Simple small INotifyPropertyChanged implementation - wpf

Say I have the following class:
public MainFormViewModel
public String StatusText {get; set;}
What is the easiest smallest way to get my changes to StatusText to reflect to any controls that bind to it?
Obviously I need to use INotifyPropertyChanged, but is there a cool way to do it that does not clutter up my code? need lots of files? etc?
Note: If this is a dupe then I am sorry. I searched and could not find any thing but using T4 code Generation which does not sound easy (to setup at least).

Unfortunately C# doesn't offer an easy mechanism to do that automatically... It has been suggested to create a new syntax like this :
public observable int Foo { get; set; }
But I doubt it will ever be included in the language...
A possible solution would to use an AOP framework like Postsharp, that way you just need to decorate your properties with an attribute:
public MainFormViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public String StatusText {get; set;}
(haven't tried, but I'm pretty sure Postsharp allows you to do that kind of thing...)
UPDATE: OK, I managed to make it work. Note that it's a very crude implementation, using reflection on a private field to retrieve the delegate... It could certainly be improved, but I'll leave it to you ;)
public class NotifyPropertyChangedAttribute : LocationInterceptionAspect
public override void OnSetValue(LocationInterceptionArgs args)
object oldValue = args.GetCurrentValue();
object newValue = args.Value;
if (args.Instance is INotifyPropertyChanged)
if (!Equals(oldValue, newValue))
RaisePropertyChanged(args.Instance, args.LocationName);
private void RaisePropertyChanged(object instance, string propertyName)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = GetPropertyChangedHandler(instance);
if (handler != null)
handler(instance, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
private PropertyChangedEventHandler GetPropertyChangedHandler(object instance)
Type type = instance.GetType().GetEvent("PropertyChanged").DeclaringType;
FieldInfo propertyChanged = type.GetField("PropertyChanged",
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (propertyChanged != null)
return propertyChanged.GetValue(instance) as PropertyChangedEventHandler;
return null;
Note that your class still need to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. You just don't have to explicitly raise the event in your property setters.

Have a go of this
All you need to do is implement INotifyPropertyChanged
So your code will look like
public MainFormViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public String StatusText {get; set;}
#region INotifyPropertyChanged Implementation
The build task will compile this (you never see the below code)
public MainFormViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public String StatusText {get; set;}
private string statusText;
public string StatusText
get { return statusText; }
if (value!= statusText)
statusText = value;
#region INotifyPropertyChanged Implementation

By leveraging EqualityComparer.Default you can reduce the property setter code down to one line as follows:
private int unitsInStock;
public int UnitsInStock
get { return unitsInStock; }
set { SetProperty(ref unitsInStock, value, "UnitsInStock"); }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void SetProperty<T>(ref T field, T value, string name)
if (!EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(field, value))
field = value;
var handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
If your view models inherit from a base class that defines the SetProperty method and the PropertyChanged event, then the amount of code required to support INotifyPropertyChanged in your child view models becomes very minimal (1 line).
This approach is more verbose then the code weaving methods mentioned in other answers, but doesn't require you to modify your build process to accomplish it.
Be sure to take a look at the upcoming C# 5 Caller Info attributes as well as it looks like they will allow us to avoid using a magic string in the method without the performance cost of reflection.
UPDATE (March 1st, 2012):
The .NET 4.5 Beta is out, and with it, you can further refine the above code to this which removes the need for the string literal in the caller:
private int unitsInStock;
public int UnitsInStock
get { return unitsInStock; }
SetProperty(ref unitsInStock, value);
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void SetProperty<T>(ref T field, T value, [CallerMemberName] string name = "")
if (!EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(field, value))
field = value;
var handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
I have a blog post that talks about it in slightly more detail.

