Listing all the #defines in a C program - c

Is it possible to get the list of #defines(both compile time and defined in the source code) used in a C program while execution.
Because i am having a project having lot of C source files.
Is there any compile time option to get that?

GNU cpp takes various -d options to output macro and define data. See their man pages for more details.

for gcc, you can use one of the following:
-dCHARS CHARS is a sequence of one or more of the following characters, and must not be preceded by a space. Other characters are interpreted by the compiler proper, or reserved for future versions of GCC, and so are silently ignored. If you specify characters whose behavior conflicts, the result is undefined.
Instead of the normal output, generate a list of#define' directives for all the macros defined during the execution of the preprocessor, including predefined macros. This gives you a way of finding out what is predefined in your version of the preprocessor. Assuming you have no file foo.h, the command
touch foo.h; cpp -dM foo.h
will show all the predefined macros.
If you use -dM without the -E option, -dM is interpreted as a synonym for -fdump-rtl-mach. See Debugging Options.
LikeM' except in two respects: it does not include the predefined macros, and it outputs both the #define' directives and the result of preprocessing. Both kinds of output go to the standard output file.
Like `D', but emit only the macro names, not their expansions.
Output#include' directives in addition to the result of preprocessing.
LikeD' except that only macros that are expanded, or whose definedness is tested in preprocessor directives, are output; the output is delayed until the use or test of the macro; and `#undef' directives are also output for macros tested but undefined at the time.

In gcc the command you probably want is
gcc -dM -E [your_source_files]
I know this is implicitly in the above answers, but perhaps someone needs (like myself) the quick recipe.


How can I tell which defines are missing in a C file, not via compilation failure?

I have a C file (for simplicity, assume it includes nothing). This C files requires several definitions of literal numbers to compile properly - and I want to figure out which definitions these are.
Naturally, one can try to compile the file, and at some point we would start to get failures; with some failure recovery, we might get failure notifications about additional defines. But - that's not what I want:
I'm not interested in completing the compilation of the program. Building a syntax tree (or even a simplified syntax tree of some kind) should be enough.
I can assume that, other than missing macros, the program is syntactically correct. Which, for C, should means it's syntactically correct, period.
I can assume that the relevant macros are all in uppercase, i.e. they have the form [A-Z][A-Z_0-9]* ).
What are my alternatives for getting the list of undefined macros?
Motivation: In reality, I'm feeding something into a dynamic compilation library, and I want to check beforehand if all necessary macros have been defined, without knowing a priori which macros the file needs (i.e. it could be different ones for different input files).
The ugly fallback solution:
Obviously, your fallback is to just compile the program. But - do so while minimizing irrelevant messages and irrelevant. This will be compiler-dependent, but with GCC for example, you can:
Avoid any output generation
Suppress warnings
Suppress notes
Be strictly standard-compliant, no GNU extensions
Disable the use of those dumb fancy quotation marks GCC insists on using
... using various command-line switches and when making it take input from the standard input stream rather than a file (only way I've found so far to suppress some of the notes). That looks like:
cat your_program.c \
| LC_CTYPE=C gcc -std=c99 -fsyntax-only -x c -fcompare-debug-second -
and the output could look like:
<stdin>: In function 'mult':
<stdin>:3:18: error: 'MY_CONSTANT' undeclared (first use in this function)
Now, if your program is correct other than the undefined macros (= undeclared identifiers), then you can easily parse the above with a bit of shell scripting:
cat your_program.c \
| LC_CTYPE=C gcc -std=c99 -fsyntax-only -x c -fcompare-debug-second - \
| sed -r '/error: /!d; s/^.*error: '"'//; s/'.*//;" \
| sort -u
This has the further disadvantage of not being fully embeddable into your program, i.e. you can't invoke the partial compilation using some library in some program of yours, then programmatically parse the output. You would need a system()-type call.
Note: If your program can have other errors, the pattern for dropping the line in the sed command will need to be a little more specific.
You could use something around the idea that every identifier-like non-keyword outside a comment in a C file must be declared somewhere. (I think! Is that correct?)
The basic idea is to generate a list of such identifiers and search the program and then the included headers for a declaration of each. While this can be done by hand and ad-hoc it probably makes sense to index all potential header files and to use something like ctags for indexing as well as finding (there is a libctags, as I just learned).
I assume that the solution doesn't have to be perfect — missed cases will simply fail compilation — but that you want to reduce such cases. In that case the parsing of the source code for identifiers does not have to be perfect (it can ignore nested comments etc.) and can probably be done "manually" with acceptable effort.

Cpp : How to understand and/or debug complex macros?

