WPF: ComboBoxes in ListBox and concurrency - wpf

I have code like this:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding}">
<TextBlock>Some Other Stuff Here</TextBlock>
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding}" />
The problem is, every time the outside ListBox.SelectedItem gets changed, the ComboBoxes inside it would change their SelectedIndex to -1. Which means if I click "Some Other Stuff Here" (unless the ListBoxItem it is in is selected), all the comboboxes' selection get cleared.
How do I overcome this? Thx!

Presumably your combobox is bound to something like an ObservableCollection - try exposing an instance of ICollectionView instead:
class DataSource
// ...
public ObservableCollection<string> MyData { get; private set; }
public ICollectionView MyDataView
return CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(this.MyData);
You can then bind your combobox with:
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding MyDataView}" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" />
This means that the 'selected item' for each data source is stored in the ICollectionView object instead of within the combobox, which should mean that it is persisted when the ListBox SelectedItem changes


Binding not working inside a <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate>

I can not get the binding of a text property for a DataTemplate in MVVM design pattern.
To show the problem I expose below a simplification of my problem, where I bind two different view properties to the same model property (aka AnObject.Text).
My code in MainWindow.xaml is:
<Button Grid.Row="0" Content="{Binding ButtonText}" />
<ScrollViewer Grid.Row="1" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}">
<Label Content="aaaaa" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ItemText}" />
My code behind in MainWindow.xaml.cs (which sets the same DataContext for Button and every item in <ItemsControl ItemsSource>):
public MainWindow()
DataContext = new MainWindowViewModel();
My code in MainWindowViewModel.cs is:
public ObservableCollection<object> MyItems => MyConverter.GetCollection(MyData.List);
public string ItemText => "dddd"; // this DOES works
public string ItemText => AnObject.Text; // this does NOT work
public string ButtonText => AnObject.Text; // this DOES works (note, same object property!)
Any idea why my binding inside the DataTemplate does not work?
Thanks in advance!
There are various things to understand here:
Button control will have the DataContext set to MainWindowViewModel instance. This is the reason why ButtonText variable value is getting reflected in Button control text.
For ItemsControl the DataContext is the the same as for the Button, i.e. the MainWindowViewModel instance.
Each item in the ItemsControl ItemsSource acts as a DataContext for the elements in the ItemTemplate, i.e. the DockPanel and its child elements. This is managed automatically by the framework. So essentially you will need a public property named ItemText in the class which will act as a DataContext for Dockpanel.
In your case the ItemText property is not the part of the objects which are in list.

How to bind itemsource in combobox based on another combox items in wpf?

If i have items in one combobox are CFG_REG,INT_REG,ST_REG,CMD_REG(which are defined in enum), if i select item CFG_REG then i should display GCR,PCR,LCR,CR,GSR,PSR in another combobox similarly,if i select INT_REG i should display IE,IS like that,.. How do i do that?
<ComboBox Grid.Column="2"
SelectedIndex="{Binding CMDIndex, Mode=TwoWay}"
<ComboBox Grid.Column="3" IsTextSearchEnabled="True"
ItemsSource="{Binding }"
SelectedItem="{Binding RegisterIndex,Mode=TwoWay}"
VerticalAlignment="Top" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" DisplayMemberPath="Name"
You should bind a collection of items (i.e. ICollection or Observable collection) in your view model/Code to the first Combo box's itemsSource. You can bind the 'SelectedItem' of the first combo box to a property in the code behind/view model and then in the setter of this property, you should filter out another Collection which will be bound to other Combo box. I hope you get the idea.
For example:
<ComboBox ItemsSource ={Binding Collection1} SelectedItem ={Binding SelectedItem} .../>
In the Code:
public ICollection Collection1 {get;set;}
public ICollection Collection2 {get;set;}
public string SelectedItem
get {..}
SelectedItem = value;
public void ChangeSecondCollection(string value)
Collection2 = //Filter your second collection here.