Ive always liked this method
private string m_myString;
public string MyString
get { return m_myString; }
if (m_myString != value)
m_myString = value;
private void NotifyPropertyChanged(string property)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(property));
or for less code bloat
m_myString = value;

I have a base class called "Model". It exposes a protected object called DataPoints, which is essentially a dictionary.
public String StatusText {
get {
return (string)DataPoints["StatusText"];
set {
DataPoints["StatusText"] = value;
public Property StatusText as String
return DataPoints!StatusText
end get
DataPoints!StatusText = value
end set
end property
When you set a value in the DataPoints dictionary it does the following:
Checks to make sure the value actually changed.
Saves the new value
Sets the IsDirty property to true.
Raises the Property Changed event for the named property as well as the IsDirty and IsValid properties.
Since it is a dictionary, it also makes loading objects from a database or XML file really easy.
Now you may think reading and writing to dictionary is expensive, but I've been doing a lot of performance testing and I haven't found any noticable impact from this in my WPF applications.

The PropertyChanged.Fody NuGet package does this.
Add the PropertyChanged.Fody package to your project.
Reference PropertyChanged in your model: using PropertyChanged;
Add the [ImplementPropertyChanged] attribute to your class.
All of the properties in the class will now magically implement INotifyPropertyChanged. Note - Fody works by modifying the emitted IL so you will never actually see the code in VS - it just magically does it.
Additional docs:


Add, rename, remove item in treeview with MVVM WPF

I refer excellent tutorial of Josh Smith to work with treeview.
I try to modified with this code to add, remove, rename item to this treeview but I don't know why it not update
Rename item command
#region RenameCommand
/// <summary>
/// Returns the command used to execute a search in the family tree.
/// </summary>
public ICommand RenameCommand
get { return _renameCommand; }
private class RenameFamilyTreeCommand : ICommand
readonly FamilyTreeViewModel _familyTree;
public RenameFamilyTreeCommand(FamilyTreeViewModel familyTree)
_familyTree = familyTree;
public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
return true;
event EventHandler ICommand.CanExecuteChanged
// I intentionally left these empty because
// this command never raises the event, and
// not using the WeakEvent pattern here can
// cause memory leaks. WeakEvent pattern is
// not simple to implement, so why bother.
add { }
remove { }
public void Execute(object parameter)
//MessageBox.Show("Rename command");
_familyTree._rootPerson.Children[0].Children[0].Header = "Hello";
if (_familyTree._rootPerson.Children[0] == null)
// Ensure that this person is in view.
if (_familyTree._rootPerson.Children[0].Parent != null)
_familyTree._rootPerson.Children[0].Parent.IsExpanded = true;
_familyTree._rootPerson.Children[0].IsSelected = true;
#endregion // RenameCommand
Add item command
#region AddCommand
/// <summary>
/// Returns the command used to execute a search in the family tree.
/// </summary>
public ICommand AddCommand
get { return _addCommand; }
private class AddFamilyTreeCommand : ICommand
public FamilyTreeViewModel _familyTree;
public AddFamilyTreeCommand(FamilyTreeViewModel familyTree)
_familyTree = familyTree;
public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
return true;
event EventHandler ICommand.CanExecuteChanged
// I intentionally left these empty because
// this command never raises the event, and
// not using the WeakEvent pattern here can
// cause memory leaks. WeakEvent pattern is
// not simple to implement, so why bother.
add { }
remove { }
public void Execute(object parameter)
Person newPerson = new Person();
newPerson.Header = "New Person";
newPerson.Name = "";
PersonViewModel newPersonViewModel = new PersonViewModel(newPerson);
//if (newPersonViewModel.Parent != null)
// newPersonViewModel.Parent.IsExpanded = true;
//newPersonViewModel.IsSelected = true;
if (_familyTree._rootPerson.Children[0] == null)
// Ensure that this person is in view.
if (_familyTree._rootPerson.Children[0].Parent != null)
_familyTree._rootPerson.Children[0].Parent.IsExpanded = true;
_familyTree._rootPerson.Children[0].IsSelected = true;
#endregion // AddCommand
Add command working fine but it's seem to be GUI not update. Rename command is not working but GUI is updated. I don't know reason why, And it's hard to access person class (use parent, person, children,..)
Is there anyone successfully update add, rename, remove command to Josh Smith project.
p/s: I debug by and see binding command for add and rename are working well, But the problem is I don't know what exactly to use Add, remove, rename person in Josh Smith project
Adding items is not reflected in the UI, because the source collection Person.Children doesn't implement INotifyCollectionChanged.
Whenever you need dynamic collections, where add, remove or move operations should update the binding target, you should use the ObservableCollection<T>, which implements INotifyCollectionChanged.
Similar applies to the Person.Name property. If you want a property's change to be reflected to the UI, then your view model must implement INotifyPropertyChanged and raise the INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged event whenever the binding source (the view model property) has changed.
Generally, when a class serves as a binding source for data binding, then this class must implement INotifyPropertyChanged (if this interface is not implemented, then the performance of data binding becomes very bad).
When the modification of a property should update the UI ( by invoking the data binding, then the modified property must raise the INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged event.
When the modification of a collection should update the UI (binding target) by invoking the data binding, then the modified collection must implement INotifyCollectionChanged and raise the INotifyCollectionChanged.CollectionChanged event. ObservableCollection provides a default implementation of INotifyCollectionChanged.
The following example follows the above rules. The changes made to the Person class should fix your issues. Changes to the data model will now be reflected in the TreeView:
public class Person : INotifyPropertyChanged
private ObservableCollection<Person> _children = new ObservableCollection<Person>();
public ObservableCollection<Person> Children
get { return _children; }
private string name
public string Name
get =>;
{ = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
this.PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

