Those of you that are even moderately knowledgable of math will likely laugh, but I don't remember what much of the notation rules in math and I need assistance converting this into C code. Your help is greatly appreciated:
10,000 {(10,000 × [1+.0599/365] )} +300
answer = ────────────────────────────────────────────
Are you looking for a program to translate that for you, or just a one-off conversion?
If it's just a one off conversion, it's not that exciting.
Assuming I've read your syntax correctly:
double ans = 10000 * (10000 * pow(1.0 + 0.0599 / 365, 214) + 300;
ans /= (0.1 + pow(1.0 + (i / 365.0), 214));
I will say, though, that you may have an issue with raising things to that high of an exponent and dividing. More likely you will have to translate to logs and do your math in the log space, and convert afterwards.
What that might look like:
double lognumerator = log(10000) + log(10000) + 214 * log(1 + 0.0599 / 365);
double logdenominator = log(0.1 + exp(214 * log(1.0 + (i / 365.0))));
double ans = exp(lognumerator - logdenominator) + exp(log(300) - logdenominator);
The use of log may prevent you from hitting underflow, which you may very well hit with these types of computations.
Simple - just a couple of common mistakes to watch for.
Put a .0 after the constant numbers (especially in the denominator) so that 'c' treats the calculation as floating point math rather than integer.
In 'C' 100/1000 is 0 100/1000.0 is 0.1
Use brackets liberally- don't trust remembering the precedence rules.
You need to use * everywhere for multiplication 3(1+2) is not a multiplication.
The pow(x,y) function is used for x^y. Modern C++ compilers have optimized versions where y is an integer, so x^2 is much faster than x^2.0
Are you looking for the pow(x,y) function to calculate the power ?
(10000.0 ( ( 10000.0 * pow(1 + 0.0599/365.0, 214.0))) + 300.0 ) / (1 + pow(1 + i/365.0, 214.0))
I think I got that right. :)
Hope you're having a nice day.
I'm encountering a weird issue on my side. I am working on embedded C code on an STM32 F103 C8T6 micro controller on a custom BMS PCB, but I am having some issue with the code that calculates the actual temperature from the thermistor ADC value.
Through excel, we have determined that the equation we need to use to calculate the temperature in Celsius from the ADC value is: y = -0.5022x^5 + 6.665x^4 - 35.123x^3 + 92.559x^2 - 144.22x + 166.76.
So, in my code I have the following lines, with temp[i] being the raw ADC value and realTemp[i] being the converted value:
realTemp[i] = (double)(temp[i] / 10000);
realTemp[i] = -0.5022 * realTemp[i]*realTemp[i]*realTemp[i]*realTemp[i]*realTemp[i] + 6.665 * realTemp[i]*realTemp[i]*realTemp[i]*realTemp[i] - 35.123 * realTemp[i]*realTemp[i]*realTemp[i] + 92.559 * realTemp[i]*realTemp[i] - 144.22 * realTemp[i] + 166.76;
I am not using the pow function from math.h as it has given us issues in the past.
The values we are getting in our temp[i] variable are the following: 35480, 35496, 35393, 35480. When using these values with our function in excel, we are getting the correct output, between 25.3 and 25.5 Celsius, however the C code listed above is outputting 36 in the realTemp array. I am not sure about the decimal values, but I don't care about them because the value is typecast to a uint16 a few lines later to be transmitted over a CAN bus.
Use floating point division, not integer division.
// Integer division ------v-------------v
// realTemp[i] = (double)(temp[i] / 10000);
realTemp[i] = temp[i] / 10000.0;
The answer by Chux is correct, I just wanted to explain more why this works.
temp[i] is uint16, therefore the formula temp[i] / 10000 is integer division, and result will be the floor of (temp[i] / 10000). Thus, the final conversion to double is performed on a value which is floored already.
By converting 10000 to 10000.0, it means that the division of an integer with a float/double will perform floating division. By this, the result will be similar to what you expected.
As others have said, you are doing integer division then casting the result to a double - you need to do the division itself as a double.
Your code will be big and very slow on the micro-controller in question. This might not be an issue, assuming that temperature values don't usually change very often, so slow code could be fine for you.
You also need to be careful with high-degree polynomials - they can easily be unstable, especially if you try to extrapolate them to very high or low temperatures. This is a particularly risky if you decide to make the code faster by switching to a float.