I am trying to learn preprocessor tricks that I found not so easy (Can we have recursive macros?, Is there a way to use C++ preprocessor stringification on variadic macro arguments?, C++ preprocessor __VA_ARGS__ number of arguments, Variadic macro trick, ...). I know the -E option to see the result of the preprocessor whole pass but I would like to know, if options or means exist to see the result step by step. Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to follow what happens when a macro calls a macro that calls a macro ... with the mechanism of disabling context, painting blue ... In brief, I wonder if a sort of preprocessor debugger with breakpoints and other tools exists.
(Do not answer that this use of preprocessor directives is dangerous, ugly, horrible, not good practices in C, produces unreadable code ... I am aware of that and it is not the question).
Yes, this tool exists as a feature of Eclipse IDE. I think the default way to access the feature is to hover over a macro you want to see expanded (this will show the full expansion) and then press F2 on your keyboard (a popup appears that allows you to step through each expansion).
When I used this tool to learn more about macros it was very helpful. With just a little practice, you won't need it anymore.
In case anyone is confused about how to use this feature, I found a tutorial on the Eclipse documentation here.
This answer to another question is relevant.
When you do weird preprocessor tricks (which are legitimate) it is useful to ask the compiler to generate the preprocessed form (e.g. with gcc -C -E if using GCC) and look into that preprocessed form.
In practice, for a source file foo.c it makes (sometimes) sense to get its preprocessed form foo.i with gcc -C -E foo.c > foo.i and look into that foo.i.
Sometimes, it even makes sense to get that foo.i without line information. The trick here (removing line information contained in lines starting with #) would be to do:
gcc -C -E foo.c | grep -v '^#' > foo.i
Then you could indent foo.i and compile it, e.g. with gcc -Wall -c foo.i; you'll get error locations in the preprocessed file and you could understand how you got that and go back to your preprocessor macros (or their invocations).
Remember that the C preprocessor is mostly a textual transformation working at the file level. It is not possible to macro-expand a few lines in isolation (because prior lines might have played with #if combined with #define -perhaps in prior #include-d files- or preprocessor options such as -DNDEBUG passed to gcc or g++). On Linux see also feature_test_macros(7)
A known example of expansion which works differently when compiled with or without -DNDEBUG passed to the compiler is assert. The meaning of assert(i++ > 0) (a very wrong thing to code) depends on it and illustrates that macro-expansion cannot be done locally (and you might imagine some prior header having #define NDEBUG 1 even if of course it is poor taste).
Another example (very common actually) where the macro expansion is context dependent is any macro using __LINE__ or __COUNTER__
NB. You don't need Eclipse for all that, just a good enough source code editor (my preference is emacs but that is a matter of taste): for the preprocessing task you can use your compiler.
The only way to see what is wrong with your macro is to add the option which will keep the temporary files when compilation completes. For gcc it is -save-temps option. You can open the .i file and the the expanded macros.
IDE indexers (like Eclipse) will not help too much. They will not expand (as other answer states) the macros until the error occures.

Run GCC preprocessor non-C files

I'm using a proprietary development environment that compiles code written in C, as well as the IEC 61131 languages. For the C compilation, it uses GCC 4.1.2 with these build options:
-fPIC -O0 -g -nostartfiles -Wall -trigraphs -fno-asm
The compilation is done by a program running on windows utilizing Cygwin.
My issue is, IEC language preprocessor is not that useful (doesn't support #define at all) and I want to use macros! I don't see why the GCC preprocessor would really care what language it is processing (my target language is Structured Text), so I'm looking to see if anyone might know a way to get it to process files of different file types that then are not compiled further (I'm just looking for macro expansion before the file is run through the IEC compiler). I'm very ignorant of compiler options and environments since I've never had to deal with them, I just write C code and it magically compiles and transfers to my target system to run.
The only things I can really do are add build options and execute a batch file before anything is executed. I think my best hope lies in using a batch file to process all files of a certain extension, but I don't even know what executable in the gnuinst folder to use, let alone what flags to use to run through the files.
Just about any C preprocessor, including gcc's cpp, is going to assume that its input is valid C code. It has to tokenize the input following C (or C++, or Objective-C) rules, because it had to resolve its input into tokens (more precisely preprocessing tokens). Constructs above the token level shouldn't be an issue.
You certainly can use cpp or gcc -E to preprocess text that isn't C source code, but some input constructs will cause problems.
Taking an example from the comments:
$ cat foo.txt
#define ADDTHEM(x, y) ((x) + (y))
$ gcc -E - < foo.txt
# 1 "<stdin>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 1 "<stdin>"
((2) + (3))
Note that I had to use gcc -E - < foo.txt rather than gcc -E foo.txt, because gcc treats a .txt file as a linker input file by default.
But if you add some content to foo.txt that doesn't consist of valid C preprocessor tokens, you can have problems:
$ cat foo.txt
#define ADDTHEM(x, y) ((x) + (y))
ADDTHEM('c, "s)
$ gcc -E - < foo.txt
# 1 "<stdin>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 1 "<stdin>"
((2) + (3))
<stdin>:3:9: warning: missing terminating ' character [enabled by default]
<stdin>:3:0: error: unterminated argument list invoking macro "ADDTHEM"
(Attempts to feed Ada source code to a C preprocessor have run into this kind of problem, since Ada uses isolated apostrophe ' characters for its attribute syntax.)
So you can do it if the input language doesn't use things that aren't valid C preprocessor tokens.
See the N1570 draft of the C standard, section 6.4, for more information about preprocessing tokens.
I actually wrote the above before I checked the GNU cpp manual, which says:
The C preprocessor is intended to be used only with C, C++, and
Objective-C source code. In the past, it has been abused as a general
text processor. It will choke on input which does not obey C's lexical
rules. For example, apostrophes will be interpreted as the beginning of
character constants, and cause errors. Also, you cannot rely on it
preserving characteristics of the input which are not significant to
C-family languages. If a Makefile is preprocessed, all the hard tabs
will be removed, and the Makefile will not work.
Having said that, you can often get away with using cpp on things
which are not C. Other Algol-ish programming languages are often safe
(Pascal, Ada, etc.) So is assembly, with caution. `-traditional-cpp'
mode preserves more white space, and is otherwise more permissive. Many
of the problems can be avoided by writing C or C++ style comments
instead of native language comments, and keeping macros simple.
Wherever possible, you should use a preprocessor geared to the
language you are writing in. Modern versions of the GNU assembler have
macro facilities. Most high level programming languages have their own
conditional compilation and inclusion mechanism. If all else fails,
try a true general text processor, such as GNU M4.
(The authors of that manual apparently missed the problem with Ada's attribute syntax.)