PropertyChanged for an extended class

My VS2015 solution consists of two projects: DataModel and DesktopClient.
DataModel has a Customer class - thats an EntityFramework 6 DB entity. Customer has a FirstName property.
In DesktopClient there is an extended class CustomerExt.
In DesktopClient, is it possible to have a notification to CustomerExt.FirstName changes? Defining a partial Customer across two projects won't work - DataModel is compiled first and it won't have partial properties defined in DesktopClient.
public class CustomerExt : Customer, INotifyPropertyChanged
public object Clone()
return this.MemberwiseClone();
private bool _isChecked;
public bool IsChecked
get { return _isChecked; }
this._isChecked = value;
#region INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void NotifyPropertyChanged(String info)
this.PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(info));
Unfortunately, if your base class does not implement INotifyPropertyChanged the safest way is to just write a wrapper class and only use that in your software. You can fit this in with your CustExt, or make it separate if you feel you want the extra layer.
This also assumes that while you may not control the Customer class, you control all of the code creating/editing the Customer instances, so that you can use this new class instead, then convert it to the original Customer class only when needed (such as a database transaction).
public class CustomerExt: INotifyPropertyChanged
Customer _customer = new Customer();
public object Clone()
return this.MemberwiseClone();
private bool _isChecked;
public bool IsChecked
get { return _isChecked; }
this._isChecked = value;
#region WrapperProperties
public bool FirstName
get { return _customer.FirstName; }
_customer.FirstName= value;
public Customer ToCustomer()
// returning a copy of the _customer instance here is safer than returning
// the reference, otherwise the properties could be altered directly
#region INotifyPropertyChanged
Some of this gets a little easier if you have an ICustomer interface and that is used during the database calls, then you can skip the formality of retaining a Customer instance.
I remember there being some third party libraries that have tried to automate this process - but I have never tried them and/or didn't trust them to work properly.
Let me see if I understand, you want update the View when your date is updated on the database?
You have to find a way to request this information from your ViewModel.
some kind of RefreshFirstNameAsync
private string _firstName;
public string FirstName
get { return _firstName; }
this._firstName= value;
NotifyPropertyChanged("FirstName"); // There is better ways to implement that line
private void RefreshFirstName(){
FirstName = _userRepo.GetFirstNameAsync();

