WPF Application base class? - wpf

I'm not even sure if this is even possible, but I've just started WPF development on a few new projects and tried to wrap up some common functionality by creating a mini-framework. Just things like exception handling and thread management.
What I would like to do is replace this line...
public partial class App : Application
public partial class App : MyFrameworkApplication
I've got the libraries set up and referenced, but I get an error regarding the 'partially' declared App class, presumably because it's still referencing the old base class.
Any ideas? Thanks.
EDIT: #Jeff M: No, your solution didn't work. I suspect because the MyFrameworkApplication is actually in a library and the z namespace declaration fails to recognise the library's namespace. I've got it referenced in the App.xaml.cs, but the suspicious looking error is:
Error 3 Undefined CLR namespace. The 'clr-namespace' URI refers to a namespace 'MyLibraryNamespace' that is not included in the assembly.
I can circumvent the problem by creating a proxy class within the local namespace and having it derive from the library class...but it's a bit smelly.

I suspect it's because the the underlying XAML root is still an Application as opposed to MyFrameworkApplication. I'd guess the generated baml uses the root as it's parent class. Try changing it to the appropriate names.
<z:MyFrameworkApplication x:Class="MyNamespace.App"
It seems my suspicions were correct.
From the docs in Code-Behind and XAML in WPF:
Code-behind, Event Handler, and Partial Class Requirements in WPF
The partial class must derive from the type that backs the root element. (emphasis mine)
Note that under the default behavior of the markup compile build actions, you can leave the derivation blank in the partial class
definition on the code-behind side. The compiled result will assume
the page root's backing type to be the basis for the partial class,
even if it not specified. However, relying on this behavior is not a
best practice.
The event handlers you write in the code behind must be instance methods and cannot be static methods. These methods must be defined by
the partial class within the CLR namespace identified by x:Class. You
cannot qualify the name of an event handler to instruct a XAML
processor to look for an event handler for event wiring in a different
class scope.
The handler must match the delegate for the appropriate event in the backing type system.
For the Microsoft Visual Basic language specifically, you can use the language-specific Handles keyword to associate handlers with
instances and events in the handler declaration, instead of attaching
handlers with attributes in XAML. However, this technique does have
some limitations because the Handles keyword cannot support all of the
specific features of the WPF event system, such as certain routed
event scenarios or attached events. For details, see Visual Basic and WPF Event Handling.
The root application type in code-behind and in the xaml must agree.


Role of Parameterless constructor in WPF (XAML)

I've been reading an online tutorial on WPF, there I read a line
"All classes in WPF have parameterless constructors and make excessive usage of properties. That is done to make it perfectly fit for XML languages like XAML."
I examined above words by creating a custom class with one parameterized constructor and encountered error "Type 'custom_class_name' is not usable as an object element because it is not public or does not define a public parameterless constructor or a type converter."
I just wanted to know a specific detailed reason, how parameterless constructors help achieving this.
The WPF Framework uses the parameter-less constructors to instantiate all of the objects that we define in our XAML pages when it builds the visual tree. If it tries to instantiate an object that does not have a public parameter-less constructor, then you will throw this Exception. If you were to add a parameter-less constructor to your object and try again, then this Exception should disappear.
Please also look at the Type '{0}' is not usable as an object element page at MSDN.
Also, I believe that classes without any constructors in .NET are automatically provided with 'invisible' parameter-less constructors by default. However, if we add a parameterised constructor, then no parameter-less constructor will be provided automatically.

Detecting Design Mode using WPF in a Static Method

I am using WPF. I have a static class that performs some setup not available during design mode. This constructor gets called by a window in design mode, which results in an exception being thrown.
How do I detect design mode in a static method, so I can invoke the appropriate design mode behavior?
The recommended approach does not work for static methods.
The static constructor is called from xaml, so I can't conditionally call it (unless I move the call to code-behind, which I'd like to avoid).
In the window: <Window ... HelpProvider.Keyword="some_help_topic.html">
In the class:
static HelpProvider()
// Load the .chm file from an application setting (this fails at design time)
// Add a WPF command binding
The possible way to solve it keeping attached property in xaml file is:
Move initialization code from static constructor to attached property changed callback. Frankly speaking, it is not good practice to do such kind of work in static constructors.
In your attached property changed callback you have a reference to your window. So you can call DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(yourwindow) there and decide, if you need to load file or whatever causes issues.

How to specify generic type argument in XAML

I have a BaseView for my MVP - PRISM WPF application. Now for some reason we thought to make the _presenter as a Templated field in the BaseView.
earlier i had the view xaml representation as
<base:BaseView xamlns:base="clr address of the dll which had BaseView" >
now since i have changed the BaseView to BaseView<TPresenter>, So how shall i write the Xaml then?
You can do it since .NET 4 Framework and XAML 2009.
See Generics in XAML on MSDN
For instance:
<my:BusinessObject x:TypeArguments="x:String,x:Int32"/>
For .NET 3.5:
For XAML 2006 usage when specifically targeting WPF, x:Class must also
be provided on the same element as x:TypeArguments, and that element
must be the root element in a XAML document. The root element must map
to a generic type with at least one type argument. An example is
Possible workarounds to support generic usages include defining a
custom markup extension that can return generic types, or providing a
wrapping class definition that derives from a generic type but
flattens the generic constraint in its own class definition.
In case this happens to someone. I had a similar scenario where I converted my base class to a templated class (i.e. BaseView to BaseView). I kept receiving errors in the InitializeComponent() method. I was receiving the null exception error in the x:Class base type's InitializeComponent() call. I was able to resolve the errors by removing the form-level events from the XAML definition. If I had to keep the form-level events I would need to move them to BaseView.