C/C++ Compiler listing what's defined

This question : Is there a way to tell whether code is now being compiled as part of a PCH? lead me to thinking about this.
Is there a way, in perhaps only certain compilers, of getting a C/C++ compiler to dump out the defines that it's currently using?
Edit: I know this is technically a pre-processor issue but let's add that within the term compiler.
Yes. In GCC
g++ -E -dM <file>
I would bet it is possible in nearly all compilers.
Boost Wave (a preprocessor library that happens to include a command line driver) includes a tracing capability to trace macro expansions. It's probably a bit more than you're asking for though -- it doesn't just display the final result, but essentially every step of expanding a macro (even a very complex one).
The clang preprocessor is somewhat similar. It's also basically a library that happens to include a command line driver. The preprocessor defines a macro_iterator type and macro_begin/macro_end of that type, that will let you walk the preprocessor symbol table and do pretty much whatever you want with it (including printing out the symbols, of course).

Listing C Constants/Macros

Is there a way to make the GNU C Preprocessor, cpp (or some other tool) list all available macros and their values at a given point in a C file?
I'm looking for system-specific macros while porting a program that's already unix savvy and loading a sparse bunch of unix system files.
Just wondering if there's an easier way than going hunting for definitions.
I don't know about a certain spot in a file, but using:
$ touch emptyfile
$ cpp -dM emptyfile
Dumps all the default ones. Doing the same for a C file with some #include and #define lines in it includes all those as well. I guess you could truncate your file to the spot you care about and then do the same?
From the man page:
CHARS is a sequence of one or more of the following characters, and must not be preceded by a space. Other characters are interpreted by the compiler proper, or reserved for future versions of GCC, and so are silently ignored. If you specify characters whose behavior conflicts, the result is undefined.
Instead of the normal output, generate a list of #define directives for all the macros defined during the execution of the preprocessor, including predefined macros. This gives you a way of finding out what is predefined in your version of the preprocessor. Assuming you have no file foo.h, the command
touch foo.h; cpp -dM foo.h
will show all the predefined macros.
If you use -dM without the -E option, -dM is interpreted as a synonym for -fdump-rtl-mach.
Like M except in two respects: it does not include the predefined macros, and it outputs both the #define directives and the result of preprocessing. Both kinds of output go to the standard output file.
Like D, but emit only the macro names, not their expansions.
Output #include directives in addition to the result of preprocessing.
With gcc, you can use the "-dD" option to dump all the macro definitions to stdout.
Why not consult the section on Predefined-macros? Do you need this for building a project or some such thing?
To list "their values at a given point in a C file" using macros, there is two that can demonstrate a given point in a C file, especially when compiled, and would be deemed useful for tracing a point of failure...consider this sample code in a file called foo.c:
if (!(ptr = malloc(20))){
fprintf(stderr, "Whoops! Malloc Failed in %s at line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
If that code logic was used several times in this file, and the call to malloc was failing, you would get this output:
Whoops! Malloc Failed in foo.c at line 25
The line number would be different depending on where in the source, that logic is used. This sample serves the purpose in showing where that macro could be used...
Here is a link to a page with an overview of command-line options to list predefined macros for most compilers (gcc, clang...).
