How to get the function name of a C function pointer - c

I have the following problem: when I get a backtrace in C using the backtrace(3) function the symbols returned the name of the functions is easily determinable with the dwarf library and dladdr(3).
The problem is that if I have a simple function pointer (e.g. by passing it &function) the dladdr + dwarf functions can't help. It seems that the pointer is different from the one returned by backtrace(3) (it's not strange, since backtrace gets these function pointers straight from the stack).
My question is whether there is some method for resolving these names too? Also, I'd like to know exactly what is the difference between the two pointers.
The difference between the pointers is quite significant:
The one I get with backtrace is: 0x8048ca4
The direct pointer version: 0x3ba838
Seems to me that the second one needs an offset.

Making a guess from the substantial differences in the typical addresses you cited, one is from an actual shared library, and the other from your main executable. Reading between the lines of a man page for dladdr(3), it could be the case that if the symbol isn't located in a module that was loaded by dlopen(3) then it might not be able to reconstruct the matching file and symbol names.
I assume you haven't stripped the symbols off any module you care about here, or all bets are off. If the executable has symbols, then it should be possible to look in them for one that is an exact match for the address of any nameable function. A pointer to a function is just that, after all.

addr2line(1) may be just the thing you're looking for.


If a standard library function is reimplemented, which of the two is called?

If a library function like e.g. malloc is reimplemented, then there are two symbols with that name, one in a local object file and one in the system library. Which of the two is used when a function from e.g. stdio is used, which calls malloc (and why)?
The link behaviour is, in a general way:
Include all symbols defined in the object files.
Then resolve the undefined ones using the objects in the libs.
So, if malloc is reimplemented and linked as object file, the version in the object file will override the version in the standard libraries. However, if the new malloc is linked as a library, it depends on the libraries linking order.
Another way, considering the gnu binutils as scope, to override library functions is to wrap the function using the --wrap parameter:
By using the --wrap ld option we can get both functions linked and the wrapper function would be able to call the wrapped one.
The linking order also depends on the command line parameters order. So I'm considering here that libs are listed after objects because, in general, doesn't make sense to put libraries before objects as their objective is to supply the missing symbols demanded by those.
One answer is that you are getting yourself in an awful lot of trouble by trying to replace malloc. Don't go there. Don't even think about it. Especially if you need to ask questions on stackoverflow, don't even think about it.
Another answer is that you are invoking undefined behaviour, and the likely result is that the malloc function will be called that will hurt you most. If you are lucky, while developing. If you are less lucky, once your code is in the hand of customers. Don't do it.
Writing wrappers around malloc with new names is bad enough. Trying to replace malloc is madness.

When I debug a C program with gdb, and key in 'p system', what exactly do I get?

Before I go deep into my questions, I need to confess that I am still fairly inexperienced to this subject, and am confused over quite a number of concepts, so please bear with me if my manner of asking those questions seems unorganized.
I recently learnt that as standard C library would be loaded into every C program we compiled (is this because we have #include at the beginning of the source file?[quesiton1]), we would have its functions loaded into the memory. So, I would know that the system() function had already been loaded and stored somewhere in the memory, and then I was made know that I could find the exact address of where the system() function was stored by debugging a random C program with gdb, and issuing the command 'p system', which would print out the address of the function. I understand that 'p' is used to print variable in gdb, and 'system' in this case probably indicates the address of the system() function, so it seems to make sense to do so, but then I think to myself, wait a second, it does not appear that I have used the system() function anywhere in my code, why would the inventor of gdb include such a variable for me to print out the address of some function that I don't even use? and does this imply that the address of every function in stand C library can be found out in the same fashion? and they all have a corresponding variable name in gdb? [question2]
One more question unrelated to stuff I talked above is whether functions like system(), execve() and many others are specific to Linux OS, or they are also used in Windows OS? [question3]
Hope that you guys can help me out. Thanks in advance!
The standard C library is linked with every program because it's necessary for it to be there to be able to run your program. There's a lot of things happening in your program before your main function gets called and after it returns, the standard library takes care of this. It also provides you with most of the standard functions you can call. You can compile things without a standard library, but that's an advanced topic. This is pretty much unrelated to #include.
Gdb can see system with p because it prints more than just variables. It prints anything that is in scope. system just happens to be a symbol that's visible to you in that scope. You could print any symbol that's visible to you, including all the globally visible variables and functions in libc and your program. Symbols in this context means "names of various things that need to be findable by programs and other libraries", this includes all functions, variables, section boundaries and many other things that the compiler/linker/runtime/debugger need to find to do its job.
Usually the standard library gets linked dynamically, which means that every program has the exact same copy of the library. In that case all symbols in it will be visible to your program because there's no reason to exclude them. If you link your program statically only the necessary parts of libc will be included and you would probably not see the system symbol unless you actually use that function.

