Flow of Startup code in an embedded system , concept of boot loader? - c

I am working with an embedded board , but i don't know the flow of the start up code(C/assembly) of the same.
Can we discuss the general modules/steps acted upon by the start up action in the case of an embedded system.
Just a high level overview(algorithmic) is enough.All examples are welcome.

CPU gets a power on reset, and jumps to a defined point: the reset vector, beginning of flash, ROM, etc.
The startup code (crt - C runtime) is run. This is an important piece of code generated by your compiler/libc, which performs:
Configure and turn on any external memory (if absolutely required, otherwise left for later user code).
Establish a stack pointer
Clear the .bss segment (usually). .bss is the name for the uninitialized (or zeroed) global memory region. Global variables, arrays, etc which don't have an initializing value (beyond 0) are located here. The general practice on a microcontroller is to loop over this region and set all bytes to 0 at startup.
Copy from the end of .text the non-const .data. As most microcontrollers run from flash, they cannot store variable data there. For statements such as int thisGlobal = 5;, the value of thisGlobal must be copied from a persistent area (usually after the program in flash, as generated by your linker) to RAM. This applies to static values, and static values in functions. Values which are left undefined are not copied but instead cleared as part of step 2.
Perform other static initializers.
Call main()
From here, your code is run. Generally, the CPU is left in an interrupts-off state (platform dependent).

Pretty open-ended question, but here are a few things I have picked up.
For super simple processors, there is no true startup code. The cpu gets power and then starts running the first instruction in its memory: no muss no fuss.
A little further up we have mcu's like avr's and pic's. These have very little start up code. The only thing that really needs to be done is to set up the interrupt jump table with appropriate addresses. After that it is up to the application code (the only program) to do its thing. The good news is that you as the developer doesn't generally have to worry about these things: that's what libc is for.
After that we have things like simple arm based chips; more complicated than the avr's and pic's, but still pretty simple. These also have to setup the interrupt table, as well as make sure the clock is set correctly, and start any needed on chip components (basic interrupts etc.). Have a look at this pdf from Atmel, it details the start up procedure for an ARM 7 chip.
Farther up the food chain we have full-on PCs (x86, amd64, etc.). The startup code for these is really the BIOS, which are horrendously complicated.

The big question is whether or not your embedded system will be running an operating system. In general, you'll either want to run your operating system, start up some form of inversion of control (an example I remember from a school project was a telnet that would listen for requests using RL-ARM or an open source tcp/ip stack and then had callbacks that it would execute when connections were made/data was received), or enter your own control loop (maybe displaying a menu then looping until a key has been pressed).

Functions of Startup Code for C/C++
Disables all interrupts
Copies any initialized data from ROM to RAM
Uninitialized data area is set to zero.
Allocates space for and initializes the stack
Initializes the processor’s stack pointer
Creates and initializes the heap
Executes the constructors and initializers for all global variables (C++ only)
Enables interrupts
Calls main

Where is "BOOT LOADER" placed then? It should be placed before the start-up code right?
As per my understanding, from the reset vector the control goes to the boot loader. There the code waits for a small period of time during which it expects for data to be flashed/downloaded to the controller/processor. If it does not detect a data then the control gets transferred to the next step as specified by theatrus. But my doubt is whether the BOOT LOADER code can be re-written. Eg: Can a UART bootloader be changed to a ETHERNET/CAN bootloader or is it that data sent using any protocol are converted to UART using a gateway and then flashed.


