Compare two xml files using Junit - file

I am writing a JUnit test case which want to test whether a particular file is added with some content or not. In that case, I want to get the instance of the file before modification and another file instance of the same file after modification and want to check whether both are not equal. how to do that in Java Junit ?

There are tools that exist for this purpose, e.g.
XMLUnit can ignore whitespace and formatting which I would imagine are immaterial and will also handle comparing

Get the string representations of the XML (toString) and compare those.


JMeter: How to decode alphanumeric characters fetched in JMETER response to its valid value?

I have a JMeter test plan which basically downloads a file by breaking it into multiple parts.
However, these parts are received in encoded alphanumeric character format.
For instance, we have a .txt file which is broken down into 2 parts. Each part has an encoded set of characters. I have been successful so far in appending these characters into another file.
Is there a way of restoring the contents of this file ( holding alphanumeric characters) into the original .txt file with its valid contents back again?
e.g. JMeter response: <data> aWJiZWFuLFBhbmFtYSxDb3NtZXRpY </data>
Can someone please suggest the steps to achieve this?
It looks like it is Base64-encoded, you can use __base64Decode() function (can be installed as a part of Custom JMeter Functions bundle using JMeter Plugins Manager)
If you don't have possibility or unwilling to use JMeter Plugins you can achieve the same using JMeter's built-in __groovy() function:
${__groovy(new String('aWJiZWFuLFBhbmFtYSxDb3NtZXRpY'.decodeBase64()),)}

Apache camel file with doneFileName

I am just starting to look at apache camel (Using blueprint routes) and I am already stuck.
I need to process a set of csv files with different formats. I get 5 files with foo_X_20160110.csv were X specifies the type of csv file and the files have a date stamp . These files can be quite large so a 'done' file is written once all files are written. The done file is named foo_trigger_20160110.csv.
I've seen the doneFileName option on file but that only supports a static name (I have a date in the filename) or it expects a done file for each input file.
The files have to be proceeded in a fixed order but it is not guaranteed in which order they are written to the input directory. Hence I need to wait for the done file.
Any idea how this can be done with Camel?
Any suggestions for good Camel books?
Here is an example from the documentation
As you can see the doneFileName has a static value "done". But you can use standard java to write dynamic names i.e. for current dateformat or anything else and just use string operation to construct the URI. Hope that helps.
By the way, as mentioned in the documentation there is the option of dynamic placeholders for the doneFileName.
However its more common to have one done file per target file. This
means there is a 1:1 correlation. To do this you must use dynamic
placeholders in the doneFileName option. Currently Camel supports the
following two dynamic tokens: file:name and file:name.noext which must
be enclosed in ${ }. The consumer only supports the static part of the
done file name as either prefix or suffix (not both).
You can also use a prefix for the done file, such as:

identifying data file type

I have a huge 1.9 GB data file without extension I need to open and get some data from, the problem is this data file is extension-less and I need to know what extension it should be and what software I can open it with to view the data in a table.
here is the picture :
Its only 2 lines file, I already tried csv on excel but it did not work, any help ?
I have never use it but you could try this:
explained here:
The third "column" of that line looks 99% chance to be from php's print_r function (with newlines imploded to be able to stored on a single line).
There may not be a "format" or program to open it with if its just some app's custom debug/output log.
A quick google found a few programs to split large files into smaller units. THat may make it easier to load into something (may or may not be n++) for reading.
It shouldnt be too hard to mash out a script to read the lines and reconstitute the session "array" into a more readable format (read: vertical, not inline), but it would to be a one-off custom job, since noone other than the holder of your file would have a use for it.

Is there a way to, find and replace the text value between nodes of a corrupt xml file, using libxml?

libxml, info. needed without actually parsing the file.
Is there a way to, find and replace the text value between nodes of a corrupt xml file, using libxml?
In general - no. It depends on how the file is corrupted. Please clarify it.
I know libxml via PHP, so I'm not sure this works for you: Use loadHTMLFile instead of load. This way even a corrupted file can be loaded, if it's not more corrupted than usual websites ;-)
Once loaded, you can handle it like any normal XML. If you save it, the file will be repaired.
If this does not work, the file has heavy damages. Then there is no way to access the file with libxml.