Hook and Replace Export Function in the Loaded ELF ( .so shared library )

I'm writing some C code to hook some function of .so ELF (shared-library) loaded into memory.
My C code should be able to re-direct an export function of another .so library that was loaded into the app/program's memory.
Here's a bit of elaboration:
Android app will have multiple .so files loaded. My C code has to look through export function that belongs to another shared .so library (called in this case)
This is not a regular dlsym approach because I don't just want address of a function but I want to replace it with my own fuction; in that: when another library makes the call to its own function then instead my hook_func gets called, and then from my hook_func I should call the original_func.
For import functions this can work. But for export functions I'm not sure how to do it.
Import functions have the entries in the symbol table that have corresponding entry in relocation table that eventually gives the address of entry in global offset table (GOT).
But for the export functions, the symbol's st_value element itself has address of the procedure and not GOT address (correct me if I'm wrong).
How do I perform the hooking for the export function?
Theoretically speaking, I should get the memory location of the st_value element of dynamic symbol table entry ( Elf32_Sym ) of export function. If I get that location then I should be able to replace the value in that location with my hook_func's address. However, I'm not able to write into this location so far. I have to assume the dynamic symbol table's memory is read-only. If that is true then what is the workaround in that case?
Thanks a lot for reading and helping me out.
Update: LD_PRELOAD can only replace the original functions with my own, but then I'm not sure if there any way to call the originals.
In my case for example:
App initializes the audio engine by calling Audio_System_Create and passes a reference of AUDIO_SYSTEM object to Audio_System_Create(AUDIO_SYSTEM **);
AUDIO API allocates this struct/object and function returns.
Now if only I could access that AUDIO_SYSTEM object, I would easily attach a callback to this object and start receiving audio data.
Hence, my ultimate goal is to get the reference to AUIOD_SYSTEM object; and in my understanding, I can only get that if I intercept the call where that object is first getting allocated through Audio_System_Create(AUIOD_SYSTEM **).
Currently there is no straight way to grab the output audio at android. (all examples talk about recording audio that comes from microphone only)
As advised by Basile in his answer, I made use of dladdr() but strangely enough it gives me the same address as I pass to it.
void *pFunc=procedure_addr; //procedure address calculated from the st_value of symbol from symbol table in ELF file (not from loaded file)
int nRet;
// Lookup the name of the function given the function pointer
if ((nRet = dladdr(pFunc, &DlInfo)) != 0)
LOGE("Symbol Name is: %s", DlInfo.dli_sname);
LOGE("Symbol Address is: NULL");
LOGE("Symbol Address is: 0x%x", DlInfo.dli_saddr);
LOGE("dladdr failed");
Here's the result I get:
entry_addr =0x75a28cfc
entry_addr_through_dlysm =0x75a28cfc
Symbol Name is: AUDIO_System_Create
Symbol Address is: 0x75a28cfc
Here address obtained through dlysm or calculated through ELF file is the address of procedure; while I need the location where this address itself is; so that I can replace this address with my hook_func address. dladdr() didn't do what I thought it will do.
You should read in details Drepper's paper: how to write shared libraries - notably to understand why using LD_PRELOADis not enough. You may want to study the source code of the dynamic linker ( inside your libc. You might try to change with mprotect(2) and/or mmap(2) and/or mremap(2) the relevant pages. You can query the memory mapping thru proc(5) using /proc/self/maps & /proc/self/smaps. Then you could, in an architecture-specific way, replace the starting bytes (perhaps using asmjit or GNU lightning) of the code of original_func by a jump to your hook_func function (which you might need to change its epilogue, to put the overwritten instructions -originally at original_func- there...)
Things might be slightly easier if original_func is well known and always the same. You could then study its source and assembler code, and write the patching function and your hook_func only for it.
Perhaps using dladdr(3) might be helpful too (but probably not).
Alternatively, hack your dynamic linker to change it for your needs. You might study the source code of musl-libc
Notice that you probably need to overwrite the machine code at the address of original_func (as given by dlsym on "original_func"). Alternatively, you'll need to relocate every occurrence of calls to that function in all the already loaded shared objects (I believe it is harder; if you insist see dl_iterate_phdr(3)).
If you want a generic solution (for an arbitrary original_func) you'll need to implement some binary code analyzer (or disassembler) to patch that function. If you just want to hack a particular original_func you should disassemble it, and patch its machine code, and have your hook_func do the part of original_func that you have overwritten.
Such horrible and time consuming hacks (you'll need weeks to make it work) make me prefer using free software (since then, it is much simpler to patch the source of the shared library and recompile it).
Of course, all this isn't easy. You need to understand in details what ELF shared objects are, see also elf(5) and read Levine's book: Linkers and Loaders
NB: Beware, if you are hacking against a proprietary library (e.g. unity3d), what you are trying to achieve might be illegal. Ask a lawyer. Technically, you are violating most abstractions provided by shared libraries. If possible, ask the author of the shared library to give help and perhaps implement some plugin machinery in it.