How to bind silverlight datagrid combo box itemSource to viewModel

We're using Caliburn.Micro/Silverlight 4 and life is good.
I'm trying to bind a combobox's itemsSource to a viewModel, but this doesn't seem possible since the combobox is already bound to its own row's dataItem. The logic which fills the combo changes with other data on the screen so I can't really use a static list like I've been using.
Is there a way to bind directory to the viewModel somehow??? I've tried element to element binding but this never appears to work within the grid.
<Controls:DataGridTemplateColumn x:Name="FooNameCol" Header="Foo" MinWidth="200">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Foo.ShortName}"
Style="{StaticResource DataGridTextColumnStyle}"/>
<ComboBox DisplayMemberPath="ShortName"
MinWidth="200" MinHeight="25"
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=Officer, Mode=TwoWay, ValidatesOnExceptions=True, NotifyOnValidationError=True}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Officers, Source={StaticResource ReferenceListRetriever}}" />
Within a DataTemplate, the DataContext is bound to each single item of the corresponding list; since all Bindings implicitly refers to DataContext, you have to ensure that the path is valid, starting from the single data item.
In your scenario, for the indicated binding to work, you should have a VM shaped this way:
public class MyVM {
public IEnumerable<MyItem> Items {get;}
public class MyItem {
public Foo Foo {get;}
public Officer Officer {get;set;}
public IEnumerable<Officer> Officers {get;}
It may seem an overkill, but in some scenarios each combo can actually contain different choices for each data item, based on some business rule.
In simpler cases MyItem can just expose a common list coming from the parent MyVM:
public class MyItem {
public IEnumerable<Officer> Officers {
get { return _parent.AvailableOfficers; }
If you really can't live with it and prefer to keep the available Officers list in the root VM only, you can use a Xaml side trick:
public class MyVM {
public IEnumerable<MyItem> Items {get;}
public IEnumerable<Officer> Officers {get;}
public class MyItem {
public Foo Foo {get;}
public Officer Officer {get;set;}
<UserControl ...>
<AnyFrameworkElementAtThisLevel Name="bridge" />
<Controls:DataGridTemplateColumn ...>
<ComboBox DisplayMemberPath="ShortName"
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=Officer, Mode=TwoWay, ValidatesOnExceptions=True, NotifyOnValidationError=True}"
ItemsSource="{Binding DataContext.Officers, ElementName=bridge}" />

How to bind a TextBox to plain string collection

As a part of large data model I need to display/edit a string collection defined like ObservableCollection<String>. In prototype app we use a list view to display entire of collection and a text box to edit selected element. The text box should be bound to the current element of the collection. Because GUI is subject to change I can't bind directly using <TextBox Text="{Binding SelectedItem,ElementName=listView}" />.
I tried to use
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=/, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>
but it works only in one direction, changing listview current item causes updating a text box but not otherwise.
How can I bind a text box directly to sting instance of current element in string collection?
Ok, so here's your ListView. I'm going to add a name to it so I can reference it elsewhere in the XAML:
Header="Data Item"
Now in your TextBox over on the right you can bind directly to the ListView:
<TextBox Text="{Binding SelectedItem,ElementName=stringList}" />
Since your ListView is bound directly to a list of strings, SelectedItem will be the string the currently-selected ListViewItem points to.
Since you're not allowed to use ElementBinding, your best bet is to introduce a ViewModel class to sit between your list and your window. Define it like this:
public class StringListViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
// you'll have to implement INotifyPropertyChanged - I won't
// do that here - do a quick search to learn how it works.
public ObservableCollection<String> List { get; set; }
private object _si;
public object SelectedItem
get { return _si; }
_si = value;
Now set your window's DataContext to an instance of your ViewModel class instead of pointing it directly to the string list. Bind your ListView's ItemsSource and SelectedItem to it like this:
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding List}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem}" ... />
Now bind your TextBox to the SelectedItem of your ViewModel:
<TextBox Text="{Binding SelectedItem}" />
Now your list sets the SelectedItem on the ViewModel whenever it changes, and thus your TextBox reflects that value. Hope that makes sense.