Put unchanging code in separate memory section, to reduce OTA update size

I am writing C code for the STM32L010RB microcontroller, which has 128 KB of flash memory where the program will reside. I want to implement over-the-air updates of this program code, and I've done this once before with an other Cortex M0+ based microcontroller. I divided the flash memory into four sections like this:
The actual program which executes would reside in the Main program section, and when time comes to update it, it would contact our servers and download the new program into the New firmware section. A CRC check is used to ensure the integrity of the downloaded FW. A flag in the Persistent memory section is set to signal new FW available, and the program then restarts into the bootloader. The bootloader checks the flag and sees that an update is available, erases the contents of the Main program and copies the content of New firmware into the Main program section. The flag is cleared, and it then branches into the now updated main program. This works perfectly, and is robust against power loss or errors at any point in the prosess.
I want to do a very similar implementation on the STM32. However, this time around my Main program uses a few dependencies that take up quite a lot of flash memory. For instance a printf implementation that is very useful, but takes up quite a lot of space (relative to what I have available). These libraries will naturally be used, probably unchanged, in all future versions of the program.
My question is whether it is possible to relocate certain parts of code that will be used, unchanged, by all future versions of the program, to a separate (fifth) section in the flash memory. This would save space in that (for instance) the printf library would only be allocated once in flash, instead of having to be included within the main program and all updates.
Is there a way to do this, if so, how? And is it a viable way to go in your opinion? Any pitfalls that must be avoided?

What is the canonical way to execute code directly from a QEMU device?

I'm modeling a particular evaluation board, which has a leon3 processor and several banks of MRAM mapped to specific addresses. My goal is to start qemu-system-sparc using my bootloader ELF, and then jump to the base address of a MRAM bank to begin executing bare-metal programs therein. To this end, I have been able to successfully run my bootloader and jump to the first instruction, but QEMU immediately stops and exits without reporting any error/trap. I can also run the bare-metal programs in isolation by passing them in ELF format as a kernel to qemu-system-sparc.
Short version: Is there a canonical way to set up a device such that code can be executed from it directly? What steps do I need to take when compiling that code to allow it to execute correctly?
I modeled the MRAM as a device with a MemoryRegion, along with the appropriate read and write operations to expose a heap-allocated array with my program. In my board code (modified version of qemu/hw/sparc/leon3.c), writes to the MRAM address are mapped to the MemoryRegion of the device. Using printfs, I am reporting reads and writes in the style of the unimplemented device (qemu/hw/misc/unimp.c), and I have verified that I am reading and writing to the device correctly.
Unfortunately, this did not work with respect to running the code on the device. I can see the read immediately after the bootloader jumps to the base address of my device, but the instruction read doesn't actually do anything. The bootloader uses a void function pointer, which is tied to the address of the MRAM device to induce a jump.
Another approach I tried is creating an alias to my device starting from address 0; I thought perhaps that my binary has all its addresses set relative to zero, so by mapping writes from addresses [0, MRAM_SIZE) as an alias to my device base address, the code will end up reading the corresponding instructions in the device MemoryRegion.
This approach failed an assert in memory.c:
static void memory_region_add_subregion_common(MemoryRegion *mr,
hwaddr offsset,
MemoryRegion *subregion)
subregion->container = mr;
subregion->addr = offset;
What do I need to do to coerce QEMU to execute the code in my MRAM device? Do I need to produce a binary with absolute addresses?
Older versions of QEMU were simply unable to handle execution from anything other than RAM or ROM, and attempting to do so would give a "qemu: fatal: Trying to execute code outside RAM or ROM" error. QEMU 3.1 and later fixed this limitation, and now can execute code from anywhere -- though execution from a device will be much much slower than executing from RAM.
You mention that you "modeled the MRAM as a device with a MemoryRegion, along with the appropriate read and write operations to expose a heap-allocated array". This sounds like it is probably the wrong approach -- it will work but be very slow. If the MRAM appears to the guest as being like RAM, then model it as RAM (ie with a RAM MemoryRegion). If it's like RAM for reading but writes need to do something other than just-write-to-the-memory (or need to do that some of the time), then model it using a "romd" region, the same way the existing pflash devices do. Nonetheless, modelling it as a device with pure read and write functions should work, it'll just be horribly slow.
The assertion you've run into is the one that says "you can't put a memory region into two things at once" -- the 'subregion' you've passed in is already being used somewhere else, but you've tried to put it into a second container. If you have a MemoryRegion that you need to have appear in two places in the physical memory map, then you need to: create the MemoryRegion; create an alias MemoryRegion that aliases the real one; map the actual MemoryRegion into one place; map the alias into the other. There are plenty of examples of this in existing board models in QEMU.
More generally, you need to figure out what the evaluation board hardware actually is, and then model that. If the eval board has the MRAM visible at multiple physical addresses, then yes, use an alias MR. If it doesn't, then the problem is somewhere else and you need to figure out what's actually happening, not try to bodge around it with aliases that don't exist on the real hardware. QEMU's debug logging (various -d suboptions, plus -D file to log to a file) can be useful for checking what the emulated CPU is really doing in this early bootup phase -- but watch out as the logs can be quite large and they are sometimes tricky to interpret unless you know a little about QEMU internals.

