What are out-of-memory handling strategies in C programming? - c

One strategy that I though of myself is allocating 5 megabytes of memory (or whatever number you feel necessary) at the program startup.
Then when at any point program's malloc() returns NULL, you free the 5 megabytes and call malloc() again, which will succeed and let the program continue running.
What do you think about this strategy?
And what other strategies do you know?
Thanks, Boda Cydo.

Handle malloc failures by exiting gracefully. With modern operating systems, pagefiles, etc you should never pre-emptively brace for memory failure, just exit gracefully. It is unlikely you will ever encounter out of memory errors unless you have an algorithmic problem.
Also, allocating 5MB for no reason at startup is insane.

For the last few years, the (embedded) software I have been working with generally does not permit the use of malloc(). The sole exception to this is that it is permissible during the initialization phase, but once it is decided that no more memory allocations are allowed, all future calls to malloc() fail. As memory may become fragmented due to malloc()/free() it becomes difficult at best in many cases to prove that future calls to malloc() will not fail.
Such a scenario might not apply to your case. However, knowing why malloc() is failing can be useful. The following technique that we use in our code since malloc() is not generally available might (or might not) be applicable to your scenario.
We tend to rely upon memory pools. The memory for each pool is allocated during the transient startup phase. Once we have the pools, we get an entry from the pool when we need it, and release it back to the pool when we are done. Each pool is configurable, and is usually reserved for a particular object type. We can track the usage of each over time. If we run out of pool entries, we can find out why. If we don't, we have the option of making our pool smaller and save some resources.
Hope this helps.

As a method of testing that you handle out of memory situations gracefully, this can be a reasonably useful technique.
Under any other circumstance, it sounds useless at best. You're causing the out of memory situation to happen, then fixing the problem by freeing memory you didn't need to start with.

"try-again-later". Just because you're OOM now, doesn't mean you will be later when the system is less busy.
void *smalloc(size_t size) {
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
void *p = malloc(size);
return p;
return NULL;
You should of course think a lot about where you employ such a strategy as it is quite hidious, but it has saved some of our systems in various cases

It actually depends on a policy you'd like to implement, meaning, what is the expected behavior of your program when it's out of memory.
Great solution would be to allocate memory during initialization only and never during runtime. In this case you'll never run out of memory if the program managed to start.
Another could be freeing resources when you hit memory limit. It'd be difficult to implement and test.
Keep in mind that when you are getting NULL from malloc it means both physical and virtual memory have no more free space, meaning your program is swapping all the time, making it slow and the computer unresponsive.
You actually need to make sure (by estimated calculation or by checking the amount of memory in runtime) that the expected amount of free memory the computer has is enough for your program.

Generally the purpose of freeing the memory is so that you have enough to report the error before you terminate the program.
If you are just going to keep running, there is no point in preallocating the emergency reserve.

Most of modern OSes in default configuration allow memory overcommit, so your program wouldn't get NULL from malloc() at all or at least until it somehow (by error, I guess) exhausted all available address space (not memory).
And then it writes some perfectly legal memory location, gets a page fault, there is no memory page in backing store and BANG (SIGBUS) - you dead, and there is no good way out there.
So just forget about it, you can't handle it.

Yeah, this doesn't work in practice. First for a technical reason, a typical low-fragmentation heap implementation doesn't make large free blocks available for small allocations.
But the real problem is that you don't know why you ran out of virtual memory space. And if you don't know why then there's nothing you can do to prevent that extra memory from being consumed very rapidly and still crash your program with OOM. Which is very likely to happen, you've already consumed close to two gigabytes, that extra 5 MB is a drop of water on a hot plate.
Any kind of scheme that switches the app into 'emergency mode' is very impractical. You'll have to abort running code so that you can stop, say, loading an enormous data file. That requires an exception. Now you're back to what you already had before, std::badalloc.

I want to second the sentiment that the 5mb pre-allocation approach is "insane", but for another reason: it's subject to race conditions. If the cause of memory exhaustion is within your program (virtual address space exhausted), another thread could claim the 5mb after you free it but before you get to use it. If the cause of memory exhaustion is lack of physical resources on the machine due to other processes using too much memory, those other processes could claim the 5mb after you free it (if the malloc implementation returns the space to the system).
Some applications, like a music or movie player, would be perfectly justified just exiting/crashing on allocation failures - they're managing little if any modifiable data. On the other hand, I believe any application that is being used to modify potentially-valuable data needs to have a way to (1) ensure that data already on disk is left in a consistent, non-corrupted state, and (2) write out a recovery journal of some sort so that, on subsequent invocations, the user can recover any data lost when the application was forced to close.
As we've seen in the first paragraph, due to race conditions your "malloc 5mb and free it" approach does not work. Ideally, the code to synchronize data and write recovery information would be completely allocation-free; if your program is well-designed, it's probably naturally allocation-free. One possible approach if you know you will need allocations at this stage is to implement your own allocator that works in a small static buffer/pool, and use it during allocation-failure shutdown.


When do you consider a programme is leaking, and do you have to free before exit? [duplicate]

