Aggregating Probabilistic Plans - artificial-intelligence

I'm trying to create a simple STRIPS-based planner. I've completed the basic functionality to compute separate probabilistic plans that will reach a goal, but now I'm trying to determine how to aggregate these plans based on their initial action, to determine what the "overall" best action is at time t0.
Consider the following example. Utility, bounded between 0 and 1, represents how well the plan accomplishes the goal. CF, also bounded between 0 and 1, represents the certainty-factor, or the probability that performing the plan will result in the given utility.
Plan1: CF=0.01, Utility=0.7
Plan2: CF=0.002, Utility=0.9
Plan3: CF=0.03, Utility=0.03
If all three plans, which are mutually exclusive, start with the action A1, how should I aggregate them to determine the overall "fitness" for using action A1? My first thought is to sum the certainty-factors, and multiple that by the average of the utilities. Does that seem correct?
So my current result would look like:
fitness(A1) = (0.01 + 0.002 + 0.03) * (0.7 + 0.9 + 0.03)/3. = 0.02282
Or should I calculate the individual likely utilities, and average those?
fitness(A1) = (0.01*0.7 + 0.002*0.9 + 0.03*0.03)/3. = 0.00323
Is there a more theoretically sound way?

If you take action A1, then you have to decide which of the 3 plans to follow, which are mutually exclusive. At that point we can calculate that the expected utility of plan 1 is
E[plan1] = Prob[plan1 succeeds]*utility-for-success
+ Prob[plan1 fails]*utility-of-failure
= .01*.7 + .99*0 //I assume 0
= .007
Similarly for the other 2 plans. But, since you can only choose one plan, the real expected utility (which I think is what you mean by "fitness") from taking action A1 is
max(E[plan1],E[plan2],E[plan3]) = fitness(A1)

I think that the fitness function you are talking about would have to also consider all the plans that don't have A1 as the first action. They could be all be really good, in which case doing A1 is a bad idea, or they might be terrible in which case doing A1 looks like a good move.
Looking at your ideas, the second one makes much more sense to me. It calculates the expected utility of picking a plan uniformly at random from all the plans that start with A1. This is under the assumption that a plan either achieves the given utility or fails completely. For example, the first plan gets utility=0.01 with probability 0.7 and gets utility=0 with probability 0.3. This seems like a reasonable assumption; it's all you can do unless you have more data to work with.
So here's my suggestion: Let A1 be all plans starting with A1 and ~A1 be all plans not-starting with A1. Then
F(A1) = fitness(A1) / fitness(~A1)
where fitness is as you defined it in the second example.
This should give you a ratio of expected utility for plans starting with A1 against ones that don't. If it's greater than one, A1 looks like a good action.

If you're interested in probabilistic planning, you should have a look at the POMDP model and algorithms like value iteration.
Actually, I should have pointed you to Markov Decision Process (without the PO). I'm sorry.
What you should probably do for your problem is to maximize the expected utility. Call the fitness this.


