contains clause sql server - sql-server

Assume that I had the following t-sql:
select * from customer where contains(suburb, '"mount*"').
Now it brings back both: "Mount Hills" and "Blue Mountain". How do I strict it to search only the very beginning of the word which in this case is only "Mount Hills"?

'contains' is used for exactly that. Use
select * from customer where charindex('mount', suburb)=1
select * from customer where suburb like 'mount%'
but that's slower.

Your query works correctly, you asked server "give me all record where ANY word in column 'suburb'" starts with 'mount'.
You need to be more specific what are you trying to accomplish. Match beginning of the entire value stored in column? LIKE is your friend then.


How to match a substring exactly in a string in SQL server?

I have a column workId in my table which has values like :
W1/2009/12345, G2/2018/2345
Now a user want to get this particular id G2/2018/2345. I am using like operator in my query as below:
select * from u_table as s where s.workId like '%2345%' .
It is giving me both above mentioned workids. I tried following query:
select * from u_table as s where s.workId like '%2345%' and s.workId not like '_2345'
This query also giving me same result.
If anyone please provide me with the correct query. Thanks!
Why not use the existing delimiters to match with your criteria?
select *
from u_table
where concat('/', workId, '/') like concat('%/', '2345', '/%');
Ideally of course your 3 separate values would be 3 separate columns; delimiting multiple values in a single column goes against first-normal form and prevents the optimizer from performing an efficient index seek, forcing a scan of all rows every time, hurting performance and concurrency.

How to take apart information between hyphens in SQL Server

How would I take apart a column that contains string:
Data would look like this:
Filename Yes/No Key
Abidabo Yes 92873-987dsfkj80-2002-04-11
Bibiboo No 20392-208kj48384-2008-01-04
Want it to look like this:
Filename Yes/No Key
Abidabo Yes 92873-987dsfkj80-20020411
Bibiboo No 20392-208kj48384-20080104
whereby I would like to concat the dates in the end as 20020411 and 20080104. From the right side, the information is the same always. From the left it is not, otherwise I could have concatenated it. It is not an import issue.
As mentioned in the comments already, storing data like this is a bad idea. However, you can obtain the dates from those strings by using a RIGHT function like so:
SELECT RIGHT('20392-208kj48384-2008-01-04', 10)
Depending on the SQLSERVER version you are using, you can use STRING_SPLIT which requieres COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL 130. You can also build your own User Defined Function to split the contents of a field and manipulate it as you need, you can find some useful examples of SPLIT functions in this thread:
Split function equivalent in T-SQL?
Assuming I'm correct and the date part is always on the right side of the string, you can simply use RIGHT and CAST to get the date (assuming, again, that the date is represented as yyyy-mm-dd):
SELECT CAST(RIGHT(YourColumn, 10) As Date)
FROM YourTable
However, Panagiotis is correct in his comment - You shouldn't store data like that. Each column in the database should hold only a single point of data, be it string, number or date.
Update following your comment and the updated question:
SELECT LEFT(YourColumn, LEN(YourColumn) - 10) + REPLACE(RIGHT(YourColumn, 10), '-', '')
FROM YourTable
will return the desired results.

How to get sequence name list in sqlserver?

How to get list of sequence names in Postgres?
Today,I asked how to get the sequence name list in the postgresql,Thanks to DunnoHowToCode provides the answer for me.
Now,the same question I meet in sqlsever.I through
to get it,but anything I can't get.I want to get the sequence name list by sql statement in sqlsever.How can I do it?
sys.sequences isn't broken. Your query will return all the sequences in a database as long as there are any sequences in that database. If you don't get any results, it means that there aren't any sequences. Make sure you execute the query in the correct database. Better yet, include the database name in the query, ie:
select * from mydb.sys.sequences
You can view them in SSMS, in the Object Explorer:

Find columns that match in two tables

I need to query two tables of companies in the first table are the full names of companies, and the second table are also the names but are incomplete. The idea is to find the fields that are similar. I put pictures of the reference and SQL code I'm using.
The result I want is like this
The closest way I found to do so:
RTRIM(a.NombreEmpresaBD_A) as NombreReal,
b.EmpresaDB_B as NombreIncompleto
FROM EmpresaDB_A a, EmpresaDB_B b
WHERE a.NombreEmpresaBD_A LIKE 'VoIP%' AND b.EmpresaDB_B LIKE 'VoIP%'
The problem with the above code is that it only returns the record specified in the WHERE and if I put this LIKE '%' it returns the Cartesian product of two tables. The RDBMS is Microsoft SQL Server. I would greatly appreciate if you help me with any proposed solution.
Use the short name plus appended '%' as argument in the LIKE expression:
Edit with info that we deal with SQL Server:
SELECT a.NombreEmpresaBD_A as NombreReal
,b.NombreEmpresaBD_B as NombreIncompleto
FROM EmpresaDB_A a, EmpresaDB_B b
WHERE a.NombreEmpresaBD_A LIKE (b.NombreEmpresaBD_B + '%');
According to your screenshot you had the column name wrong!
String concatenation in T-SQL with + operator.
Above query finds a case where
'Computex S.A' LIKE 'Computex%'
but not:
'Voip Service Mexico' LIKE 'VoipService%'
For that you would have to strip blanks first or use more powerful pattern matching functions.
I have created a demo for you on data.SE.
Look up pattern matching or the LIKE operator in the manual.
I would suggest adding a foreign key between the tables linking the data. Then you can just search for the one table and join the second to get the other results.

Exclude apostrophes from SQL Server Full Text Search

I would like to know how to exclude apostrophes from being indexed in full text search.
For example, if someone enters a search term for "o'brien" or for "obrien" I would want it to match all cases where someone's name matches either "O'Brien" or "OBrien".
However, if I search on:
select * from MyTable where contains (fullName, '"o''Brien*"')
It returns only ones with an apostrophe.
But if I do:
select * from MyTable where contains (fullName, '"oBrien*"')
It only returns the ones without an apostrophe.
In short, I want to know if it is possible for FTS to index both "O'Brien" and "OBrien" as "obrien" so that I can find both.
While the solution:
select * from MyTable where contains (fullName, '"oBrien*" OR "o''Brien*"')
would work, however, I can't make that assumption if the user entered "obrien".
I'm looking for a solution that works both on SQL Server 2005 and 2008.
depending on how much space you have, you could add another column
containing only the alpha characters of the name, strip punctuation from your search criteria, and search the punctuation-free column instead.
