Why does my program read an extra structure? - c

I'm making a small console-based rpg, to brush up on my programming skills.
I am using structures to store character data. Things like their HP, Strength, perhaps Inventory down the road. One of the key things I need to be able to do is load and save characters. Which means reading and saving structures.
Right now I'm just saving and loading a structure with first name and last name, and attempting to read it properly.
Here is my code for creating a character:
void createCharacter()
char namebuf[20];
printf("First Name:");
if (NULL != fgets(namebuf, 20, stdin))
char *nlptr = strchr(namebuf, '\n');
if (nlptr) *nlptr = '\0';
printf("Last Name:");
if (NULL != fgets(namebuf, 20, stdin))
char *nlptr = strchr(namebuf, '\n');
if (nlptr) *nlptr = '\0';
/*Character created, now save */
And here is the saveCharacter function:
void saveCharacter(character party)
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("data","a");
and the loadCharacter function
void loadCharacter()
FILE *fp;
character tempParty[50];
int loop = 0;
int count = 1;
int read = 2;
fp= fopen("data","r");
while(read != 0)
printf("%d. %s %s\n",count,tempParty[loop].fname,tempParty[loop].lname);
So the expected result of the program is that I input a name and last name such as 'John Doe', and it gets appended to the data file. Then it is read in, maybe something like
1. Jane Doe
2. John Doe
and the program ends.
However, my output seems to add one more blank structure to the end.
1. Jane Doe
2. John Doe
I'd like to know why this is. Keep in mind I'm reading the file until fread returns a 0 to signify it's hit the EOF.
Thanks :)

Change your loop:
while( fread(&tempParty[loop],sizeof(tempParty[loop]),1,fp) )
// other stuff
Whenever you write file reading code ask yourself this question - "what happens if I read an empty file?"

You have an algorithmic problem in your loop, change it to:
while(read != 0)
printf("%d. %s %s\n",count,tempParty[loop].fname,tempParty[loop].lname);
There are ways to ged rid of the double fread but first get it working and make sure you understand the flow.

printf("%d. %s %s\n",count,tempParty[loop].fname,tempParty[loop].lname);
You are not checking whether the read was successful (the return value of fread()).

while( 1==fread(&tempParty[loop],sizeof*tempParty,1,fp) )
/* do anything */
is the correct way.
use fopen("data","rb")
instead of fopen("data","r") which is equivalent to fopen("data","rt")

You've got the answer to your immediate question but it's worth pointing out that blindly writing and reading whole structures is not a good plan.
Structure layouts can and do change depending on the compiler you use, the version of that compiler and even with the exact compiler flags used. Any change here will break your ability to read files saved with a different version.
If you have ambitions of supporting multiple platforms issues like endianness also come into play.
And then there's what happens if you add elements to your structure in later versions ...
For robustness you need to think about defining your file format independently of your code and having your save and load functions handle serialising and de-serialising to and from this format.


Bubblesort Using Values Read From File In C

I'm new to C programming language and I'm having a really difficult time trying to do this:
I have a file .txt created by my program that store the leaderboard of the 2048 game that I'm doing, and I think that the easiest way to make the leaderboard is by appending the result to the end of the file and than doing a bubble sort, but I can't find the correct value (score) of the first place to compare with the next place, and so on.
Here is my code:
FILE* ptr;
prt = fopen("Placar.txt", "a");
if(ptr == NULL)
ptr = fopen("Placar.txt", "r");
int ch, lines = 0, aux;
char line[150];
ch = fgetc(ptr);
if (ch == '\n')
ptr = fopen("Placar.txt", "a");
fprintf(ptr, "%d: Name: %s - Score: %d - Movements: %d\n", lines+1, name, score, movements);
// bubble sort
ptr = fopen("Placar.txt", "r+");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
while (!feof(ptr))
fgets(line, 150, ptr);
if (strstr(linha, "Score: ") != NULL)
// dont know how to do
// TODO: delete the 11th line to make the top 10 only
If you think that I'm overcomplicating this, let me know how would you do.
Thanks for the help.
I think that the easiest way to make the leaderboard is by appending the result to the end of the file and than doing a bubble sort
I don't think that's easiest at all. It's especially bad if, as appears to be the case, you have in mind to use the file as your workspace instead of reading the contents into memory, sorting there, and then writing the results back out.
If you think that I'm overcomplicating this, let me know how would you do.
Consider this alternative:
open the high-score file and a temporary file
read scores from the original file one by one and write them to the temp file, until you find the first that is less than the new score you are recording (or reach the end of the file)
write the new score to the temp file
copy the rest of the scores from the original file to the temp file
close both files and replace the original with the temp file.
That involves at most all the same reading, at most all the same writing, and no sorting except for just inserting the new score at the correct place in the sequence. If you like, you can consider it a variation on Insertion Sort. As a bonus, it also has the same, minimal, storage requirements no matter how many scores there are, and therefore does not require any dynamic memory allocation.

