How to get a pointer to a binary section in MSVC? - c

I'm writing some code which stores some data structures in a special named binary section. These are all instances of the same struct which are scattered across many C files and are not within scope of each other. By placing them all in the named section I can iterate over all of them.
In GCC, I use _attribute_((section(...)) plus some specially named extern pointers which are magically filled in by the linker. Here's a trivial example:
#include <stdio.h>
extern int __start___mysection[];
extern int __stop___mysection[];
static int x __attribute__((section("__mysection"))) = 4;
static int y __attribute__((section("__mysection"))) = 10;
static int z __attribute__((section("__mysection"))) = 22;
#define SECTION_SIZE(sect) \
((size_t)((__stop_##sect - __start_##sect)))
int main(void)
size_t sz = SECTION_SIZE(__mysection);
int i;
printf("Section size is %u\n", sz);
for (i=0; i < sz; i++) {
printf("%d\n", __start___mysection[i]);
return 0;
I'm trying to figure out how to do this in MSVC but I'm drawing a blank. I see from the compiler documentation that I can declare the section using __pragma(section(...)) and declare data to be in that section with __declspec(allocate(...)) but I can't see how I can get a pointer to the start and end of the section at runtime.
I've seen some examples on the web related to doing _attribute_((constructor)) in MSVC, but it seems like hacking specific to CRT and not a general way to get a pointer to the beginning/end of a section. Anyone have any ideas?

There is also a way to do this with out using an assembly file.
#pragma section(".init$a")
#pragma section(".init$u")
#pragma section(".init$z")
__declspec(allocate(".init$a")) int InitSectionStart = 0;
__declspec(allocate(".init$z")) int InitSectionEnd = 0;
__declspec(allocate(".init$u")) int token1 = 0xdeadbeef;
__declspec(allocate(".init$u")) int token2 = 0xdeadc0de;
The first 3 line defines the segments. These define the sections and take the place of the assembly file. Unlike the data_seg pragma, the section pragma only create the section.
The __declspec(allocate()) lines tell the compiler to put the item in that segment.
From the microsoft page:
The order here is important. Section names must be 8 characters or less. The sections with the same name before the $ are merged into one section. The order that they are merged is determined by sorting the characters after the $.
Another important point to remember are sections are 0 padded to 256 bytes. The START and END pointers will NOT be directly before and after as you would expect.
If you setup your table to be pointers to functions or other none NULL values, it should be easy to skip NULL entries before and after the table, due to the section padding
See this msdn page for more details

First of all, you'll need to create an ASM-file containing all the sections you are interested (for ex., section.asm):
.model flat
PUBLIC C __InitSectionStart
PUBLIC C __InitSectionEnd
__InitSectionStart EQU $
__InitSectionEnd EQU $
Next, in your code you can use the following:
#pragma data_seg(".init$u")
int token1 = 0xdeadbeef;
int token2 = 0xdeadc0de;
#pragma data_seg()
This gives such a MAP-file:
Start Length Name Class
0003:00000000 00000000H .init$a DATA
0003:00000000 00000008H .init$u DATA
0003:00000008 00000000H .init$z DATA
Address Publics by Value Rva+Base Lib:Object
0003:00000000 ?token1##3HA 10005000 dllmain.obj
0003:00000000 ___InitSectionStart 10005000 section.obj
0003:00000004 ?token2##3HA 10005004 dllmain.obj
0003:00000008 ___InitSectionEnd 10005008 section.obj
So, as you can see it, the section with the name .init$u is placed between .init$a and .init$z and this gives you ability to get the pointer to the begin of the data via __InitSectionStart symbol and to the end of data via __InitSectionEnd symbol.

I was experimenting here a bit and tried to implement the version without an assembly file, however was struggling with the random number of padding bytes between the sections, which makes it almost impossible to find the start of the .init$u section part if content isn't just pointers or other simple items that could be checked for NULL or some other known pattern.
Whether padding is inserted seems to correlate with the use of debug option Zi. When given, padding is inserted, without, all sections appear exactly in the way one would like to have them.

