How can I organize tables in SQL*Plus? - database

I am practicing SQL, and suddenly I have so many tables. What is a good way to organize them? Is there a way to put them into different directories?
Or is the only option to create a tablespace as explained here?

It depends what you mean by organise - tablespaces are really focused on organising storage.
For organising tables, grouping them into different SCHEMAS may be more useful.
This is more like the concept of a 'namespace' - i.e. schema1.people is not the same as schema2.people.
It often pays off to separate Operational and Configuration data into different schemas.
If you are talking about organising tables within a schema - and in a real world application, having hundreds of tables in one schema is not unknown - then all you can really do is come up with good naming conventions.
Some places group tables with prefixes at the start of the table name. Personally, I think this leads to duplication - EMP_ADDRESSES and CUST_ADDRESSES rather than a properly linked Addresses.

It depends why you want to organise them and why (and when) you're creating them. If the number is just overwhelming when you look in, say, user_tables, then splitting into tablespaces wont help much as you'd need to specify which one you wanted to query each time. And there isn't really a 'directory' equivalent.
If you're creating practice tables just to experiment with mini projects, then one option might be to create a new Oracle user for each project and create all the related tables under that user schema. Then you'd only see relevant tables when logged in as that user, while working on that project. This has the advantage of allowing you to reuse table names, which can simplify things a bit of you're doing lots of similar projects.
You should also probably be thinking about tidying up a bit, dropping tables when you're sure you've finished that bit of experimentation.

They are allready organised because they are in a database and you have a repository.


When is a flat DB design acceptable

When is it ok to use a flat DB table design nowadays. Ever? What I mean is when is it ok to abandon the wisdom of relational database design and revert back a flat table structure that incorporates no links, adding extra columns to add more data, when we should be creating a key to another table to store multiple rows.
I'm working on some ideas to discuss with a product management team. When I initially asked the question "Why are all these tables flat in nature" I was told that
"Read centric databases display better performance with a flat table structure."
I struggle with this explanation b/c a flat design present so many barriers to progress down the road.
"Read centric databases display better performance with a flat table structure." This statement says table won't/rarely be used to insert/update/delete operations. In that case table must be properly indexed to get good performance. Since there won't be any kind of joins so table would be using lot of filters in where clause hence indexing is really important to be used appropriately.
This kind of scenario is usually used in data warehouses. When we designs warehouses, we usually eliminates primary/foreign keys and uses business primary keys. This is because of huge database in wareshouse.
Whatever problem you think you are going to solve by ignoring relational database theory, you will only create many more intractable problems. Furthermore, the original problem that you attempt to avoid by ignoring relational theory will invariably be based on a misconception anyway.
Short answer: Almost always!
Your website almost never needs conventional database!
After 20 years of working as an IT admin with big and small projects I can say with confidence that over 90% of todays websites do not need DataBase AT ALL.
It's just another layer of obfuscation that most companies and people can do without.
Face the facts people. Most websites out there don't get a single hit in a day so talking about DataBase performance is quite silly when it comes to HUGE majority of websites today (2019).
That means that over 90% of these sites could and should switch to some flat file CMS/CMR like PageKit, Grav or Bludit (It's my personal favorite because of its minimalistic approach. It disdains flatDB and uses ordinary folders to contain articles in HTML files.)
I never did figure out why CMS leaders like WordPress and Joomla insist on complicating their default setup by forcing their users to use DataBase connection and configuration that's often the reason the site malfunctions. If and only when site actually needs some type of DB like for instance if it has many user accounts then DB is warranted. Still, most websites have only a hand-full user accounts.
Many times we see some site down because the DataBase engine is down or can't handle so many simultaneous connections while Apache or NginX web-servers are still up and running.
Don't just follow others blindly. Time to be brave and lead.

Automatic database schema generation system?

