how to reference a class defined inside the same page in silverlight - silverlight

for example:
I have:
public class MyPage : XXXPage
public class HahaConverter: IValueConverter
In my xaml, can I do this:
<????:HahaConverter :Key="dateConverter" />
I just wondering how to get ????. I could not reference myself?

Nested classes will require a fully qualified reference, so you will need to add another xmlns entry to the xaml referencing your parent class namespace. e.g.
In VS 2010 once you start typing auto-complete/intellisense should start listing your project namespaces*.
Then reference your value converter with
<ValueConverters:HahaConverter x:Key="dateConverter">
*Note: It is usually recomended to stick to the one-class one-file standard as tools, coders (and VS) cope better. You will likely wind up with a large collection of Value Converters for Silverlight, might as well start a library for them :)


How does this type of static XAML Binding work?

I cam across the following code in a XAML document, and I do not understand the syntax, nor do I understand how it is supposed to work.
The XAML contains the following Binding (or I guess it's some sort of Binding):
<Button Content="Export all" Command="{atf:CommandService {x:Static MyProgramme:ExportCommands+Commands.ExportAll}}">
In this project, there is a class indeed called CommandService (which is quite large so I can't share the full code, but see the ATF framework), and another class:
public class ExportCommands
private enum Commands
I do no understand the syntax of the XAML expression. How does it relate the CommandService class to the actual command? Are there similar examples that use this syntax?
The ATF CommandService is a custom MarkupExtension provided by the framework. An example of a mark up extension can be found here

Prism-WPF equivalent to Silverlight's: CompositionInitializer class and SatisfyImports()

i'm using Prism-MEF-WPF and Sometimes i need view model gets constructed from the XAML
of the view, so the container is not involved and can’t do the dependency injection
automatically (as there is no Export attribute used with VM).so there should be some
class in Prism-WPF like CompositionInitializer to enable me to ask the container to
do the injection.In case there is equivalent class how to use it, and in case there is
no equivalent how to construct view model from xaml of the view knowing that i use MEF.
Thanks in advance.
The problem is that you can't create an object in XAML if it doesn't have a parameterless constructor.
Using the ServiceLocator, you can achieve this. It will work as an IoC (and is set up by Prism/MEF, you just have to drop the .dll):
The xaml:
The code-behind:
class ViewModel : NotificationObject
public ViewModel()
var firstDependency = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<FirstDependencyType>();
//... more dependencies here instead of as constructor parameters
//class code omitted for brievity
Here is the right answer which i got from Agustin Adami "":
Based on my understanding the view model can be instantiated in XAML as the view’s DataContext only if a view model does not have any constructor arguments. And as far as I know creating objects defined in XAML by partnering with an Inverse of Control Container is currently not supported.
Regarding the CompositionInitializer class, as far as I know there is no equivalent class for WPF, on the other hand regarding this topic, I believe you could find the following blog post interesting:
Also, I believe an alternative for this could be registering the CompositionContainer class like mentioned in this thread:
As this could let you retrieve this class for example in your view model's constructor, in order to call the SatisfyImportsOnce method to satisfy the Imports defined in the passed class:
this.compositionContainer =ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance();
Bootstrapper class is what you are looking for. It uses UnityContainer for injecting dependencies. This link here might be of your interest too..
If i am getting right, you want to create a ViewModel from your xaml which can be achieved like this(Here local is namespace of your ViewModel class) -

I don't understand the syntax to inherit a wpf user control

I have read multiple posts on the subject but still cannot manage to make it work.
I want 2 user controls slidertype1 and slidertype2 which should inherit from slidercommontype, all are in same namespacecommon, can someone knows the syntax for this simple use case ?
Inspiring from
I tried:
<namespacecommon:slidercommontype x:Class="namespacecommon.slidertype1">
but I got namespacecommon:slidercommontyp doesn't exist in xml namespace.
As long as the base class doesn't have a XAML file associated with it, it's pretty easy. Trying to incorporate the visual aspect of the user control using XAML is not really a supported scenario.
Having said that, just create your class SliderCommonType (although I would call it SliderBase or something.)
namespace MyControls {
public class SliderBase : UserControl {
Then create your two controls based on it. I'll show one example and the other should be obvious.
<Local:SliderBase x:Class="MyControls.SliderType1"
And the code-behind would look like this:
namespace MyControls {
public class SliderType1 : SliderBase {
The key point being that your XAML file has to reference the base class which requires changing the <UserControl> element to <Local:SliderBase> which in turn requires a XAML namespace import.
When you add a UserControl using the default template, you can just change the code it creates to reflect the above changes. It's much easier than trying to create it from scratch.
One last thing to note - you will need your application to compile successfully before you can use the visual designer on your derived controls. This is because the designer needs to be able to instantiate SliderBase at design-time.

