SSIS - Log to table other than SYSSSISLOG - sql-server

SSIS seems to insist on logging to the system table SYSSSISLOG. Is there a way to make it use a different table?
I want each package to log to a different table.

Quick answer is the same as John Sansom's answer: When logging is used, it creates a table and a stored proc (name varies with version between 2005 and 2008) The stored proc can be modified to do whatever you want. If the stored proc is removed Sql server re-creates it, but if the stored proc is there, Sql server assumes it is OK and leaves it alone. This allows you to modify the stored proc to write to whatever table/tables you want.

Well, you can query that huge-ass log table with something like this:
--first, we identify the packages
;with DetectedPackages as (
select source, s.executionid
from dbo.sysssislog as s
where event = 'PackageStart'
group by source, s.executionid
--then we use those executionids to display results
select * from dbo.sysssislog as s
join DetectedPackages dp on s.executionid = dp.executionid
where dp.source = 'PackageName'
And if you want to encapsulate every package in a view, now you know how to do that.

Take a look at the following article over on SQL Server Central, you may need to register but it's free to do so and you will find the site to be excellent SQL Server resource.
The article details how to implement a custom Log Provider that redirects the SSIS log output to another table. Using this implementation as your framework you could extend it to meet your requirements.
SSIS Custom Logging the Easy Way

The above is quite correct however not written well. When you specify your logging in SSIS you can log to a specific data provider IE SSIS Log provider for SQL Server. When you point this to a specific database it will create a [dbo].[sysssislog] table under the System Tables folder in your database. If you navigate in SSMS to your database and programmability -> Stored Procedures there will be a procedure called [dbo].[sp_ssis_addlogentry] this will insert log entries from SSIS. You can repoint this stored procedure to point to the table you want to log to instead of the one generated by SSIS within your database.


Dynamically create destination table from source server with SSIS

I need a bit advice how to solve the following task:
I got a source system based on IBM DB2 (IBMDA400) which has a lot of tables that changes rapidly and daily in structure. I must load specified tables from the DB2 into a MSSQL 2008 R2 Server. Therefore i thought using SSIS is the best choice.
My first attempt was just to add both datasources, drop all tables in MSSQL and recreate them with a "Select * Into #Table From #Table". But I was not able to get this working because I could not connect both OLEDB Connections. I also tried this with an Openrowset statement but the SQL Server does not allow that for security reasons and I am not allowed to change that.
My second try was to manually read the tables from the source and drop and recreate the tables with a for each loop and then load the data via the Data Flow Task. But I got stuck on getting the meta data from the Execute SQL Task... so i dont got the column names and types.
I can not believe that this is too hard to archieve. Why is there no "create table if not exist" checkbox on the Data Flow Task?
Of course i searched for the problem here before but could not find a solution.
Thanks in advance,
This is the solution i got at the end:
Create a File/Table which is used for selection of the source tables.
Important: Create a linked Server on your SQL Instance or a working Connectionstring for the OPENROWSET (i was not able to do so - i choosed the linked server)
Query source File/Table
Build a loop through the resultset
Use Variables and Script Task to build your query
Drop the destination table
Build another Querystring with INSERT INTO TABLE FROM OPENROWSET (or if you used linked Server OPENQUERY)
Execute this Statement
As i said above i am not quite happy with this but for now it should be ok. I will update this if i got another solution.

getting SQL from one database to create a similar database using only SQL

I want to dump one SQL Server database - get all SQL code necessary to create a similar database. I have full online rights to DatabaseA, I can feed it with SQL and get the results back in rows in a table.
I do not have the possibility to use Enterprise Manager, any applications, utilities or the like. I can only feed it with pure SQL.
What I am after is SQL code, like CREATE TABLE and so on. So that I just can paste this into a query and voila - tables, procedures, functions are created in DatabaseB.
I will not copy the data.
This partly does what I want, it gives me procedures and functions:
Select object_Name(object_ID),definition from sys.SQL_Modules
But not for tables.
You can use the command line or you can create a stored procedure to create a back up, then use that backup to create a new database. I have used the command line often. Here is a previous Stack question that has a command line example and a link to a stored procedure example.
You can generate scripts in SQL Server Management Studio for an entire database or specific database objects.
To do this, right click the database then select Tasks then select Generate Scripts.
It will then open a wizard which will give you the option to choose to script the full database or just specific database objects.