why isn't fwrite overwriting my data in wb+?

I wrote a small program in C that creates a list of students in a binary file. I call function fsearch() (below) to search for a specified student and change his data, but the data seems not to be modified.
// the file is opened in mode "wb+"
int fsearch(FILE *f)
student s;
float matsearch;
printf("enter the matricule you want to find ");
rewind(f); // starting the search from the beginning
while(fread(&s,sizeof(student),1,f)==1 && s.mat!=matsearch);
printf("we found what searched for\n");
printf("name: %s\n",s.fname);
printf("last name: %s\n",s.lname);
printf("matricule: %.f\n",s.mat);
student a;
printf("successfully wrote"); // this message does get printed
return(1); // successfully found
printf("we didn't find what you searched for\n");
In addition to the one posted by bluesawdust, I found some other mistakes in the code:
// the file is opened in mode "wb+": this means that your file was destroyed on open (see here). You might want to use "rb+"
since you didn't initialize your student s structure (and no record was ever written in it because of my previous point) s.mat contains a random value
scanf("%d",&(a.mat));: as for printf, you should change the format string to "%f" (but actually you should use a string type, comparing floats with == is not good practice because of the roundings)
sizeof(student) is unsigned, so negating it is not appropriate here. You should cast it to an int before negating.

Bus Error on void function return

I'm learning to use libcurl in C. To start, I'm using a randomized list of accession names to search for protein sequence files that may be found hosted here. These follow a set format where the first line is a variable length (but which contains no information I'm trying to query) then a series of capitalized letters with a new line every sixty (60) characters (what I want to pull down, but reformat to eighty (80) characters per line).
I have the call itself in a single function:
//finds and saves the fastas for each protein (assuming on exists)
void pullFasta (proteinEntry *entry, char matchType, FILE *outFile) {
//Local variables
URL_FILE *handle;
char buffer[2] = "", url[32] = "http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/", sequence[2] = "";
//Build full URL
/*printf ("u:%s\nt:%s\n", url, entry->title); /*This line was used for debugging.*/
strcat (url, entry->title);
strcat (url, ".fasta");
//Open URL
/*printf ("u:%s\n", url); /*This line was used for debugging.*/
handle = url_fopen (url, "r");
//If there is data there
if (handle != NULL) {
//Skip the first line as it's got useless info
do {
url_fread(buffer, 1, 1, handle);
} while (buffer[0] != '\n');
//Grab the fasta data, skipping newline characters
while (!url_feof (handle)) {
url_fread(buffer, 1, 1, handle);
if (buffer[0] != '\n') {
strcat (sequence, buffer);
//Print it
printFastaEntry (entry->title, sequence, matchType, outFile);
url_fclose (handle);
With proteinEntry being defined as:
//Entry for fasta formatable data
typedef struct proteinEntry {
char title[7];
struct proteinEntry *next;
} proteinEntry;
And the url_fopen, url_fclose, url_feof, url_read, and URL_FILE code found here, they mimic the file functions for which they are named.
As you can see I've been doing some debugging with the URL generator (uniprot URLs follow the same format for different proteins), I got it working properly and can pull down the data from the site and save it to file in the proper format that I want. I set the read buffer to 1 because I wanted to get a program that was very simplistic but functional (if inelegant) before I start playing with things, so I would have a base to return to as I learned.
I've tested the url_<function> calls and they are giving no errors. So I added incremental printf calls after each line to identify exactly where the bus error is occurring and it is happening at return;.
My understanding of bus errors is that it's a memory access issue wherein I'm trying to get at memory that my program doesn't have control over. My confusion comes from the fact that this is happening at the return of a void function. There's nothing being read, written, or passed to trigger the memory error (as far as I understand it, at least).
Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix my mistake please?
EDIT: As #BLUEPIXY pointed out I had a potential url_fclose (NULL). As #deltheil pointed out I had sequence as a static array. This also made me notice I'm repeating my bad memory allocation for url, so I updated it and it now works. Thanks for your help!
If we look at e.g http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q6GZX1.fasta and skip the first line (as you do) we have:
Which is a 60 characters string.
When you try to read this sequence with:
//Grab the fasta data, skipping newline characters
while (!url_feof (handle)) {
url_fread(buffer, 1, 1, handle);
if (buffer[0] != '\n') {
strcat (sequence, buffer);
The problem is sequence is not expandable and not large enough (it is a fixed length array of size 2).
So make sure to choose a large enough size to hold any sequence, or implement the ability to expand it on-the-fly.

