably have some exceptions (that you can build-in your code or, better, look-up somewhere).
The other solution is if each of your table's unique ID is following a different numbering scheme.
Say your Order.ID is in fact following a scheme like OR001, OR002, etc and Product.ID follows PD001, PD002, etc.
In that case, going through all fields in all tables, you can search for FK records that match each PK.
If you're following a sane convention for naming your fields and tables, then you can probably automate the discovery of the relations between them, store that in a table and manually go through to make corrections.
Once you're done, use that result table to actually build the relationships from code using the Database.CreateRelation() method (look up the Access documentation, there is sample code for it).
You can build a small piece of VBA code, divided in 2 parts:
Step 1 implements the database relations with the database.createrelation method
Step 2 deleted all created relations with the database.delete command
As Tony said, 30 tables are not that much, and the script should be easy to set. Once this set, stop the process after step 1, run the access documenter (tools\analyse\documenter) to get your documentation ready, launch step 2. Your database will then be unchanged and your documentation ready.
I advise you to keep this code and run it regularly against your database to check that your relational model sticks to the data.
There might be a tool out there that might be able to "guess" the relations but I doubt it. Frankly I am scared of databases without proper foreign keys in particular and multi user apps that uses Access as a DBMS as well.
I guess that the app must be some sort of internal tool, otherwise I would suggest that you move to a proper DBMS ( SQL Express is for free) and adds the foreign keys.