WPF binding to Listbox selectedItem

Can anyone help with the following - been playing about with this but can't for the life of me get it to work.
I've got a view model which contains the following properties;
public ObservableCollection<Rule> Rules { get; set; }
public Rule SelectedRule { get; set; }
In my XAML I've got;
<ListBox x:Name="lbRules" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Rules}"
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedRule, Mode=TwoWay}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="Name:" />
<TextBox x:Name="ruleName">
<Binding Path="Name" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged" />
Now the ItemsSource works fine and I get a list of Rule objects with their names displayed in lbRules.
Trouble I am having is binding the SelectedRule property to lbRules' SelectedItem. I tried binding a textblock's text property to SelectedRule but it is always null.
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=SelectedRule.Name}" />
The error I'm seeing in the output window is:
BindingExpression path error: 'SelectedRule' property not found.
Can anyone help me with this binding - I can't see why it shouldn't find the SelectedRule property.
I then tried changing the textblock's text property as bellow, which works. Trouble is I want to use the SelectedRule in my ViewModel.
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=lbRules, Path=SelectedItem.Name}" />
Thanks very much for your help.
First off, you need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface in your view model and raise the PropertyChanged event in the setter of the Rule property. Otherwise no control that binds to the SelectedRule property will "know" when it has been changed.
Then, your XAML
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=SelectedRule.Name}" />
is perfectly valid if this TextBlock is outside the ListBox's ItemTemplate and has the same DataContext as the ListBox.
Inside the DataTemplate you're working in the context of a Rule, that's why you cannot bind to SelectedRule.Name -- there is no such property on a Rule.
To bind to the original data context (which is your ViewModel) you can write:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=lbRules, Path=DataContext.SelectedRule.Name}" />
UPDATE: regarding the SelectedItem property binding, it looks perfectly valid, I tried the same on my machine and it works fine. Here is my full test app:
<Window x:Class="TestWpfApplication.ListBoxSelectedItem"
Title="ListBoxSelectedItem" Height="300" Width="300"
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Rules}" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedRule, Mode=TwoWay}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="Name:" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding Name}"/>
Code behind:
namespace TestWpfApplication
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for ListBoxSelectedItem.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class ListBoxSelectedItem : Window
public ListBoxSelectedItem()
public class Rule
public string Name { get; set; }
public class ListBoxSelectedItemViewModel
public ListBoxSelectedItemViewModel()
Rules = new ObservableCollection<Rule>()
new Rule() { Name = "Rule 1"},
new Rule() { Name = "Rule 2"},
new Rule() { Name = "Rule 3"},
public ObservableCollection<Rule> Rules { get; private set; }
private Rule selectedRule;
public Rule SelectedRule
get { return selectedRule; }
selectedRule = value;
Yocoder is right,
Inside the DataTemplate, your DataContext is set to the Rule its currently handling..
To access the parents DataContext, you can also consider using a RelativeSource in your binding:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type ____Your Parent control here___ }}, Path=DataContext.SelectedRule.Name}" />
More info on RelativeSource can be found here:
For me, I usually use DataContext together in order to bind two-depth property such as this question.
<TextBlock DataContext="{Binding SelectedRule}" Text="{Binding Name}" />
Or, I prefer to use ElementName because it achieves bindings only with view controls.
<TextBlock DataContext="{Binding ElementName=lbRules, Path=SelectedItem}" Text="{Binding Name}" />
There is a shorter version to bind to a selected item's property:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Rules/Name}" />
since you set your itemsource to your collection, your textbox is tied to each individual item in that collection. the selected item property is useful in this scenario if you were trying to do a master-detail form, having 2 listboxes. you would bind the second listbox's itemsource to the child collection of rules. in otherwords the selected item alerts outside controls that your source has changed, internal controls(those inside your datatemplate already are aware of the change.
and to answer your question yes in most circumstances setting the itemsource is the same as setting the datacontext of the control.