A better method of this kind of thing is usually a lookup table (which can be big but is simpler to implement), or with a linear spline (which has smaller footprint but a bit more complex to implement).
I need to do a math to convert a 16-bit value received from sensor to real relative humidity value. It's calculated with following formula:
Given this in floating point math that would be:
uint16_t buf = 0x7C80; // Example
float rh = ((float)buf*125 / 65536)-6;
But I want to avoid floating point math as my platform are "FPUless".
What are the most effective way to calculate & store RH in integer math here? Considering it's humidity the actual value should be between 0 and 100% but sometimes approximation could lead that rh could be slightly less than 0 or higher than 100 (if I would leave that float, I could just do something like if (rh<0) rh=0; else if (rh>100) rh=100;) and I care only about last 2 digits after decimal point (%.2f).
Currently I've solved this like this:
int16_t rhint = ((uint32_t)buf*12500 / 65536)-600;
And working with rhint / 100; rhint % 100. But probably there are more effective way?
You could avoid the large intermediate term by writing the right hand side as
-6 + (128 - 4 + 1) * S / 65536
Which becomes
-6 + S / 512 - S / 16384 + S / 65536
You might be able to drop the last term, and possibly the penultimate one too depending on how precise you want the basis point truncation to be.
I'm trying to do the Steinhart-Hart temperature calculation on an Arduino. The equation is
I solved a system of 3 equations to obtain the values of A, B and C, which are:
A = 0.0164872
B = -0.00158538
C = 3.3813e-6
When I plug these into WolframAlpha to solve for T I get a value in Kelvins that makes sense:
T=1/(0.0164872-0.00158538*log2(10000)+3.3813E-6*(log2(10000))^3) solve for T
T = 298.145 Kelvins = 77 Fahrenheit
However when I try to use this equation on my Arduino, I get a very wrong answer, I suspect because doubles do not have enough precision. Here's what I'm using:
double temp = (1 / (A + B*log(R_therm) + C*pow(log(R_therm),3)));
This returns 222 Kelvin instead, which is way off.
So, how can I do a calculation like this in Arduino?? Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks.
Precision is not the main issue. Could even use float and powf(). A thermistor temperature calculation is not that accurate. After all the temperature is certainly not better than ±0.1°C accurate. Self heating of the thermistor is a larger factor.
OP's C code assumes log base 2, use log base e log() as the constants were derived using log base 2. #Martin R
// double temp = (1 / (A + B*log(R_therm) + C*pow(log(R_therm),3)));
double temp = (1 / (A + B*log(R_therm)/log(2) + C*pow(log(R_therm)/log(2),3)));`
Sample implementation, that avoids an unnecessary slow pow() call.
static const inv_ln2 = 1.4426950408889634073599246810019;
double ln2_R = log(R_therm)*inv_ln2;
double temp = 1.0 / (A + ln2_R*(B + C*ln2_R*ln2_R));
Yes, floating point arithmetic has limited precision on most arduinos.
Have you considered using fixed precision? If used correctly, this might give you better results. The requirement for this is to have rather narrow parameters, however, and be careful about unit conversions.
An unsigned long on arduino is 4 bytes too, so it can contain numbers up to 2^32-1. If using fixed point, you might want to replace this 1/T by something like 100000/T, where the numerator constant and T have been scaled according to the desired precision.
You will also need to keep a (mental or paper) model of the number of decimals each variable contains, in order to optimize the operation order not to lose precision.
For the log2 function, I doubt it is available out of the box for integers. You could either cast the result or reimplement it. There is plenty of ressources for this problem, even here on SO.
Reading the JM 18.4 reference software code I stumbled upon the following expression:
return ((int) floor(nbits * p_quad->m_Qc + 0.5))
The types are:
int nbits
int p_quad->m_Qc
Why would you add 0.5 and then floor the multiplication of two integers? Inspecting the results, they are the same as the multiplication alone.
In general, floor(x + 0.5) can be used to emulate round(x). However, this is only useful if x can take on non-integer values, so it seems superfluous in your case!