WPF Generic Windows

I want to make a reusable WPF Window suitable for different types T.
I have a designer and a codebehind file.
can I do something like this?
/* Code behind file */
public partial class MyWindows<T> : Window
Shamelessly copied from here (and thus not tested)
public class ViewBase<T> : Window, IView where T : class, IViewModel
public virtual T Model
get { return DataContext as T; }
set { DataContext = value; }
and XAML
Height="480" Width="640">
Unfortunately, what you want isn't quite possible.
Update: Before .NET 4.0 (i.e. when this answer was originally written), XAML support for consuming generic types was very limited; e.g. generics only worked on the root element. In .NET 4.0, some restrictions were lifted.
In .NET 4.0, you can construct a fully specialized generic type. So while XAML itself still has no concept of generic types, it can refer to specializations of generic types. (By analogy, XAML can't express the notion List<> but it can express the notion List<int>). For full details, see the MSDN page "Generics in XAML".
You can construct instances of specialized generic types with the x:TypeArguments Directive. For example, with x bound to XAML's namespace, sys to the System namespace, and scg to System.Collections.Generic, and your own MyWindows' namespace bound to my then:
<my:MyWindows x:TypeArguments="x:String"> would construct a MyWindows<string> instance.
<scg:List x:TypeArguments="sys:Tuple(sys:String,sys:Int32)"> would construct a List<Tuple<string,int>>
Using generic types is therefore no longer a problem in XAML!
Alas, you want to define a generic type in XAML. That's not possible. There are two workarounds here. Firstly (and based on your comments on another question I think this is what you want) you can simple pass a type as a plain parameter. If you do this, you lose all the compile-time safety features that generics provide, but often enough those aren't relevant. Secondly, you can define a normal non-generic class with codebehind in XAML, and simply use a generic base class for code reuse. That way you get at least some proper generics safety and reuse.

UserControl that has a generic class in its inheritance tree

I'm trying to create a UserControl that inherits from a generic class. It does not directly inherit from a generic class, but through an intermediate class that does not use generics. This compiles and works at runtime, but I get an error at design time.
Here's my generic parent class:
Public Class GenericParent(Of T)
Inherits UserControl
End Class
Here's my non-generic parent class:
Public Class NonGenericParent
Inherits GenericParent(Of String)
End Class
Here's my XAML:
<local:NonGenericParent x:Class="SilverlightApplication5.Page"
Width="400" Height="300">
<Button Content="Hello"/>
The IntelliSense parser gives the following errors:
The property 'Width' was not found in type 'NonGenericParent'.
The property 'Height' was not found in type 'NonGenericParent'.
The type 'NonGenericParent' does not support direct content.
It is as though IntelliSense can't see up the inheritance tree past the GenericParent class. I've tried specifying the ContentPropertyAttribute directly on the SilverlightApplication5.Page class, the NonGenericParent class, and it does not work.
I've read that the TypeArguments attribute is not supported in Silverlight 2.0. That is why I've created the intermediate NonGenericParent class.
If anybody has any ideas how to silence these errors I'd be eager to hear them.
Update: We've opened a support ticket with MSFT, I'll update this with whatever their solution is.
We've received word from Microsoft that this is not likely to be fixed in future versions. After they bounced the problem around trying to find the responsible group, it appears that this problem belongs to their WPF developer group, which is where the 'not going to fix it' answer came from.
In the meantime, we've updated our code to yank out the generics from the parent classes until I guess XAML 2009.
Not sure about silverlight, but this compiles and runs as expected in c#:
class GenericObject[T] : UserControl
class StaticObject : GenericObject[Int32]
public Int32 wide { get { return this.Width; } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
StaticObject so = new StaticObject();
this.Text = so.wide.ToString();
So if it compiles against the clr, it should work just fine.
Could be just an intellisense bug as you're suggesting. Normally I'd advise against ignoring comiler warnings, but in this case it seems that the warning is not valid.
edit: substituted angle brackets with square brackets cause SO stripped them.
Despite being at 2.0 silverlight (and especially the VS2008 tweaks for silverlight) are still very young. There are still quirks in the IDE stuff.
Do you still have the problem even after a sucessful build?
This blog post seems to be related to your issue:
For Silverlight it seems that you must have 3 classes for this to work.