We are all taught that you MUST free every pointer that is allocated. I'm a bit curious, though, about the real cost of not freeing memory. In some obvious cases, like when malloc() is called inside a loop or part of a thread execution, it's very important to free so there are no memory leaks. But consider the following two examples:
First, if I have code that's something like this:
int main()
char *a = malloc(1024);
/* Do some arbitrary stuff with 'a' (no alloc functions) */
return 0;
What's the real result here? My thinking is that the process dies and then the heap space is gone anyway so there's no harm in missing the call to free (however, I do recognize the importance of having it anyway for closure, maintainability, and good practice). Am I right in this thinking?
Second, let's say I have a program that acts a bit like a shell. Users can declare variables like aaa = 123 and those are stored in some dynamic data structure for later use. Clearly, it seems obvious that you'd use some solution that will calls some *alloc function (hashmap, linked list, something like that). For this kind of program, it doesn't make sense to ever free after calling malloc because these variables must be present at all times during the program's execution and there's no good way (that I can see) to implement this with statically allocated space. Is it bad design to have a bunch of memory that's allocated but only freed as part of the process ending? If so, what's the alternative?
Just about every modern operating system will recover all the allocated memory space after a program exits. The only exception I can think of might be something like Palm OS where the program's static storage and runtime memory are pretty much the same thing, so not freeing might cause the program to take up more storage. (I'm only speculating here.)
So generally, there's no harm in it, except the runtime cost of having more storage than you need. Certainly in the example you give, you want to keep the memory for a variable that might be used until it's cleared.
However, it's considered good style to free memory as soon as you don't need it any more, and to free anything you still have around on program exit. It's more of an exercise in knowing what memory you're using, and thinking about whether you still need it. If you don't keep track, you might have memory leaks.
On the other hand, the similar admonition to close your files on exit has a much more concrete result - if you don't, the data you wrote to them might not get flushed, or if they're a temp file, they might not get deleted when you're done. Also, database handles should have their transactions committed and then closed when you're done with them. Similarly, if you're using an object oriented language like C++ or Objective C, not freeing an object when you're done with it will mean the destructor will never get called, and any resources the class is responsible might not get cleaned up.
Yes you are right, your example doesn't do any harm (at least not on most modern operating systems). All the memory allocated by your process will be recovered by the operating system once the process exits.
Source: Allocation and GC Myths (PostScript alert!)
Allocation Myth 4: Non-garbage-collected programs
should always deallocate all memory
they allocate.
The Truth: Omitted
deallocations in frequently executed
code cause growing leaks. They are
rarely acceptable. but Programs that
retain most allocated memory until
program exit often perform better
without any intervening deallocation.
Malloc is much easier to implement if
there is no free.
In most cases, deallocating memory
just before program exit is pointless.
The OS will reclaim it anyway. Free
will touch and page in the dead
objects; the OS won't.
Consequence: Be careful with "leak
detectors" that count allocations.
Some "leaks" are good!
That said, you should really try to avoid all memory leaks!
Second question: your design is ok. If you need to store something until your application exits then its ok to do this with dynamic memory allocation. If you don't know the required size upfront, you can't use statically allocated memory.
=== What about future proofing and code reuse? ===
If you don't write the code to free the objects, then you are limiting the code to only being safe to use when you can depend on the memory being free'd by the process being closed ... i.e. small one-time use projects or "throw-away"[1] projects)... where you know when the process will end.
If you do write the code that free()s all your dynamically allocated memory, then you are future proofing the code and letting others use it in a larger project.
[1] regarding "throw-away" projects. Code used in "Throw-away" projects has a way of not being thrown away. Next thing you know ten years have passed and your "throw-away" code is still being used).
I heard a story about some guy who wrote some code just for fun to make his hardware work better. He said "just a hobby, won't be big and professional". Years later lots of people are using his "hobby" code.
You are correct, no harm is done and it's faster to just exit
There are various reasons for this:
All desktop and server environments simply release the entire memory space on exit(). They are unaware of program-internal data structures such as heaps.
Almost all free() implementations do not ever return memory to the operating system anyway.
More importantly, it's a waste of time when done right before exit(). At exit, memory pages and swap space are simply released. By contrast, a series of free() calls will burn CPU time and can result in disk paging operations, cache misses, and cache evictions.
Regarding the possiblility of future code reuse justifing the certainty of pointless ops: that's a consideration but it's arguably not the Agile way. YAGNI!
I completely disagree with everyone who says OP is correct or there is no harm.
Everyone is talking about a modern and/or legacy OS's.
But what if I'm in an environment where I simply have no OS?
Where there isn't anything?
Imagine now you are using thread styled interrupts and allocate memory.
In the C standard ISO/IEC:9899 is the lifetime of memory stated as:
7.20.3 Memory management functions
1 The order and contiguity of storage allocated by successive calls to the calloc,
malloc, and realloc functions is unspecified. The pointer returned if the allocation
succeeds is suitably aligned so that it may be assigned to a pointer to any type of object
and then used to access such an object or an array of such objects in the space allocated
(until the space is explicitly deallocated). The lifetime of an allocated object extends
from the allocation until the deallocation.[...]
So it has not to be given that the environment is doing the freeing job for you.
Otherwise it would be added to the last sentence: "Or until the program terminates."
So in other words:
Not freeing memory is not just bad practice. It produces non portable and not C conform code.
Which can at least be seen as 'correct, if the following: [...], is supported by environment'.
But in cases where you have no OS at all, no one is doing the job for you
(I know generally you don't allocate and reallocate memory on embedded systems,
but there are cases where you may want to.)
So speaking in general plain C (as which the OP is tagged),
this is simply producing erroneous and non portable code.
I typically free every allocated block once I'm sure that I'm done with it. Today, my program's entry point might be main(int argc, char *argv[]) , but tomorrow it might be foo_entry_point(char **args, struct foo *f) and typed as a function pointer.
So, if that happens, I now have a leak.
Regarding your second question, if my program took input like a=5, I would allocate space for a, or re-allocate the same space on a subsequent a="foo". This would remain allocated until:
The user typed 'unset a'
My cleanup function was entered, either servicing a signal or the user typed 'quit'
I can not think of any modern OS that does not reclaim memory after a process exits. Then again, free() is cheap, why not clean up? As others have said, tools like valgrind are great for spotting leaks that you really do need to worry about. Even though the blocks you example would be labeled as 'still reachable' , its just extra noise in the output when you're trying to ensure you have no leaks.
Another myth is "If its in main(), I don't have to free it", this is incorrect. Consider the following:
char *t;
for (i=0; i < 255; i++) {
t = strdup(foo->name);
If that came prior to forking / daemonizing (and in theory running forever), your program has just leaked an undetermined size of t 255 times.
A good, well written program should always clean up after itself. Free all memory, flush all files, close all descriptors, unlink all temporary files, etc. This cleanup function should be reached upon normal termination, or upon receiving various kinds of fatal signals, unless you want to leave some files laying around so you can detect a crash and resume.
Really, be kind to the poor soul who has to maintain your stuff when you move on to other things .. hand it to them 'valgrind clean' :)
It is completely fine to leave memory unfreed when you exit; malloc() allocates the memory from the memory area called "the heap", and the complete heap of a process is freed when the process exits.
That being said, one reason why people still insist that it is good to free everything before exiting is that memory debuggers (e.g. valgrind on Linux) detect the unfreed blocks as memory leaks, and if you have also "real" memory leaks, it becomes more difficult to spot them if you also get "fake" results at the end.
This code will usually work alright, but consider the problem of code reuse.
You may have written some code snippet which doesn't free allocated memory, it is run in such a way that memory is then automatically reclaimed. Seems allright.
Then someone else copies your snippet into his project in such a way that it is executed one thousand times per second. That person now has a huge memory leak in his program. Not very good in general, usually fatal for a server application.
Code reuse is typical in enterprises. Usually the company owns all the code its employees produce and every department may reuse whatever the company owns. So by writing such "innocently-looking" code you cause potential headache to other people. This may get you fired.
What's the real result here?
Your program leaked the memory. Depending on your OS, it may have been recovered.
Most modern desktop operating systems do recover leaked memory at process termination, making it sadly common to ignore the problem (as can be seen by many other answers here.)
But you are relying on a safety feature not being part of the language, one you should not rely upon. Your code might run on a system where this behaviour does result in a "hard" memory leak, next time.