ML64 allows to cut a lot of the assembly noise :
public foo_start
public foo_stop
.code foo$a
.code foo$z


How to share variables between two functions without declaring it a global variable in C language

I've been reading through a lot of answers, and there are a lot of opinions about this but I wasn't able to find a code that answers my question (I found a lot of code that answers "how to share variables by declaring")
Here's the situation:
Working with embedded systems
Using IAR workbench systems
STM32F4xx HAL drivers
Declaring global variables is not an option (Edit: Something to do with keeping the memory size small, so local variables disappear at the end of scope but the global variable stay around. The local variables were sent out as outputs, so we discard them right away as we don't need them)
C language
in case this is important: 2 .c files, and 1 .h is included in both
Now that's out of the way, let me write an example.
file1.c - Monitoring
void function(){
uint8_t varFlag[10]; // 10 devices
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++)
while (timeout <= 0){
varFlag[i] = 1;
// wait for response. We'll know by the ack() function
// if response back from RX,
// then varFlag[i] = 0;
file2.c - RX side
// listening... once indicated, this function is called
// ack is not called in function(), it is called when
// there's notification that there is a received message
// (otherwise I would be able to use a pointer to change
// the value of varFlag[]
void ack(uint8_t indexDevice)
// indexDevice = which device was acknowledged? we have 10 devices
// goal here is to somehow do varFlag[indexDevice] = 0
// where varFlag[] is declared in the function()
You share values or data, not variables. Stricto sensu, variables do not exist at runtime; only the compiler knows them (at most, with -g, it might put some metadata such as offset & type of locals in the debugging section -which is usually stripped in production code- of the executable). Ther linker symbol table (for global variables) can, and often is, stripped in a embedded released ELF binary. At runtime you have some data segment, and probably a call stack made of call frames (which hold some local variables, i.e. their values, in some slots). At runtime only locations are relevant.
(some embedded processors have severe restrictions on their call stack; other have limited RAM, or scratchpad memory; so it would be helpful to know what actual processor & ISA you are targeting, and have an idea of how much RAM you have)
So have some global variables keeping these shared values (perhaps indirectly thru some pointers and data structures), or pass these values (perhaps indirectly, likewise...) thru arguments.
So if you want to share the ten bytes varFlag[10] array:
it looks like you don't want to declare uint8_t varFlag[10]; as a global (or static) variable. Are you sure you really should not (these ten bytes have to sit somewhere, and they do consume some RAM anyway, perhaps in your call stack....)?
pass the varFlag (array, decayed to pointer when passed as argument) as an argument, so perhaps declare:
void ack(uint8_t indexDevice, uint8_t*flags);
and call ack(3,varFlag) from function...
or declare a global pointer:
and set it (using globflags = varFlag;) at the start of the function declaring varFlag as a local variable, and clear if (using globflags = NULL;) at the end of that function.
I would suggest you to look at the assembler code produced by your compiler (with GCC you might compile with gcc -S -Os -fverbose-asm -fstack-usage ....). I also strongly suggest you to get your code reviewed by a colleague...
PS. Perhaps you should use GCC or Clang/LLVM as a cross-compiler, and perhaps your IAR is actually using such a compiler...
Your argument for not using global variables:
Something to do with keeping the memory size small, so local variables disappear at the end of scope but the global variable stay around. The local variables were sent out as outputs, so we discard them right away as we don't need them
confuses lifetime with scope. Variables with static lifetime occupy memory permanently regardless of scope (or visibility). A variable with global scope happens to also be statically allocated, but then so is any other static variable.
In order to share a variable across contexts it must necessarily be static, so there is no memory saving by avoiding global variables. There are however plenty of other stronger arguments for avoiding global variables and you should read A Pox on Globals by Jack Ganssle.
C supports three-levels of scope:
function (inside a function)
translation-unit (static linkage, outside a function)
global (external linkage)
The second of these allows variable to be directly visible amongst functions in the same source file, while external linkage allows direct visibility between multiple source files. However you want to avoid direct access in most cases since that is the root of the fundamental problem with global variables. You can do this using accessor functions; to use your example you might add a file3.c containing:
#include "file3.h"
static uint8_t varFlag[10];
void setFlag( size_t n )
if( n < sizeof(varFlag) )
varFlag[n] = 1 ;
void clrFlag( size_t n )
if( n < sizeof(varFlag) )
varFlag[n] = 0 ;
uint8_t getFlag( size_t n )
return varFlag[n] == 0 ? 0 : 1 ;
With an associated header file3.h
#if !defined FILE3_INCLUDE
void setFlag( size_t n ) ;
void clrFlag( size_t n ) ;
uint8_t getFlag( size_t n ) ;
which file1.c and file2.c include so they can access varFlag[] via the accessor functions. The benefits include:
varFlag[] is not directly accessible
the functions can enforce valid values
in a debugger you can set a breakpoint catch specifically set, clear or read access form anywhere in the code.
the internal data representation is hidden
Critically the avoidance of a global variable does not save you memory - the data is still statically allocated - because you cannot get something for nothing varFlag[] has to exist, even if it is not visible. That said, the last point about internal representation does provide a potential for storage efficiency, because you could change your flag representation from uint8_t to single bit-flags without having to change interface to the data or the accessing the accessing code:
#include <limits.h>
#include "file3.h"
static uint16_t varFlags ;
void setFlag( size_t n )
if( n < sizeof(varFlags) * CHAR_BIT )
varFlags |= 0x0001 << n ;
void clrFlag( size_t n )
if( n < sizeof(varFlags) * CHAR_BIT )
varFlags &= ~(0x0001 << n) ;
uint8_t getFlag( size_t n )
return (varFlags & (0x0001 << n)) == 0 ? 0 : 1 ;
There are further opportunities to produce robust code, for example you might make only the read accessor (getter) publicly visible and hide the so that all but one translation unit has read-only access.
Put the functions into a seperate translation unit and use a static variable:
static type var_to_share = ...;
void function() {
void ack() {
Note that I said translation unit, not file. You can do some #include magic (in the cleanest way possible) to keep both function definitions apart.
Unfortunately you can't in C.
The only way to do such thing is with assemply.

