Converting a UNICODE_STRING to ANSI or vice versa in C - c

I have a UNICODE_STRING that I would like to compare to a null-terminated ANSI string to check if they are the same. I'm using C. I would like to avoid including winternl.h for RtlInitUnicodeString.
What is the preferred method doing this?
Or, alternatively, is there any problem with me using MultiByteToWideChar() to convert the ANSI string to a wide-character representation and then comparing that to the UNICODE_STRING.buffer (with the understanding that the buffer might not be null-terminated)?

WideCharToMultiByte seems the more logical route. It can handle strings that aren't zero-terminated and produces a terminated one. And it tries to do something meaningful with codepoints that don't have a character in the system code page. Then just strcmp().

I would just convert the ANSI string using MultiByteToWideChar(). The CompareString() function takes length parameters for each string, so no worries about the missing null-terminator.
Just be careful about which parameters take or return bytes verses characters, and there should be no problems using these functions.


Do strcmp and strstr test binary equivalence?
This webpage makes me wonder.
Apparently some windows api may consider two strings equal when they are actually different byte sequences.
I want to know how C standard library behaves in this respect.
in other words, does strcmp(a,b)==0 imply strlen(a)==strlen(b)&&memcmp(a,b,strlen(a))==0?
and what about other string functions, including wide character versions?
for example, CompareStringW equates L"\x00C5" and L"\x212B"
printf("%d\n",CompareStringW(LOCALE_INVARIANT,0,L"\x00C5",-1,L"\x212B",-1)==CSTR_EQUAL); outputs 1
what I'm asking is whether C library functions never behave like this
two strings using different encodings can be the same even if their byte representation are different.
standard library strcmp does compare plain "character" strings and in this case strcmp(a,b)==0 implies strlen(a)==strlen(b)&&memcmp(a,b,strlen(a))==0
Functions like wcscmp require both strings to be encoded the same way, so their byte representation should be the same.
The regular string functions operate byte-by-byte. The specification says:
The sign of a nonzero value returned by the comparison functions memcmp, strcmp, and strncmp is determined by the sign of the difference between the values of the first pair of characters (both interpreted as unsigned char) that differ in the objects being compared.
strcmp() and memcmp() do the same comparisons. The only difference is that strcmp() uses the null terminators in the strings as the limit, memcmp() uses a parameter for this, and strncmp() takes a limit parameter and uses whichever comes first.
The wide string function specification says:
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the functions described in this subclause order two wide characters the same way as two integers of the underlying integer type designated by wchar_t.
wcscmp() doesn't say otherwise, so it's also comparing the wide characters numerically, not by converting their encodings to some common character representations. wcscmp() is to wmemcmp() as strcmp() is to memcmp().
On the other hand, wcscoll() compares the strings as interpreted according to the LC_COLLATE category of the current locale. So this may not be equivalent to memcmp().
For other functions you should check the documentation to see whether they reference the locale.
Apparently some windows api may consider two strings equal when they are actually different byte sequences.
Depending on context and where you got those strings from, that would actually be the semantically correct behavor.
There are multiple ways to encode certain characters. The German 'ä', for example. In Unicode, this could be U+00E4 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DAERHESIS, or it could be the sequence of U+0308 COMBINING DIAERESIS and U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A. You could desire a comparison function that actually compares these equal. Or you could have them not compare equal, but have a standalone function that turns one representation into the other ("normalization").
You could want a comparison function that compares '6' (six) as equal to '๖' (also six, just in Thai). ("Canonicalization")
The byte string functions (strcmp() etc.) are not capable of any of that. They only deal in byte sequences, and are unaware of anything I wrote above.
As for the wide string functions (wcscmp() etc.), well... they are not that either, really.
in other words, does strcmp(a,b)==0 imply strlen(a)==strlen(b)&&memcmp(a,b,strlen(a))==0? and what about other string functions, including wide character versions?
Either will test for binary equivalence, as there are no mechanics in the C Standard Library to normalize or canonicalize strings.[1]
If you are actually dealing in processing strings (as opposed to just passing them through, for which C byte strings and wide strings are adequate), you should use the ICU library, the de facto standard for C/C++ Unicode handling. It looks daunting but actually needs to be to handle all these things correctly.
Basically, any C/C++ API that promises to do the same is either using the ICU library itself, or is very likely not doing what it advertises.
[1]: Actually, strcoll() / strxfrm() and wcscoll() / wcsxfrm() actually provide enough wiggle room to squeeze in proper Unicode mechanics for collation, but I don't know of an implementation that actually bothers to do so.

What is the difference between sqlite3_bind_text, sqlite3_bind_text16 and sqlite3_bind_text64?

