Design-time problem with custom behaviors and triggers in Silverlight - silverlight

I have implemented a few custom behaviors and triggers and added them via XAML. They work fine at run time but prevent the Cider designer view from loading at design time, and presumably will cause a problem in Blend too, though I haven't confirmed that.
Here is an overview of what I've implemented for one of the behaviors; hopefully someone can point out what I'm missing.
The behavior looks like this;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Interactivity;
namespace MiX.Core.UI.Silverlight
public class UpdateOnTextChangedBehavior : Behavior<TextBox>
protected override void OnAttached()
this.AssociatedObject.TextChanged += OnAssociatedObjectTextChanged;
void OnAssociatedObjectTextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
BindingExpression binding = this.AssociatedObject.GetBindingExpression(TextBox.TextProperty);
if (binding != null)
protected override void OnDetaching()
this.AssociatedObject.TextChanged -= OnAssociatedObjectTextChanged;
An implementation in XAML looks like this;
<TextBox x:Name="Username" Text="{Binding Username,Mode=TwoWay}" BorderThickness="1" Style="{StaticResource TextBoxStyleGeneral}" Foreground="#FF333333" FontSize="10" BorderBrush="{x:Null}" Grid.Column="1" d:LayoutOverrides="GridBox" Margin="2,0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Background="{x:Null}" VerticalAlignment="Center" Grid.Row="1">
In the XAML editor the <mixcore:UpdateOnPasswordChangedBehavior/> element is highlighted with a squiggly and reports the error A value of type 'UpdateOnTextChangedBehavior' cannot be added to a collection or dictionary of type 'BehaviorCollection'. When attempting to view in the Design view the designer fails to load, stating The document contains errors that must be fixed before the designer can be loaded.

In Silverlight ,If design is not able to load with the changes we made in code then it is bug in silverlight.
Silverlight yet is not designed to handle various exceptions through code,like if you do have any code with return type and you don't check for null there,then again it doesn't load the designer this case is mostly seen with Overriding the IValueConverter method {x:Static} ...and so on
There is nothing wrong in your code unless until it compile fine and doesn't throw exception.
Don't worry about the designer.
Similarly,one case you can look at:


XAML link to section of window

In XAML how can I set a hyperlink to take the user to a particular section of my window. Like how you can with anchor tags in HTML. Basically we want the user to be able to click on an error in a list of errors and the link will take them to that area.
XAML Hyperlink NavigateUri could work with a bit of code behind, i.e.
<Window x:Class="fwAnchorInWindow.MainWindow"
<TextBox x:Name="TextBoxName" Text="Enter Name"/>
<TextBox x:Name="TextBoxNumber" Text="Enter Number"/>
<Hyperlink NavigateUri="TextBoxName" RequestNavigate="Hyperlink_RequestNavigate">
There is a name error.
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
namespace fwAnchorInWindow
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void Hyperlink_RequestNavigate(object sender, RequestNavigateEventArgs e)
if (sender is Hyperlink)
string controlName = ((Hyperlink)sender).NavigateUri.ToString();
IInputElement control = (IInputElement)this.FindName(controlName);
FindName is only one way to find a child control. There are also other ways per this post: WPF ways to find controls.
It is also important to note that WPF distinguishes between Logical Focus and Keybaord Focus: Mark Smith's It's Bascially Focus. In the code above having keyboard focus automatically indicates logical focus.

How to transfer control from one window to another without the use of an event handler?

Im new to programming and in need clarification for the following ...
I have a text box in which text is automatically generated .
Requirement: If i now highlight the text in the text box a new wpf window should open ..
(this needs to be done using either wpf commands on attached property only/ not events)
Thanks :)
P.s please give me detailed code for a reply ..
This is a very strange requirement but it can be done using behaviors. Here is some sample markup:
<TextBox Text="This is some text">
and here is the behavior that for demonstration purposes shows a message box:
public class NewWindowOnSelectBehavior : Behavior<TextBox>
protected override void OnAttached()
AssociatedObject.SelectionChanged += (s, e) =>
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssociatedObject.SelectedText))
MessageBox.Show("New Window");
This example uses behaviors. If you are not familiar with behaviors, install the Expression Blend 4 SDK and add this namespace:
and add System.Windows.Interactivity to your project.