Generated unique id with 6 characters - handling when too much ids already used

​In my program you can book an item. This item has an id with 6 characters from 32 possible characters.
So my possibilities are 32^6. Every id must be unique.
func tryToAddItem {
if !db.contains(generateId()) {
} else {
For example 90% of my ids are used. So the probability that I call tryToAddItem 5 times is 0,9^5 * 100 = 59% isn't it?
So that is quite high. This are 5 database queries on a lot of datas.
When the probability is so high I want to implement a prefix „A-xxxxxx“.
What is a good condition for that? At which time do I will need a prefix?
In my example 90% ids were use. What is about the rest? Do I threw it away?
What is about database performance when I call tryToAddItem 5 times? I could imagine that this is not best practise.
For example 90% of my ids are used. So the probability that I call tryToAddItem 5 times is 0,9^5 * 100 = 59% isn't it?
Not quite. Let's represent the number of call you make with the random variable X, and let's call the probability of an id collision p. You want the probability that you make the call at most five times, or in general at most k times:
P(X≤k) = P(X=1) + P(X=2) + ... + P(X=k)
= (1-p) + (1-p)*p + (1-p)*p^2 +... + (1-p)*p^(k-1)
= (1-p)*(1 + p + p^2 + .. + p^(k-1))
If we expand this out all but two terms cancel and we get:
= 1- p^k
Which we want to be greater than some probability, x:
1 - p^k > x
Or with p in terms of k and x:
p < (1-x)^(1/k)
where you can adjust x and k for your specific needs.
If you want less than a 50% probability of 5 or more calls, then no more than (1-0.5)^(1/5) ≈ 87% of your ids should be taken.
First of all make sure there is an index on the id columns you are looking up. Then I would recommend thinking more in terms of setting a very low probability of a very bad event occurring. For example maybe making 20 calls slows down the database for too long, so we'd like to set the probability of this occurring to <0.1%. Using the formula above we find that no more than 70% of ids should be taken.
But you should also consider alternative solutions. Is remapping all ids to a larger space one time only a possibility?
Or if adding ids with prefixes is not a big deal then you could generate longer ids with prefixes for all new items going forward and not have to worry about collisions.
Thanks for response. I searched for alternatives and want show three possibilities.
First possibility: Create an UpcomingItemIdTable with 200 (more or less) valid itemIds. A task in the background can calculate them every minute (or what you need). So the action tryToAddItem will always get a valid itemId.
Second possibility
Is remapping all ids to a larger space one time only a possibility?
In my case yes. I think for other problems the answer will be: it depends.
Third possibility: Try to generate an itemId and when there is a collision try it again.
Possible collisions handling: Do some test before. Measure the time to generate itemIds when there are already 1000,10.000,100.000,1.000.000 etc. entries in the table. When the tryToAddItem method needs more than 100ms (or what you prefer) then increase your length from 6 to 7,8,9 characters.
Some thoughts
every request must be atomar
create an index on itemId
Disadvantages for long UUIDs in API: See
less usable, because...
-cannot be memorized and easily communicated by humans
-harder to use in debugging and logging analysis
-less convenient for consumer facing usage
-quite long: readable representation requires 36 characters and comes with higher memory and bandwidth consumption
-not ordered along their creation history and no indication of used id volume
-may be in conflict with additional backward compatibility support of legacy ids
TLDR: For my case every possibility is working. As so often it depends on the problem. Thanks for input.