regarding sql server transaction log

if some one delete any object from my database like table,view,sp etc then how can get those detail like who delete and when delete from transaction log. is it possible. please tell me easy way to read transaction log as a result i can get those detail properly.
No, ransaction log was created for different purposes. There are some product different vendors which is trying to get information from transaction log, but it is not right way.
who delete and when delete
If you need this information you need to create triggers to table for delete or update and collect this information.
If you use MS SQL 2008 you can use Change Data Capture feature.
Apparently you could use a third part product such as Apex SQL Log, although personally I have not used it.
Dependant on how recent the incident occured, you may also be able to extract the information you require from the built in reports in SQL Server 2005 such as the Schema Changes History Report. This information is accessable to you via means of the Default Trace. See using the Default Trace for details.
What you really need to take away from your incident is to use the lesson to devise a schema audit strategy for your environment. There are plenty of articles on the internet that detail how this can be achieved using Triggers. For example see Using DDL Triggers in SQL Server 2005 to Capture Schema Changes
You can restore the database (without overwriting it!) from a full backup / transaction log backup and then copy the deleted objects from there. It's good practice to save the source code for your stored procedures, views and tables outside the database, usually in a source control system, so you don't have to restore database backup to get them.
You can use either DDL triggers or The SQL Server Audit feature
DDL triggers fire on CREATE, ALTER, DROP, and operations related to database object security settings (e.g. GRANT, DENY…)
In the following example, a DDL trigger tracks the CREATE, ALTER, and DROP operations executed on database tables, stored procedures, functions, and views. The trigger example uses a previously created repository table (DDL_Events_by_DDL_TRIGGER) with appropriate rows
#event xml;
#event = EVENTDATA();
#event.query('data(/EVENT_INSTANCE/PostTime)')), 'T', ' ')
The repository table will contain (as specified in the trigger) DDL operations on the database schema, along with information about who, when, and what was altered
Another native method that can be used to determine whether a SQL Server database has been altered is the SQL Server Audit feature. The feature was introduced in SQL Server 2008 and it collects both server and database level actions raised by the SQL Server Extended Events feature. However, the database level action groups are available in SQL Server Enterprise and Developer editions only