Your code might end up running in kernel mode, or on vintage / embedded operating systems which do not employ memory protection as a tradeoff. (MMUs take up die space, memory protection costs additional CPU cycles, and it is not too much to ask from a programmer to clean up after himself).
You can use and re-use memory (and other resources) any way you like, but make sure you deallocated all resources before exiting.
If you're using the memory you've allocated, then you're not doing anything wrong. It becomes a problem when you write functions (other than main) that allocate memory without freeing it, and without making it available to the rest of your program. Then your program continues running with that memory allocated to it, but no way of using it. Your program and other running programs are deprived of that memory.
Edit: It's not 100% accurate to say that other running programs are deprived of that memory. The operating system can always let them use it at the expense of swapping your program out to virtual memory (</handwaving>). The point is, though, that if your program frees memory that it isn't using then a virtual memory swap is less likely to be necessary.
There's actually a section in the OSTEP online textbook for an undergraduate course in operating systems which discusses exactly your question.
The relevant section is "Forgetting To Free Memory" in the Memory API chapter on page 6 which gives the following explanation:
In some cases, it may seem like not calling free() is reasonable. For
example, your program is short-lived, and will soon exit; in this case,
when the process dies, the OS will clean up all of its allocated pages and
thus no memory leak will take place per se. While this certainly “works”
(see the aside on page 7), it is probably a bad habit to develop, so be wary
of choosing such a strategy
This excerpt is in the context of introducing the concept of virtual memory. Basically at this point in the book, the authors explain that one of the goals of an operating system is to "virtualize memory," that is, to let every program believe that it has access to a very large memory address space.
Behind the scenes, the operating system will translate "virtual addresses" the user sees to actual addresses pointing to physical memory.
However, sharing resources such as physical memory requires the operating system to keep track of what processes are using it. So if a process terminates, then it is within the capabilities and the design goals of the operating system to reclaim the process's memory so that it can redistribute and share the memory with other processes.
EDIT: The aside mentioned in the excerpt is copied below.
When you write a short-lived program, you might allocate some space
using malloc(). The program runs and is about to complete: is there
need to call free() a bunch of times just before exiting? While it seems
wrong not to, no memory will be "lost" in any real sense. The reason is
simple: there are really two levels of memory management in the system.
The first level of memory management is performed by the OS, which
hands out memory to processes when they run, and takes it back when
processes exit (or otherwise die). The second level of management
is within each process, for example within the heap when you call
malloc() and free(). Even if you fail to call free() (and thus leak
memory in the heap), the operating system will reclaim all the memory of
the process (including those pages for code, stack, and, as relevant here,
heap) when the program is finished running. No matter what the state
of your heap in your address space, the OS takes back all of those pages
when the process dies, thus ensuring that no memory is lost despite the
fact that you didn’t free it.
Thus, for short-lived programs, leaking memory often does not cause any
operational problems (though it may be considered poor form). When
you write a long-running server (such as a web server or database management
system, which never exit), leaked memory is a much bigger issue,
and will eventually lead to a crash when the application runs out of
memory. And of course, leaking memory is an even larger issue inside
one particular program: the operating system itself. Showing us once
again: those who write the kernel code have the toughest job of all...
from Page 7 of Memory API chapter of
Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau
Arpaci-Dusseau Books
March, 2015 (Version 0.90)
There's no real danger in not freeing your variables, but if you assign a pointer to a block of memory to a different block of memory without freeing the first block, the first block is no longer accessible but still takes up space. This is what's called a memory leak, and if you do this with regularity then your process will start to consume more and more memory, taking away system resources from other processes.
If the process is short-lived you can often get away with doing this as all allocated memory is reclaimed by the operating system when the process completes, but I would advise getting in the habit of freeing all memory you have no further use for.
You are correct, memory is automatically freed when the process exits. Some people strive not to do extensive cleanup when the process is terminated, since it will all be relinquished to the operating system. However, while your program is running you should free unused memory. If you don't, you may eventually run out or cause excessive paging if your working set gets too big.
You are absolutely correct in that respect. In small trivial programs where a variable must exist until the death of the program, there is no real benefit to deallocating the memory.
In fact, I had once been involved in a project where each execution of the program was very complex but relatively short-lived, and the decision was to just keep memory allocated and not destabilize the project by making mistakes deallocating it.
That being said, in most programs this is not really an option, or it can lead you to run out of memory.
It depends on the scope of the project that you're working on. In the context of your question, and I mean just your question, then it doesn't matter.
For a further explanation (optional), some scenarios I have noticed from this whole discussion is as follow:
(1) - If you're working in an embedded environment where you cannot rely on the main OS' to reclaim the memory for you, then you should free them since memory leaks can really crash the program if done unnoticed.
(2) - If you're working on a personal project where you won't disclose it to anyone else, then you can skip it (assuming you're using it on the main OS') or include it for "best practices" sake.
(3) - If you're working on a project and plan to have it open source, then you need to do more research into your audience and figure out if freeing the memory would be the better choice.
(4) - If you have a large library and your audience consisted of only the main OS', then you don't need to free it as their OS' will help them to do so. In the meantime, by not freeing, your libraries/program may help to make the overall performance snappier since the program does not have to close every data structure, prolonging the shutdown time (imagine a very slow excruciating wait to shut down your computer before leaving the house...)
I can go on and on specifying which course to take, but it ultimately depends on what you want to achieve with your program. Freeing memory is considered good practice in some cases and not so much in some so it ultimately depends on the specific situation you're in and asking the right questions at the right time. Good luck!
If you're developing an application from scratch, you can make some educated choices about when to call free. Your example program is fine: it allocates memory, maybe you have it work for a few seconds, and then closes, freeing all the resources it claimed.
If you're writing anything else, though -- a server/long-running application, or a library to be used by someone else, you should expect to call free on everything you malloc.
Ignoring the pragmatic side for a second, it's much safer to follow the stricter approach, and force yourself to free everything you malloc. If you're not in the habit of watching for memory leaks whenever you code, you could easily spring a few leaks. So in other words, yes -- you can get away without it; please be careful, though.
If a program forgets to free a few Megabytes before it exits the operating system will free them. But if your program runs for weeks at a time and a loop inside the program forgets to free a few bytes in each iteration you will have a mighty memory leak that will eat up all the available memory in your computer unless you reboot it on a regular basis => even small memory leaks might be bad if the program is used for a seriously big task even if it originally wasn't designed for one.
It depends on the OS environment the program is running in, as others have already noted, and for long running processes, freeing memory and avoiding even very slow leaks is important always. But if the operating system deals with stuff, as Unix has done for example since probably forever, then you don't need to free memory, nor close files (the kernel closes all open file descriptors when a process exits.)
If your program allocates a lot of memory, it may even be beneficial to exit without "hesitation". I find that when I quit Firefox, it spends several !minutes ! paging in gigabytes of memory in many processes. I guess this is due to having to call destructors on C++ objects. This is actually terrible. Some might argue, that this is necessary to save state consistently, but in my opinion, long-running interactive programs like browsers, editors and design programs, just to mention a few, should ensure that any state information, preferences, open windows/pages, documents etc is frequently written to permanent storage, to avoid loss of work in case of a crash. Then this state-saving can be performed again quickly when the user elects to quit, and when completed, the processes should just exit immediately.
All memory allocated for this process will be marked unused by OS then reused, because the memory allocation is done by user space functions.
Imagine OS is a god, and the memories is the materials for creating a wolrd of process, god use some of materials creat a world (or to say OS reserved some of memory and create a process in it). No matter what the creatures in this world have done the materials not belong to this world won't be affected. After this world expired, OS the god, can recycle materials allocated for this world.
Modern OS may have different details on releasing user space memory, but that has to be a basic duty of OS.
I think that your two examples are actually only one: the free() should occur only at the end of the process, which as you point out is useless since the process is terminating.
In you second example though, the only difference is that you allow an undefined number of malloc(), which could lead to running out of memory. The only way to handle the situation is to check the return code of malloc() and act accordingly.

