Linked Informix table in MS SQL Server ignoring criteria? - sql-server

I’m having a problem with a linked Informix table in MS SQL Server 2008r2. When I query this table, it seems to ignore some of the criteria I’m passing to it but not others. For example if I put a condition on the rowdate field the remote query part of the execution plan does not show any WHERE clause but if I put criteria on another field such as ACD it does show.
It seems it does not pass any criteria on the rowdate field but does on all others.
I know the field is indexed on the Informix side. If it helps the table I’m linking is from Avaya CMS and it is linked via the OpenLink ODBC driver.
As far as I know it is Informix Dynamic Server 2000 and it is on Solaris. The column comes up as a DATE data type which is correct. I have tried passing the criteria as ‘2010-08-03 00:00:00’, ‘2010-08-03’, CONVERT(date,’2010-08-03’) and a few more variations. When the data is returned to SQL server it is in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
When I view the execution plan I can see the remote query with all the other criteria followed by a filter for only the rowdate field.
I know that rowdate is indexed and that the driver does normally communicate that information as we use it in other applications (Business objects and MS Access) and they don’t have a problem

I managed to figure it out but it is the strangest thing ever. I went down the route of passing the date in different formats. My default is to use the normal YYYY-MM-DD that of course did not work so I tried YYYY-MMM-DD, still nothing. After going through LOTS of combinations I found one that works Mmm-DD-YY and it has to be exactly that! SEP-21-2010 wont work but Sep-21-2010.
I wonder if this is just a strange hang up from Informix or something in the driver, anyway it works.
On a side note has anyone noticed how strange it is that people from the America write the date month, day year? Stop and think about it for a second, do you say the number 2410 as “Four hundred, ten, two thousand”? The best part about it is try asking yourself this, what day is American independence day? Most Americans say “That’s easy you limey person it is the 4th of July” hmmmm day month (year), the only date they say round the right way is the date they got their independence. I will leave it up to the SO community to see the irony in that

Example query below:
select *
from OPENQUERY (AVAYA, 'select row_date,starttime,intrvl,acd from root.hagent where
row_date = ''NOV-22-2012'' and acd = 1 and split = 1 and starttime = 1900')
By the way I managed to extract accurate data via both MMM-DD-YYYY and Mmm-DD-YYYY.


MS Access Date() syntax in query to SQL Server

I have found several posts on using the GETDATE() function for SQL Server linked table while in an Access front-end VBA procedure. Those posts are focused on the WHERE clause of the query, but I have been unable to find corresponding information on use of GETDATE() for column assignment.
For example, I understand that in the WHERE clause, I would use something like this:
However, I am getting syntax errors in VBA when I try to assign the current date to a column, like this:
INSERT INTO MyTable ( SomeValue, TheDate ) SELECT 'Widget' AS Expr1, CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE) AS Expr2;
In this example, TheDate is defined as DateTime in SQL Server. Written like this, VBA reports "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)'. I tried to surround the expression with Access-friendly # date delimiters, but no luck there.
After spending about 30 minutes searching various ways for MS Access Date() in SQL, I have been unable to find this. However it is so simple I am sure it was already answered somewhere.
In MS Access you likely (not 100% sure for linked SQL, you have to experiment) should use Now() and Date() functions. First one is equivalent to getdate() in SQL, the second one returns current date without time.
If you run this in Access on a linked table (not a PT query), it should read:
INSERT INTO MyTable ( SomeValue, TheDate )
VALUES ('Widget', Date());
There seems to be some confusing here. If you building a Access query, then ZERO ZERO of the SQL server date functions and syntax matter. Your SQL MUST continue to be written to Access standards unless you using a pass-though query.
However, I seen this 100x times here.
What is the data type on sql server side?
Is it datetime, or datetime2?
And double, triple, qudadropes, (and more) check the linked table in desing mode.
If you link to SQL server using the standard legacy "SQL Server" driver. The one that been shipped for 20 years since windows 98SE?
You MUST check if Access is seeing those columns as text, or as date columns (which in Access always allow a time part if you want).
Access code, queries, forms and EVERYTHING should require ZERO changes if you migrate that data from Access to SQL server and link the table. Again: ZERO ZERO changes.
However, if you used datetime2 on the SQL server side? Then you CAN NOT use the legacy "SQL server driver" when linking table. The reason is they don't support the newer datetime2 format. As a result, Access will actually see, use, and process that column as a text column. You REALLY, but REALLY do not want that to occur.
Becuase then you spend the next week asking questions on SO about how some date code or column or query does not work.
ZERO ZERO changes are required in Access. If your dates are starting to break, then the issue is not date formats, but that column is now being seen by access as a TEXT data type.
Either change the sql side datetime2 columns to datetime, and re-link.
re-link your tables using a newer native 11 (or later - up to 18 now). that way, access will see/use/process the datetime2 as a correct date format in Access.
So, before you do anything? Open one of the Access tables linked to SQL server in design mode. (ignore the read only prmompt). Now, look at the data type assigned to the date columns. If they are text, then you have a royal mess.
You need to re-link using the newer ODBC drivers.
Zero of your existing code, sql and quires should be touched or even changed if you using a linked table to sql server. But then again, if you linked using the wrong SQL ODBC driver, then Access cannot see nor process those datetime2 columns as date - it will be using text, and you beyond really don't want to allow that to occur.
In summary:
Any date code, SQL updates, sorting, query, VBA code, form code, reports should continue to work with ZERO changes. If you are making changes to dates after a migration, then you done this all wrong, and those date columns are not being seen by access as date columns.
Either get rid of all datetime2 columns and then re-link (change them server side to datetime). Or re-link the tables using a native 11 or later ODBC driver. Either of these choices will fix this issue.
This is a fix that requires ZERO code, and zero changes to Access dealing with dates.