Raising OnPropertyChanged in the setter of each property vs Instance of Object

Information for the question:
I am trying to understand how to properly implement INotifyPropertyChanged on objects and collections.
First, here is my ViewModelBase class:
public abstract class ViewModelBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertychanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")
var handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Consider that I have a class called Person:
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Age { get; set; }
To use INotifyPropertyChanged, most examples that I have seen change the Person class to something like this:
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
private string _name;
public string Name
get { return _name; }
_name = value;
private string _age;
public string Age
get { return _age; }
_age = value;
It seems to work exactly the same when used a single time on an instance of the object (This might be useful if there are a lot of properties):
private Person _person;
public Person MyPerson
get { return _person; }
_person = value;
Actual question:
1 - Does it make a difference (aside from amounts of code) whether you call OnPropertychanged() on each individual property verses on an instance of an object? (Are both considered good practice?)
2 - If setting OnPropertychanged() on the object instance is good practice, am I correct to create an ObservableCollection like this?:
var PersonCollection = new ObservableCollection<MyPerson>();
1) Well, if you want to call it on object instance, then you need to do it every time you use your class like this in binding. When you implement OnNotifyPropertyChanged directly inside your class, you don't need to care about it later on...
2) Classes with INotifyPropertyChanged do not require Observable collections. This is however must when you are binding colection do some UI control (ListBox, ListView) and want to add/remove its elements. Observable collection will then make sure the UI gets updated.
The ObservableCollections object... When adding and removing from this collection the UI will be notified of the changes (Top Level). If you have an "ObservableCollection of Person" and you change a property on the one of the objects(Person) in the list the UI will not update unless your "Person" class implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, which can be put into a base class that all classes can inherit from like your example. I hope this helps a little.

WinForms binding Generic List - checkable business object to a Grid

We all like how easy it is to bind with WPF. Now I am back working with Winforms and I am looking for a nice way to bind my grid to a List of Checkable of BusinessObject (I am sticking with BindingList for Winforms). So I am essentially just adding a checkable to my business object.
I am using a grid as there will be multiple columns where the user would edit (in this scenario Name and Description on the business object) - as well as adding new objects to the grid and removing from it. Checked list box does not fit for this purpose as I want to edit columns.
For this I am using .NET 4.
I basically want to reduce the amount of UI code in the scenario so I am using a view model based approach which will populate the list. I want the user to be able to check a box alongside each of the business object properties.
Sure I can use inheritance, but if I want to apply the same mechanism against a lot of business objects (having lots of different screens where you check items in a list for the different business objects). Maybe this would be the way to go - but I have my doubts.
Now depending upon the choice of grid - I am using Infragistics - the functionality would hopefully be pretty similar conceptually.
I thought about wrapping the business object up in a Checkable generic class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Checkable<T> : ModelBase
public Checkable(T value)
_value = value;
private T _value;
public T Value
return _value;
if (!EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(_value, value))
_value = value;
private bool _checked;
public bool Checked
get { return _checked; }
if (_checked != value)
_checked = value;
I have made up a business object for this scenario:
public class BusinessObject : ModelBase
public BusinessObject()
public BusinessObject(RepairType repairType)
_name = repairType.Name;
_id = repairType.Id;
private string _name;
public string Name
get { return _name; }
if (_name != value)
_name = value;
private string _description;
public string Description
get { return _description; }
if (description != value)
description = value;
private int _id;
public int Id
get { return _id; }
if (_id != value)
_id = value;
Where ModelBase just implements the INotifyPropertyChanged:
public abstract class ModelBase : INotifyPropertyChanged, IDisposable
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
protected bool SetProperty<T>(ref T field, T value, string propertyName = null)
if (object.Equals(field, value)) { return false; }
field = value;
return true;
public void Dispose()
public virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
PropertyChanged = null;
So potentially for my grid datasource I would define:
// in view model
var datasource = new BindingList<Checkable<BusinessObject>>();
... populate list
grid.DataSource = viewmodel.DataSource;
So of course my scenario fails at the minute as Value is the BusinessObject reference which has the properties I want to bind to, and Checked is the property for a checkbox which I also want to bind to.
I am trying to kick start the old grey matter with some ideas on this. I don't really like writing code to define grid columns. However, the Infragistics grid has been ok for data binding directly to the BusinessObject at design time. Its possible to add an unbound column (checkbox for my scenario) and handle the checking/unchecking of items manually (which I might potentially have to do).
I am wondering if I am missing any neat tricks with Winform binding of late having missed out with Linq and Entity Framework when they appeared many years ago.