I am currently tightening floating-point numerics for an estimate of a value. (It's: p(k,t) for those who are interested.) Essentially, the utility can never yield an under-estimate of this value: the security of probable prime generation depends on a numerically robust implementation. While output results agree with the published values, I have used the DBL_EPSILON value to ensure that division, in particular, yields a result that is never less than the true value:
Consider: double x, y; /* assigned some values... */
The evaluation: r = x / y; occurs frequently, but these (finite precision) results may truncate significant digits from the true result - a possibly infinite precision rational expansion. I currently try to mitigate this by applying a bias to the numerator, i.e.,
r = ((1.0 + DBL_EPSILON) * x) / y;
If you know anything about this subject, p(k,t) is typically much smaller than most estimates - but it's simply not good enough to dismiss the issue with this "observation". I can of course state:
(((1.0 + DBL_EPSILON) * x) / y) >= (x / y)
Of course, I need to ensure that the 'biased' result is greater than, or equal to, the 'exact' value. While I am certain it has to do with manipulating or scaling DBL_EPSILON, I obviously want the 'biased' result to exceed the 'exact' result by a minimum - demonstrable under IEEE-754 arithmetic assumptions.
Yes, I've looked though Goldberg's paper, and I've searched for a robust solution. Please don't suggest manipulation of rounding modes. Ideally, I'm after an answer by someone with a very good grasp on floating-point theorems, or knows of a very well illustrated example.
EDIT: To clarify, (((1.0 + DBL_EPSILON) * x) / y) or a form (((1.0 + c) * x) / y), is not a prerequisite. This was simply an approach I was using as 'probably good enough', without having provided a solid basis for it. I can state that the numerator and denominator will not be special values: NaNs, Infs, etc., nor will the denominator be zero.
First: I know that you don't want to set the rounding mode, but it really should be said that
in terms of precision, as others have noted, setting the rounding mode will produce as good of an answer as possible. Specifically, assuming that x and y are both positive (which seems to be the case, but hasn't been explicitly stated in your question), the following is a standard C snippet with the desired effect[1]:
#include <math.h>
int OldRoundingMode = fegetround();
r = x/y;
Now, that aside, there are legitimate reasons not to want to change the rounding mode (some platforms don't support round-to-plus-infinity, on some platforms changing the rounding mode introduces a large serializing stall, etc etc), and your desire not to do so shouldn't be brushed aside so casually. So, respecting your question, what else can we do?
If your platform supports fused multiply-add, there's a very elegant solution available to you:
#include <math.h>
r = x/y;
if (fma(r,y,-x) < 0) r = nextafter(r, INFINITY);
On platforms with hardware fma support, this is very efficient. Even if fma( ) is implemented in software, it may be acceptable. This approach has the virtue that it will deliver the same result as would changing the rounding mode; that is, the tightest bound possible.
If your platform's C library is antediluvian and does not provide fma, there is still hope. Your claimed statement is correct (assuming no denormal values, at least -- I would need to think more about what happens for denormals); (1.0+DBL_EPSILON)*x/y really is always greater than or equal to the infinitely precise x/y. It will sometimes be one ulp larger than the smallest value with this property, but that's a very small and probably acceptable margin. The proof of these claims is pretty fussy, and probably not suitable for StackOverflow, but I'll give a quick sketch:
Ignoring denormals, it suffices to restrict ourselves to x, y in [1.0, 2.0).
(1.0 + eps)*x >= x + eps > x. To see this, observe:
(1.0 + eps)*x = x + x*eps >= x + eps > x.
Let P be the mathematically precise x/y. We have:
(1.0 + eps)*x/y >= (x + eps)/y = x/y + eps/y = P + eps/y
Now, y is bounded above by 2, so this gives us:
(1.0 + eps)*x/y > P + eps/2
which is sufficient to guarantee that the result rounds to a value >= P. This also shows us the way to a tighter bound. We could instead use nextafter(x,INFINITY)/y to get the desired effect with a tighter bound in many cases. (nextafter(x,INFINITY) is always x + ulp, whereas (1.0 + eps)*x will be x + 2ulp half of the time. If you want to avoid calling the nextafter library function, you can use (x + (0.75*DBL_EPSILON)*x) instead to get the same result, under the working assumption of positive normal values).
In order to be really pedantically correct, this would become significantly more complicated. No one really writes code like this, but it would be along these lines:
#include <math.h>
#if defined FE_UPWARD
int OldRoundingMode = fegetround();
if (OldRoundingMode < 0) goto Error;
if (fesetround(FE_UPWARD)) goto Error;
r = x/y;
if (fesetround(OldRoundingMode)) goto TrulyHosed;
return r;
// we established the desired rounding mode and did our computation,
// but now we can't set it back to the original mode. I have no idea
// how you handle this gracefully.
// we can't establish the desired rounding mode, so fall back on
// something else.