Skype persistent chat timestamp converstion

I am building a tool which displays Skype persistent chat information along with participants information. For one of the requirement, I need to filter the tblComplianceParticipant table in a given date range.
I tried many different approaches to convert tblComplianceParticipant.joinedAt column to human-readable format like 'yyyy-mm-dd', etc. but no luck so far. Data in this column are 18 digit numbers, starting with "63" for example 636572952018269911 and 636455769656388453.
These values are also not in 'windows file time' format because gives the future dates with above values.
I tried looking at #JonSkeet's answer on 18 digit timestamp to Local Time but that is c# specific. I tried to replicate similar logic in SQL but no luck.
Is there any way to convert this 18 digit numbers to normal date format and perform where clause on it?
Online converter which gives desired output:
However, I was looking for underlying logic to convert it myself as I need to perform where clause on it in SQL server stored procedure.
Our Skype administrator provided me with a SQL function (fnDateToTicks) which was part of Skype database (mgc) (Earlier, I didn't have permission so could not see it). I am verifying with him whether it is an internal IP or standard solution by Microsoft so I can share it with the larger community.
The only thing i can think is worth trying:
select CAST ([Timestamp Column] as datetime)
Which will format it as yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00:000
This may work for SQL Server 2008 and onwards

Select from IBM DB2 using Openquery() and member

I want to fetch some data from an IBM DB2 server using SQL Server 2008.
For this I have tried to use:
SELECT * From Openquery(LINKED_SRV,'Select * from dta.Filename')
which gives me data, albeit rather old data.
I have since gathered that the updated data is in another Member on the server, and that the default member is the outdated one I tried to import data from.
I am told the current Member is PROD2017. I have read some IBM DB2 documentation where a Library.Filename(Member) convention is used, but using:
SELECT * From Openquery(LINKED_SRV,'Select * from dta.Filename(PROD2017)')
but this gives me an error that ( is not supported.
Of several attempts which has failed I have also tried to use:
SELECT * From Openquery(LINKED_SRV,'Select * from dta.Filename"(PROD2017)"')
which actually gives a result set, but it is the same result set as the original one omitting the membership, so I'd reckon there is some issue with the Query either way.
How can I find data using openquery() from an IBM DB2 server using Sql server, when the DB2 server uses membership?
From my SQL server I can query my DB2 machine through a linked server without OPENQUERY. For example:
select t1.ordno from LinkedServer.Database.Library.Table t1
Note the use of aliasing and the 4-part identifier. Replace these with your specifics and let me know what happens.
I received a Notable Question award for this question today and I saw that it doesn't answer how I got this issue solved.
Mind you, this is a 3 year old question so my specifics may be a little bit off but I remember it as the following:
I queried a member for all production of 2017, called PROD2017
I understood this as a book analogy, where PROD2017 was the name of the book and that my query returned a chapter. For me, the query returned the wrong chapter (I believe January's sales or something where I wanted August's).
I told the company responsible for the data in the IBM DB2 connection and they had to redo their "sorting of the book", so that the query would return the correct month's data.
I believe they had to do this each month, but once again I'm iffy on the details seeing as how long ago this was.
Hopefully this can help someone, though :)