WPF Treeview tooltip - dynamic

This is regards to MVVM & WPF -showing dynamic tooltip based on mouse location on a WPF Treeviewitems. Let say when the user hovers over a node which has got some business data based on that it should display tooltip.
Example: let say If i hover over manager items..should say -"locked" and for others "Ready to edit"..etc. Depends on the mouse over items data..tooltip text should guide the user to do further action. I'm trying to do some VM setting of tooltip text with the help of Tooltip opening event of TreeViewitem and trying to update the tooltip text..but facing some issue.
What are all the best and simple way to do it. Tried behavior and end up with some error.
System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException occurred
Message="Cannot add content of type 'x.x.Views.CustomTreeView.TreeTooltipBehavior' to an object of type 'System.Windows.Interactivity.BehaviorCollection'. Error at object 'x.x.x.Views.CustomTreeView.TreeTooltipBehavior' in markup file 'x.x.x.Views;component/mypage.xaml' Line 72 Position 53."
<MyMyControls:ExtendedTreeView x:Name="MyTreeView" ItemsSource="{Binding MyDriveCollection}"
ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource TVStyleTemplate}">
<HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type NavModel:TreeDataItem}" ItemsSource="{Binding MyDriveCollection}">
<MyControls:SimpleEditableTextBlock x:Name="TabLabel" Text="{Binding Path=MenuText, Mode=TwoWay}"
ToolTip="{Binding MenuText,Mode=TwoWay}">
<ContextMenu ItemsSource="{Binding ContextMenuItems}">
<MenuItem Header="{Binding MenuText}"
CommandParameter="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor,
AncestorType={x:Type TreeView}},Path=SelectedItem}" Command="{Binding Command}">
<CustomTreeView:TreeTooltipBehavior CustomTreeView:ToolTipOpeningCommand="{Binding ToolTipOpeningCommand,Mode=TwoWay,diag:PresentationTraceSources.TraceLevel=High}" />
<CustomTreeView:WorkspaceTreeViewContextMenuBehavior ContextMenuOpeningCommand="{Binding ContextMenuOpeningCommand}"/>
public class TreeTooltipBehavior : Behavior<ExtendedTreeViewItem>
protected override void OnAttached()
this.AssociatedObject.ToolTipOpening += new ToolTipEventHandler(AssociatedObject_ToolTipOpening);
void AssociatedObject_ToolTipOpening(object sender, ToolTipEventArgs e)
if (sender != null)
TreeDataItem hit = ((TreeDataItem) (((FrameworkElement) (sender)).DataContext));
if (ToolTipOpeningCommand != null)
public static readonly DependencyProperty ToolTipOpeningCommandProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
new PropertyMetadata(null));
public ICommand ToolTipOpeningCommand
get { return (ICommand)GetValue(ToolTipOpeningCommandProperty); }
set { SetValue(ToolTipOpeningCommandProperty, value); }
In my view model I'm expecting to handle the ToolTipOpeningCommand and declared enough to get the event via Behavior class.
interestingly the contextmenu behavior works fine but tooltip behavior throws xaml parser exception..
1) Am i defined at the right place (for behavior) ?
2) If Contextmenu behavior works then why not tooltipbehavior ?
3) Any clue from the exception pasted at the top ?
I'm expecting to,
(Xaml)-tooltip behavior -> to invoke tooltipopening event in the (behavior class) -> which in turns invoke the command defined in the ViewModel. I tried this similar way for context menu and works fine.
Pls provide some hint about fixing this issue.
The XAML parser error is because you are trying to attach a Behavior that only applies to ExtendedTreeViewItem to an ExtendedTreeView element. In other words, if you change Behavior<ExtendedTreeViewItem> to Behavior<ExtendedTreeView>, you will fix the parse error.
Although we cannot see from the code you presented, the reason the ContextMenu works is probably because WorkspaceTreeViewContextMenuBehavior derives from a Behavior with a generic type parameter that is compatible with ExtendedTreeView, such as FrameworkElement.

How to build a generic/re-usable modal dialog for WPF following MVVM

I would like to build a generic/re-usable modal dialog that I can use in our WPF (MVVM) - WCF LOB application.
I have a Views and associated ViewModels that I would like to display using dialogs. Bindings between Views and ViewModels are done using Type-targeted DataTemplates.
Here are some requirements that I have been able to draft:
I prefer this to be based on a Window instead of using Adorners and controls that act like a modal dialog.
It should get its minimum size from the content.
It should center on the owner window.
The window must not show the Minimize and Maximize buttons.
It should get its title from the content.
What is the best way to do this?
I usually deal with this by injecting this interface into the appropriate ViewModels:
public interface IWindow
void Close();
IWindow CreateChild(object viewModel);
void Show();
bool? ShowDialog();
This allows the ViewModels to spaw child windows and show them modally on modeless.
A reusable implementation of IWindow is this:
public class WindowAdapter : IWindow
private readonly Window wpfWindow;
public WindowAdapter(Window wpfWindow)
if (wpfWindow == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("window");
this.wpfWindow = wpfWindow;
#region IWindow Members
public virtual void Close()
public virtual IWindow CreateChild(object viewModel)
var cw = new ContentWindow();
cw.Owner = this.wpfWindow;
cw.DataContext = viewModel;
return new WindowAdapter(cw);
public virtual void Show()
public virtual bool? ShowDialog()
return this.wpfWindow.ShowDialog();
protected Window WpfWindow
get { return this.wpfWindow; }
private static void ConfigureBehavior(ContentWindow cw)
cw.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner;
cw.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(PresentationCommands.Accept, (sender, e) => cw.DialogResult = true));
You can use this Window as a reusable host window. There's no code-behind:
<Window x:Class="Ploeh.Samples.ProductManagement.WpfClient.ContentWindow"
Title="{Binding Path=Title}"
MinWidth="300" >
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type pm:ProductEditorViewModel}">
<self:ProductEditorControl />
<ContentControl Content="{Binding}" />
You can read more about this (as well as download the full code sample) in my book.
I'm answering my own question to help others find all answers I struggled to find in one place. What above seems like a straight forward problem, actually presents multiple problems that I hope to answer sufficiently below.
Here goes.
Your WPF window that will serve as the generic dialog can look something like this:
<Window x:Class="Example.ModalDialogView"
Title="{Binding Path=mDialogWindowTitle}"
<DockPanel Margin="3">
<StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" Orientation="Horizontal" FlowDirection="RightToLeft">
<Button Content="Cancel" IsCancel="True" Margin="3"/>
<Button Content="OK" IsDefault="True" Margin="3" Click="Button_Click" />
<ContentPresenter Name="WindowContent" Content="{Binding}"/>
Following MVVM, the right way to show a dialog is through a mediator. To use a mediator, you typically require some service locator as well. For mediator specific details, look here.
The solution I settled on involved implementing an IDialogService interface that is resolved through a simple static ServiceLocator. This excellent codeproject article has the details on that. Take note of this message in the article forum. This solution also solves the problem of discovering the owner window via the ViewModel instance.
Using this interface, you can call IDialogService.ShowDialog(ownerViewModel, dialogViewModel). For now, I'm calling this from the owner ViewModel, meaning I have hard references between my ViewModels. If you use aggregated events, you will probably call this from a conductor.
Setting the minimum size on the View that will eventually be displayed in the dialog doesn't automatically set the minimum size of the dialog. Also, since the logical tree in the dialog contains the ViewModel, you can't just bind to the WindowContent element's properties. This question has an answer with my solution.
The answer I mention above also includes code that centers the window on the owner.
Finally, disabling the minimize and maximize buttons is something WPF can't natively do. The most elegant solution IMHO is using this.

