This program sounds the bell! - c

I'm a brand-new student in programming arena so I can't grasp this program written in my book that I have been following for a few days. The program is like this:
#include "stdio.h"
What does this program mean? Does this program mean that we could hear a ringing bell? I can't hear any ringing bell sound!!!

ASCII character 7 is the BELL character, and it's represented in C as \a. Some terminals will produce a beep when this character is output on the terminal; nowadays, many don't. (I'm looking at you, Ubuntu.)

Back in the dark ages when ASCII was codified out of the ashes of BAUDOT, a terminal was a large chunk of iron that hammered ink onto paper, often included a paper tape punch and reader, and interpreted keystrokes to generate an asynchronous serial signal at a few hundred baud with spinning wheels and relays.
In case an operator fell asleep to the soothing noises of it hammering out text, it had an actual bell it could ring. The character coded 007 in octal, 0x07 in hex, or as \a in a C character or string constant rang the bell when received.
As terminals became smaller and implemented with few or no moving parts, the physical bell was replaced by a beeper.
Exactly what your terminal emulator (aka a Console Window in Windows, xterm or something similar in Unix) does when it is asked to display that control character is not well standardized today. It ought to make a noise or flash the window, but your mileage will vary.

Have a look at this wikipedia entry: bell character:
In the C Programming Language (created in 1972), the bell character can be placed in a string or character constant with \a ('a' stands for "alert" or "audible" and was chosen because \b was already used for backspace).

\a does in fact trigger the system chime. It's the escape sequence for the ASCII BEL character.

You'll hear a beep from your PC's internal speaker (not the external speakers or headphones you may have attached).

Strings can contain characters which are handled different from all the other characters. The most often explicit used one is '\n'. The '\n' character does not print a character in the console, instead it tells the console to start a new line. Such special characters are called non printable since they have no own visible representation in c and have to use escape sequences instead.
In the escape sequence "\a" the backslash before the a tells the compiler that the a is an identifier for a special character and will store its char-value instead of the char-value of 'a'.
The '\a' escape sequence is the audible bell character, giving this character to a console via print() should cause a beep sound. Some consoles wont beep.
Here are some special characters, the link is from a c++ reference but most should be valid for c.

\a is the C representation of the ASCII audible alert ("bell") control character.
On an old-school serial terminal, outputting that character produced a "beep" sound. Your terminal emulator may or may not implement this feature.

Apart from all the answers you've got, take into account that your program won't probably compile. Here is the fixed version:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
The most important change is that system headers must be surronded with < and >, instead of quotes. Also, it is better to know that the main() function always returns an int (to the operating system), and that this int is coded in two constants, EXIT_SUCCESS, and EXIT_FAILURE, in the header stdlib.h

Try something simpler:
and see what happens.
Your example with the BELL char, as others have pointed out, probably won't work on today's toasters^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H computers; most terminals redirect the 'bell' character to either be discarded or to flash the terminal briefly.
And believe me, you want to keep it that way for the night-coding sessions :)

The above program which you have written I have tried it in the code blocks using GNU GCC Compiler..
It was working fine..
If you want to hear a beep sound you can try it another way it will only be useful in Windows!
Beep(600,600); /* you have to enter both the values whatever you want

As a matter of interest this appears to work in all builds that don't have a wWinMain or WinMain entry point. wprintf(L"\a") sounds fine for Unicode builds. (Win 7 here).
The PC speaker used to depend on "speaker.drv" but that little beauty has been taken away some time back and replaced with beep.sys which is now moved into the user mode system sounds agent.
Enabling and disabling the speaker from the command prompt is also discussed here.

int main()
int i = 263;
putchar(i); // or you can directly use putchar(263);
return 0;
This program produces a bell sound while you are on the output screen

the problem isnt about wheter your C program compiles its fully depend your terminal settings usually they make beeps using PC speakers that comes with laptop and PCs before UEFI exist
i tested it using 2 laptops one of them were bought before UEFI even a thing and other bought after UEFI become common thing
i run echo -e '\a' on both test (both linux system with pcspkr module loaded) and sure the laptop before UEFI exist is beep other laptop just silent