Having trouble comparing strings in file to an array of strings inputted by user in C

I have tried to research this question, but was unable to find anything that would help me. I have been constantly trying to debug using fprint, but I still cannot figure it out.
I am an intermediate programmer, and would love if I could get some help here. Here is my code:
int i = 0;
const int arraySize = 10;
char buf[256];
char str[256];
char buffer[256];
char *beerNames[arraySize] = { };
FILE *names;
FILE *percent;
i = 0;
int numBeers = 0;
printf("Please enter a name or (nothing to stop): ");
while (strcmp(buf, "") != 0) {
beerNames[i] = strdup(buf);
if (numBeers == arraySize)
printf("Please enter a name or (nothing to stop): ");
// now open files and look for matches of names: //
names = fopen("Beer_Names.txt", "r");
percent = fopen("Beer_Percentage.txt", "r");
while (fgets(str, sizeof(str) / sizeof(str[0]), names) != NULL) {
fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(buffer[0]), percent);
for (i = 0; i < numBeers; i++) {
if (strcmp(str, beerNames[i]) == 0) {
printf("Beer: %s Percentage: %s\n", str, beerNames[i]);
So, the issue that I am having is when I try to strcmp(), it is not comparing properly and is returning either a -1 or a 1. I have tried printing out the strcmp() values as well and it just ends up skipping the match when it equals to 0.
My Beer_Names.txt (shortened) looks like this:
Anchor Porter
Anchor Steam
Anheuser Busch Natural Light
Anheuser Busch Natural Ice
Aspen Edge
Big Sky I.P.A.
Big Sky Moose Drool Brown Ale
Big Sky Powder Hound (seasonal)
Big Sky Scape Goat Pale Ale
Big Sky Summer Honey Ale (seasonal)
Blatz Beer
Blatz Light
Blue Moon
And my Beer_Percentage.txt (shortened) looks like this:
This is not for a homework assignment, I am just doing a personal project and I trying to get better at C.
You're problem is that gets() does not return the newline character as part of the string, while fgets() does.
So when the user entered value "Anchor Porter" is read with gets, your string looks like this "Anchor Porter\0", but when you read it from a file with fgets it ends up like this "Anchor Porter\n\0", which will not compare equal.
I know gets(3) is convenient, and I know this is a toy, but please do not use gets(3). It is impossible to write secure code with gets(3) and there is a reasonable chance that future C libraries might not even include this function. (Yes, I know it is standardized but we can hope future versions will omit it; POSIX.1-2008 has removed it.) Reasonable compilers will warn you about its use. Use fgets(3) instead.
while (fgets(str, sizeof(str) / sizeof(str[0]), names) != NULL) {
sizeof(char) is defined to be 1. This is unlikely to change, and you're unlikely to change the type of the array. It's generally not a big deal, but you cannot use a construct like this as often as you might suspect -- you can use it in this case only because str[] was declared in an enclosing scope of this line. If str were passed as a parameter, the sizeof(str) operator would return the size of a data pointer and not the size of the array. Don't get too used to this construct -- it won't always work as you expect.
names = fopen("Beer_Names.txt", "r");
percent = fopen("Beer_Percentage.txt", "r");
while (fgets(str, sizeof(str) / sizeof(str[0]), names) != NULL) {
fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(buffer[0]), percent);
Please take the time to check fopen(3) for success or failure. It's a good habit to get into, and if you provide a good error message, it might save you time in the future, too. Replace the fopen() lines with something like this:
names = fopen("Beer_Names.txt", "r");
percent = fopen("Beer_Percentage.txt", "r");
if (!names) {
perror("failed to open Beer_Names.txt");
if (!percent) {
perror("failed to open Beer_Percentage.txt");
You could wrap that up into a function that does fopen(), checks the return value, and either prints the error message and quits or returns the FILE* object.
And now, the bug that brought you here: Robert has pointed out that fgets(3) and gets(3) handle the terminating newline of input differently. (One more reason to get ridd of gets(3) as soon as possible.)