Simple C Kernel char Pointers Aren't Working

I am trying to make a simple kernel using C. Everything loads and works fine, and I can access the video memory and display characters, but when i try to implement a simple puts function for some reason it doesn't work. I've tried my own code and other's. Also, when I try to use a variable which is declared outside a function it doesn't seem to work. This is my own code:
#define PUTCH(C, X) pos = putc(C, X, pos)
#define PUTSTR(C, X) pos = puts(C, X, pos)
int putc(char c, char color, int spos) {
volatile char *vidmem = (volatile char*)(0xB8000);
if (c == '\n') {
spos += (160-(spos % 160));
} else {
vidmem[spos] = c;
vidmem[spos+1] = color;
spos += 2;
return spos;
int puts(char* str, char color, int spos) {
while (*str != '\0') {
spos = putc(*str, color, spos);
return spos;
int kmain(void) {
int pos = 0;
PUTSTR("Hello, world!", 6);
return 0;
The spos (starting position) stuff is because I can't make a global position variable. putc works fine, but puts doesn't. I also tried this:
unsigned int k_printf(char *message, unsigned int line) // the message and then the line #
char *vidmem = (char *) 0xb8000;
unsigned int i=0;
if(*message=='\n') // check for a new line
} else {
int kmain(void) {
k_printf("Hello, world!", 0);
return 0;
Why doesn't this work? I tried using my puts implementation with my native GCC (without the color and spos data and using printf("%c")) and it worked fine.
Since you're having an issue with global variables in general, the problem most likely has to-do with where the linker is placing your "Hello World" string literal in memory. This is due to the fact that string literals are typically stored in a read-only portion of global memory by the linker ... You have not detailed exactly how you are compiling and linking your kernel, so I would attempt something like the following and see if that works:
int kmain(void)
char array[] = "Hello World\n";
int pos = 0;
puts(array, 0, pos);
return 0;
This will allocate the character array on the stack rather than global memory, and avoid any issues with where the linker decides to place global variables.
In general, when creating a simple kernel, you want to compile and link it as a flat binary with no dependencies on external OS libraries. If you're working with a multiboot compliant boot-loader like GRUB, you may want to look at the bare-bones sample code from the multiboot specification pages.
Since this got references outside of SO, I'll add a universal answer
There are several kernel examples around the internet, and many are in various states of degradation - the Multiboot sample code for instance lacks compilation instructions. If you're looking for a working start, a known good example can be found at
In the end there are three things that should be properly dealt with:
The bootloader will need to properly load the kernel, and as such they must agree on a certain format. GRUB defines the fairly common standard that is Multiboot, but you can roll your own. It boils down that you need to choose a file format and locations where all the parts of your kernel and related metadata end up in memory before the kernel code will ever get executed. One would typically use the ELF format with multiboot which contains that information in its headers
The compiler must be able to create binary code that is relevant to the platform. A typical PC boots in 16-bit mode after which the BIOS or bootloader might often decide to change it. Typically, if you use GRUB legacy, the Multiboot standard puts you in 32-bit mode by its contract. If you used the default compiler settings on a 64-bit linux, you end up with code for the wrong architecture (which happens to be sufficiently similar that you might get something that looks like the result you want). Compilers also like to rename sections or include platform-specific mechanisms and security features such as stack probing or canaries. Especially compilers on windows tend to inject host-specific code that of course breaks when run without the presence of Windows. The example provided deliberately uses a separate compiler to prevent all sorts of problems in this category.these
The linker must be able to combine the code in ways needed to create output that adheres to the bootloader's contract. A linker has a default way of generating a binary, and typically it's not at all what you want. In pretty much all cases, choosing gnu ld for this task means that you're required to write a linker script that puts all the sections in the places where you want. Omitted sections will result in data going missing, sections at the wrong location might make an image unbootable. Assuming you have gnu ld, you can also use the bundled nm and objdump tools besides your hex editor of choice to tell you where things have appeared in your output binary, and with it, check if you've been following the contract that has been set for you.
Problems of this fundamental type are eventually tracked back to not following one or more of the steps above. Use the reference at the top of this answer and go find the differences.