Why do i need to free dynamic memory manually? [duplicate]

Let's say I have the following C code:
int main () {
int *p = malloc(10 * sizeof *p);
*p = 42;
return 0; //Exiting without freeing the allocated memory
When I compile and execute that C program, ie after allocating some space in memory, will that memory I allocated be still allocated (ie basically taking up space) after I exit the application and the process terminates?
It depends on the operating system. The majority of modern (and all major) operating systems will free memory not freed by the program when it ends.
Relying on this is bad practice and it is better to free it explicitly. The issue isn't just that your code looks bad. You may decide you want to integrate your small program into a larger, long running one. Then a while later you have to spend hours tracking down memory leaks.
Relying on a feature of an operating system also makes the code less portable.
In general, modern general-purpose operating systems do clean up after terminated processes. This is necessary because the alternative is for the system to lose resources over time and require rebooting due to programs which are poorly written or simply have rarely-occurring bugs that leak resources.
Having your program explicitly free its resources anyway can be good practice for various reasons, such as:
If you have additional resources that are not cleaned up by the OS on exit, such as temporary files or any kind of change to the state of an external resource, then you will need code to deal with all of those things on exit, and this is often elegantly combined with freeing memory.
If your program starts having a longer lifetime, then you will not want the only way to free memory to be to exit. For example, you might want to convert your program into a server (daemon) which keeps running while handling many requests for individual units of work, or your program might become a small part of a larger program.
However, here is a reason to skip freeing memory: efficient shutdown. For example, suppose your application contains a large cache in memory. If when it exits it goes through the entire cache structure and frees it one piece at a time, that serves no useful purpose and wastes resources. Especially, consider the case where the memory pages containing your cache have been swapped to disk by the operating system; by walking the structure and freeing it you're bringing all of those pages back into memory all at once, wasting significant time and energy for no actual benefit, and possibly even causing other programs on the system to get swapped out!
As a related example, there are high-performance servers that work by creating a process for each request, then having it exit when done; by this means they don't even have to track memory allocation, and never do any freeing or garbage collection at all, since everything just vanishes back into the operating system's free memory at the end of the process. (The same kind of thing can be done within a process using a custom memory allocator, but requires very careful programming; essentially making one's own notion of “lightweight processes” within the OS process.)
My apologies for posting so long after the last post to this thread.
One additional point. Not all programs make it to graceful exits. Crashes and ctrl-C's, etc. will cause a program to exit in uncontrolled ways. If your OS did not free your heap, clean up your stack, delete static variables, etc, you would eventually crash your system from memory leaks or worse.
Interesting aside to this, crashes/breaks in Ubuntu, and I suspect all other modern OSes, do have problems with "handled' resources. Sockets, files, devices, etc. can remain "open" when a program ends/crashes. It is also good practice to close anything with a "handle" or "descriptor" as part of your clean up prior to graceful exit.
I am currently developing a program that uses sockets heavily. When I get stuck in a hang I have to ctrl-c out of it, thus, stranding my sockets. I added a std::vector to collect a list of all opened sockets and a sigaction handler that catches sigint and sigterm. The handler walks the list and closes the sockets. I plan on making a similar cleanup routine for use before throw's that will lead to premature termination.
Anyone care to comment on this design?
What's happening here (in a modern OS), is that your program runs inside its own "process." This is an operating system entity that is endowed with its own address space, file descriptors, etc. Your malloc calls are allocating memory from the "heap", or unallocated memory pages that are assigned to your process.
When your program ends, as in this example, all of the resources assigned to your process are simply recycled/torn down by the operating system. In the case of memory, all of the memory pages that are assigned to you are simply marked as "free" and recycled for the use of other processes. Pages are a lower-level concept than what malloc handles-- as a result, the specifics of malloc/free are all simply washed away as the whole thing gets cleaned up.
It's the moral equivalent of, when you're done using your laptop and want to give it to a friend, you don't bother to individually delete each file. You just format the hard drive.
All this said, as all other answerers are noting, relying on this is not good practice:
You should always be programming to take care of resources, and in C that means memory as well. You might end up embedding your code in a library, or it might end up running much longer than you expect.
Some OSs (older ones and maybe some modern embedded ones) may not maintain such hard process boundaries, and your allocations might affect others' address spaces.
Yes. The OS cleans up resources. Well ... old versions of NetWare didn't.
Edit: As San Jacinto pointed out, there are certainly systems (aside from NetWare) that do not do that. Even in throw-away programs, I try to make a habit of freeing all resources just to keep up the habit.
Yes, the operating system releases all memory when the process ends.
It depends, operating systems will usually clean it up for you, but if you're working on for instance embedded software then it might not be released.
Just make sure you free it, it can save you a lot of time later when you might want to integrate it in to a large project.
That really depends on the operating system, but for all operating systems you'll ever encounter, the memory allocation will disappear when the process exits.
I think direct freeing is best. Undefined behaviour is the worst thing, so if you have access while it's still defined in your process, do it, there are lots of good reasons people have given for it.
As to where, or whether, I found that in W98, the real question was 'when' (I didn't see a post emphasising this). A small template program (for MIDI SysEx input, using various malloc'd spaces) would free memory in the WM_DESTROY bit of the WndProc, but when I transplanted this to a larger program it crashed on exit. I assumed this meant I was trying to free what the OS had already freed during a larger cleanup. If I did it on WM_CLOSE, then called DestroyWindow(), it all worked fine, instant clean exit.
While this isn't exactly the same as MIDI buffers, there is similarity in that it is best to keep the process intact, clean up fully, then exit. With modest memory chunks this is very fast. I found that many small buffers worked faster in operation and cleanup than fewer large ones.
Exceptions may exist, as someone said when avoiding hauling large memory chunks back out of a swap file on disk, but even that may be minimised by keeping more, and smaller, allocated spaces.

