GWT: FlexTable swaping rows with Up/Down Buttons - google-app-engine

i want to design a FlexTable programmaticaly which looks like this:
Since OnClick Methods can't get other Parameters then an Event and the buttons don't know "on which row they are", i can't tell the button "please swap the row, where you currently are with your buddy on top of you".
I would like to know: What's a good way to do this?

ClickEvents have a getSource() method which contains the source of the event, which is helpful.
public class NiceLabel {
public final Row row;
public NiceLabel(Row row, ClickHandler clickHandler) {
this.row = row;
// clickHandler has the following:
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
((NiceLabel) event.getSource()).row.moveUp();
And in this way you can add the same ClickHandler to every NiceLabel without having to create a new one for each row.


Can I remove the 'carrot' (upside down triangle) created by the ComboBoxListViewSkin?

When implementing the java ComboBoxListViewSkin class to manage the popup listener of my ComboBox, this adds a 'carrot' to the upper left corner of the ComboBox (see below). If I remove this class implementation it goes away. I'm using the CombBoxListViewSkin's class popup listener to prevent the [SPACE] from selecting and closing the ComboBox when pressed which allows the [SPACE] character to be typed as part of an AutoComplete class.
This is all the code involved in managing and allowing the [SPACE] to work as part of AutoComplete class -and works great. I've tried searching the ComboBoxListViewSkin class for methods or properties that may prevent this, but nothing addresses this. I thought maybe the COMBO_BOX_STYLE_CLASS might offer something but everything really only manages the displaying, adding or removing items. Since the code below is the minimal necessary to recreate the issue, this will not perform the auto-complete function, but it demonstrates that removing and re-implementing the ComboBoxListViewSkin class causes the issue.... or appears to.
// Main method calling
public class Main extends Application{
public static void main(String[] args) {
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
ComboBox cmb = new ComboBox();
cmb.getItems().setAll("One", "One Two", "One Two Three");
new ComboBoxAutoComplete(cmb);
Scene scene = new Scene(new StackPane(cmb));
stage.setTitle("Test GUI");
// ComboBoxAutoComplete class with ComboBoxListViewSkin initialization
// Minimal of ComboBoxAutoComplete class constructor
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent;
public class ComboBoxAutoComplete<T> {
private ComboBox<T> cmb;
private String filter = "";
private ObservableList<T> originalItems;
private ComboBoxListViewSkin cbSkin;
public ComboBoxAutoComplete(final ComboBox<T> cmb) {
this.cmb = cmb;
originalItems = FXCollections.observableArrayList(cmb.getItems());
cbSkin = new ComboBoxListViewSkin(cmb);
// Aside from the variable declaration and initialization... this
// is the only ComboBoxListViewSkin code to handle the [SPACE]
cbSkin.getPopupContent().addEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, (event) -> {
if (event.getCode() == KeyCode.SPACE) {
filter += " ";
My expectation is for the ComboBox to look like all the other ComboBoxes in the application GUI. Although it is a minor issue, to the user I believe it may look like an issue with the application is going on.
Resolved: As Fabian suggested above, I added a cmb.setSkin(cbSkin) after the initialization and before the event filtering and it worked. Thought I would post so others would see it was resolved.
cbSkin = new ComboBoxListViewSkin(cmb);
cmb.setSkin(cbSkin); // <------------- ADDED
cbSkin.getPopupContent().addEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, (event) -> {
if (event.getCode() == KeyCode.SPACE) {
filter += " ";

Why ComboBox setValue do not work in Vaadin?

I have simple code:
ComboBox<String> combo=new ComboBox<>("Combo");
Button button = new Button("Button");
button.addClickListener(new ComponentEventListener<ClickEvent<Button>>() {
public void onComponentEvent(ClickEvent<Button> event) {
When I first time click button i have items "11" and "22" present in combobox and value "22" is selected.
Second click makes value cleared but items "11" and "22" are still present.
In case I select "11" or leave "22" selected in combobox and click button - value clears.
It seems that setValue() only works when combobox is empty but following code do not helps as well:
Following code sets value of ComboBox correctly, no matter if I select some value or clear it before click:
ComboBox<String> combo=new ComboBox<>("Combo");
Button button = new Button("Button");
button.addClickListener(new ComponentEventListener<ClickEvent<Button>>() {
public void onComponentEvent(ClickEvent<Button> event) {
But I have to set items of Combobox dynamically and the last solution do not suitable for me.
Vaadin version is 10.0.9.
Has anyone some suggestions or advices ?
Thanks !
I've tried following code:
But it do not work as well.
This code works only if value in combo is empty, but if I input something in combo the code just clears value by .setItems() and further .setValue() do not work.
If value of combo is empty the code works well.
Your code works perfectly fine in a minimum project based on (which uses Vaadin 12.0.7)
#PWA(name = "Project Base for Vaadin Flow", shortName = "Project Base")
public class MainView extends VerticalLayout {
public MainView() {
ComboBox<String> combo=new ComboBox<>("Combo");
Button button = new Button("Button");
button.addClickListener(new ComponentEventListener<ClickEvent<Button>>() {
public void onComponentEvent(ClickEvent<Button> event) {
Whatever value you set in the ComboBox via UI .. when the button is clicked, the selected value will switch to 22.
If that's an option for you, you could update to a newer Vaadin version and try it with that.
To better show what I meant in my comment, I'm writing it as an answer.
What I meant was to set an empty collection not in the clickListener but directly after initializing the ComboBox:
ComboBox<String> combo=new ComboBox<>("Combo");
Button button = new Button("Button");
button.addClickListener(new ComponentEventListener<ClickEvent<Button>>() {
public void onComponentEvent(ClickEvent<Button> event) {
please try it out and let me know if that works