user process memory mapping — is the bss section always the same size?

This may be an older query but I could not find any satisfactory answer so far.
To check the memory map of a file I wrote a small hello program.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
return 0;
Now after compilation, when I use command size on its object file I get:
# size hello
text data bss dec hex filename
1133 492 16 1641 669 hello
I checked the size for other files too. I always get bss as 16. Is bss fixed? Is this included in data or it is out of it. I mean is this 16 is included in 492 or not. As far as I understand, bss is uninitialized data segment.
The size of the BSS section varies between programs. It describes the amount of data that is initialized with 'all bytes zero'. The zeroes are not actually stored in the object file, but the size of the BSS section is stored.
The data section contains the initial values of all data structures that are not initialized to 'all bytes zero'; it too varies between programs. It does not include the space included in the BSS section.
You'd get a bigger BSS section with a program like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
enum { A_SIZE = 100 };
static int a[A_SIZE];
int main(void)
for (int i = 0; i < A_SIZE; i++)
a[i] = i;
for (int i = A_SIZE; i > 0; i--)
int j = rand() % i; // Not good random number generation!
int t = a[j];
a[j] = a[i-1];
a[i-1] = t;
for (int i = 0; i < A_SIZE; i++)
printf("%d\n", a[i]);
return 0;
The code shuffles the numbers from 0 to 99, with some bias in the random number generation (so it isn't a perfect shuffle, but that really isn't the point of the exercise — it is just non-trivial code that uses a static array, even though a local variable would be sufficient). When I run size (on Ubuntu 13.10), I get:
text data bss dec hex filename
1593 584 432 2609 a31 shuffle
For comparison, on the 'hello' program in the question, I get:
text data bss dec hex filename
1200 560 8 1768 6e8 hello
The main difference is that the array a occupies 400 bytes; the other 24 bytes of BSS belong to other code.
Nice article on wikipedia describes what's .bss. This is a segment containing statically allocated variables. Thus, it's size is included in object file size and not fixed.
Your query related .bss has been answer already; but if you are looking into memory mapping which seems to be purpose as per your query statement may I suggest using utilities like readelf, objdump & nm instead of size for a more detailed diagnostics . Also you may want to explore map files for gcc which can be generated through linker options -Wl,-M to console (stdout) or using -Wl,-Map,<map_file_name> which provide symbol mapping by ld & global storage.
P.S: A very well answered query related to .bss on SO : Do .bss section zero initialized variables occupy space in elf file?
BSS would have been larger if you had for example an un-initialised array:
E.g. char bss[100];
Essentially, every static variable that is not initialised goes into BSS.

How to write self modifying code in C?