How to generate a sql script to update existing database and retain its data

I have a SQL Server 2008 database (call it productionDB) that contains data and will be used in a production environment.
I have another SQL Server 2008 database (call it stagingDB) that is used in a staging environment.
The application that I am working on continues to evolve such that I am often making changes to the database schema (namely adding/editing tables and adding/editing stored procedures).
Up to this point, every time I have made changes to stagingDB I have generated scripts (via the SQL Server Scripts Wizard) that will drop/create all the schema. So, when I ran the scripts on the productionDB, it would successfully get updated to the updated schema, but all data that productionDB had would be lost - which has been fine, up til now.
Moving forward, I would like to generate scripts that will keep the existing data in productionDB as well as update its schema.
I cannot find an option(s) in the SQL Server Scripts Wizard that will do what I am describing.
Is the SQL Server Scripts Wizard capable of doing what I am looking for? If so, how?
Drop/recreate is a broadsword; you have to be more surgical. Here are some pseudocode examples:
Adding a new column:
if not exists (select your column from syscolumns)
alter yourTable add
yourColumn (type) NULL
If it cannot be nullable, set a default value, or update the column to populate data, then alter the table and set the column to be NOT NULL.
Renaming a column:
if not exists (select your column from syscolumns)
alter yourTable add yourColumn <type> NULL
update yourTable set yourColumn = oldColumn
alter yourTable drop oldColumn
Renaming a table:
if not exists (select your table from sysobjects)
create yourTable
<your columns here>
insert into yourTable ( <columns> ) select ( <columns> ) from oldTable
delete from oldTable
drop table oldTable
Notice a common theme; first, you must check to see if you've already performed this update, by checking for the existence of the updated schema elements. Then, add or drop only what's necessary, in the order add schema->migrate data->drop schema. It's a little more work to code, but it will run faster and save your data.
I'm not really aware of any way in SQL Server to automatically do what you want, but you may find commercial applications (Such as those supplied by companies like RedGate) that do what you want, but it is a very complex subject matter and there will always be scenarios that can't really be managed. I've always found a better scenario to script your modifications to Staging in such a way that they can be re-run against live. So you write scripts to amend the table structure - that way you maintain both the staging and live data when the scripts are run.
Your main problem will be that the SQL Server Script Wizard has no clue what state your database is in you will run the script against.
Thus, it does not know what differences to apply, e.g.: When to use alter table or when to use create table.
Yes, the script can add a If Not Exist clause, but that also doesn't know what to do when your table exists but needs an extra 2 columns. The SQL Server Script Wizard does not do a compare to another schema, it simply scripts your existing schema as is.
Depending on your version of SQL2008 you might have a version of BIDS installed along with SQL. In the start menu you should have your "Microsoft SQL Server 2008" folder, within that you have a link to "SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio" (BIDS).
Again, this will depend on the version of SQLServer2008. BIDS is the Visual Studio Development Environment.
Now, if you have that, depending on which version of BIDS you have (I think minnimum for schema compare tool is VS2008 SP1) you can create projects in there to compare 2 database schemas. The difference can then be scripted into a appropriate script.
I don't know myself how to do it in VS2008 as we are using VS2010 with an edition which has it fully implemented. I looked at VS2008 but could not find it in an obvious location. According to Google though VS2008 SP1 has a schema compare tool.
If all else fails, you going to have to search for a free or pay-for Schema Compare Tool, such as SQL Compare 8.2.
The idea is the same, you have to compare 2 schemas with each other to see what is different. Then decide what you want to push through from staging to Live and script it accordingly. The tools merely do most of the manual work for you.
You can manage the database using a visual studio database project (quite easy to create using a script for your database), then when you want to update an existing database, using the publish option against the database you want to update will generate a script to update the database and if required run the script against the database for you :)

SQL Command for generating schema text (similar to CreateTo or AlterTo)

SQL Server 2005. Is there a sql query that will return a text field containing the same type of schema info as you would find in doing a right click table -> Script Table As -> Create To (or Alter To) from SQL Server Management Studio ?
I'm looking for a single/flat format that describes the entire table, including constraints, indices, etc.
I am aware of:
sp_help table_name
but that doesn't provide the single flat format I'm looking for. Ideally it would be in a scriptable format, such as the AlterTo result that could be executed against the server.
This is for a scheduled process that documents table schemas on a nightly basis for checking in to version control (SVN).
Not really. A table def is a collection of columns, constraints etc.
There is an SVN plugin that may help called ScriptDB4SVN. I've not used it personally, I'm going on hearsay.
Was searching the 'net again for an answer to this, and came across this SO question. It doesn't accurately capture all the same data as SQL Management Studios Create-to, but enough for my purposes (scripting the database structure for version control purposes).
There is no such command in SQL Server. This is primarily because the Scripting facilitiy is actually in SMO and not in SQL Server itself. There are a number of free console command-line tools that can do it that you could call via xp_CmdShell.
However, if you really want to do this from T-SQL, then you will need a script or stored procedure that enumerates all of the tables attributes, columns, column datatypes, defaults, nullabilty, etc. etc. and then reassembles it into a CREATE TABLE script. This is a Huge task. That's the bad news. The good news is that someone (Lowell Izaguirre) has already done this and posted it in this article ( at SQLServerCentral.Com.
Not really - you can either use C# (or VB.NET) and SMO (SQL Management Objects) to script out your database objects (tables and all), or you can use SQL to get the list of columns for a table:
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Your Table Name here'
But I don't know of any easy way in SQL itself to create Create/Alter scripts for database objects, sorry.
