shared_ptr Assertion px != 0 failed - shared-ptr

I have a fairly complex multi threaded application (server) that from time to time will crash due to an assert:
/usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:418: T* boost::shared_ptr< <template-parameter-1-1> >::operator->() const [with T = msg::Player]: Assertion `px != 0' failed.
I have been unable to pinpoint the cause and was wondering if this is a problem with boost::shared_ptr or it is me?
I tried g++ 4.4.3-4ubuntu5 and llvm-g++ (GCC) 4.2.1 with optimization and without optimization and libboost1.40-dev (= 1.40.0-4ubuntu4).

There should be no problem with using boost::shared_ptr as long as you initialize your shared pointers correctly and use the same memory management context for all your shared object libraries.
In your case you are trying to use an uninitialized shared pointer.
boost::shared_ptr<Obj> obj;
obj->Something(); // assertion failed
boost::shared_ptr<Obj> obj(new Obj);
obj->Something(); // ok
I would advise to initialize them right on declaration whenever possible. Exception handling can create a lot of "invisible" paths for the code to run and it might be quite difficult to identify the non initialized shared pointers.
PS: There are other issues if you load/unload modules where shared_ptr are in use leading to chaos. This is very hard to solve but in this case you would have a non zero pointer. This is not what is happening to you right now.
PPS: The pattern used is called RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization)

you might want to make sure that you
always use a named smart pointer variable to hold the result of new
like it is recommended here: boost::shared_ptr - Best Practices

Here's to reviving an ancient question. I just hit this, and it was due to a timing issue. I was trying to use the shared_ptr from one thread before I'd finished initializing it in another.
So if someone hits the above message, check your timing to ensure your shared_ptr has been initialized.


STM32 unaligned access

Periodically, the program enters the HardFault_Handler. In the register HFSR set bit FORCED and in UFSR register set UNALIGNED.
The project uses STM32F417, FreeRtos, LWIP. In most cases, the error in the stack are LWIP function. The error occurs rarely once
a few days.
The program is compiled with the flag --no_unaligned_access.
It is unclear why there is such an error - while --no_unaligned_access flag is enabled and even every few days, and second whether it is possible to process or ignore this error and continue the program?
(I know this is years after the OQ. Posting in case it's still helpful.)
I'm working on a project that is using LWIP 1.4.1 that does have at least one unaligned access fault; I've just now fixed it. (I'm here researching if this is a known issue.)
In src/netif/etharp.c: etharp_request()
return etharp_raw(netif, (struct eth_addr *)netif->hwaddr, &ethbroadcast,
(struct eth_addr *)netif->hwaddr, &netif->ip_addr, &ethzero,
ipaddr, ARP_REQUEST);
The cast (struct eth_addr *)netif->hwaddr is causing the non-alignment of netif->hwaddr to be discarded. A subsquent memcpy() inside etharp_raw() then faults.
The solution I've shoe-horned in is to allocate temporary storage that is aligned and pass that instead:
struct eth_addr hwaddr;
memcpy(hwaddr.addr, netif->hwaddr, ETHARP_HWADDR_LEN);
return etharp_raw(netif, &hwaddr, &ethbroadcast,
&hwaddr, &netif->ip_addr, &ethzero,
ipaddr, ARP_REQUEST);
A quick check through the rest of etharp.c reveals quite a number of such casts, some of which are harmless but at least one or two others are also likely to fault.
lwIP 2.x has been released since mid-last year (2018). My experience is that changing over from 1.4x to 2.x did not cause any/much issues, so it's best to switch over. That sort of problems (if they are actual problems) might have been fixed.
Also, the F4x series is Cortex-M4, so they can do unaligned access. It would only cause problems if you are using F0xx or L0xx series that uses the Cortex-M0+ core.
I don't know if this is already resolved. But I ran into same problem with (STM32F746) during one of the project.
Solution: Just add following line in int main()
SCB->CCR = SCB->CCR & ~(1<<3);//Resetting the 3rd bit (meant for enabling hardfault for unaligned access)
Check if it is still relevant for you.
In my case I was using packed structures which was causing this problem. After above mentioned fix with option 1, it got away for me.

Should my library handle SIGSEGV on bad pointer input?