I want to write a piece of code that changes itself continuously, even if the change is insignificant.
For example maybe something like
for i in 1 to 100, do
x := 200
for j in 200 downto 1, do
do something
Suppose I want that my code should after first iteration change the line x := 200 to some other line x := 199 and then after next iteration change it to x := 198 and so on.
Is writing such a code possible ? Would I need to use inline assembly for that ?
Here is why I want to do it in C:
This program will be run on an experimental operating system and I can't / don't know how to use programs compiled from other languages. The real reason I need such a code is because this code is being run on a guest operating system on a virtual machine. The hypervisor is a binary translator that is translating chunks of code. The translator does some optimizations. It only translates the chunks of code once. The next time the same chunk is used in the guest, the translator will use the previously translated result. Now, if the code gets modified on the fly, then the translator notices that, and marks its previous translation as stale. Thus forcing a re-translation of the same code. This is what I want to achieve, to force the translator to do many translations. Typically these chunks are instructions between to branch instructions (such as jump instructions). I just think that self modifying code would be fantastic way to achieve this.
You might want to consider writing a virtual machine in C, where you can build your own self-modifying code.
If you wish to write self-modifying executables, much depends on the operating system you are targeting. You might approach your desired solution by modifying the in-memory program image. To do so, you would obtain the in-memory address of your program's code bytes. Then, you might manipulate the operating system protection on this memory range, allowing you to modify the bytes without encountering an Access Violation or '''SIG_SEGV'''. Finally, you would use pointers (perhaps '''unsigned char *''' pointers, possibly '''unsigned long *''' as on RISC machines) to modify the opcodes of the compiled program.
A key point is that you will be modifying machine code of the target architecture. There is no canonical format for C code while it is running -- C is a specification of a textual input file to a compiler.
Sorry, I am answering a bit late, but I think I found exactly what you are looking for :
In this article, they change the value of a constant by injecting assembly in the stack. Then they execute a shellcode by modifying the memory of a function on the stack.
Below is the first code :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
void foo(void);
int change_page_permissions_of_address(void *addr);
int main(void) {
void *foo_addr = (void*)foo;
// Change the permissions of the page that contains foo() to read, write, and execute
// This assumes that foo() is fully contained by a single page
if(change_page_permissions_of_address(foo_addr) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error while changing page permissions of foo(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 1;
// Call the unmodified foo()
puts("Calling foo...");
// Change the immediate value in the addl instruction in foo() to 42
unsigned char *instruction = (unsigned char*)foo_addr + 18;
*instruction = 0x2A;
// Call the modified foo()
puts("Calling foo...");
return 0;
void foo(void) {
int i=0;
printf("i: %d\n", i);
int change_page_permissions_of_address(void *addr) {
// Move the pointer to the page boundary
int page_size = getpagesize();
addr -= (unsigned long)addr % page_size;
if(mprotect(addr, page_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC) == -1) {
return -1;
return 0;
It is possible, but it's most probably not portably possible and you may have to contend with read-only memory segments for the running code and other obstacles put in place by your OS.
This would be a good start. Essentially Lisp functionality in C:
Depending on how much freedom you need, you may be able to accomplish what you want by using function pointers. Using your pseudocode as a jumping-off point, consider the case where we want to modify that variable x in different ways as the loop index i changes. We could do something like this:
#include <stdio.h>
void multiply_x (int * x, int multiplier)
*x *= multiplier;
void add_to_x (int * x, int increment)
*x += increment;
int main (void)
int x = 0;
int i;
void (*fp)(int *, int);
for (i = 1; i < 6; ++i) {
fp = (i % 2) ? add_to_x : multiply_x;
fp(&x, i);
printf("%d\n", x);
return 0;
The output, when we compile and run the program, is:
Obviously, this will only work if you have finite number of things you want to do with x on each run through. In order to make the changes persistent (which is part of what you want from "self-modification"), you would want to make the function-pointer variable either global or static. I'm not sure I really can recommend this approach, because there are often simpler and clearer ways of accomplishing this sort of thing.