PropertyChanged notification for calculated properties

I'm developing an application in Silverlight2 and trying to follow the Model-View-ViewModel pattern. I am binding the IsEnabled property on some controls to a boolean property on the ViewModel.
I'm running into problems when those properties are derived from other properties. Let's say I have a Save button that I only want to be enabled when it's possible to save (data has been loaded, and we're currently not busy doing stuff in the database).
So I have a couple of properties like this:
private bool m_DatabaseBusy;
public bool DatabaseBusy
get { return m_DatabaseBusy; }
if (m_DatabaseBusy != value)
m_DatabaseBusy = value;
private bool m_IsLoaded;
public bool IsLoaded
get { return m_IsLoaded; }
if (m_IsLoaded != value)
m_IsLoaded = value;
Now what I want to do is this:
public bool CanSave
get { return this.IsLoaded && !this.DatabaseBusy; }
But note the lack of property-changed notification.
So the question is: What is a clean way of exposing a single boolean property I can bind to, but is calculated instead of being explicitly set and provides notification so the UI can update correctly?
EDIT: Thanks for the help everyone - I got it going and had a go at making a custom attribute. I'm posting the source here in case anyone's interested. I'm sure it could be done in a cleaner way, so if you see any flaws, add a comment or an answer.
Basically what I did was made an interface that defined a list of key-value pairs to hold what properties depended on other properties:
public interface INotifyDependentPropertyChanged
// key,value = parent_property_name, child_property_name, where child depends on parent.
List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> DependentPropertyList{get;}
I then made the attribute to go on each property:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)]
public class NotifyDependsOnAttribute : Attribute
public string DependsOn { get; set; }
public NotifyDependsOnAttribute(string dependsOn)
this.DependsOn = dependsOn;
public static void BuildDependentPropertyList(object obj)
if (obj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("obj");
var obj_interface = (obj as INotifyDependentPropertyChanged);
if (obj_interface == null)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Type {0} does not implement INotifyDependentPropertyChanged.",obj.GetType().Name));
// Build the list of dependent properties.
foreach (var property in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
// Find all of our attributes (may be multiple).
var attributeArray = (NotifyDependsOnAttribute[])property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NotifyDependsOnAttribute), false);
foreach (var attribute in attributeArray)
obj_interface.DependentPropertyList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(attribute.DependsOn, property.Name));
The attribute itself only stores a single string. You can define multiple dependencies per property. The guts of the attribute is in the BuildDependentPropertyList static function. You have to call this in the constructor of your class. (Anyone know if there's a way to do this via a class/constructor attribute?) In my case all this is hidden away in a base class, so in the subclasses you just put the attributes on the properties. Then you modify your OnPropertyChanged equivalent to look for any dependencies. Here's my ViewModel base class as an example:
public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged, INotifyDependentPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyname)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyname));
// fire for dependent properties
foreach (var p in this.DependentPropertyList.Where((x) => x.Key.Equals(propertyname)))
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(p.Value));
private List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> m_DependentPropertyList = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
public List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> DependentPropertyList
get { return m_DependentPropertyList; }
public ViewModel()
Finally, you set the attributes on the affected properties. I like this way because the derived property holds the properties it depends on, rather than the other way around.
public bool SaveEnabled
get { return !this.Session.IsLocked && !this.DatabaseBusy; }
The big caveat here is that it only works when the other properties are members of the current class. In the example above, if this.Session.IsLocked changes, the notification doesnt get through. The way I get around this is to subscribe to this.Session.NotifyPropertyChanged and fire PropertyChanged for "Session". (Yes, this would result in events firing where they didnt need to)
The traditional way to do this is to add an OnPropertyChanged call to each of the properties that might affect your calculated one, like this:
public bool IsLoaded
get { return m_IsLoaded; }
if (m_IsLoaded != value)
m_IsLoaded = value;
This can get a bit messy (if, for example, your calculation in CanSave changes).
One (cleaner? I don't know) way to get around this would be to override OnPropertyChanged and make the call there:
protected override void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (propertyName == "IsLoaded" /* || propertyName == etc */)
You need to add a notification for the CanSave property change everywhere one of the properties it depends changes:
How about this solution?
private bool _previousCanSave;
private void UpdateCanSave()
if (CanSave != _previousCanSave)
_previousCanSave = CanSave;
Then call UpdateCanSave() in the setters of IsLoaded and DatabaseBusy?
If you cannot modify the setters of IsLoaded and DatabaseBusy because they are in different classes, you could try calling UpdateCanSave() in the PropertyChanged event handler for the object defining IsLoaded and DatabaseBusy.