I'm writing a small library that takes a FILE * pointer as input.
If I immediately check this FILE * pointer and find it leads to a segfault, is it more correct to handle the signal, set errno, and exit gracefully; or to do nothing and use the caller's installed signal handler, if he has one?
The prevailing wisdom seems to be "libraries should never cause a crash." But my thinking is that, since this particular signal is certainly the caller's fault, then I shouldn't attempt to hide that information from him. He may have his own handler installed to react to the problem in his own way. The same information CAN be retrieved with errno, but the default disposition for SIGSEGV was set for a good reason, and passing the signal up respects this philosophy by either forcing the caller to be handle his errors, or by crashing and protecting him from further damage.
Would you agree with this analysis, or do you see some compelling reason to handle SIGSEGV in this situation?
Taking over handlers is not library business, I'd say it's somewhat offensive of them unless explicitly asked for. To minimize crashes library may validate their input to some certain extent. Beyond that: garbage in — garbage out.
The prevailing wisdom seems to be "libraries should never cause a crash."
I don't know where you got that from - if they pass an invalid pointer, you should crash. Any library will.
I would consider it reasonable to check for the special case of a NULL pointer. But beyond that, if they pass junk, they violated the function's contract and they get a crash.
This is a subjective question, and possibly not fit for SO, but I will present my opinion:
Think about it this way: If you have a function that takes a nul-terminated char * string and is documented as such, and the caller passes a string without the nul terminator, should you catch the signal and slap the caller on the wrist? Or should you let it crash and make the bad programmer using your API fix his/her code?
If your code takes a FILE * pointer, and your documentation says "pass any open FILE *", and they pass a closed or invalidated FILE * object, they've broken the contract. Checking for this case would slow down the code of people who properly use your library to accommodate people who don't, whereas letting it crash will keep the code as fast as possible for the people who read the documentation and write good code.
Do you expect someone who passes an invalid FILE * pointer to check for and correctly handle an error? Or are they more likely to blindly carry on, causing another crash later, in which case handling this crash may just disguise the error?
Kernels shouldn't crash if you feed them a bad pointer, but libraries probably should. That doesn't mean you should do no error checking; a good program dies immediately in the face of unreasonably bad data. I'd much rather a library call bail with assert(f != NULL) than to just trundle on and eventually dereference the NULL pointer.
Sorry, but people who say a library should crash are just being lazy (perhaps in consideration time, as well as development efforts). Libraries are collections of functions. Library code should not "just crash" any more than other functions in your software should "just crash".
Granted, libraries may have some issues around how to pass errors across the API boundary, if multiple languages or (relatively) exotic language features like exceptions would normally be involved, but there's nothing TOO special about that. Really, it's just part of the burden of writing libraries, as opposed to in-application code.
Except where you really can't justify the overhead, every interface between systems should implement sanity checking, or better, design by contract, to prevent security issues, as well as bugs.
There are a number of ways to handle this, What you should probably do, in order of preference, is one of:
Use a language that supports exceptions (or better, design by contract) within libraries, and throw an exception on or allow the contract to fail.
Provide an error handling signal/slot or hook/callback mechanism, and call any registered handlers. Require that, when your library is initialised, at least one error handler is registered.
Support returning some error code in every function that could possibly fail, for any reason. But this is the old, relatively insane way of doing things from C (as opposed to C++) days.
Set some global "an error has occurred flag", and allow clearing that flag before calls. This is also old, and completely insane, mostly because it moves error status maintence burden to the caller, AND is unsafe when it comes to threading.

Float value suddenly becoming huge

I would rather not dump code, but explain my problem. After hours of debugging I managed to understand that at some point in my code, a float value that is not explicitly modified turns HUGE (more than 1e15). I do use a lot of memory in my program (a string array containing 800+ words), other than that though, I have no idea what could cause this.
If anyone has any ideas regarding this, please share. Otherwise, I'll post a pastebin of the
code soon.
Here is the code: The problem rests in the next_generation() function, where the sumfit variable goes nuts at random times in the loop.
Also, I've compiled this on linux using -fno-stack-limit and -fstack-check, to avoid stack overflows.
I've changed the program to use a dynamically allocated linked list, to further avoid stack overflows. Still, sumfit gets changed to Floatzilla at random points, usually pretty early on.
Since the variable is obviously being modified from an unexpected point, you might want to check some possibilities:
Is it being modified from a different thread or from an interrupt / event handler? If so, is the access properly synchronized to prevent a data race?
Are you doing pointer arithmetic that might be buggy and cause access outside the intended buffer?
Are you casting pointers between types of different sizes?
Especially if you are working on an embedded device: Maybe the memory is full and your stack is overlapping the heap, or the global variables.
More information about the platform this happens on would be helpful.
You're using strcpy on the chrom array, but i don't see where they ever get null terminated.
Maybe I'm just missing it, though.
You've got a huge string array. I reckon you're probably going off the end of it. Keep track of the size of data going into that array.