I am using sqlite3 C interface. After reading document at , I am totally confused.
What is the difference between sqlite3_bind_text, sqlite3_bind_text16 and sqlite3_bind_text64?
The document only describe that sqlite3_bind_text64 can accept encoding parameter including SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_UTF16, SQLITE_UTF16BE, or SQLITE_UTF16LE.
So I guess, based on the parameters pass to these functions, that:
sqlite3_bind_text is for ANSI characters, char *
sqlite3_bind_text16 is for UTF-16 characters,
sqlite3_bind_text64 is for various encoding mentioned above.
Is that correct?
One more question:
The document said "If the fourth parameter to sqlite3_bind_text() or sqlite3_bind_text16() is negative, then the length of the string is the number of bytes up to the first zero terminator." But it does not said what will happen for sqlite3_bind_text64. Originally I thought this is a typo. However, when I pass -1 as the fourth parameter to sqlite3_bind_text64, I will always get SQLITE_TOOBIG error, that makes me think they remove sqlite3_bind_text64 from the above statement by purpose. Is that correct?
sqlite3_bind_text() is for UTF-8 strings.
sqlite3_bind_text16() is for UTF-16 strings using your processor's native endianness.
sqlite3_bind_text64() lets you specify a particular encoding (utf-8, native utf-16, or a particular endian utf-16). You'll probably never need it.
sqlite3_bind_blob() should be used for non-Unicode strings that are just treated as binary blobs; all sqlite string functions work only with Unicode.

unicode string manipulation in c

I am using gcc in linux mint 15 and my terminal understands unicode. I will be dealing with UTF-8. I am trying to obtain the base word of a more complex unicode string. Sort of like trimming down the word 'alternative' to 'alternat' but in a different language. Hence I will be required to test the ending of each word.
In c and ASCII, I can do something like this
last_char-=1; //Throws away the last character
Can I do something similar with unicode? That is, something like this :
Sorry as #chux said I just notified you are asking in C. Anyway the same principle holds.
In C you can use wscanf and wprintf to do I/O with wide char strings. If your characters are inside BMP you'll be fine. Just replace char * with wchar_t * and do all kinds of things as usual.
For serious development I'd recommend convert all strings to char32_t for processing. Or use a library like ICU.
If what you need is just remove some given characters in the string, then maybe you don't need the complex unicode character handling. Treat your unicode characters as a raw char * string and do whatever string operations over it.
The old C++ oriented answer is reproduced below, for reference.
The easy way
Use std::wstring
It's basically an std::string but individual characters are typed wchar_t.
And for IO you should use std::wcin and std::wcout. For example:
std::wstring str;
std::wcin >> str;
std::wcout << str << std::endl;
However, in some platforms wchar_t is 2-byte wide, which means characters outside BMP will not work. This should be okay for you I think, but should not be used in serious development. For more text on this topic, read this.
The hard way
Use a better unicode-aware string processing library like ICU.
The C++11 way
Use some mechanisms to convert your input string to std::u32string and you're done. The conversion routines can be hand-crafted or using an existing library like ICU.
As std::u32string is formed using char32_t, you can safely assume you're dealing with Unicode correctly.

C CSV API for unicode

I need a C API for manipulating CSV data that can work with unicode. I am aware of libcsv (, but I don't think that will work for unicode (please correct me if I'm wrong) because don't see wchar_t being used.
Please advise.
It looks like libcsv does not use the C string functions to do its work, so it almost works out of the box, in spite of its mbcs/ws ignorance. It treats the string as an array of bytes with an explicit length. This might mostly work for certain wide character encodings that pad out ASCII bytes to fill the width (so newline might be encoded as "\0\n" and space as "\0 "). You could also encode your wide data as UTF-8, which should make things a bit easier. But both approaches might founder on the way libcsv identifies space and line terminator tokens: it expects you to tell it on a byte-to-byte basis whether it's looking at a space or terminator, which doesn't allow for multibyte space/term encodings. You could fix this by modifying the library to pass a pointer into the string and the length left in the string to its space/term test functions, which would be pretty straightforward.

isLetter with accented characters in C

I'd like to create (or find) a C function to check if a char c is a letter...
I can do this for a-z and A-Z easily of course.
However i get an error if testing c == á,ã,ô,ç,ë, etc
Probably those special characters are stored in more then a char...
I'd like to know:
How these special characters are stored, which arguments my function needs to receive, and how to do it?
I'd also like to know if are there any standard function that already does this.
I think you're looking for the iswalpha() routine:
#include <wctype.h>
int iswalpha(wint_t wc);
The iswalpha() function is the wide-character equivalent of
the isalpha(3) function. It tests whether wc is a wide
character belonging to the wide-character class "alpha".
It does depend upon the LC_CTYPE of the current locale(7), so its use in a program that is supposed to handle multiple types of input correctly simultaneously might not be ideal.
If you are working with single-byte codesets such as ISO 8859-1 or 8859-15 (or any of the other 8859-x codesets), then the isalpha() function will do the job if you also remember to use setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); (or some other suitable invocation of setlocale()) in your program. Without this, the program runs in the C locale, which only classifies the ASCII characters (8859-x characters in the range 0x00..0x7F).
If you are working with multibyte or wide character codesets (such as UTF8 or UTF16), then you need to look to the wide character functions found in <wchar.h> and <wctype.h>.
How these characters are stored is locale-dependent. On most UNIX systems, they'll be stored as UTF8, whereas a Win32 machine will likely represent them as UTF16. UTF8 is stored as a variable-amount of chars, whereas UTF16 is stored using surrogate pairs - and thus inside a wchar_t (or unsigned short) (though incidentally, sizeof(wchar_t) on Windows is only 2 (vs 4 on *nix), and thus you'll often need 2 wchar_t types to store the 1 character if a surrogate pair encoding is used - which it will be in many cases).
As was mentioned, the iswalpha() routine will do this for you, and is documented here. It should take care of locale-specific issues for you.
You probably want It provides a portable library with APIs for this.