Can I 'reserve' memory somehow, so as to ensure malloc doesn't fail for this reason

Is it possible to 'reserve' memory before a malloc() call? In other words, can I do something (perhaps OS-specific) which ensures there is a certain amount of free memory available, so that you know that your next malloc() (or realloc() etc.) call won't return NULL due to lack of memory?
The 'reservation' or 'pre-allocation' can fail just like a malloc, but if it succeeds, I want to be sure my next malloc() succeeds.
Yes, I know, I want to allocate memory before allocating memory. That's exactly right. The thing is the later allocations are not really under my control and I want to be able to assume they succeed.
Bonus points for an answer regarding multi-threaded code as well.
My motivation: I was considering adopting the use of glib for my C development, but apparently it abort()s when it fails to allocate memory, and that's not acceptable to me.
Perhaps a solution which dynamically replaces the malloc symbol with something else? Or the symbol for the function wrapping the sbrk system call?
With glibc you can hook the allocation functions:
Now that you control memory allocation in your program, you can do what you like, including writing a function to reserve a (possibly thread-local, since you asked about multi-threading) chunk of memory from the system that future calls to your malloc and realloc hooks will use to return memory.
Obviously, you need to somehow know in advance an upper bound how much memory will be required by the series of malloc calls that you need to not fail.
Back in the old Mac Toolbox days it was extremely common to use a chunk of memory called a "rainy-day fund." You'd allocate enough memory such that if you freed it, there'd be enough free memory to throw up a dialog box explaining that the app had run out of memory, save your work, and exit. Then you'd keep that pointer around until malloc() returned null, and at least you'd be guaranteed to be able to deal with it gracefully.
That was on a 100% real-memory system, though, and things these days are very different. Still, if we're talking about those small and simple real-memory systems that still exist, then a similar strategy still makes sense.
I realize the following does not directly answer your question with respect to malloc(). It is instead an attempt to offer up another avenue that might be applicable to your situation.
For a few years I was dealing with certified embedded systems. Two of the constraints were that 1) we were forbidden to free memory and 2) we were forbidden from allocating memory beyond a certain point during the initialization process. This was because fragmentation that could result from dynamic memory allocations and deallocations made it too costly to certify (and guarantee that allocations would succeed).
Our solution was to allocate pools of memory during the early initialization process. The blocks of memory handled by a given pool would all be the same size, thereby avoiding the fragmentation issue. Different pools would handle differently sized memory blocks for a different purpose. This meant that we had to allocate enough memory up front for our worst case memory consumption scenario as well as manage those pools ourselves.
Hope this helps.
Obviously there's no magic way for your program to ensure your system has an arbitrary amount of memory, but you can get the memory as soon as your process starts, so that it won't fail unexpectedly part way through the work/day when it'll be a right pain.
On some OSes, simply doing a big malloc then freeing the memory immediately will still have called sbrk or similar OS function to grow your process memory, but even that's not a great solution because getting virtual address space is still a ways short of getting physical memory to back it when needed, so you'd want to write through that memory with some noise values, then even if it's swapped out to disk while unused you can expect that the virtual memory of the system is committed to your memory needs and will instead deny other programs (or smaller new/malloc requests you make later ;-P) memory should the system be running short.
Another approach is to seek an OS specific function to insist on locking memory pages in physical memory, such as mlock(2) on Linux.
(These kind of "I'm the most important thing on the server" assumptions tend to make for a fragile system once a few running programs have all taken that attitude....)

Always check malloc'ed memory?

