Wpf inkcanvas Save and Retrieve text - wpf

Hi I am trying to implement a mspaint like application in wpf.I have successfully implemented most of the basic drawing functionalities by implementing a custom stroke class.Now I am trying to implement the Text inserting option from mspaint.I have tried to implement using DrawingContext.DrawText,it is working alright but when I save the strokes to an isf file and reloading the drawing,all the drawing is loaded but the text is not restored.Please help me on the same.

I'm afraid the Text is a member of the Children collection. Your StrokeCollection, which is what you're asking to do the serializing and deserializing, doesn't know anything about it. You're going to have to build serialization logic yourself, or go through a DataContractFormatter, or whatever permutation of same you prefer.


How does XML document work with GTK to create user interface?

I am working on a C/GTK+3 project right now. I have a little experience with front end but mostly only with Android. Even then that was VERY LITTLE experience.
I notice that in the C code I place objects and set properties (like if a textview is editable etc). I also have been able to connect a .ui XML file to my program with the builder functions.
I am wondering how the XML file gets linked to the C code defining the interface. Does it match by structure, by the name or ID properties? Why are properties like "visible" and "editable" present in both the C code and the XML? Do you need the XML file? Do you need to specify the properties in both the XML file and the C code or just one? Will I ever completely understand front end development?
There's two ways of constructing a user interface:
You write the code for it.
You write a file that describes the user interface, and have the user interface built for you at runtime.
If you write the code yourself, everytime you want to move widgets around, you have to modify your code, that you'll need to compile. That is doable for a small UI, and is what is done in most tutorials.
If you use ui files, then you use the Glade application to design your UI graphically, and it will write the UI files for you. This helps in splitting responsabilities too: you may have design people taking care of the UI, and let developpers focus on the behavior. Even without that, you'll be able to design a UI faster with an editor like Glade than by coding it by hand. Think you skip all the compile/debug cycles.
In your ui file, if you name a wigdet "bob", you'll be able to get it in your code by passing its name to gtk_builder_get_object. GtkBuilder takes care of the construction and the memory, so don't destroy the widgets it creates if you need to display them again, and hide them instead.
You have examples of use of UI files in the GTK documentation:

Drawing app - the easiest design

Well, I'm a newbie. I'd like to write an app in WPF. The main purpouse will be in drawing predefined elements/objects. Input from user is mostly realized by text boxes - numbers. But I'd like to add some kind of user input into drawing itself too + zooming and moving. Next functionality will be in saving the draw for later loading and another editing (printing maybe, but it's far far away).
I can imagine something like this:
due to some user interaction I'd prefere to use of InkCanvas
i want to define my own elements/objects with some properties. But where it will be define? Some external file maybe?
the save file will be composed of XAML code only
I will study this more lately, but I want to know if my thoughts are in the right way.
Are these points correct, or completely bullshit? :)
Thanks, and sorry for English...
I don't know if this is exactly what are you looking for, but here a little list of advice to help you on reaching your goal:
First of all, if you are crating an application, you should see this before. It explain the Model-View-ViewModel pattern, which is essential when you are creating something on WPF. This can help you abount your 2nd point.
Regarding your save file, i don't know exactly what you have in mind, but it depends on what do you want to save exactly. If you want, InkCanvas have the option to export directly the work in a bitmap . If you need to store some setting, depending on your need you can work with Settings or Resources
InkCanvas seems the appropriate tool for your need. Of course you will have to build your app around this control

Angular google-map - drawing manager - How get objects?

I use at my application angular directive drawing-manager (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/drawing-tools). I would like to get all object, which I have on map, when I press a button save. It is possible? What have to I use? I need save the objects to database and than again draw to map. Or is another opportunity?
It seems there is currently no way to do this with the DrawingManager.
Someone will have to take whatever is in FreeDraw and implement into the drawing manager to keep track of the shapes drawn. Good Luck.

Complex .Net 2.0 Windows Forms control: where to start?