Vector table relocation in bootloader application

I've written a bootloader application for NXP Kinetis microcontroller. Following are the things I did to do the same: 1. Created a bootloader application in CFlash addresses 0x0000 to 0x8000 2. Created my main application code from addresses 0x8000 to 0x1FFFF
This code is working fine. Now my doubt is, I have ISRs placed in both bootloader as well as main application code and didn't use any ISR vector relocation. Is it necessary to relocate the vector tables in main application?
PS: I may not be facing the issue just because the ISRs in both the apps are same.
On most modern MCUs the vector table relocation is not required, as the vector table base address can be specified as a parameter when compiling an application.
If your target's doesn't have such feature and the vector table is in the bootloader are 0x0000 to 0x8000 then you will need to relocate the vector table for the application so that an interrupt occurring in the application results in jumping to the correct handler.
Although I don't know the specifics of a Kinetis microcontroller, the following is based on general behavior of other Freescale/NXP controllers.
A bootloader is meant to allow you to update your firmware. (Otherwise, you don't need one.) And, a bootloader has to be kept in protected memory to prevent accidental erasures. By protecting the bootloader you also protect the vectors. So, you can't update the vectors anymore.
Unless you go to extremes to guarantee each firmware update will have the ISR code start at the exact same address as in the previous version(s), you'd rather be able to have ISRs move freely in the address space. That's where vector relocation or redirection comes in to play.
Currently, you have both bootloader and app use the same addresses in both sets of vectors, and everything works fine.
As soon as you update your firmware to another version where the ISR entry points most likely have moved address, your code will stop working because the MCU/bootloader will be sending the ISR events to the wrong addresses.
If you enable/implement vector relocation/redirection, the original bootloader vectors will effectively be ignored, and the relocated vectors will be used. Since these are updated along with your application, no problem.
There are two methods for vector relocation. One is hardware based (has the advantage of no ISR call overhead) and the other is software based (some minimal overhead but can be implemented even in microcontrollers that have no hardware vector redirection available).