Neural Network Architecture Design

I'm playing around with Neural Networks trying to understand the best practices for designing their architecture based on the kind of problem you need to solve.
I generated a very simple data set composed of a single convex region as you can see below:
Everything works fine when I use an architecture with L = 1, or L = 2 hidden layers (plus the output layer), but as soon as I add a third hidden layer (L = 3) my performance drops down to slightly better than chance.
I know that the more complexity you add to a network (number of weights and parameters to learn) the more you tend to go towards over-fitting your data, but I believe this is not the nature of my problem for two reasons:
my performance on the Training set is also around 60% (whereas over-fitting typically means you have a very low training error and high test error),
and I have a very large amount of data examples (don't look at the figure that's only a toy figure I uplaoded).
Can anybody help me understand why adding an extra hidden layer gives
me this drop in performances on such a simple task?
Here is an image of my performance as a function of the number of layers used:
I am using a sigmoid functions assuming values between 0 and 1, L(s) = 1 / 1 + exp(-s)
I am using early stopping (after 40000 iterations of backprop) as a criteria to stop the learning. I know it is not the best way to stop but I thought that it would ok for such a simple classification task, if you believe this is the main reason I'm not converging I I might implement some better criteria.
At least on the surface of it, this appears to be a case of the so-called "vanishing gradient" problem.
Activation functions
Your neurons activate according to the logistic sigmoid function, f(x) = 1 / (1 + e^-x) :
This activation function is used frequently because it has several nice properties. One of these nice properties is that the derivative of f(x) is expressible computationally using the value of the function itself, as f'(x) = f(x)(1 - f(x)). This function has a nonzero value for x near zero, but quickly goes to zero as |x| gets large :
Gradient descent
In a feedforward neural network with logistic activations, the error is typically propagated backwards through the network using the first derivative as a learning signal. The usual update for a weight in your network is proportional to the error attributable to that weight times the current weight value times the derivative of the logistic function.
delta_w(w) ~= w * f'(err(w)) * err(w)
As the product of three potentially very small values, the first derivative in such networks can become small very rapidly if the weights in the network fall outside the "middle" regime of the logistic function's derivative. In addition, this rapidly vanishing derivative becomes exacerbated by adding more layers, because the error in a layer gets "split up" and partitioned out to each unit in the layer. This, in turn, further reduces the gradient in layers below that.
In networks with more than, say, two hidden layers, this can become a serious problem for training the network, since the first-order gradient information will lead you to believe that the weights cannot usefully change.
However, there are some solutions that can help ! The ones I can think of involve changing your learning method to use something more sophisticated than first-order gradient descent, generally incorporating some second-order derivative information.
The simplest solution to approximate using some second-order information is to include a momentum term in your network parameter updates. Instead of updating parameters using :
w_new = w_old - learning_rate * delta_w(w_old)
incorporate a momentum term :
w_dir_new = mu * w_dir_old - learning_rate * delta_w(w_old)
w_new = w_old + w_dir_new
Intuitively, you want to use information from past derivatives to help determine whether you want to follow the new derivative entirely (which you can do by setting mu = 0), or to keep going in the direction you were heading on the previous update, tempered by the new gradient information (by setting mu > 0).
You can actually get even better than this by using "Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient" :
w_dir_new = mu * w_dir_old - learning_rate * delta_w(w_old + mu * w_dir_old)
w_new = w_old + w_dir_new
I think the idea here is that instead of computing the derivative at the "old" parameter value w, compute it at what would be the "new" setting for w if you went ahead and moved there according to a standard momentum term. Read more in a neural-networks context here (PDF).
The textbook way to incorporate second-order gradient information into your neural network training algorithm is to use Newton's Method to compute the first and second order derivatives of your objective function with respect to the parameters. However, the second order derivative, called the Hessian matrix, is often extremely large and prohibitively expensive to compute.
Instead of computing the entire Hessian, some clever research in the past few years has indicated a way to compute just the values of the Hessian in a particular search direction. You can then use this process to identify a better parameter update than just the first-order gradient.
You can learn more about this by reading through a research paper (PDF) or looking at a sample implementation.
There are many other optimization methods that could be useful for this task -- conjugate gradient (PDF -- definitely worth a read), Levenberg-Marquardt (PDF), L-BFGS -- but from what I've seen in the research literature, momentum and Hessian-free methods seem to be the most common ones.
Because the number of iterations of training required for convergence increases as you add complexity to a neural network, holding the length of training constant while adding layers to a neural network will certainly result in you eventually observing a drop like this. To figure out whether that is the explanation for this particular observation, try increasing the number of iterations of training that you're using and see if it improves. Using a more intelligent stopping criterion is also a good option, but a simple increase in the cut-off will give you answers faster.

Scipy/Numpy: summation over multiple indices

Suppose I have an expression of which I need to find the sum:
where the bounds are finite and known. What is the fastest or most efficient way to go about calculating such a sum in scipy/numpy. It could be done with nested for loops, but is there a better way?
How about[:amax], np.cumsum(y[:amax] * np.sum(z[cmin:cmax])))
np.einsum may be an option too for these kind of sum. As nevsan showed though, for b which is bounded by a you need to use np.cumsum first, and np.einsum should not be faster in the given example.
it could look like this:
y_acc = np.add.accumulate(y[:amax]) # same as cumsum
result = np.einsum('i,i,j->', x[:amax], y_acc, z[cmin:cmax])
However this is increadibly slow, because einsum does not optimize the fact that the z summation only needs to be done once, so you need to reformulate it by hand:
result = np.einsum('i,i->', x[:amax], y_summed) * z[cmin:cmax].sum()
Which should in this case however should be slower then nevsan's based approach, since dot should normally be better optimized (ie. np.einsum(ii->, a, b) is slower then, b)). However if you have more arrays to sum over, it may be a nice option.