I'm working with a client who has a piece of custom website software that has something I haven't seen before. It has a MySQL Database backend, but most of the tables are auto-generated by the php code. This allows end-users to create tables and fields as they see fit. So it's a database within a database, but obviously without all the features available in the 'outermost' database. There are a couple tables that are basically mappings of auto-generated table names and fields to user-friendly table names and fields.* This makes queries feel very unintuitive :P
They are looking for some additional features, ones that are immediately available when you use the database directly, such as data type enforcement, foreign keys, unique indexes, etc. But since this a database within a database, all those features have to be added into the php code that runs the database. The first thing that came to my mind is Inner Platform Effect* -- but I don't see a way to get out of database emulation and still provide them with the features they need!
I'm wondering, could I create a system that gives users nerfed ability to create 'real' tables, thus gaining all the relational features for free? In the past, it's always been the developer/admin who made the tables, and then the users did CRUD operations through the application. I just have an uncomfortable feeling about giving users access to schema operations, even when it is through the application. I'm in uncharted territory.
Is there a name for this kind of system? Internally, in the code, this is called a 'collection' system. The name of 'virtual' tables and fields within the database is called a 'taxonomy'. Is this similiar to CCK or the taxonomy modules in Drupal? I'm looking for models of software that do this kind of this, so I can see what the pitfalls and benefits are. Basically I'm looking for more outside information about this kind of system.
Note this is not a simple key-value mapping, as the wikipedia article on inner-platform effect references. These work like actual tuples of multiple cells -- like simple database tables.
I've done this, you can make it pretty simple or go completely nuts with it. You do run into problems though when you put it into customers' hands, are we going to ask them to figure out primary keys, unique constraints and foreign keys?
So assuming you want to go ahead with that in mind, you need some type of data dictionary, aka meta-data repository. You have a start, but you need to add the ideas that columns are collected into tables, then specify primary and foreign keys.
After that, generating DDL is fairly trivial. Loop through tables, loop through columns, build a CREATE TABLE command. The only hitch is you need to sequence the tables so that parents are created before children. That is not hard, implement a
At the second level, you first have to examine the existing database and then sometimes only issue ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN... commands. So it starts to get complicated.
Then things continue to get more complicated as you consider allowing DEFAULTS, specifying indexes, and so on. The task is finite, but can be much larger than it seems.
You may wish to consider how much of this you really want to support, and then make a value judgment about coding it up.
My triangulum project does this: but it is only at Alpha 2 and I would not recommend using it in a Production situation just yet.
You may also look at Doctrine,, they have some sort of text-based dictionary to build databases out of, but I'm not sure how far they've gone with it.

The right way in designing a database

I started my first MySQL project designing the ERD, logical and physical diagrams.
A friend of mine is making the same project as me. I started the plan of my databases by making an ERD and then normalizing.
However, he uses a relational database diagrams where he designs interfaces and other parts first before making the ERD. He for example writes "stack" only to the column phonenumbers, instead of making a "help-table".He says that it is best to make the interfaces first and then make the ERD.
Which one of us is doing the plan in your opinion better?
One could, and many people have, written a book on this.
However to generalise what I would generally do is
Analyse your data and reduce it down to 3rd normal form. This should be pretty formulaic to accomplish.
In light of likely business use of the data decide if and where data should be denormalized. Typically most databases will be overwhelmingly in 3rd normal with a few critical exceptions. This part is where experience and craft come in.
In light of the above create any additional indexes that may be necessary, or modify existing primary indexes (which should have been assigned in phase 1).
Create views for user access as necessary. The number you require may vary from none (as in simple embedded application) to many (as in no direct data access to tables allowed).
Create any procedures you need, and possibly triggers (generally best avoided but appropriate for audit purposes).
In practice of course the process is considerably more iterative, but the general design path from data to interface holds true. Also it's a good idea when designing a database to keep in mind that you will want to change it later and try if possible to make that a reasonably straightforward task.
I'm not sure what you mean by "interfaces and operations", but the way you're designing the schemas is right -- doing an ERD and properly normalizing. A lot of people, when they are just starting out, will take shortcuts on the design in order to fit the schema to their current level of querying skills.
For example, instead of creating a table of phone numbers and mapping these phone numbers to a "customers" table, they might just stick in columns called Phone1 Phone2 Phone3... instead. That can be the kiss of death later on when designing your queries.
So my advice... Create the normalized data model with ERDs. Then read up on VIEWs and user-defined functions in order to "flatten" out your schema where necessary for people who wish to query it. Sorry for the general answer, but it's kind of a general question...