Is it possible to LD_PRELOAD a function with different parameters?

Say I replace a function by creating a shared object and using LD_PRELOAD to load it first. Is it possible to have parameters to that function different from the one in original library?
For example, if I replace pthread_mutex_lock, such that instead of parameter pthread_mutex_t it takes pthread_my_mutex_t. Is it possible?
Secondly, besides function, is it possible to change structure declarations using LD_PRELOAD? For example, one may add one more field to a structure.
Although you can arrange to provide your modified pthread_mutex_lock() function, the code will have been compiled to call the standard function. This will lead to problems when the replacement is called with the parameters passed to the standard function. This is a polite way of saying:
Expect it to crash and burn
Any pre-loaded function must implement the same interface — same name, same arguments in, same values out — as the function it replaces. The internals can be implemented as differently as you need, but the interface must be the same.
Similarly with structures. The existing code was compiled to expect one size for the structure, with one specific layout. You might get away with adding an extra field at the end, but the non-substituted code will probably not work correctly. It will allocate space for the original size of structure, not the enhanced structure, etc. It will never access the extra element itself. It probably isn't quite impossible, but you must have designed the program to handle dynamically changing structure sizes, which places severe enough constraints on when you can do it that the answer "you can't" is probably apposite (and is certainly much simpler).
IMNSHO, the LD_PRELOAD mechanism is for dire emergencies (and is a temporary band-aid for a given problem). It is not a mechanism you should plan to use on anything remotely resembling a regular basis.
LD_PRELOAD does one thing, and one thing only. It arranges for a particular DSO file to be at the front of the list that uses to look up symbols. It has nothing to do with how the code uses a function or data item once found.
Anything you can do with LD_PRELOAD, you can simulate by just linking the replacement library with -l at the front of the list. If, on the other hand, you can't accomplish a task with that -l, you can't do it with LD_PRELOAD.
The effects of what you're describing are conceptually the same as the effects of providing a mismatching external function at normal link time: undefined behavior.
If you want to do this, rather than playing with fire, why don't you make your replacement function also take pthread_mutex_t * as its argument type, and then just convert the pointer to pthread_my_mutex_t * in the function body? Normally this conversion will take place only at the source level anyway; no code should be generated for it.

Dynamic relocation of code section

Just out of curiosity I wonder if it is possible to relocate a piece of code during
the execution of a program. For instance, I have a function and this function should
be replaced in memory each time after it has been executed. One idea that came up our mind
is to use self-modifying code to do that. According to some online resources, self-modifying
code can be executed on Linux, but still I am not sure if such a dynamic relocation is possible. Has anyone experience with that?
Yes dynamic relocation is definitely possible. However, you have to make sure that the code is completely self-contained, or that it accesses globals/external functions by absolute references. If your code can be completely position independent, meaning the only references it makes are relative to itself, you're set. Otherwise you will need to do the fixups yourself at loading time.
With GCC, you can use -fpic to generate position independent code. Passing -q or --emit-relocs to the linker will make it emit relocation information. The ELF specification (PDF link) has information about how to use that relocation information; if you're not using ELF, you'll have to find the appropriate documentation for your format.
As Carl says, it can be done, but you're opening a can of worms. In practice, the only people who take the trouble to do this are academics or malware authors (now donning my flame proof cloak).
You can copy some code into a malloc'd heap region, then call it via function pointers, but depending on the OS you may have to enable execution in the segment. You can try to copy some code into the code segment (taking care not to overwrite the following function), but the OS likely has made this segment read-only. You might want to look at the Linux kernel and see how it loads its modules.
If all these different functions exist at compile time then you could simply use a function pointer to keep track of the next one that is to be called. If you absolutely have to modify the function at runtime and that modification can't be done in place then you could also use a function pointer that is updated with address of the new function when it is created/loaded. The rest of your system would then call the self-modifying function through the function pointer and therefore doesn't have to know or care about the self-modifying code and you only have to do the fixup in one place.