Crossover function for genetic

I am writing a Time table generator in java, using AI approaches to satisfy the hard constraints and help find an optimal solution. So far I have implemented and Iterative construction (a most-constrained first heuristic) and Simulated Annealing, and I'm in the process of implementing a genetic algorithm.
Some info on the problem, and how I represent it then :
I have a set of events, rooms , features (that events require and rooms satisfy), students and slots
The problem consists in assigning to each event a slot and a room, such that no student is required to attend two events in one slot, all the rooms assigned fulfill the necessary requirements.
I have a grading function that for each set if assignments grades the soft constraint violations, thus the point is to minimize this.
The way I am implementing the GA is I start with a population generated by the iterative construction (which can leave events unassigned) and then do the normal steps: evaluate, select, cross, mutate and keep the best. Rinse and repeat.
My problem is that my solution appears to improve too little. No matter what I do, the populations tends to a random fitness and is stuck there. Note that this fitness always differ, but nevertheless a lower limit will appear.
I suspect that the problem is in my crossover function, and here is the logic behind it:
Two assignments are randomly chosen to be crossed. Lets call them assignments A and B. For all of B's events do the following procedure (the order B's events are selected is random):
Get the corresponding event in A and compare the assignment. 3 different situations might happen.
If only one of them is unassigned and if it is possible to replicate
the other assignment on the child, this assignment is chosen.
If both of them are assigned, but only one of them creates no
conflicts when assigning to the child, that one is chosen.
If both of them are assigned and none create conflict, on of
them is randomly chosen.
In any other case, the event is left unassigned.
This creates a child with some of the parent's assignments, some of the mother's, so it seems to me it is a valid function. Moreover, it does not break any hard constraints.
As for mutation, I am using the neighboring function of my SA to give me another assignment based on on of the children, and then replacing that child.
So again. With this setup, initial population of 100, the GA runs and always tends to stabilize at some random (high) fitness value. Can someone give me a pointer as to what could I possibly be doing wrong?
Edit: Formatting and clear some things
I think GA only makes sense if part of the solution (part of the vector) has a significance as a stand alone part of the solution, so that the crossover function integrates valid parts of a solution between two solution vectors. Much like a certain part of a DNA sequence controls or affects a specific aspect of the individual - eye color is one gene for example. In this problem however the different parts of the solution vector affect each other making the crossover almost meaningless. This results (my guess) in the algorithm converging on a single solution rather quickly with the different crossovers and mutations having only a negative affect on the fitness.
I dont believe GA is the right tool for this problem.
If you could please provide the original problem statement, I will be able to give you a better solution. Here is my answer for the present moment.
A genetic algorithm is not the best tool to satisfy hard constraints. This is an assigment problem that can be solved using integer program, a special case of a linear program.
Linear programs allow users to minimize or maximize some goal modeled by an objective function (grading function). The objective function is defined by the sum of individual decisions (or decision variables) and the value or contribution to the objective function. Linear programs allow for your decision variables to be decimal values, but integer programs force the decision variables to be integer values.
So, what are your decisions? Your decisions are to assign students to slots. And these slots have features which events require and rooms satisfy.
In your case, you want to maximize the number of students that are assigned to a slot.
You also have constraints. In your case, a student may only attend at most one event.
The website below provides a good tutorial on how to model integer programs.
For a java specific implementation, use the link below.
SolverFactory factory = new SolverFactoryLpSolve(); // use lp_solve
factory.setParameter(Solver.VERBOSE, 0);
factory.setParameter(Solver.TIMEOUT, 100); // set timeout to 100 seconds
* Constructing a Problem:
* Maximize: 143x+60y
* Subject to:
* 120x+210y <= 15000
* 110x+30y <= 4000
* x+y <= 75
* With x,y being integers
Problem problem = new Problem();
Linear linear = new Linear();
linear.add(143, "x");
linear.add(60, "y");
problem.setObjective(linear, OptType.MAX);
linear = new Linear();
linear.add(120, "x");
linear.add(210, "y");
problem.add(linear, "<=", 15000);
linear = new Linear();
linear.add(110, "x");
linear.add(30, "y");
problem.add(linear, "<=", 4000);
linear = new Linear();
linear.add(1, "x");
linear.add(1, "y");
problem.add(linear, "<=", 75);
problem.setVarType("x", Integer.class);
problem.setVarType("y", Integer.class);
Solver solver = factory.get(); // you should use this solver only once for one problem
Result result = solver.solve(problem);
* Extend the problem with x <= 16 and solve it again
problem.setVarUpperBound("x", 16);
solver = factory.get();
result = solver.solve(problem);
// Results in the following output:
// Objective: 6266.0 {y=52, x=22}
// Objective: 5828.0 {y=59, x=16}