I often catch myself doing the following (in non-critical components):
some_small_struct *ptr=(some_small_struct *) malloc(sizeof(some_small_struct));
ptr->some_member= ...;
In words, I allocate dynamically memory for a small structure and I use it directly without checking the malloc'ed pointer. I understand there is always a chance that the program won't get the memory it asks for (duh!) but consider the following:
If the program can't even get some memory for a small structure off the
heap, maybe there are much bigger problems looming and it doesn't matter after all.
Furthermore, what if handling the null pointer exacerbates the precarious situation even more?? (e.g. trying to log the condition calls even more non-existing resources etc.)
Is my reasoning sane (enough) ?
A "safe_malloc" function can be useful when debugging and might be useful otherwise
+X access can hide the root cause of a NULL pointer
On Linux, "optimistic memory allocation" can shadow loomin OOM (Out-Of-Memory) conditions
Depends on the platform. For instance, on Linux (by default) it does not make much sense to check for NULL:
By default, Linux follows an optimistic memory allocation strategy. This means that when malloc() returns non-NULL there is no guarantee that the memory really is available. This is a really bad bug. In case it turns out that the system is out of memory, one or more processes will be killed by the infamous OOM killer.
In the case of C, it depends on the platform. If you are on an embedded platform with very little memory, you should alweays check, thouggh what you do if it does fail is more difficult to say. On a modern 32-bit OS with virtual memory, the system will probably become unresponsive and crash before it admits to running out of memory. In this case, the call to malloc never returns, so the utility of checking its value becomes moot.
In the case of C++, you should be using new instead of malloc, in which case an exception will be raised on exhaustion, so there is no point in checking the return value.
I would say No.
Using a NULL pointer is going to crash the program (probably).
But detecting it and doing something intelligent will be OK and you may be able to recover from the low memory situation.
If you are doing a big operation set some global error flag and start unwinding the stack and releasing resources. Hopefully one or more of these resources will be your memory hog and your application will get back to normal.
This of course is a C problem and handeled automatically in C++ with the help of exceptions and RAII.
As new will not return NULL there is no point in checking.
Allocations can fail for several reasons. What you do (and can do) about it depends in part on the allocation failure.
Being truly out of memory is catastrophic. Unless you've made a careful plan for this, there's probably nothing you can do. (For example, you could have pre-allocated all the resources you'd need for an emergency save and shutdown.)
But many allocation failures have nothing to do with being out of memory. Fragmentation can cause an allocation to fail because there's not enough contiguous space available even though there's plenty of memory free. The question specifically said a "small structure", so this is probably as bad as true out-of-memory condition. (But code is ever-changing. What's a small structure today might be a monster tomorrow. And if it's so small, do you really need memory from the heap or can you get it from the stack?)
In a multi-threaded world, allocation failures are often transient conditions. Your modest allocation might fail this microsecond, but perhaps a memory-hogging thread is about to release a big buffer. So a recovery strategy might involve a delay and retry.
How (and if) you handle allocation failure can also depend on the type of application. If you're writing a complex document editor, and a crash means losing user's work, then it's worth expending more effort to handle these failures. If your application is transactional, and each change is incrementally applied to persistent storage, then a crash is only a minor inconvenience to the user. Even so, logging should be considered. If you're application is routinely getting allocation failures, you probably have a bug, and you'll need the logs to know about it and track it down.
Lastly, you have to think about testing. Allocation failures are rare, so the chance that recovery code has been exercised in your testing is vanishingly small--unless you've taken steps to ensure test coverage by artificially forcing failures. If you aren't going to test your recovery code, then it's probably not worth writing it.
at the very least I would put an assert(ptr != NULL) in there so you get a meaningful error.
Furthermore, what if handling the null pointer exacerbates the precarious situation even more??
I do not see why it can exacerbate the situation.
Anyway, when writing code for windows ptr->some_member will throw access violation so you will immediately see the problem, therefore I see no reason to check the return value, unless your program has some opportunity to free the memory.
For platforms that do not handle null-pointers in a good way(throwing exception) it is dangerous to ignore such points.
Assuming that you are running on a Linux/MaxOs/Windows or other virtual memory system, then... the only reason to check the return value from malloc is if you have a strategy for freeing up enough memory to allow the program to continue running. An informative message will help in diagnosing the problem, but only if your program caused the out-of-memory situation.
Usually it is not your program and the only thing that your program can to do help is to exit as quickly as possible.
assert(ptr != NULL);
will do all of these things. My usual strategy is to have a layer around malloc that has
this in it.
void *my_malloc(size_t size)
void *ptr = malloc ( size );
assert(ptr != NULL);
return *ptr;
Then you call my_malloc instead of malloc. During development I use a memory allocation library that is conducive to debugging. After that if it runs out of memory - I get a message.
Yes, having insufficient memeory will almost certatinly presage other failures coming soon. But how sure are you that no corrupt output will occur between the failure to allocate and the final crash?
How sure are you for every program, every time you make an edit.
Catch your errors so you can know you crashed on time.
It is possible to allocate a largish chunk of memory at startup that you can free when you hit an out of memory condition and use that to shut down gracefully.
I always feel it is important and best to handle the return of malloc or any other system call for that matter. Though in modern systems (apart from embedded ones) it's a rare scenario unless and until your code uses too much memory, it's always safer.
Continuing the code after a system call failure can lead to corruption, crash and what not apart from making your program look bad.
Also, in linux, memory allocated to a process is limited. Try creating 1000 threads in a process and allocate some memory in each one of them, then you can easily simulate the low memory condition. : )
Always better to check for sys call return values!

What REALLY happens when you don't free after malloc before program termination?