Prefixing database table names

I have noticed a lot of companies use a prefix for their database tables. E.g. tables would be named MS_Order, MS_User, etc. Is there a good reason for doing this?
The only reason I can think of is to avoid name collision. But does it really happen? Do people run multiple apps in one database? Is there any other reason?
Personally, I don't see any value in it. In fact, it's a bummer for intellisense-like features because everything begins with MS_. :) The Master agrees with me too.
Huge schemas often have many tables with similar, but distinct, purposes. Thus, various "segmented" naming conventions.
Darn, didn't get first post :-)
In SQL Server 2005 and above the schema feature eliminates the need for any kind of prefix. A good example of their usage can be found by reading about the Schemas in AdventureWorks.
In some older versions of SQL server, having a prefix to create a pseudo namespace might of been useful with DBs with lots of tables.
Other than that I can't really see the point.
Even when the database only contains one application, the prefixes can be useful in grouping like parts of the application together. So tables that containtain cutomer information might be prefixed with cust_, those that contain warehouse information might be prefixed with inv_ (for inventory), those that contain finacial information might be prefixed with fin_, etc.
I've worked on systems where there is an existing database for an application which was created and maintained by a different company and we've needed to add another app that uses large amounts of the same data with just a few extra tables of our own, so in that case having an app specific prefix can help with the separation.
Slightly tangentially to the original question, I've seen databases use prefixes to indicate the type of data that a table is holding. There'd be a prefix for lookup tables which are obviously pretty static in both size and content and a different prefix for the tables that contain variable data. This in turn may be broken into having one prefix for tables that are added to but not really changed like logging, processed orders, customer transactions etc, and and another for more variable data like customer balance or whatever. Link tables could also have their own prefix to separate them out too.
I have never seen a naming collision, as it usually doesn't make sense to put tables from different applications into the same database namespace. If you had some sort of reusable library that could be integrated into different applications, perhaps that might be a reason, but I haven't seen anything like that.
Though, now that I think about it, there are some cheap web hosting providers that only allow users to create a very small number of databases, so it would be possible to run a number of different applications using a single database, so long as the names didn't collide (and such a prefixing convention would certainly help).
Multiple applications using a particular table, correct. Prefixes prevent name collision. Also, it makes it rather simple to backup tables and keep them in the same database, just change the prefix and your backup will be fully functional, etc. Aside from that, it's just good practice.
Prefixes are a good way to sort out which sql objects are associated with which app when multiple apps dip into the same database.
I have also prefixed sql objects differently within the same app to facilitate easier management of security. i.e. all the objects with admin_ need this security applied and the rest need something else.
Prefixes can be handy for humans, search tools and scripts. If the situation is a simple one, however, there is probably no use for them at all.
It's most often use if several applications are sharing one database. For example, if you install Wordpress, it prefixes all tables with "wp_". This is good if you want your applications to share data very easily(sessions across all applications in your company, for example.)
There are better ways to accomplish this however, and I never prefix my table names, as each application has it's own self-contained database.

Is it acceptable to cross between databases?

I'm not sure what this practice is actually called, so perhaps someone can edit the title to more accurately reflect my question.
Let's say we have a site that stores objects of different types. Each type of object has its own database (a database of books and assorted information with its tables, a database of CDs and information with its tables, and so on). However, all of the objects have keywords and the keywords should be uniform across all objects, regardless of type. A new database with a few tables is made to store keywords, however each object database is responsible for mapping the object ID to a keyword.
Is that a good practice?
Is there a reason to have separate databases for each type of object? You would be better off using multiple tables, and joining them. For example, you may have a table GENERIC_OBJECT which holds things that are common across all types, and then a table called BOOK_OBJECT where BOOK_OBJECT.ID = GENERIC_OBJECT.ID for a given book. Another table would be CD_OBJECT where CD_OBJECT.ID = GENERIC_OBJECT.ID for a given CD. Then things like keywords that are common across all objects would be stored in the GENERIC_OBJECT table, and things that are specific to the item would go in the item's corresponding table.
By separating them into different databases, you lose:
the ability to do ACID transactions (assuming you aren't using a two-phase commit solution).
the ability to have referential integrity.
JOINs across tables.
Thomas, what you're missing in your comment responses to our concerns about referential integrity is that you can't do a foriegn key across two databases. If the two tables are in one database, then you can use foriegn key constraints to ensure that when you delete an object, anything that relies upon its object id is also deleted, and other similar things.
While it is possible to do joins across databases, I wouldn't generally split the data across databases just because they are of slightly different categories. Others have also mentioned the inability to use referential integrity across databases.
On the other hand, if each type of product has radically different front-end applications, or if you expect each database to become massively large, those might be reasons to consider leaving them in separate databases. (Although scaling isn't a problem for most modern databases).
Syntax example for cross-database joins:
FROM books b
INNER JOIN KeywordDB.dbo.Keywords k
ON b.keywordID = k.keywordID
In this example, you are performing the query from the local database that contains the books table, and you are joining to the other database. (This is a MS SQL syntax example)
No, it's a bad idea. By separating them into different databases, you significantly impair your ability to do JOIN queries.
It does seem a little bit too seperated but with some well designed views it could work especially if the views are simply lookups.
Why such seperation in the first place?
As everyone has mentioned this is, in general, not a good idea. However, to play devils advocate, I've seen other developers do this. I'm sure that there are some reasons that one might want accomplish this however if absolutely needed (not sure if your asking for solutions but) you might want to use some sort of synchronization to keep the data synchronized. Have all (or what is needed) of the data in both databases.
This also isn't an ideal solution, but if you must uses two different database types, this might be a better way to go about such a thing.
It could at least solve the issues that everyone has been outlining – though keep in mind that it does present a new problem… Is everything in sync?
Good Luck,Frank
If the decision about whether to use one database or two is yours, I recommend going with just one database. The data in the two tables appears closely related, judging from your question. The size and complexity doesn't seem to merit splitting into two databases.
What's your DBMS? If it's Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, or even MS Access, you shouldn't have any trouble administering a single database with keyword data and object data in logically related tables.