I would start by measuring what's going on directly. For example, what fraction of the assignments are falling under your "any other case" catch-all and therefore doing nothing?
Also, while we can't really tell from the information given, it doesn't seem any of your moves can do a "swap", which may be a problem. If a schedule is tightly constrained, then once you find something feasible, it's likely that you won't be able to just move a class from room A to room B, as room B will be in use. You'd need to consider ways of moving a class from A to B along with moving a class from B to A.
You can also sometimes improve things by allowing constraints to be violated. Instead of forbidding crossover from ever violating a constraint, you can allow it, but penalize the fitness in proportion to the "badness" of the violation.
Finally, it's possible that your other operators are the problem as well. If your selection and replacement operators are too aggressive, you can converge very quickly to something that's only slightly better than where you started. Once you converge, it's very difficult for mutations alone to kick you back out into a productive search.
I think there is nothing wrong with GA for this problem, some people just hate Genetic Algorithms no matter what.
Here is what I would check:
First you mention that your GA stabilizes at a random "High" fitness value, but isn't this a good thing? Does "high" fitness correspond to good or bad in your case? It is possible you are favoring "High" fitness in one part of your code and "Low" fitness in another thus causing the seemingly random result.
I think you want to be a bit more careful about the logic behind your crossover operation. Basically there are many situations for all 3 cases where making any of those choices would not cause an increase in fitness at all of the crossed-over individual, but you are still using a "resource" (an assignment that could potentially be used for another class/student/etc.) I realize that a GA traditionally will make assignments via crossover that cause worse behavior, but you are already performing a bit of computation in the crossover phase anyway, why not choose one that actually will improve fitness or maybe don't cross at all?
Optional Comment to Consider : Although your iterative construction approach is quite interesting, this may cause you to have an overly complex Gene representation that could be causing problems with your crossover. Is it possible to model a single individual solution as an array (or 2D array) of bits or integers? Even if the array turns out to be very long, it may be worth it use a more simple crossover procedure. I recommend Googling "ga gene representation time tabling" you may find an approach that you like more and can more easily scale to many individuals (100 is a rather small population size for a GA, but I understand you are still testing, also how many generations?).
One final note, I am not sure what language you are working in but if it is Java and you don't NEED to code the GA by hand I would recommend taking a look at ECJ. Maybe even if you have to code by hand, it could help you develop your representation or breeding pipeline.
Newcomers to GA can make any of a number of standard mistakes:
In general, when doing crossover, make sure that the child has some chance of inheriting that which made the parent or parents winner(s) in the first place. In other words, choose a genome representation where the "gene" fragments of the genome have meaningful mappings to the problem statement. A common mistake is to encode everything as a bitvector and then, in crossover, to split the bitvector at random places, splitting up the good thing the bitvector represented and thereby destroying the thing that made the individual float to the top as a good candidate. A vector of (limited) integers is likely to be a better choice, where integers can be replaced by mutation but not by crossover. Not preserving something (doesn't have to be 100%, but it has to be some aspect) of what made parents winners means you are essentially doing random search, which will perform no better than linear search.
In general, use much less mutation than you might think. Mutation is there mainly to keep some diversity in the population. If your initial population doesn't contain anything with a fractional advantage, then your population is too small for the problem at hand and a high mutation rate will, in general, not help.
In this specific case, your crossover function is too complicated. Do not ever put constraints aimed at keeping all solutions valid into the crossover. Instead the crossover function should be free to generate invalid solutions and it is the job of the goal function to somewhat (not totally) penalize the invalid solutions. If your GA works, then the final answers will not contain any invalid assignments, provided 100% valid assignments are at all possible. Insisting on validity in the crossover prevents valid solutions from taking shortcuts through invalid solutions to other and better valid solutions.
I would recommend anyone who thinks they have written a poorly performing GA to conduct the following test: Run the GA a few times, and note the number of generations it took to reach an acceptable result. Then replace the winner selection step and goal function (whatever you use - tournament, ranking, etc) with a random choice, and run it again. If you still converge roughly at the same speed as with the real evaluator/goal function then you didn't actually have a functioning GA. Many people who say GAs don't work have made some mistake in their code which means the GA converges as slowly as random search which is enough to turn anyone off from the technique.