C - Reading multiple files

just had a general question about how to approach a certain problem I'm facing. I'm fairly new to C so bear with me here. Say I have a folder with 1000+ text files, the files are not named in any kind of numbered order, but they are alphabetical. For my problem I have files of stock data, each file is named after the company's respective ticker. I want to write a program that will open each file, read the data find the historical low and compare it to the current price and calculate the percent change, and then print it. Searching and calculating are not a problem, the problem is getting the program to go through and open each file. The only way I can see to attack this is to create a text file containing all of the ticker symbols, having the program read that into an array and then run a loop that first opens the first filename in the array, perform the calculations, print the output, close the file, then loop back around moving to the second element (the next ticker symbol) in the array. This would be fairly simple to set up (I think) but I'd really like to avoid typing out over a thousand file names into a text file. Is there a better way to approach this? Not really asking for code ( unless there is some amazing function in c that will do this for me ;) ), just some advice from more experienced C programmers.
Thanks :)
Edit: This is on Linux, sorry I forgot to metion that!
Under Linux/Unix (BSD, OS X, POSIX, etc.) you can use opendir / readdir to go through the directory structure. No need to generate static files that need to be updated, when the file system has the information you want. If you only want a sub-set of stocks at a given time, then using glob would be quicker, there is also scandir.
I don't know what Win32 (Windows / Platform SDK) functions are called, if you are developing using Visual C++ as your C compiler. Searching MSDN Library should help you.
Assuming you're running on linux...
ls /path/to/text/files > names.txt
is exactly what you want.
opendir(); on linux.
Exemple :
In pseudo code it would look like this, I cannot define the code as I'm not 100% sure if this is the correct approach...
for each directory entry
scan the filename
extract the ticker name from the filename
open the file
read the data
create a record consisting of the filename, data.....
close the file
add the record to a list/array...
> sort the list/array into alphabetical order based on
the ticker name in the filename...
You could vary it slightly if you wish, scan the filenames in the directory entries and sort them first by building a record with the filenames first, then go back to the start of the list/array and open each one individually reading the data and putting it into the record then....
Hope this helps,
best regards,
There are no functions in standard C that have any notion of a "directory". You will need to use some kind of platform-specific function to do this. For some examples, take a look at this post from
Personally, I prefer using the opendir()/readdir() approach as shown in the second example. It works natively under Linux and also on Windows if you are using Cygwin.
Approach 1) I would just have a specific directory in which I have ONLY these files containing the ticker data and nothing else. I would then use the C readdir API to list all files in the directory and iterate over each one performing the data processing that you require. Which ticker the file applies to is determined only by the filename.
Pros: Easy to code
Cons: It really depends where the files are stored and where they come from.
Approach 2) Change the file format so the ticker files start with a magic code identifying that this is a ticker file, and a string containing the name. As before use readdir to iterate through all files in the folder and open each file, ensure that the magic number is set and read the ticker name from the file, and process the data as before
Pros: More flexible than before. Filename needn't reflect name of ticker
Cons: Harder to code, file format may be fixed.
but I'd really like to avoid typing out over a thousand file names into a text file. Is there a better way to approach this?
I have solved the exact same problem a while back, albeit for personal uses :)
What I did was to use the OS shell commands to generate a list of those files and redirected the output to a text file and had my program run through them.
On UNIX, there's the handy glob function:
glob_t results;
memset(&results, 0, sizeof(results));
glob("*.txt", 0, NULL, &results);
for (i = 0; i < results.gl_pathc; i++)
printf("%s\n", results.gl_pathv[i]);
On Linux or a related system, you could use the fts library. It's designed for traversing file hierarchies: man fts,
or even something as simple as readdir
If on Windows, you can use their Directory Management API's. More specifically, the FindFirstFile function, used with wildcards, in conjunction with FindNextFile