A self-interpreting language (not hard-compiled and linked like C) might be better for that. Perl, javascript, PHP have the evil eval() function that might be suited to your purpose. By it, you could have a string of code that you constantly modify and then execute via eval().
The suggestion about implementing LISP in C and then using that is solid, due to portability concerns. But if you really wanted to, this could also be implemented in the other direction on many systems, by loading your program's bytecode into memory and then returning to it.
There's a couple of ways you could attempt to do that. One way is via a buffer overflow exploit. Another would be to use mprotect() to make the code section writable, and then modify compiler-created functions.
Techniques like this are fun for programming challenges and obfuscated competitions, but given how unreadable your code would be combined with the fact you're exploiting what C considers undefined behavior, they're best avoided in production environments.
In standard C11 (read n1570), you cannot write self modifying code (at least without undefined behavior). Conceptually at least, the code segment is read-only.
You might consider extending the code of your program with plugins using your dynamic linker. This require operating system specific functions. On POSIX, use dlopen (and probably dlsym to get newly loaded function pointers). You could then overwrite function pointers with the address of new ones.
Perhaps you could use some JIT-compiling library (like libgccjit or asmjit) to achieve your goals. You'll get fresh function addresses and put them in your function pointers.
Remember that a C compiler can generate code of various size for a given function call or jump, so even overwriting that in a machine specific way is brittle.
My friend and I encountered this problem while working on a game that self-modifies its code. We allow the user to rewrite code snippets in x86 assembly.
This just requires leveraging two libraries -- an assembler, and a disassembler:
FASM assembler:
Udis86 disassembler:
We read instructions using the disassembler, let the user edit them, convert the new instructions to bytes with the assembler, and write them back to memory. The write-back requires using VirtualProtect on windows to change page permissions to allow editing the code. On Unix you have to use mprotect instead.
I posted an article on how we did it, as well as the sample code.
These examples are on Windows using C++, but it should be very easy to make cross-platform and C only.
This is how to do it on windows with c++. You'll have to VirtualAlloc a byte array with read/write protections, copy your code there, and VirtualProtect it with read/execute protections. Here's how you dynamically create a function that does nothing and returns.
#include <cstdio>
#include <Memoryapi.h>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned char byte;
int main(int argc, char** argv){
byte bytes [] = { 0x48, 0x31, 0xC0, 0x48, 0x83, 0xC0, 0x0F, 0xC3 }; //put code here
//xor %rax, %rax
//add %rax, 15
int size = sizeof(bytes);
void* meth = VirtualAlloc(NULL, size, MEM_COMMIT, protect);
byte* write = (byte*) meth;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
write[i] = bytes[i];
if(VirtualProtect(meth, size, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &protect)){
typedef int (*fptr)();
fptr my_fptr = reinterpret_cast<fptr>(reinterpret_cast<long>(meth));
int number = my_fptr();
for(int i = 0; i < number; i++){
printf("I will say this 15 times!\n");
return 0;
} else{
printf("Unable to VirtualProtect code with execute protection!\n");
return 1;
You assemble the code using this tool.
While "true" self modifying code in C is impossible (the assembly way feels like slight cheat, because at this point, we're writing self modifying code in assembly and not in C, which was the original question), there might be a pure C way to make the similar effect of statements paradoxically not doing what you think are supposed do to. I say paradoxically, because both the ASM self modifying code and the following C snippet might not superficially/intuitively make sense, but are logical if you put intuition aside and do a logical analysis, which is the discrepancy which makes paradox a paradox.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
struct Foo
char a;
char b[4];
} foo;
foo.a = 42;
strncpy(foo.b, "foo", 3);
printf("foo.a=%i, foo.b=\"%s\"\n", foo.a, foo.b);
*(int*)&foo.a = 1918984746;
printf("foo.a=%i, foo.b=\"%s\"\n", foo.a, foo.b);
return 0;
$ gcc -o foo foo.c && ./foo
foo.a=42, foo.b="foo"
foo.a=42, foo.b="bar"
First, we change the value of foo.a and foo.b and print the struct. Then we change only the value of foo.a, but observe the output.