What is the difference between Q-learning and SARSA?

Although I know that SARSA is on-policy while Q-learning is off-policy, when looking at their formulas it's hard (to me) to see any difference between these two algorithms.
According to the book Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (by Sutton and Barto). In the SARSA algorithm, given a policy, the corresponding action-value function Q (in the state s and action a, at timestep t), i.e. Q(st, at), can be updated as follows
Q(st, at) = Q(st, at) + α*(rt + γ*Q(st+1, at+1) - Q(st, at))
On the other hand, the update step for the Q-learning algorithm is the following
Q(st, at) = Q(st, at) + α*(rt + γ*maxa Q(st+1, a) - Q(st, at))
which can also be written as
Q(st, at) = (1 - α) * Q(st, at) + α * (rt + γ*maxa Q(st+1, a))
where γ (gamma) is the discount factor and rt is the reward received from the environment at timestep t.
Is the difference between these two algorithms the fact that SARSA only looks up the next policy value while Q-learning looks up the next maximum policy value?
TLDR (and my own answer)
Thanks to all those answering this question since I first asked it. I've made a github repo playing with Q-Learning and empirically understood what the difference is. It all amounts to how you select your next best action, which from an algorithmic standpoint can be a mean, max or best action depending on how you chose to implement it.
The other main difference is when this selection is happening (e.g., online vs offline) and how/why that affects learning. If you are reading this in 2019 and are more of a hands-on person, playing with a RL toy problem is probably the best way to understand the differences.
One last important note is that both Suton & Barto as well as Wikipedia often have mixed, confusing or wrong formulaic representations with regards to the next state best/max action and reward:
is in fact
When I was learning this part, I found it very confusing too, so I put together the two pseudo-codes from R.Sutton and A.G.Barto hoping to make the difference clearer.
Blue boxes highlight the part where the two algorithms actually differ. Numbers highlight the more detailed difference to be explained later.
| | SARSA | Q-learning |
| Choosing A' | π | π |
| Updating Q | π | μ |
where π is a ε-greedy policy (e.g. ε > 0 with exploration), and μ is a greedy policy (e.g. ε == 0, NO exploration).
Given that Q-learning is using different policies for choosing next action A' and updating Q. In other words, it is trying to evaluate π while following another policy μ, so it's an off-policy algorithm.
In contrast, SARSA uses π all the time, hence it is an on-policy algorithm.
More detailed explanation:
The most important difference between the two is how Q is updated after each action. SARSA uses the Q' following a ε-greedy policy exactly, as A' is drawn from it. In contrast, Q-learning uses the maximum Q' over all possible actions for the next step. This makes it look like following a greedy policy with ε=0, i.e. NO exploration in this part.
However, when actually taking an action, Q-learning still uses the action taken from a ε-greedy policy. This is why "Choose A ..." is inside the repeat loop.
Following the loop logic in Q-learning, A' is still from the ε-greedy policy.
Yes, this is the only difference. On-policy SARSA learns action values relative to the policy it follows, while off-policy Q-Learning does it relative to the greedy policy. Under some common conditions, they both converge to the real value function, but at different rates. Q-Learning tends to converge a little slower, but has the capabilitiy to continue learning while changing policies. Also, Q-Learning is not guaranteed to converge when combined with linear approximation.
In practical terms, under the ε-greedy policy, Q-Learning computes the difference between Q(s,a) and the maximum action value, while SARSA computes the difference between Q(s,a) and the weighted sum of the average action value and the maximum:
Q-Learning: Q(st+1,at+1) = maxaQ(st+1,a)
SARSA: Q(st+1,at+1) = ε·meanaQ(st+1,a) + (1-ε)·maxaQ(st+1,a)
What is the difference mathematically?
As is already described in most other answers, the difference between the two updates mathematically is indeed that, when updating the Q-value for a state-action pair (St, At):
Sarsa uses the behaviour policy (meaning, the policy used by the agent to generate experience in the environment, which is typically epsilon-greedy) to select an additional action At+1, and then uses Q(St+1, At+1) (discounted by gamma) as expected future returns in the computation of the update target.