Vaadin - How to convert a Grid column which has boolean value to Checkbox

I am using Vaadin 7.6.4 for my UI work. This has the following:-
I have a window which contains a grid with data in it. This window is actually a kind of a pop up[ which shows up when my main screen gets a click on the settings icon( not shown here). This is working fine( getting the UI screen to open the Vaadin window when the settings icon the main screen is clicked).
The problem is in showing the data as mentioned below.
This grid will have 4 columns for which the data comes from a bean container.
The first column is a boolean field with true/false getting displayed based on the data from the bean container.
I need to convert this boolean field column into a checkbox with true showing the field as a checkbox with a value selected. If the value is false, then show a checkbox which is not selected.
I am trying to do that as shown in the code below but I keep getting this checkbox name printed. I dont see the checkbox but the word "checkbox" printed in there?
This checkbox should be editable. The idea is that the user should be able to select some checkboxes and the ones selected should be shown in a panel ( not shown here). Thus, the checkbox has to be editable.
How do I fix this? The code for the window is shown below
package com.platform28.mybatis;
import java.util.List;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener;
import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox;
import com.vaadin.ui.Grid;
import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
public class ConfigPopUp extends Window {
VaadinUtils vaadinUtils = null;
public ConfigPopUp(List<TableColumnData> tblDataLst) {
vaadinUtils = new VaadinUtils();
// Some basic content for the window
VerticalLayout configLayout = new VerticalLayout();
configLayout.addComponent(new Label("Settings"));
//adding grid.
List<SettingsColumnData> settingsList = vaadinUtils.processSettingsList(tblDataLst);
final BeanItemContainer<SettingsColumnData> gridDataSource = new BeanItemContainer<SettingsColumnData>(SettingsColumnData.class, settingsList);
//change boolean value to checkbox.
GeneratedPropertyContainer gp = new GeneratedPropertyContainer(gridDataSource);
gp.addGeneratedProperty("columnDisplayed", new PropertyValueGenerator<CheckBox>() {
public CheckBox getValue(Item item, Object itemId, Object propertyId) {
boolean currentCheckBoxValue = (boolean) item.getItemProperty("columnDisplayed").getValue();
CheckBox chkBox = new CheckBox();
return chkBox;
public Class<CheckBox> getType() {
return CheckBox.class;
Grid settingsGrid = new Grid(gp);
settingsGrid.setColumnOrder("columnDisplayed", "columnName","columnShortName","columnDescription");
//configLayout.setExpandRatio(settingsGrid, 1);
// Disable the close button
HorizontalLayout hLayout = new HorizontalLayout();
// Trivial logic for closing the sub-window
Button ok = new Button("Ok");
ok.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
close(); // Close the sub-window
// Trivial logic for closing the sub-window
Button cancelBtn = new Button("Cancel");
cancelBtn.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
close(); // Close the sub-window
// set pop up to center.
// should be resizable
// should not be draggable
//set it as modal window
Ok, we used the SelectionMode.MULTI to show the selection of rows in there.
Still, I would love to learn more as to how we get the change done as shown in the question above.
Still looking for an answer to that.
Use a Renderer and a Converter, you don't need to use SelectionMode.MULTI.
An example of this is posted here.

javafx combobox contextmenu not displayed

my problem is:
i made a combobox and i want to use context menu on it's elements, so when i'm setting the cellfactory as shown below, i can't see the items in any more and the context menu does not show.
CBXGroups.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<String>, ListCell<String>>() {
public ListCell<String> call(ListView<String> param) {
final ListCell<String> cell = new ListCell<String>();
final ContextMenu cellMenu = new ContextMenu();
MenuItem rimuoviDalControllo = new MenuItem("RIMUOVI DAL CONTROLLO");
MenuItem rimuoviDefinitivamente = new MenuItem("RIMUOVI DEFINITIVAMENTE");
rimuoviDalControllo.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
rimuoviDefinitivamente.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
cellMenu.setOnShowing(new EventHandler<WindowEvent>() {
public void handle(WindowEvent event) {
cell.contextMenuProperty().bind(Bindings.when(Bindings.isNotNull(cell.itemProperty())).then(cellMenu).otherwise((ContextMenu) null));
return cell;
You can't see the items because you haven't set the text in your ListCell. You can do this with a one-liner:
The context menu is trickier, and I don't really have a solution for it. The issue is that the ComboBox uses a PopupControl to display the list view, and the popup control has autoHide set to true. So when you click on the list view, the popup closes (preventing you seeing the context menu). There's no way to access the popup control, so I don't think there's going to be any way to do this.
Registering a context menu with items in a combo box seems like an unusual thing to do; I wonder if there is a better approach for what you want to do. A MenuButton is similar to a ComboBox in some ways (control that displays a popup with options), but it has a menu hierarchy so you can include cascading menus. This might provide the kind of functionality you want.

joining two models and show theme in one grid

I have two models:
A) Model ticket:
class Model_Ticket extends Model_Table {
public $table='ticket';
function init(){
B) Subticket:
class Model_Subticket extends Model_Table {
public $table='subticket';
function init(){
each ticket has many subtickets.
now I want to have a grid which the first row of that should be the "Content" of main ticket and other rows should be the "Content" of subtickets of that ticktet.
how can we do that?
First create the grid which would display sub tickets, load them properly etc. Next look inside Grid's render() method. As you follow the execution, you'll find the following call chain:
You would need to override the normal rendering, fill out $this->current_row yourself and then call renderDataRows once before passing execution to parent::renderRows();
This will pop an extra row inside your Grid.