We are all taught that you MUST free every pointer that is allocated. I'm a bit curious, though, about the real cost of not freeing memory. In some obvious cases, like when malloc() is called inside a loop or part of a thread execution, it's very important to free so there are no memory leaks. But consider the following two examples:
First, if I have code that's something like this:
int main()
char *a = malloc(1024);
/* Do some arbitrary stuff with 'a' (no alloc functions) */
return 0;
What's the real result here? My thinking is that the process dies and then the heap space is gone anyway so there's no harm in missing the call to free (however, I do recognize the importance of having it anyway for closure, maintainability, and good practice). Am I right in this thinking?
Second, let's say I have a program that acts a bit like a shell. Users can declare variables like aaa = 123 and those are stored in some dynamic data structure for later use. Clearly, it seems obvious that you'd use some solution that will calls some *alloc function (hashmap, linked list, something like that). For this kind of program, it doesn't make sense to ever free after calling malloc because these variables must be present at all times during the program's execution and there's no good way (that I can see) to implement this with statically allocated space. Is it bad design to have a bunch of memory that's allocated but only freed as part of the process ending? If so, what's the alternative?
Just about every modern operating system will recover all the allocated memory space after a program exits. The only exception I can think of might be something like Palm OS where the program's static storage and runtime memory are pretty much the same thing, so not freeing might cause the program to take up more storage. (I'm only speculating here.)
So generally, there's no harm in it, except the runtime cost of having more storage than you need. Certainly in the example you give, you want to keep the memory for a variable that might be used until it's cleared.
However, it's considered good style to free memory as soon as you don't need it any more, and to free anything you still have around on program exit. It's more of an exercise in knowing what memory you're using, and thinking about whether you still need it. If you don't keep track, you might have memory leaks.
On the other hand, the similar admonition to close your files on exit has a much more concrete result - if you don't, the data you wrote to them might not get flushed, or if they're a temp file, they might not get deleted when you're done. Also, database handles should have their transactions committed and then closed when you're done with them. Similarly, if you're using an object oriented language like C++ or Objective C, not freeing an object when you're done with it will mean the destructor will never get called, and any resources the class is responsible might not get cleaned up.
Yes you are right, your example doesn't do any harm (at least not on most modern operating systems). All the memory allocated by your process will be recovered by the operating system once the process exits.
Source: Allocation and GC Myths (PostScript alert!)
Allocation Myth 4: Non-garbage-collected programs
should always deallocate all memory
they allocate.
The Truth: Omitted
deallocations in frequently executed
code cause growing leaks. They are
rarely acceptable. but Programs that
retain most allocated memory until
program exit often perform better
without any intervening deallocation.
Malloc is much easier to implement if
there is no free.
In most cases, deallocating memory
just before program exit is pointless.
The OS will reclaim it anyway. Free
will touch and page in the dead
objects; the OS won't.
Consequence: Be careful with "leak
detectors" that count allocations.
Some "leaks" are good!
That said, you should really try to avoid all memory leaks!
Second question: your design is ok. If you need to store something until your application exits then its ok to do this with dynamic memory allocation. If you don't know the required size upfront, you can't use statically allocated memory.
=== What about future proofing and code reuse? ===
If you don't write the code to free the objects, then you are limiting the code to only being safe to use when you can depend on the memory being free'd by the process being closed ... i.e. small one-time use projects or "throw-away"[1] projects)... where you know when the process will end.
If you do write the code that free()s all your dynamically allocated memory, then you are future proofing the code and letting others use it in a larger project.
[1] regarding "throw-away" projects. Code used in "Throw-away" projects has a way of not being thrown away. Next thing you know ten years have passed and your "throw-away" code is still being used).
I heard a story about some guy who wrote some code just for fun to make his hardware work better. He said "just a hobby, won't be big and professional". Years later lots of people are using his "hobby" code.
You are correct, no harm is done and it's faster to just exit
There are various reasons for this:
All desktop and server environments simply release the entire memory space on exit(). They are unaware of program-internal data structures such as heaps.
Almost all free() implementations do not ever return memory to the operating system anyway.
More importantly, it's a waste of time when done right before exit(). At exit, memory pages and swap space are simply released. By contrast, a series of free() calls will burn CPU time and can result in disk paging operations, cache misses, and cache evictions.
Regarding the possiblility of future code reuse justifing the certainty of pointless ops: that's a consideration but it's arguably not the Agile way. YAGNI!
I completely disagree with everyone who says OP is correct or there is no harm.
Everyone is talking about a modern and/or legacy OS's.
But what if I'm in an environment where I simply have no OS?
Where there isn't anything?
Imagine now you are using thread styled interrupts and allocate memory.
In the C standard ISO/IEC:9899 is the lifetime of memory stated as:
7.20.3 Memory management functions
1 The order and contiguity of storage allocated by successive calls to the calloc,
malloc, and realloc functions is unspecified. The pointer returned if the allocation
succeeds is suitably aligned so that it may be assigned to a pointer to any type of object
and then used to access such an object or an array of such objects in the space allocated
(until the space is explicitly deallocated). The lifetime of an allocated object extends
from the allocation until the deallocation.[...]
So it has not to be given that the environment is doing the freeing job for you.
Otherwise it would be added to the last sentence: "Or until the program terminates."
So in other words:
Not freeing memory is not just bad practice. It produces non portable and not C conform code.
Which can at least be seen as 'correct, if the following: [...], is supported by environment'.
But in cases where you have no OS at all, no one is doing the job for you
(I know generally you don't allocate and reallocate memory on embedded systems,
but there are cases where you may want to.)
So speaking in general plain C (as which the OP is tagged),
this is simply producing erroneous and non portable code.
I typically free every allocated block once I'm sure that I'm done with it. Today, my program's entry point might be main(int argc, char *argv[]) , but tomorrow it might be foo_entry_point(char **args, struct foo *f) and typed as a function pointer.
So, if that happens, I now have a leak.
Regarding your second question, if my program took input like a=5, I would allocate space for a, or re-allocate the same space on a subsequent a="foo". This would remain allocated until:
The user typed 'unset a'
My cleanup function was entered, either servicing a signal or the user typed 'quit'
I can not think of any modern OS that does not reclaim memory after a process exits. Then again, free() is cheap, why not clean up? As others have said, tools like valgrind are great for spotting leaks that you really do need to worry about. Even though the blocks you example would be labeled as 'still reachable' , its just extra noise in the output when you're trying to ensure you have no leaks.
Another myth is "If its in main(), I don't have to free it", this is incorrect. Consider the following:
char *t;
for (i=0; i < 255; i++) {
t = strdup(foo->name);
If that came prior to forking / daemonizing (and in theory running forever), your program has just leaked an undetermined size of t 255 times.
A good, well written program should always clean up after itself. Free all memory, flush all files, close all descriptors, unlink all temporary files, etc. This cleanup function should be reached upon normal termination, or upon receiving various kinds of fatal signals, unless you want to leave some files laying around so you can detect a crash and resume.
Really, be kind to the poor soul who has to maintain your stuff when you move on to other things .. hand it to them 'valgrind clean' :)
It is completely fine to leave memory unfreed when you exit; malloc() allocates the memory from the memory area called "the heap", and the complete heap of a process is freed when the process exits.
That being said, one reason why people still insist that it is good to free everything before exiting is that memory debuggers (e.g. valgrind on Linux) detect the unfreed blocks as memory leaks, and if you have also "real" memory leaks, it becomes more difficult to spot them if you also get "fake" results at the end.
This code will usually work alright, but consider the problem of code reuse.
You may have written some code snippet which doesn't free allocated memory, it is run in such a way that memory is then automatically reclaimed. Seems allright.
Then someone else copies your snippet into his project in such a way that it is executed one thousand times per second. That person now has a huge memory leak in his program. Not very good in general, usually fatal for a server application.
Code reuse is typical in enterprises. Usually the company owns all the code its employees produce and every department may reuse whatever the company owns. So by writing such "innocently-looking" code you cause potential headache to other people. This may get you fired.
What's the real result here?
Your program leaked the memory. Depending on your OS, it may have been recovered.
Most modern desktop operating systems do recover leaked memory at process termination, making it sadly common to ignore the problem (as can be seen by many other answers here.)
But you are relying on a safety feature not being part of the language, one you should not rely upon. Your code might run on a system where this behaviour does result in a "hard" memory leak, next time.
