Making outputs from an array in Matlab? - arrays

I have an array of 20 items long and I would like to make them an output so I can input it into another program.
pos = [0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,]
I would like to use this as inputs for another program
function [lowest1, lowest2, highest1, highest2, pos(1), pos(2),... pos(20)]
I tried this and it does not work is there another way to do this?

I'm a little confused why you'd want to do that. Why would you want 20 outputs when you could just return pos as a single output containing 20 elements?
However, that said, you can use the specially named variable varargout as the last output variable, and assign a cell to it, and the elements of the cell will be expanded into outputs of the function. Here's an example:
function [lowest1, lowest2, highest1, highest2, varargout] = myfun
% First set lowest1, lowest2, highest1, highest2, and pos here, then:
varargout = num2cell(pos);

If what you're trying to do is re-arrange your array to pass it to another Matlab function, here it is.
As one variable:
q=[s(1) s(2) s(end-1) s(end) pos];
As 24 variables:
s=unique(pos); otherFunction(s(1), s(2), s(end-1), s(end), pos(1), pos(2), pos(3), pos(4), pos(5), pos(6), pos(7), pos(8), pos(9), pos(10), pos(11), pos(12), pos(13), pos(14), pos(15), pos(16), pos(17), pos(18), pos(19), pos(20));
I strongly recommend the first alternative.
Here are two examples of how to work with this single variable. You can still access all of its parts.
Example 1: Take the mean of all of its parts.
function otherFunction(varargin)
Example 2: Separate the variable into its component parts. In our case creates 24 variables named 'var1' to 'var24' in your workspace.
function otherFunction(varargin)
for i=1:nargin,
assignin('base',['var' num2str(i)],varargin{i});
Hope this helps.

Consider using a structure in order to return that many values from a function. Carefully chosen field names make the "return value" self declarative.
function s = sab(a,b)
s.a = a;
s.b = b;


Slicing Multidimensional Array by a variable

I am writing a method which accepts a two dimensional array of doubles and an int row number as parameters and returns the highest value of the elements in the given row.
it looks like this:
function getHighestInRow(A, i)
the issue i am having is when i slice the array with
I get an argument error because the :i makes i get treated differently.
the code works in the other direction with
Is there a way to escape the colon? so that i gets treated as a variable after a colon?
You're doing something strange with the colon. In this case you're using the symbol :i not the value of i. Just getHighestInRow(A,i) = maximum(A[i,:]) should work.
Edit: As Dan Getz said in the comment on the question, getHighestInRow(A,i) = maximum(#view A[i,:]) is more efficient, though, as the slicing will allocate a temporary unnecessary array.

What is the point of cell indexing in MATLAB

The point of indexing is mainly to get the value. In MATLAB,
for a cell array, there is content indexing ({}), and thus cell indexing (()) is only for selecting a subset from the cell array, right?
Is there anything other advanced usage for it? Like using it as
a pointer and pass it to a function?
There is a heavily simplified answer. {}-indexing returns you the content, ()-indexing creates a subcell with the indexed elements. Let's take a simple example:
>> a=x(2)
a =
>> class(a)
ans =
>> b=x{2}
b =
>> class(b)
ans =
Now continue with non-scalar elements. For the ()-indexing everything behaves as expected, you receive a subcell with the elements:
>> a=x(2:3)
a =
[2] [3]
The thing really special to Matlab is using {}-indexing with non-scalar indices. It returns a Comma-Separated List with all the contents. Now what is happening here:
>> b=x{2:3}
b =
The Comma-Separated List behaves similar to a function with two return arguments. You want only one value, only one value is assigned. The second value is lost. You can also use this to assign multiple elements to individual lists at once:
>> [a,b]=x{2:3} %old MATLAB versions require deal here
a =
b =
Now finally to a very powerful use case of comma separated lists. Assume you have some stupid function foo which requires many input arguments. In your code you could write something like:
Or, assuming you have all parameters stored in a cell:
Alternatively you can call the function using a comma separated list. Assuming a has 6 elements, this line is fully equivalent to the previous:
foo(a{:}) %The : is a short cut for 1:end, index the first to the last element
The same technique demonstrated here for input arguments can also be used for output arguments.
Regarding your final question about pointers. Matlab does not use pointers and it has no supplement for it (except handle in oop Matlab), but Matlab is very strong in optimizing the memory usage. Especially using Copy-on-write makes it unnecessary to have pointers in most cases. You typically end up with functions like
Where you input your data and return it.

MATLAB string to number error

I have a dozens of arrays with different array names and I would like to do some mathematical calculations in to for loop array by array. I srucked in calling these array into for loop. Is there anybody can help me with this problem? text1 array contains array names. My "s" struct has all these arrays with the same name content of text1 array.
for i=1:3
After this part my some other calculations should start using "parameter"
I think you are doing several things wrong, here are some pointers.
Rather than listing them manually, consider looping over the fieldnames which can be obtained automatically.
If you are looping over strings, make sure to use a cell array with , rather than a matrix.
If you have a constant, declare it outside the loop, rather than inside the loop. This won't break the code but just makes for obsolete evaluations.
If you want to store results obtained inside a loop, make sure to add an index to the variable that you loop over.
That being said, here is a guess at what you are trying to do:
f = fieldnames(s.CustomerArray);
y = cell(numel(f),1);
parameter = NaN(numel(f),1);
for t = 1:numel(f)
parameter(t) = s.CustomerArray.(f{t});
y{t} = zeros(100,numel(f{t}));