remapping Interrupt vectors and boot block

I am not able to understand the concept of remapping Interrupt vectors or boot block. What is the use of remapping vector table? How it works with remap and without remap? Any links to good articles on this? I googled for this, but unable to get good answer. What is the advantage of mapping RAM to 0x0000 and mapping whatever existing in 0x0000 to elsewhere? Is it that execution is faster if executed from 0x0000?
It's a simple matter of practicality. The reset vector is at 0x0*, and when the system first powers up the core is going to start fetching instructions from there. Thus you have to have some code available there immediately from powerup - it's got to be some kind of ROM, since RAM would be uninitialised at this point. Now, once you've got through the initial boot process and started your application proper, you have a problem - your exception vectors, and the code to handle them, are in ROM! What if you want to install a different interrupt handler? What if you want to switch the reset vector for a warm-reset handler? By having the vector area remappable, the application is free to switch out the ROM boot firmware for the RAM area in which it's installed its own vectors and handler code.
Of course, this may not always be necessary - e.g. for a microcontroller running a single dedicated application which handles powerup itself - but as soon as you get into the more complex realm of separate bootloaders and application code it becomes more important. Performance is also a theoretical concern, at least - if you have slow flash but fast RAM you might benefit from copying your vectors and interrupt handlers into that RAM - but I think that's far less of an issue on modern micros.
Furthermore, if an application wants to be able to update the boot flash at runtime, then it absolutely needs a way of putting the vectors and handlers elsewhere. Otherwise, if an interrupt fires whilst the flash block is in programming mode, the device will lock up in a recursive hard fault due to not being able to read from the vectors, never finish the programming operation and brick itself.
Whilst most types of ARM core have some means to change their own vector base address, some (like Cortex-M0), not to mention plenty of non-ARM cores, do not, which necessitates this kind of non-architecture-specific system-level remapping functionality to achieve the same result. In the case of microcontrollers built around older cores like ARM7TDMI, it's also quite likely for there to be no RAM behind the fixed alternative "high vectors" address (more suited for use withg an MMU), rendering that option useless.
* Yeah, OK, 0x4 if we're talking Cortex-M, but you know what I mean... ;)

Significance of Reset Vector in Modern Processors

I am trying to understand how computer boots up in very detail.
I came across two things which made me more curious,
1. RAM is placed at the bottom of ROM, to avoid Memory Holes as in Z80 processor.
2. Reset Vector is used, which takes the processor to a memory location in ROM, whose contents point to the actual location (again ROM) from where processor would actually start executing instructions (POST instruction). Why so?
If you still can't understand me, this link will explain you briefly,
The processor logic is generally rigid and fixed, thus the term hardware. Software is something that can be changed, molded, etc. thus the term software.
The hardware needs to start some how, two basic methods,
1) an address, hardcoded in the logic, in the processors memory space is read and that value is an address to start executing code
2) an address, hardcoded in the logic, is where the processor starts executing code
When the processor itself is integrated with other hardware, anything can be mapped into any address space. You can put ram at address 0x1000 or 0x40000000 or both. You can map a peripheral to 0x1000 or 0x4000 or 0xF0000000 or all of the above. It is the choice of the system designers or a combination of the teams of engineers where things will go. One important factor is how the system will boot once reset is relesed. The booting of the processor is well known due to its architecture. The designers often choose two paths:
1) put a rom in the memory space that contains the reset vector or the entry point depending on the boot method of the processor (no matter what architecture there is a first address or first block of addresses that are read and their contents drive the booting of the processor). The software places code or a vector table or both in this rom so that the processor will boot and run.
2) put ram in the memory space, in such a way that some host can download a program into that ram, then release reset on the processor. The processor then follows its hardcoded boot procedure and the software is executed.
The first one is most common, the second is found in some peripherals, mice and network cards and things like that (Some of the firmware in /usr/lib/firmware/ is used for this for example).
The bottom line though is that the processor is usually designed with one boot method, a fixed method, so that all software written for that processor can conform to that one method and not have to keep changing. Also, the processor when designed doesnt know its target application so it needs a generic solution. The target application often defines the memory map, what is where in the processors memory space, and one of the tasks in that assignment is how that product will boot. From there the software is compiled and placed such that it conforms to the processors rules and the products hardware rules.
It completely varies by architecture. There are a few reasons why cores might want to do this though. Embedded cores (think along the lines of ARM and Microblaze) tend to be used within system-on-chip machines with a single address space. Such architectures can have multiple memories all over the place and tend to only dictate that the bottom area of memory (i.e. 0x00) contains the interrupt vectors. Then then allows the programmer to easily specify where to boot from. On Microblaze, you can attach memory wherever the hell you like in XPS.
In addition, it can be used to easily support bootloaders. These are typically used as a small program to do a bit of initialization, then fetch a larger program from a medium that can't be accessed simply (e.g. USB or Ethernet). In these cases, the bootloader typically copies itself to high memory, fetches below it and then jumps there. The reset vector simply allows the programmer to bypass the first step.