What are the main drawbacks of exposing a DependencyProperty via a static property instead of a static field? (F#)

I found out that F# 2.0 apparently doesn't support public static fields anymore, which makes impossible the standard way of implementing a DependencyProperty:
public static readonly FooProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(...); // in C#
I don't quite like one suggested work-around for F# which involves declaring the DependencyProperty as a static mutable val and then initializing it with a static do... (or however exactly it goes).
I've tried exposing a DependencyProperty as a public static property instead of as a public static field, which seems to work just fine in a WPF application (I've tried data binding and style setters on the property, both with success):
type XY() =
inherit Control()
static let fooProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Foo", typeof<string>, typeof<XY>)
static member public FooProperty with get () = fooProperty // see update below:
//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // not required!
member public this.Foo with get (): string = this.GetValue(fooProperty) :?> string
and set (x: string) = this.SetValue(fooProperty, x)
Are there any notable drawbacks to publishing a dependency property as a property, instead of as a field? Because this code looks much cleaner to me than the suggested work-around.
Update #1: I just found that in the above code, FooProperty (the public read-only property) isn't even required. So one could drop the line I high-lighted in the above code example and things still work just fine. I'm now even more curious why people go to such lengths using mutable val etc. when it's apparently that simple? Am I missing something important?
Update #2: In a comment below, Robert Jeppesen provided a hyperlink to an MSDN page which mentions the following:
If you fail to follow this naming pattern [ie. Foo → FooProperty] , designers might not report your property correctly, and certain aspects of property system style application might not behave as expected.
I put Expression Blend 4 to the test and found that it doesn't seem to be affected at all when the public static FooProperty is completely missing.
Yes, it does make a difference whether you use a public static field or not. But maybe not a significant difference, depending on your needs. I will explain where WPF itself behaves differently, then mention a couple of other situations in which it might also be a problem.
Effect on XAML parsing if you use a static property instead of a static field
The only part of WPF itself that actually notices whether you used a static property or a static field is the XAML parser, and the only situation where it makes a difference is when the same property name is used at multiple levels. This is because the existence of a static field with matching name and ending in "Property" is used to disambiguate between identically-named DependencyProperties at multiple levels.
One place you'll see a difference is if you define your property using a public static property (or nothing at all) and the ancestor class has a DependencyProperty the same name using a public static field, the ancestor class's property will be used instead of yours.
For example, suppose create a Control that has a DependencyProperty named "Language". FrameworkElement already has a "Language" DependencyProperty, but as long as you follow the standard and use a public static field, that's ok: Your "Language" property will take precedence. But if you use a public static property instead, your XAML will end up setting the "FrameworkElement.Language" dependency property, not yours.
This could be a problem if, for example, a new version of WPF comes out that has a new dependency property defined on one of your base classes. For example, if you are using a "Depth" property you've defined using a static field, and NET Framework 5.0 defines a "Depth" property on "Visual", your application won't work on the new version of NET Framework.
Another scenario where this may make a difference is when the class hierarchy is changed. WPF tries to protect you from versioning issues in this case, but its protection goes away if you used a public static property instead of a public static field. The simplest scenario is that you wrote a library and people are using your property. If you used a public static field their compiled application will actually include your class name so there can be no mistake. But if you used a public static property (or nothing at all) their compiled application will reference it using their derived class name. So if the inheritance hierarchy changes or a new property is introduced in between, it could shadow your original property even in compiled code. For example, this could be an issue if:
YourControl is derived from ThirdPartyGrid
YourControl was written when ThirdPartyGrid didn't have a "Language" field, so the compiled code references FrameworkElement.Language
If the vendor of ThirdPartyGrid adds a "Language" dependency property it won't affect your application
But if FrameworkElement.Language had been defined as a public static property, the vendor's addition would break your application
There are some even more esoteric situations where it can make a difference.
Effects on designer tools
As far as I can tell, neither Visual Studio nor Expression Blend behave any differently if you define the property using a public static property instead of a field, or even if you leave it out entirely, except when they encounter the XAML parser behavior mentioned earlier.
But it should be noted that there are many XAML development environments out there, and since the pattern of using static fields is so firmly established, they may rely on this. So it is caveat emptor.
Effects on WPF itself other than XAML parsing
Except for the XAML parser, no part of WPF cares whether you have defined a public static property, field, or nothing at all. You can use your DependencyProperties exactly the same way in each case. However:
I know of no guarantee this will always be true, and
Third party code could easily rely on it

navigation framework in silverlight 3 skipping constructor when usercontrol is of a derived type

I am using the NavigationFramework in Silverlight 3, and am running into issues where the constructor of the UserControl in the xaml I am loading is not being called, and I believe this is because the UserControl in the xaml I am calling is actually derived from another user control.
I have stepped through the debugger with specific break points and the constructor is being ignored completey.
I have MyWindowBlue which is of type uctrlBaseMyWindow.
The constructor for uctrlBaseMyWindow is being called when the xaml is 'navigated to' but the constructor for MyWindowBlue is being ignored.
This is not the case if I add the user control via markup directly.
Anyone else have this issue?
The code I am using to navigate to the MyWindowBlue is
this.MyContentFrame.Navigate(new Uri("/Controls/uctrlMyWindowBlue.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
Has anyone run into this or could offer any help?
Found the error in my code.
This was due to an error in my XAML. I had moved the user control to a different folder, and so the c# code behind had a type of the same name in one location in the namespace, but the XAML markup had the type in a different location (the original folder), and so the partial class with the constructor was not linked to the type I was actually instantiating.
I fixed the type reference to point to the proper location in the namespace and now the partial class code behind is linked back up.