How to take I/O in Greek, in C program on Windows console

For a school project I decided to make an app. I am writing it in C, and running it on the Windows Console. I live in Greece and the program needs read and write text in Greek too. So, I have tried just plainly
But it prints some random characters. How can I output Greek letters? And, similarly, how can I take input in Greek?
Welcome to Stack Overflow, and thank you for asking such an interesting question! I wish what you are trying to do was simple. But your programming language (C), and your execution environment (the Windows console) were both designed a long time ago, without Greek in mind. As a result, it is not easy to use them for your simple school project.
When your C program outputs bytes to stdout via printf, the Windows Console interprets those bytes as characters. It has a default interpretation, or encoding, which does not include Greek. In order for your Greek letters to appear, you need to tell Windows Console to use the correct encoding. You do this using the _setmode call, using the _O_U16TEXT parameter. This is described in the Windows _setmode documentation, as Semih Artan pointed out in the comments.
The _O_U16TEXT mode means your program must print text out in UTF-16 form. Each character is 16 bits long. That means you must represent your text as wide characters, using C syntax like L"\x039a". The L before the double quotes marks the string as having "wide characters", where each character has 16 bits instead of 8 bits. The \x in the string indicates that the next four characters are hex digits, representing the 16 bits of a wide character.
Your C program is itself a text file. The C compiler must interpret the bytes of this text file in terms of characters. When used in a simple way, the compiler will expect only ASCII-compatible byte values in the file. That includes Latin letters and digits, and simple punctuation. It does not include Greek letters. Thus you must write your Greek text by representing its bytes with ASCII substitutes.
There Greek characters Καλησπέρα are, I believe, represented in C wide character syntax as L"\x039a\x03b1\x03bb\x03b7\x03c3\x03c0\x03ad\x03c1\x03b1".
Finally, Windows Console must have access to a Greek font in order for it to display the Greek characters. I expect this is not a problem for you, because you are probably already running your computer in Greek. In any case Windows worldwide includes fonts with Greek coverage.
Plugging this Greek text into the sample program in Microsoft's _setmode documentation gives this. (Note: I have not tested this program myself.)
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT);
return 0;
Input is another matter. I won't attempt to go through it here. You probably have to set the mode of stdin to _O_U16TEXT. Then characters will appear as UTF-16. You may need to convert them before they are useful to your program.
Overall, to write a simple app for a school project, which reads and writes Greek, I suggest that you consider using a tool like Visual Studio to write a GUI program. These tools have more modern design, and give you access to text with Greek letters more easily.

Why can't we print ASCII values from 0 to 31?

int main()
for(int i=0;i<=31;i++)
when we try to run this code then nothing prints
what is the reason for it ?
C is printing them, but perhaps your terminal is not displaying them. This distinction is important because the terminal is responsible for interpreting the output of your program, printing letters, moving the cursor around, changing colors and such.
By historical convention the first 32 characters of the ASCII table are considered "control characters", some of which are printable, some like backspace which move the cursor, others like BEL which can make your terminal beep.
Different terminals may display these differently, or not at all.
It's worth noting that ASCII pre-dates modern "glass" terminals and that these codes were used to move the print-head around on the page. Early machines used teletypes to communicate with them and a line-feed would crank down the paper one line, a carriage return move the cursor back to the start of the line, much like the physical carriage return on a typewriter which would move the "carriage" back to the first column.
These were pretty elaborate elecromechanical contraptions that didn't have any modern circuitry in them, yet they could still process ASCII data, at least for those using ASCII, as there are other character sets like EBCDIC that co-existed with ASCII.
As these characters were never intended to be printed, so they don't have a standard visual representation in ASCII.
With "extended ASCII", as used in DOS, there are symbols defined for them because it seemed like a waste otherwise. These don't have control-code meanings, typically you write them directly to the console character buffer in order to see them.
You can, it's just that most of them are non-printable control characters that most shells ignore. If you pipe stdout to a file, the file will contain those characters, it's just the shell that doesn't know what to do with them. Some of them are handled by shells (e.g. the line feed and backspace characters) but others are just nonsensical (e.g. end of transmission, data link escape) and get ignored, or replaced with a different character for display (often a space or a question mark or the like).

What does printf("\033c" ) mean?

I was looking for a way to "reset" my Unix terminal window after closing my program, and stumbled upon printf("\033c" ); which works perfectly, but I just can't understand it. I went to man console_codes and since I'm somewhat inexperienced with Unix c programming, it wasn't very helpful.
Could someone explain printf("\033c" );?
In C numbers starting with a leading zero are octal numbers. Numbers in base 8.
What it does is print the character represented by octal number 33 followed by a 'c'.
In ASCII encoding the octal number 33 is the ESC (escape) character, which is a common prefix for terminal control sequences.
With that knowledge searching for terminal control sequences we can find e.g. this VT100 control sequence reference (VT100 was an old "dumb" terminal, and is emulated by most modern terminal programs). Using the VT100 reference we find <ESC>c in the terminal setup section, where it's documented as
Reset Device <ESC>c
Reset all terminal settings to default.
The ESC character could also be printed using "\x1b" (still assuming ASCII encoding). There is no way to use decimal numbers in constant string literals, only octal and hexadecimal.
However (as noted by the comment by chux) the sequence "\x1bc" will not do the same as "\033c". That's because 0x1bc is a valid hexadecimal number, and the compiler is greedy when it parses such sequences. It will print the character represented by the value 0x1bc instead, and I have no idea what it might be (depends on locale and terminal settings I suppose, might be printed as a Unicode character).
That's an escape sequence used to reset a DEC VT100 (or compatible) terminal. Some terminals (such as Linux console) accept VT100-style escape sequences, even when they are not actually VT100s.
The \033 is the ASCII escape character, which begins these sequences. Most are followed by another special character (this is a rare exception). XTerm Control Sequences lists that, along with others that are not followed by a special character.
In ECMA-48 it is possible to use a different character for the usual case, e.g., [ for the *control sequence initiator.
Resetting a real VT100 (in contrast to a terminal emulator) does more than clear the screen, as noted in Debian Bug report logs - #60377
"reset" broken for dumb terminals, but users of terminal emulators tend to assume it is a short way to clear the screen. The standard way would be something like this:
The ncurses FAQ Why does reset log me out? addresses that issue.
Incidentally, users of terminal emulators also get other issues with the terminal confused. The ncurses FAQ How do I get color with VT100? addresses one of those.
It clears the screen in Linux type operating systems (ubuntu, fedora etc...).
You can check here on, under octal 33 (decimal 27) you have ESC character.