string overflow detection in C

We are using DevPartners boundchecker for detecting memory leak issues. It is doing a wonderful job, though it does not find string overflows like the following
char szTest [1] = "";
for (i = 0; i < 100; i ++) {
strcat (szTest, "hi");
Question-1: Is their any way, I can make BoundsChecker to detect this?
Question-2: Is their any other tool that can detect such issues?
I tried it in my devpartner (msvc6.6) (devpartner
I confirm your observed behavior.
I get an access violation after about 63 passes of the loop.
What does compuware have to say about the issue?
CppCheck will detect this issue.
One option is to simply ban the use of string functions that don't have information about the destination buffer. A set of macros like the following in a universally included header can be helpful:
#define strcpy strcpy_is_banned_use_strlcpy
#define strcat strcat_is_banned_use_strlcat
#define strncpy strncpy_is_banned_use_strlcpy
#define strncat strncat_is_banned_use_strlcat
#define sprintf sprintf_is_banned_use_snprintf
So any attempted uses of the 'banned' routines will result in a linker error that also tells you what you should use instead. MSVC has done something similar that can be controlled using macros like _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE.
The drawback to this technique is that if you have a large set of existing code, it can be a huge chore to get things moved over to using the new, safer routines. It can drive you crazy until you've gotten rid of the functions considered dangerous.
valgrind will detect writing past dynamically allocated data, but I don't think it can do so for automatic arrays like in your example. If you are using strcat, strcpy, etc., you have to make sure that the destination is big enough.
Edit: I was right about valgrind, but there is some hope:
Unfortunately, Memcheck doesn't do bounds checking on static or stack arrays. We'd like to, but it's just not possible to do in a reasonable way that fits with how Memcheck works. Sorry.
However, the experimental tool Ptrcheck can detect errors like this. Run Valgrind with the --tool=exp-ptrcheck option to try it, but beware that it is not as robust as Memcheck.
I haven't used Ptrcheck.
You may find that your compiler can help. For example, in Visual Studio 2008, check the project properties - C/C++ - Code Generation page. Theres a "Buffer Security Check" option.
My guess would be that it reserves a bit of extra memory and writes a known sequence in there. If that sequence gets modified, it assumes a buffer overrun. I'm not sure, though - I remember reading this somewhere, but I don't remember for certain if it was about VC++.
Given that you've tagged this C++, why use a pointer to char at all?
std::stringstream test;
std::fill_n(std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(test), 100, "hi");
If you enable the /RTCs compiler switch, it may help catch problems like this. With this switch on, the test caused an access violation when running the strcat only one time.
Another useful utility that helps with problems like this (more heap-oriented than stack but extremely helpful) is application verifier. It is free and can catch a lot of problems related to heap overflow.
An alternative: our Memory Safety Checker.
I think it will handle this case.
The problem was that by default, the API Validation subsystem is not enabled, and the messages you were interested in come from there.
I can't speak for older versions of BoundsChecker, but version 10.5 has no particular problems with this test. It reports the correct results and BoundsChecker itself does not crash. The test application does, however, because this particular test case completely corrupts the call stack that led to the function where the test code was, and as soon as that function terminated, the application did too.
The results: 100 messages about write overrun to a local variable, and 99 messages about the destination string not being null terminated. Technically, that second message is not right, but BoundsChecker only searches for the null termination within the bounds of the destination string itself, and after the first strcat call, it no longer contains a zero byte within its bounds.
Disclaimer: I work for MicroFocus as a developer working on BoundsChecker.

How to check if a pointer is valid? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Testing pointers for validity (C/C++)
(30 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am well aware of the ugliness of this question, I'd still like to know if it's possible:
When a program tries to read/write to an invalid pointer (NULL, unallocated block, etc') windows crashes the application with an access violation exception.
The question is, is there a way to check wether this pointer will generate an exception before trying to use it, or else, is there a way to catch this exception?
The best bet if you must use raw pointers is to make sure that it is either a valid pointer or NULL. Then you can check if it is valid by checking if it is equal to NULL.
But to answer your question, you can catch these kinds of things with structured exception handling (SEH).
That being said, SEH is a bad idea.
Catching this kind of errors is addressing the symptoms, not the root cause.
The following idioms will work on any platform:
initialize all pointers to zero
if you cannot guarantee a pointer is valid, check that it is non-0 before indirecting it
when deleting objects, set the pointer to 0 after deletion
be careful of object ownership issues when passing pointers to other functions
There are functions IsBadReadPtr and IsBadWritePtr that might do what you want. There is also an article that explains why you shouldn't use them.
You can certainly test if the pointer is NULL!
if ( ptr == NULL ) {
// don't use it
That is the only portable test you can do. Windows does provide various APIs to test pointers, but as others have pointed out, using them can be problematic.
IsBadReadPointer / IsBadWritePointer
I think you're looking for something like IsBadReadPtr.
I don't know about Windows, but in *nix you could install a SIGSEGV signal handler to intercept the exception.