Your code might end up running in kernel mode, or on vintage / embedded operating systems which do not employ memory protection as a tradeoff. (MMUs take up die space, memory protection costs additional CPU cycles, and it is not too much to ask from a programmer to clean up after himself).
You can use and re-use memory (and other resources) any way you like, but make sure you deallocated all resources before exiting.
If you're using the memory you've allocated, then you're not doing anything wrong. It becomes a problem when you write functions (other than main) that allocate memory without freeing it, and without making it available to the rest of your program. Then your program continues running with that memory allocated to it, but no way of using it. Your program and other running programs are deprived of that memory.
Edit: It's not 100% accurate to say that other running programs are deprived of that memory. The operating system can always let them use it at the expense of swapping your program out to virtual memory (</handwaving>). The point is, though, that if your program frees memory that it isn't using then a virtual memory swap is less likely to be necessary.
There's actually a section in the OSTEP online textbook for an undergraduate course in operating systems which discusses exactly your question.
The relevant section is "Forgetting To Free Memory" in the Memory API chapter on page 6 which gives the following explanation:
In some cases, it may seem like not calling free() is reasonable. For
example, your program is short-lived, and will soon exit; in this case,
when the process dies, the OS will clean up all of its allocated pages and
thus no memory leak will take place per se. While this certainly “works”
(see the aside on page 7), it is probably a bad habit to develop, so be wary
of choosing such a strategy
This excerpt is in the context of introducing the concept of virtual memory. Basically at this point in the book, the authors explain that one of the goals of an operating system is to "virtualize memory," that is, to let every program believe that it has access to a very large memory address space.
Behind the scenes, the operating system will translate "virtual addresses" the user sees to actual addresses pointing to physical memory.
However, sharing resources such as physical memory requires the operating system to keep track of what processes are using it. So if a process terminates, then it is within the capabilities and the design goals of the operating system to reclaim the process's memory so that it can redistribute and share the memory with other processes.
EDIT: The aside mentioned in the excerpt is copied below.
When you write a short-lived program, you might allocate some space
using malloc(). The program runs and is about to complete: is there
need to call free() a bunch of times just before exiting? While it seems
wrong not to, no memory will be "lost" in any real sense. The reason is
simple: there are really two levels of memory management in the system.
The first level of memory management is performed by the OS, which
hands out memory to processes when they run, and takes it back when
processes exit (or otherwise die). The second level of management
is within each process, for example within the heap when you call
malloc() and free(). Even if you fail to call free() (and thus leak
memory in the heap), the operating system will reclaim all the memory of
the process (including those pages for code, stack, and, as relevant here,
heap) when the program is finished running. No matter what the state
of your heap in your address space, the OS takes back all of those pages
when the process dies, thus ensuring that no memory is lost despite the
fact that you didn’t free it.
Thus, for short-lived programs, leaking memory often does not cause any
operational problems (though it may be considered poor form). When
you write a long-running server (such as a web server or database management
system, which never exit), leaked memory is a much bigger issue,
and will eventually lead to a crash when the application runs out of
memory. And of course, leaking memory is an even larger issue inside
one particular program: the operating system itself. Showing us once
again: those who write the kernel code have the toughest job of all...
from Page 7 of Memory API chapter of
Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau
Arpaci-Dusseau Books
March, 2015 (Version 0.90)
There's no real danger in not freeing your variables, but if you assign a pointer to a block of memory to a different block of memory without freeing the first block, the first block is no longer accessible but still takes up space. This is what's called a memory leak, and if you do this with regularity then your process will start to consume more and more memory, taking away system resources from other processes.
If the process is short-lived you can often get away with doing this as all allocated memory is reclaimed by the operating system when the process completes, but I would advise getting in the habit of freeing all memory you have no further use for.
You are correct, memory is automatically freed when the process exits. Some people strive not to do extensive cleanup when the process is terminated, since it will all be relinquished to the operating system. However, while your program is running you should free unused memory. If you don't, you may eventually run out or cause excessive paging if your working set gets too big.
You are absolutely correct in that respect. In small trivial programs where a variable must exist until the death of the program, there is no real benefit to deallocating the memory.
In fact, I had once been involved in a project where each execution of the program was very complex but relatively short-lived, and the decision was to just keep memory allocated and not destabilize the project by making mistakes deallocating it.
That being said, in most programs this is not really an option, or it can lead you to run out of memory.
It depends on the scope of the project that you're working on. In the context of your question, and I mean just your question, then it doesn't matter.
For a further explanation (optional), some scenarios I have noticed from this whole discussion is as follow:
(1) - If you're working in an embedded environment where you cannot rely on the main OS' to reclaim the memory for you, then you should free them since memory leaks can really crash the program if done unnoticed.
(2) - If you're working on a personal project where you won't disclose it to anyone else, then you can skip it (assuming you're using it on the main OS') or include it for "best practices" sake.
(3) - If you're working on a project and plan to have it open source, then you need to do more research into your audience and figure out if freeing the memory would be the better choice.
(4) - If you have a large library and your audience consisted of only the main OS', then you don't need to free it as their OS' will help them to do so. In the meantime, by not freeing, your libraries/program may help to make the overall performance snappier since the program does not have to close every data structure, prolonging the shutdown time (imagine a very slow excruciating wait to shut down your computer before leaving the house...)
I can go on and on specifying which course to take, but it ultimately depends on what you want to achieve with your program. Freeing memory is considered good practice in some cases and not so much in some so it ultimately depends on the specific situation you're in and asking the right questions at the right time. Good luck!
If you're developing an application from scratch, you can make some educated choices about when to call free. Your example program is fine: it allocates memory, maybe you have it work for a few seconds, and then closes, freeing all the resources it claimed.
If you're writing anything else, though -- a server/long-running application, or a library to be used by someone else, you should expect to call free on everything you malloc.
Ignoring the pragmatic side for a second, it's much safer to follow the stricter approach, and force yourself to free everything you malloc. If you're not in the habit of watching for memory leaks whenever you code, you could easily spring a few leaks. So in other words, yes -- you can get away without it; please be careful, though.
If a program forgets to free a few Megabytes before it exits the operating system will free them. But if your program runs for weeks at a time and a loop inside the program forgets to free a few bytes in each iteration you will have a mighty memory leak that will eat up all the available memory in your computer unless you reboot it on a regular basis => even small memory leaks might be bad if the program is used for a seriously big task even if it originally wasn't designed for one.
It depends on the OS environment the program is running in, as others have already noted, and for long running processes, freeing memory and avoiding even very slow leaks is important always. But if the operating system deals with stuff, as Unix has done for example since probably forever, then you don't need to free memory, nor close files (the kernel closes all open file descriptors when a process exits.)
If your program allocates a lot of memory, it may even be beneficial to exit without "hesitation". I find that when I quit Firefox, it spends several !minutes ! paging in gigabytes of memory in many processes. I guess this is due to having to call destructors on C++ objects. This is actually terrible. Some might argue, that this is necessary to save state consistently, but in my opinion, long-running interactive programs like browsers, editors and design programs, just to mention a few, should ensure that any state information, preferences, open windows/pages, documents etc is frequently written to permanent storage, to avoid loss of work in case of a crash. Then this state-saving can be performed again quickly when the user elects to quit, and when completed, the processes should just exit immediately.
All memory allocated for this process will be marked unused by OS then reused, because the memory allocation is done by user space functions.
Imagine OS is a god, and the memories is the materials for creating a wolrd of process, god use some of materials creat a world (or to say OS reserved some of memory and create a process in it). No matter what the creatures in this world have done the materials not belong to this world won't be affected. After this world expired, OS the god, can recycle materials allocated for this world.
Modern OS may have different details on releasing user space memory, but that has to be a basic duty of OS.
I think that your two examples are actually only one: the free() should occur only at the end of the process, which as you point out is useless since the process is terminating.
In you second example though, the only difference is that you allow an undefined number of malloc(), which could lead to running out of memory. The only way to handle the situation is to check the return code of malloc() and act accordingly.