fgets() seems to overflow input to other variables

I'm doing a read from a file, but the input seems to "overflow" into other variables.
I have these 2 variables:
char str[250]; //used to store input from stream
char *getmsg; //already points to some other string
The problem is, when I use fgets() to read the input
if(fp!=NULL && fp1!=NULL)
I get something like this:
3TOKEN:b atob atobbody
read:a b atob atobbody
4TOKEN:b atob atobbody
You see how str kind of flows into getmsg. What happened there? How can I avoid this from happening?
Thanks in advance :)
in the code, "getmsg" is called "token", I thought it might have something to do with identical names or something so I changed it to getmsg, same error, so I changed it back...
int login_error=1;
printf("boxid:%u pword:%s\n",pack.boxid,pack.pword);
/*"getmsg"===>*/ token=strtok(str," ");
token=strtok(NULL," ");//receiver uname
token1=strtok(NULL," ");//pword
token2=strtok(NULL," ");//boxid
sscanf(token2,"%hu",&count);//convert char[] to unsigned short
if(pack.boxid==count && strcmp(token1,pack.pword)==0){//uname & pword found
int msg_error=1;
if(fp!=NULL && fp1!=NULL){
token1=strtok(str," ");//sender
token2=strtok(NULL," ");//receiver
token3=strtok(NULL," ");//subject
token4=strtok(NULL," ");//body
printf("m.txt:token1:%s token2:%s token3:%s token4:%s\n",token1,token2,token3,token4);
if(msg_error==1 && strcmp(token,token2)==0){//message found
printf("pack:uname:%s subject:%s body:%s token:%s token2:%s strcmp:%d\n",pack.uname,pack.subject,pack.body,token,token2,strcmp(token,token2));
fprintf(fp1,"%s %s %s %s\n",token1,token2,token3,token4);
printf("count:%u -> boxid:%u\n",count,pack.boxid);
below is m.txt, it is used to store senders, receivers, subjects and msgbodies:
the naming patter is quite obvious >.^
a b atob atobbody
a c atoc atoccc
b c btoc btoccccc
b a btoa btoaaaaa
So I'm trying to get a msg stored in m.txt for the recipient "c", but it flows over, and by much coincidence, it returns the msg for "b"...
It looks like getmsg is pointing to the third character of your str buffer:
`str` is "a b atob atobbody"
\__ `getmsg` is pointing there.
Therefore, every time you change str by calling fgets(), the string pointed to by getmsg also changes, since it uses the same memory.