In order to make a convenient UI for an .Net 2.0 Winforms application I am working on, I have need for a control that I'm pretty sure goes beyond the "out of the box" behavior of any standard control. A mock-up of what I'm trying to achieve follows:
Mock up http://www.claware.com/images/temp/mockup.png
Essentially, this part of the application attempts to parse words into syllables from tribal languages (no dictionary to refer to; any and all unicode characters are possible.) By the time the user gets this far, he has already defined the vowels / consonants in his language and some other configuration. There is then an iterative process of (1) the application guesses which syllables exist in the language based on some rules, (2) the user refines the guesses, selecting the correct parsings or manually parsing a word, (3) the application "learns" from the user's feedback and makes smarter guesses, (4) repeat until the data is "good enough" to move on.
The control needs to present each word (the grey headers), then all the syllable break guesses (the white areas with dots separating the parts of words.) There is also a way to manually enter a parsing, which will display a text area and save button (at the bottom of the mockup.) When the user hovers over a guess, the background changes and "accept / reject" buttons appear. Clicking on the accept, or entering a manual parsing, removes the entire word from the list. Clicking the reject button removes just that item.
I'm by no means 100% sold on the formatting I have above, but I think you can get a general idea of the types of formatting and functional control I need. The control will also scroll vertically--there may be thousands of words initially.
My question for you experienced WinForms developers is: where to start? I would really, really like to stay within the .Net core framework and extend an existing control as opposed to a third-party control. (At the risk of starting a religious war: yes, I suffer from NIH-syndrome, but it's a conscious decision based on a lot of quick-fix solutions but long-term problems with 3rd party controls.) Where can I get the most "bang for my bucK" and the least reinventing the wheel? ListView? ListBox? ScrollableControl? Do I need to go all the way back to Control and paint everything manually? I appreciate any help that could be provided!
[Edit] Thanks everyone for the ideas. It seems like the most elegant solution for my purposes is to create a custom control consisting of a FlowLayoutPanel and a VScrollBar. The FlowLayoutPanel can contain instances of the custom controls used for each word. But the FlowLayoutPanel is virtual, i.e. it only contains those instances which are visible (and some "just out of scroll"). The VScrollBar events determine what needs to be loaded. A bit of code to write, but isn't too bad and seems to work well.
I would look at the TableLayoutPanel and FlowLayoutPanel controls. These will let you organize a series of controls with moderate ease in a vertical fashion. I would then create a UserControl that consists of a label and 2 buttons. The UserControl will expose properties like Text and events that are exposed for the button clicks.. For each entry in the list, you will create an instance of the UserControl, assign the text value, and handle the click events. The instance will be placed in the Table/Flow panel in the correct order. Both of those layout panels do allow for inserting items between other items so you can add/remove items from the list dynamically.
Given the length of what you are trying to render, I would consider using the DataGridView and do some custom rendering to make it perform how you want it to work. Using the rendering events of the DGV you can merge columns, change background colors (like highlighting the dark gray lines), turn on/off the buttons, and handle changing the grid into edit mode for your rows to allow modification or inserting of new values. This method would easily handle large datasets and you could bind directly to them very easily.
Well, this certainly looks like a candidate for a custom component that you should be creating yourself. You can create this using standard .Net drawing commands along with a text-box, and a regular button control.
Now you want to find out where to start.
Create a Windows Forms Control Library project.
Drop in the textbox and the button control.
The panel drawing code should preferably be done by code. This can be done using the regular GDI+ commands.
Here's another idea, and one that I've practically used in my own project with great success.
You could use a web-browser control in the app, and show your data as html. You could update the source of the web-browser control based on the input in the textbox, and clicking on the links in the web browser control will give you the event that you can trap to do some action. Your CSS will work.
I used this technique to build the 'desktop' in an app I made called 'Correct Accounting Software'. People loved the desktop so much that it is one of the best loved features of the app.
Here's how I would do it:
Create a custom control. In this custom control, have a ListBox atop a LinkButton, and when the LinkButton is clicked you can make it give way to a TextBox. The ListBoxes will have the top row unselectable... you can probably get the rest from there. When you get your list of words, fill a Scrollable of some kind with one control for each word:
(foreach String word in words){
myScrollable.add(new MyComponent(word));
From there, I'm not sure what you want to do with the boxes or the data, but that's my initial idea on the UI setup.
Use the WebBrowser control and generate the HTML markup into it using DocumentStream or DocumentText.

How do you switch between "pages" of a Silverlight application?

I am currently loading the default file, page.xaml, but in that page, I am loading the content from another xaml file. With each "page" change, I just load the content from a different xaml file, and on and on.
Example: this.Content = new StartPage();
I'm running into some syntax issues, however, because of the way I am changing my content, and was wondering if there is a definitive answer on how to accomplish this?
For example, when trying to capture user's keystrokes, I would normally do:
this.Keydown += new KeyEventHandler(this_KeyDown);
but that event handler doesn't even fire in my situation. So, I'm looking for a new approach to my content-switching approach before revisiting the keystroke problem.
Have you looked at using Silverlight 3. It has a new Page Navigation functionality.Silverlight 3 Navigation
As far as content switching goes, I've always done what you propose in the question. Normally I create a MainPage.xaml which has has the frame of the application (usually a Grid for me). One of the cells in the Grid is considered the content area of the app. When the user takes an action that I would consider to be navigation, I create a new instance of a Page, which for me is a file like MyUserControl.xaml, and then add it to the appropriate content cell in the Grid. MainPage stays around for the life of the application and assists with navigation.
If you want something fancier, and want to take advantage of browser based back/forward buttons, you could look into the SL3 navigation like Correl suggested.
A Big problem with what your're doing is that journalization doesnt take place automatically when you swap out framework elements by creating them and plugging them in the codebehind. This means that you lose the back and forward functionality of the browser. You can manually journalize stuff when you swap out pages, but this is simply a hack to get your navigation approach working.
Take a look at Prism at www.compositewpf.codeplex.com/, specifically the MVVM method of GUI design, it'll save you alot of time later on. And remember, you dont need to go hardcore when you look at MVVM, u could always cut out alot of "dynamic" functionality if you're a one man band
Also swap to silverlight 3 and use the navigation application. If you cant, take a look at helix 0.3, it'll provide a more asp oriented approach to navigation. the link provides a really really good starting point, its a three part article, i suggest you read all three and download the sample application and understand it.
A book could have been written on your question, this has to suffice for now.
