Multiple forms with one page in tipfy - google-app-engine

I haven't been able to find an example of using multiple forms on one
page (or one Handler) for tipfy. I'm trying to allow users to both
answer (form 1) and comment on an item (form 2) from the same
One approach to doing this in PHP is submitting a hidden form and checking for it before processing. However, I'm not sure what to check for in tipfy.
What's the best way to accomplish multiple forms in tipfy?


Dotnetnuke is very slow when form will big at edit mode

There have been some reports that Dynamic Forms can be very slow in edit mode and becomes cumbersome, especially when creating a large form with a variety of field types. Actually, I have bigs form contain Textboxes, radio button list, dropdowns, file uploads, checkboxes, and grid view. Actually, I am converting my old web application to Dotnetnuke for CMS purpose. Please suggest following.
1) Is possible to convert web form application to DotNetNuke.
2) we can use gridview option in DotNetNuke.
3) I have two types of logins user and admin. Admin can add a gallery, add news and see user submitted forms and he/she will shortlist and reject base on performance forms.
Thank you
1) Yes, but a forms module is probably a better choice.
2) I think yes, but you'd have to create that in a custom module. Again, a forms module is a better choice.
3) Yes, you can give varying degrees of administrative control based on user roles.
Besides Dynamic Forms, you might also want to evaluate Action Forms (DNNSharp) and Live Forms (Mandeeps). There are other choices, and I have had success using digForm (DigNuke).

How do I submit two forms from a single page in adf?

I am using ADF to build the front end and Toplink for DB transactions. I wanted to show 2 create forms on a single jspx page. Both the forms are from two different objects i.e it doesn't have a parent child relationship. How can I submit the values of both the forms to the backend when the user clicks on the single submit button using ADF?
Any tutorials or examples would be appreciated.
ADF doesn’t work the way you think it does: each page is a single form.
You may, however use two distinct af:panelFormLayout components that look as two different forms from UI perspective. But an af:button button will submit the the entire page as a single form.
Check some examples of ADF pages. You will see that the structure goes like: <af:document><af:view><af:form> ... any other components .
You need to overwrite the button method to call the two methods you want it to execute.
Here are the basics of how to overwrite a declarative button:

How do I link a Wagtail custom form to its output?

When a custom form is created in Wagtail, I can see that it stores in the DB. What I'm not clear on is how to make it so that the admin UI contains the results in some manner. (A new link which lets you download a CSV would be fine, but I don't see how to do that)
How do I allow admin users the ability to see the results of the custom forms? Is this library the only way?
Once you create your first form page (i.e. a page of any page type that subclasses AbstractForm), a 'Forms' item will automatically appear in the left menu of the Wagtail admin. This provides a listing of all the form pages that exist on the site, allowing you to access the results of each one and download them as a CSV.

Drupal 7 custom voting solution

I need to create a voting system which will essentially consist of several forms each with a list of radio buttons, of which a single choice can be made. Submission of the form loads the next one, this will go on for about 10 pages, before finally sending the user to a generic data capture form where they will submit their credentials for inclusion in a prize draw.
Several approaches spring to mind:
Create a clone of the core poll module and modify it to achieve the required functionality
Modify the drupal quiz module to allow anonymous recording of votes (the fact that it doesn't is the only thing stopping me approaching it this way, it works almost exactly as I want it to otherwise)
Create something completely custom using the webform module.
I just wondered if anyone had come across this same problem/dilemma and could share any knowledge???
Can you accomplish this with a multi-page webform? You can build the webform by adding a "select options" field, followed by a "page break", then another "select options" field, and another "page break", etc, etc.
You can limit the select options field to 1 answer. Then when you want to gather their information, just add simple text fields at the end.

Drupal 7: Add duplicates for form fields on the fly

I've got a form that's being generated using the Form API. There is a fieldset that contains several text fields. What I need to do is have a link or button that a user clicks if they want to add a duplicate of that fieldset to the form so they can add another set of similar information to the form. This is to essentially allow them to add multiple records without having to add each record individually. Is there a good way to go about adding this kind of functionality using the Forms API in Drupal 7?
There's a good example of this in the examples module package:
It's a little complex, but that is very well documented, so you should be able to follow along.
You'll want to look at the entire ajax_example module (part of for the relevant menu callbacks as well.