Carriage return in c programming showing different output [duplicate]

\b and \r are rarely used in practice. I just found out that I misunderstood these two escape sequences. A simple test:
I expected it to output fobar, because \b will backspace the cursor, and b will overwrite the second o, but instead it outputs: foobar
The same is with \r:
I thought \r will move the cursor to the beginning of the current line, so bar will replace foo, so the final output should be bar. However, it actually outputs:
The characters will get send just like that to the underlying output device (in your case probably a terminal emulator).
It is up to the terminal's implementation then how those characters get actually displayed. For example, a bell (\a) could trigger a beep sound on some terminals, a flash of the screen on others, or it will be completely ignored. It all depends on how the terminal is configured.
The characters are exactly as documented - \b equates to a character code of 0x08 and \r equates to 0x0d. The thing that varies is how your OS reacts to those characters. Back when displays were trying to emulate an old teletype those actions were standardized, but they are less useful in modern environments and compatibility is not guaranteed.
The interpretation of the backspace and carriage return characters is left to the software you use for display. A terminal emulator, when displaying \b would move the cursor one step back, and when displaying \r to the beginning of the line. If you print these characters somewhere else, like a text file, the software may choose. to do something else.
As for the meaning of each character described in C Primer Plus, what you expected is an 'correct' answer. It should be true for some computer architectures and compilers, but unfortunately not yours.
I wrote a simple c program to repeat your test, and got that 'correct' answer. I was using Mac OS and gcc.
Also, I am very curious what is the compiler that you were using. :)
I have experimented many of the backslash escape characters. \n which is a new line feed can be put anywhere to bring the effect. One important thing to remember while using this character is that the operating system of the machine we are using might affect the output. As an example, I have printed a bunch of escape character and displayed the result as follow to proof that the OS will affect the output.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
printf("Hello World!");
printf("Goodbye \a");
printf("Hi \b");
printf("What? \t");
return 0;
In different compilers, backslash escape characters behave differently.
In MAC OS with clang \b takes off the last char from the console as you expected.
#include <iostream>
int main ()
std::cout << "Test";
std::cout << "\b";
std::cout << "\n";
return 0;

Usage of \b and \r in C

\b and \r are rarely used in practice. I just found out that I misunderstood these two escape sequences. A simple test:
I expected it to output fobar, because \b will backspace the cursor, and b will overwrite the second o, but instead it outputs: foobar
The same is with \r:
I thought \r will move the cursor to the beginning of the current line, so bar will replace foo, so the final output should be bar. However, it actually outputs:
The characters will get send just like that to the underlying output device (in your case probably a terminal emulator).
It is up to the terminal's implementation then how those characters get actually displayed. For example, a bell (\a) could trigger a beep sound on some terminals, a flash of the screen on others, or it will be completely ignored. It all depends on how the terminal is configured.
The characters are exactly as documented - \b equates to a character code of 0x08 and \r equates to 0x0d. The thing that varies is how your OS reacts to those characters. Back when displays were trying to emulate an old teletype those actions were standardized, but they are less useful in modern environments and compatibility is not guaranteed.
The interpretation of the backspace and carriage return characters is left to the software you use for display. A terminal emulator, when displaying \b would move the cursor one step back, and when displaying \r to the beginning of the line. If you print these characters somewhere else, like a text file, the software may choose. to do something else.
As for the meaning of each character described in C Primer Plus, what you expected is an 'correct' answer. It should be true for some computer architectures and compilers, but unfortunately not yours.
I wrote a simple c program to repeat your test, and got that 'correct' answer. I was using Mac OS and gcc.
Also, I am very curious what is the compiler that you were using. :)
I have experimented many of the backslash escape characters. \n which is a new line feed can be put anywhere to bring the effect. One important thing to remember while using this character is that the operating system of the machine we are using might affect the output. As an example, I have printed a bunch of escape character and displayed the result as follow to proof that the OS will affect the output.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
printf("Hello World!");
printf("Goodbye \a");
printf("Hi \b");
printf("What? \t");
return 0;
In different compilers, backslash escape characters behave differently.
In MAC OS with clang \b takes off the last char from the console as you expected.
#include <iostream>
int main ()
std::cout << "Test";
std::cout << "\b";
std::cout << "\n";
return 0;