crystal reports missing columns

OK, first question here so go easy!
Let's start with some quick background - I have been working with Crystal almost daily for the past 15 years to so, so I like to think I am not too much of a dummy.
Today, I have stumbled across a problem I have never seen.
My source data is from SQL Server 2012 Standard.
I have created a view, nothing too complicated. It grabs PartNo and Description from an Inventory Main table. Then a few other columns from other related tables so I can see the data neatly in a single view, so stuff like carton qty (how many units go into 1 carton), height, length, depth.
Now, bear in mind I have done these kinds of views so many times in the past I couldn't even count.
Now, in Crystal Reports 2013, I connect to SQL via OLE using sa credentials, find my view. Pop over to the "Links" tab in the Database Expert, and my columns created from the related tables are not listed! Only PartNo and Description are visible.
I have scratching my head over this for the past few hours & the only thing I can put it down to is some kind of weird Microsoft update.
My SQL view results:
SQL view
What I see in Crystal
Database Expert, Links
the other way to test this is instead of a view or table just add a
command and select * from yourview
the only downside i think would be using sql expression from a command connection.
another option is to
To define the data type in the view... same with dates. does not like
to be converted otherwise will treat it as a string

SQLBulkCopy and Dates (1/1/1753)

I've got an application which has been working fine for quite a while, but there is an annoying item that continues to get in the way on occasion.
Let's say that I use an object such as OracleDataReader or MySQLDataReader to pass the data to the sqlbulkcopy object for insert. Let's assume that all the columns maps just fine and for the most part, it all works well.
Granted, I don't have control over the source application or database (which is either MySQL or Oracle). So some goof goes into a different application and puts in a date on the invoice table of 5/31/0210. He really meant to put in 5/31/2010, but the application he's using is not validating the data very tightly and the Oracle database accepts it. For all intensive purposes, the data of 5/31/0210 is a valid date for the Oracle db. It might be stupid in terms of data entry, but it is what it is at this point.
Now our OracleDataReader comes along and is transferring this invoice table over to SQL Server via the SQLBulkCopy. It is passing the data to perfectly matched table with the right column names and data types. You can see what is going to happen. This date of 05/31/0210 from Oracle is not accepted by the SQL Server db engine, as the DATETIME field only allows dates from 1/1/1753 to 12/31/9999.
When it encounters this record, it simply fails and gives an overflow error. It doesn't skip the record, it kills the feed. So if it happens a thousand records in on a million record table, you don't get the remaining 999,000 records.
Is there anyway to get around this issue so that the feed will continue?
Ideally, I'd like to move the receiving SQL Server DB to 2008 and use DATETIME2, which would allow for these goofy dates, but unfortunately not all my clients are ready to move to this version yet, so I'm stuck with DATETIME in SQL 2000/2005/2008.
Any ideas on how to get around this without changing the SQL? Ideally, I wouldn't mind if it just skipped the record. I know that I could do this in the SQL for the datareder, but this would be extremely complicated when you have twenty date fields in a single query. It would be maintenance nightmare.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
One option would be to change the datetime column type to varchar. Then add a derived column for converting the string to datetime. The trick would be to use a function in the derived column to validate the date and put an arbitrary datetime if the coversion will fail. If you do heavy date comparisons, persist the computed column and/or index it.
I say all of this under the impression that sqlbulkcopy is not able to do transforms. Maybe you can. Hopefully, someone will chime in with a way to.
SSIS would be great in this situation, as you could do the transform and also get the performance benefits of the bulk update lock.