Error when binding a Dependency Property on a custom Behavior

I am exploring the Silverlight attached behaviors mechanism in order to use the Model-View-ViewModel pattern within my Silverlight applications. To start with, I am trying to get a simple Hello World working, but I am completely stuck in an error for which I'm not able to find a solution.
What I have right now is a page that just contains a button which should display a message when clicked. The click event is handled by using a class derived from Behavior, and the message is specified as a dependency property of the behavior itself. The problem comes when trying to bind the message property to a property on a viewmodel class used as the data context: I get an exeption in the call to InitializeComponent in the view.
Here is all the code I'm using, as you can see it is rather simple. First the markup of the main page and the view it contains:
<UserControl x:Class="MyExample.MyPage"
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
MyView (the TextBlock is there just to check that the binding syntax is correct)
<UserControl x:Class="MyExample.MyView"
Width="400" Height="300">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
<local:MyViewmodel x:Key="MyResource"/>
<TextBlock Text="This button will display the following message:"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding MyMessage, Source={StaticResource MyResource}}" FontStyle="Italic"/>
<Button x:Name="MyButton" Content="Click me!">
<local:MyBehavior Message="{Binding MyMessage, Source={StaticResource MyResource}}"/>
Now the code, there are two classes: one for the behavior and another one for the viewmodel:
public class MyViewmodel
public string MyMessage
get { return "Hello, world!"; }
public class MyBehavior : Behavior<Button>
public static readonly DependencyProperty MessageProperty =
typeof(string), typeof(MyBehavior),
new PropertyMetadata("(no message)"));
public string Message
get { return (string)GetValue(MessageProperty); }
set { SetValue(MessageProperty, value); }
protected override void OnAttached()
AssociatedObject.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(AssociatedObject_Click);
protected override void OnDetaching()
AssociatedObject.Click -= new RoutedEventHandler(AssociatedObject_Click);
void AssociatedObject_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Simple enough, but this code throws an AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE [Line: 15 Position: 43] (right at the start of the value being set for the Message property) exception when ran. I'm sure that I'm missing something, but what?
Additional information: if I remove the binding from the Message property on MyBehavior (that is, if I set its value to any static string), it works fine. Also, I'm targeting silverlight 3 RTW.
Thanks a lot!
It seems that unlike WPF, Silverlight does not support data binding on any object deriving from DependencyObject, but only on objects deriving from FrameworkElement. This is no the case for Behavior, hence binding does not work.
I have found a workaround here, in the form of something named surrogate binders. Basically you specify the element and property to be binded, as well as the value, as attributes of the FrameworkElement containing the non-FrameworkElement object.
The surrogate binder does not work when the FrameworkElement contains an Interaction.Behaviors sub-element.
I have found another solution here, and this one seems to work. This time, the trick used is a DeepSetter. You define one of such setters as a static resource on the containing StackPanel, and then reference the resource from the behavior. So in my example, we should expand the StackPanel resources section as follows:
<local:MyViewmodel x:Key="MyResource"/>
BindingExport="{Binding MyMessage, Source={StaticResource MyResource}}"/>
...and modify the button's behavior declaration as follows:
<local:MyBehavior local:DeepSetter.BindingImport="{StaticResource MyBehaviorSetter}"/>
Good news: data binding for any DependecyObject will be available on Silverlight 4:
To get the DataBinding support the class should inherit from FrameworkElement.Hoping MSFT will give support in Silverlight 4