Q-learning does not use the behaviour policy to select an additional action At+1. Instead, it estimates the expected future returns in the update rule as maxA Q(St+1, A). The max operator used here can be viewed as "following" the completely greedy policy. The agent is not actually following the greedy policy though; it only says, in the update rule, "suppose that I would start following the greedy policy from now on, what would my expected future returns be then?".
What does this mean intuitively?
As mentioned in other answers, the difference described above means, using technical terminology, that Sarsa is an on-policy learning algorithm, and Q-learning is an off-policy learning algorithm.
In the limit (given an infinite amount of time to generate experience and learn), and under some additional assumptions, this means that Sarsa and Q-learning converge to different solutions / "optimal" policies:
Sarsa will converge to a solution that is optimal under the assumption that we keep following the same policy that was used to generate the experience. This will often be a policy with some element of (rather "stupid") randomness, like epsilon-greedy, because otherwise we are unable to guarantee that we'll converge to anything at all.
Q-Learning will converge to a solution that is optimal under the assumption that, after generating experience and training, we switch over to the greedy policy.
When to use which algorithm?
An algorithm like Sarsa is typically preferable in situations where we care about the agent's performance during the process of learning / generating experience. Consider, for example, that the agent is an expensive robot that will break if it falls down a cliff. We'd rather not have it fall down too often during the learning process, because it is expensive. Therefore, we care about its performance during the learning process. However, we also know that we need it to act randomly sometimes (e.g. epsilon-greedy). This means that it is highly dangerous for the robot to be walking alongside the cliff, because it may decide to act randomly (with probability epsilon) and fall down. So, we'd prefer it to quickly learn that it's dangerous to be close to the cliff; even if a greedy policy would be able to walk right alongside it without falling, we know that we're following an epsilon-greedy policy with randomness, and we care about optimizing our performance given that we know that we'll be stupid sometimes. This is a situation where Sarsa would be preferable.
An algorithm like Q-learning would be preferable in situations where we do not care about the agent's performance during the training process, but we just want it to learn an optimal greedy policy that we'll switch to eventually. Consider, for example, that we play a few practice games (where we don't mind losing due to randomness sometimes), and afterwards play an important tournament (where we'll stop learning and switch over from epsilon-greedy to the greedy policy). This is where Q-learning would be better.
There's an index mistake in your formula for Q-Learning.
Page 148 of Sutton and Barto's.
Q(st,at) <-- Q(st,at) + alpha * [r(t+1) + gamma * max Q(st+1,a) -
Q(st,at) ]
The typo is in the argument of the max:
the indexes are st+1 and a,
while in your question they are st+1 and at+1 (these are correct for SARSA).
Hope this helps a bit.
In Q-Learning
This is your:
Q-Learning: Q(St,At) = Q(St,At) + a [ R(t+1) + discount * max Q(St+1,At) - Q(St,At) ]
should be changed to
Q-Learning: Q(St,At) = Q(St,At) + a [ R(t+1) + discount * max Q(St+1,a) - Q(St,At) ]
As you said, you have to find the maximum Q-value for the update eq. by changing the a, Then you will have a new Q(St,At). CAREFULLY, the a that give you the maximum Q-value is not the next action. At this stage, you only know the next state (St+1), and before going to next round, you want to update the St by the St+1 (St <-- St+1).
For each loop;
choose At from the St using the Q-value
take At and observe Rt+1 and St+1
Update Q-value using the eq.
St <-- St+1
Until St is terminal
The only difference between SARSA and Qlearning is that SARSA takes the next action based on the current policy while qlearning takes the action with maximum utility of next state
I didn't read any book just I see the implication of them
q learning just focus on the (action grid)
SARSA learning just focus on the (state to state) and observe the action list of s and s' and then update the (state to state grid)
Both SARSA and Q-learnig agents follow e-greedy policy to interact with environment.
SARSA agent updates its Q-function using the next timestep Q-value with whatever action the policy provides(mostly still greedy, but random action also accepted). The policy being executed and the policy being updated towards are the same.
Q-learning agent updates its Q-function with only the action brings the maximum next state Q-value(total greedy with respect to the policy). The policy being executed and the policy being updated towards are different.
Hence, SARSA is on-policy, Q-learning is off-policy.