Pass argument multiple times in MATLAB

Is there a way to pass an argument multiple times to different arrays?
What I want to do is:
r = '1:10:end'; % This doesn't work for me
plot(x1(r), y1(r));
plot(x2(r), y2(r));
and pass r to different arrays (with different lengths) in many plot functions. I tried with [r] but no success.
As I understand it, you want to plot every 10th element of possibly different sized arrays. There are a few ways you could do this. One way would be to write a short function to filter your arrays for you, for instance:
plot_10 = #(x,y) plot(x(1:10:end),y(1:10:end));
EDIT: Just an additional thought. If you wanted to enable the extended functionality of plot (e.g. passing line/colour arguments, etc). You could do something like this:
plot_10 = #(x,y,varargin) plot(x(1:10:end),y(1:10:end),varargin{:});
To use the "end" operator, it needs to be inside an array access call;
n = 10;
r = 1 : 1 : n;
r(1:end) % is legal
r(1:floor(end/2)) % is legal
So you could do something like this:
s = rand(1,2*n);
% to compare...
s( 1:1:n )

indexed object dot notation method gives scalar property

I'm seeing an issue when I try and reference an object property after having used a dot notation to apply a method.
it only occurs when I try to index the initial object
classdef myclassexample
function obj = procData(obj)
if numel(obj)>1
for i = 1:numel(obj)
obj(i) = obj(i).procData;
%do some processing = abs(;
then assigning the following
A = myclassexample;
A(1).data= - -1;
A(2).data = -2;
when calling the whole array and collecting the property data it works fine
if i try and index A then i only get a scalar out
[A([1 2])]
even though it seems to do fine without the property call
B = A([1 2]).procData;
any ideas?
I would definitely call this a bug in the parser; A bug because it did not throw an error to begin with, and instead allowed you to write: obj.method.prop in the first place!
The fact that MATLAB crashed in some variations of this syntax is a serious bug, and should definitely be reported to MathWorks.
Now the general rule in MATLAB is that you should not "index into a result" directly. Instead, you should first save the result into a variable, and then index into that variable.
This fact is clear if you use the form func(obj) rather than obj.func() to invoke member methods for objects (dot-notation vs. function notation):
>> A = MyClass;
>> % or A.procData().data
ans =
>> procData(A).data
Undefined variable "procData" or class "procData".
Instead, as you noted, you should use:
>> B = procData(A): % or: B = A.pocData;
>> []
FWIW, this is also what happens when working with plain structures and regular functions (as opposed to OOP objects and member functions), as you cannot index into the result of a function call anyway. Example:
% a function that works on structure scalar/arrays
function s = procStruct(s)
if numel(s) > 1
for i=1:numel(s)
s(i) = procStruct(s(i));
else = abs(;
Then all the following calls will throw errors (as they should):
% 1x2 struct array
>> s = struct('data',{1 -2});
>> procStruct(s).data
Undefined variable "procStruct" or class "procStruct".
>> procStruct(s([1 2])).data
Undefined variable "procStruct" or class "procStruct".
>> feval('procStruct',s).data
Undefined variable "feval" or class "feval".
>> f=#procStruct; f(s([1 2])).data
Improper index matrix reference.
You might be asking yourself why they decided to not allow such syntax. Well it turns out there is a good reason why MATLAB does not allow indexing into a function call (without having to introduce a temporary variable that is), be it dot-indexing or subscript-indexing.
Take the following function for example:
function x = f(n)
if nargin == 0, n=3; end
x = magic(n);
If we allowed indexing into a function call, then there would be an ambiguity in how to interpret the following call f(4):
should it be interpreted as: f()(4) (that is call function with no arguments, then index into the resulting matrix using linear indexing to get the 4th element)
or should it interpreted as: f(4) (call the function with one argument being n=4, and return the matrix magic(4))
This confusion is caused by several things in the MATLAB syntax:
it allows calling function with no arguments simply by their name, without requiring the parentheses. If there is a function f.m, you can call it as either f or f(). This makes parsing M-code harder, because it is not clear whether tokens are variables or functions.
parentheses are used for both matrix indexing as well as function calls. So if a token x represents a variable, we use the syntax x(1,2) as indexing into the matrix. At the same time if x is the name of a function, then x(1,2) is used to call the function with two arguments.
Another point of confusion is comma-separated lists and functions that return multiple outputs. Example:
>> [mx,idx] = max(magic(3))
mx =
8 9 7
idx =
1 3 2
>> [mx,idx] = max(magic(3))(4) % now what?
Should we return the 4th element of each output variables from MAX, or 4th element from only the first output argument along with the full second output? What about when the function returns outputs of different sizes?
All of this still applies to the other types of indexing: f()(3)/f(3), f().x/f.x, f(){3}/f{3}.
Because of this, MathWorks decided avoid all the above confusion and simply not allow directly indexing into results. Unfortunately they limited the syntax in the process. Octave for example has no such restriction (you can write magic(4)(1,2)), but then again the new OOP system is still in the process of being developed, so I don't know how Octave deals with such cases.
For those interested, this reminds me of another similar bug with regards to packages and classes and directly indexing to get a property. The results were different whether you called it from the command prompt, from a script, or from a M-file function...