Finding the address range of the data segment

As a programming exercise, I am writing a mark-and-sweep garbage collector in C. I wish to scan the data segment (globals, etc.) for pointers to allocated memory, but I don't know how to get the range of the addresses of this segment. How could I do this?
If you're working on Windows, then there are Windows API that would help you.
//store the base address the loaded Module
dllImageBase = (char*)hModule; //suppose hModule is the handle to the loaded Module (.exe or .dll)
//get the address of NT Header
IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *pNtHdr = ImageNtHeader(hModule);
//after Nt headers comes the table of section, so get the addess of section table
ImageSectionInfo *pSectionInfo = NULL;
//iterate through the list of all sections, and check the section name in the if conditon. etc
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pNtHdr->FileHeader.NumberOfSections ; i++ )
char *name = (char*) pSectionHdr->Name;
if ( memcmp(name, ".data", 5) == 0 )
pSectionInfo = new ImageSectionInfo(".data");
pSectionInfo->SectionAddress = dllImageBase + pSectionHdr->VirtualAddress;
**//range of the data segment - something you're looking for**
pSectionInfo->SectionSize = pSectionHdr->Misc.VirtualSize;
Define ImageSectionInfo as,
struct ImageSectionInfo
char SectionName[IMAGE_SIZEOF_SHORT_NAME];//the macro is defined WinNT.h
char *SectionAddress;
int SectionSize;
ImageSectionInfo(const char* name)
strcpy(SectioName, name);
Here's a complete, minimal WIN32 console program you can run in Visual Studio that demonstrates the use of the Windows API:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <DbgHelp.h>
#pragma comment( lib, "dbghelp.lib" )
void print_PE_section_info(HANDLE hModule) // hModule is the handle to a loaded Module (.exe or .dll)
// get the location of the module's IMAGE_NT_HEADERS structure
IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *pNtHdr = ImageNtHeader(hModule);
// section table immediately follows the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS
const char* imageBase = (const char*)hModule;
char scnName[sizeof(pSectionHdr->Name) + 1];
scnName[sizeof(scnName) - 1] = '\0'; // enforce nul-termination for scn names that are the whole length of pSectionHdr->Name[]
for (int scn = 0; scn < pNtHdr->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; ++scn)
// Note: pSectionHdr->Name[] is 8 bytes long. If the scn name is 8 bytes long, ->Name[] will
// not be nul-terminated. For this reason, copy it to a local buffer that's nul-terminated
// to be sure we only print the real scn name, and no extra garbage beyond it.
strncpy(scnName, (const char*)pSectionHdr->Name, sizeof(pSectionHdr->Name));
printf(" Section %3d: %p...%p %-10s (%u bytes)\n",
imageBase + pSectionHdr->VirtualAddress,
imageBase + pSectionHdr->VirtualAddress + pSectionHdr->Misc.VirtualSize - 1,
// For demo purpopses, create an extra constant data section whose name is exactly 8 bytes long (the max)
#pragma const_seg(".t_const") // begin allocating const data in a new section whose name is 8 bytes long (the max)
const char const_string1[] = "This string is allocated in a special const data segment named \".t_const\".";
#pragma const_seg() // resume allocating const data in the normal .rdata section
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
print_PE_section_info(GetModuleHandle(NULL)); // print section info for "this process's .exe file" (NULL)
This page may be helpful if you're interested in additional uses of the DbgHelp library.
You can read the PE image format here, to know it in details. Once you understand the PE format, you'll be able to work with the above code, and can even modify it to meet your need.
PE Format
Peering Inside the PE: A Tour of the Win32 Portable Executable File Format
An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File Format, Part 1
An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File Format, Part 2
Windows API and Structures
ImageNtHeader Function
I think this would help you to great extent, and the rest you can research yourself :-)
By the way, you can also see this thread, as all of these are somehow related to this:
Scenario: Global variables in DLL which is used by Multi-threaded Application
The bounds for text (program code) and data for linux (and other unixes):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* these are in no header file, and on some
systems they have a _ prepended
These symbols have to be typed to keep the compiler happy
Also check out brk() and sbrk() for information
about heap */
extern char etext, edata, end;
main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("First address beyond:\n");
printf(" program text segment(etext) %10p\n", &etext);
printf(" initialized data segment(edata) %10p\n", &edata);
printf(" uninitialized data segment (end) %10p\n", &end);
Where those symbols come from: Where are the symbols etext ,edata and end defined?
Since you'll probably have to make your garbage collector the environment in which the program runs, you can get it from the elf file directly.
Load the file that the executable came from and parse the PE headers, for Win32. I've no idea about on other OSes. Remember that if your program consists of multiple files (e.g. DLLs) you may have multiple data segments.
For iOS you can use this solution. It shows how to find the text segment range but you can easily change it to find any segment you like.
