contains search over a table variable or a temp table - sql-server

i'm trying to concatenate several columns from a persistent table into one column of a table variable, so that i can run a contains("foo" and "bar") and get a result even if foo is not in the same column as bar.
however, it isn't possible to create a unique index on a table variable, hence no fulltext index to run a contains.
is there a way to, dynamically, concatenate several columns and run a contains on them? here's an example:
declare #t0 table
id uniqueidentifier not null,
search_text varchar(max)
declare #t1 table ( id uniqueidentifier )
insert into
#t0 (id, search_text)
foo + bar
insert into
contains( search_text, '"c++*" AND "programming*"' )

You cannot use CONTAINS on a table that has not been configured to use Full Text Indexing, and that cannot be applied to table variables.
If you want to use CONTAINS (as opposed to the less flexible PATINDEX) you will need to base the whole query on a table with a FT index.

You can't use full text indexing on a table variable but you can apply the full text parser. Would something like this do what you need?
declare #d table
id int identity(1,1),
testing varchar(1000)
INSERT INTO #D VALUES ('c++ programming')
INSERT INTO #D VALUES ('c# programming')
INSERT INTO #D VALUES ('c++ books')
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_fts_parser('"' + REPLACE(testing,'"','""') + '"', 1033, 0,0)
where display_term in ('c++','programming')
NB: There might well be a better way of using the parser but I couldn't quite figure it out. Details of it are at this link

declare #table table
id int,
fname varchar(50)
insert into #table select 1, 'Adam James Will'
insert into #table select 1, 'Jain William'
insert into #table select 1, 'Bob Rob James'
select * from #table where fname like '%ja%' and fname like '%wi%'
Is it something like this.


Remove the last value after a comma in nvarchar SQL

I have a column (Col1) with nvarchar(50) values like this: '17031021__,0,0.1,1'. I want to use this value to update another column(Col2), but remove the last number after the last comma (ex: '17031021__,0,0.1'). I think I need something like this:
Col1 nvarchar(50),
Col2 nvarchar(50)
UPDATE table1
SET Col1 = '17031021__,0,0.1,1'
Select reverse(stuff(reverse(Col1), 1, 1, '')) As Col2
This is not quite right. What is the easiest way to achieve this?
Something along the following will give you a head-start.
-- DDL and sample data population, start
INSERT INTO #tbl (tokens) VALUES
-- DDL and sample data population, end
, LEFT(tokens, pos) AS result
FROM #tbl
CROSS APPLY (SELECT LEN(tokens) - CHARINDEX(',', REVERSE(tokens))) AS t(pos);
And after you feel comfortable:
SET tokens = LEFT(tokens, LEN(tokens) - CHARINDEX(',', REVERSE(tokens)));
-- test
OK, the aforementioned solutions seemed like overkill, so I was able to find an easier solution that worked. Here is what I used generically:
UPDATE [dbo].[table1]
SET [Col2] = left (Col1, len(Col1) - charindex(',', reverse(Col1) + ','))
Very similar to the second solution above but with the ',' added at the end. This produced the desired result.

Display few specific rows always at the top

I want to display a few specific Rows always at top of the query results.
For example: Cities Table. Columns: City ID, City Name
I want to fetch Query result where Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad should display at the top always.
1st way:
I can insert these records first in the table so that they will get displayed always at the top.
But, this way will not work if any other city gets added after a few months that I also want to display at the top.
Use an iif in your order by clause:
SELECT CityId, CityName
FROM Cities
ORDER BY IIF(CityName IN ('Mumbai', 'Bangalore', 'Chennai', 'Hyderabad'), 0, 1), CityName
You can't rely on the order in which you've entered the records to the table, because database tables are unsorted by nature, and without an order by clause, the order of the result set will be arbitrary.
For more information, read The “Natural order” misconception on my blog.
Try this:
Declare #t table (cityID int,cityname nvarchar(50))
insert into #t values (2,'Gujrat')
insert into #t values (4,'Surat')
insert into #t values (6,'Mumbai')
insert into #t values (3,'Bangalore')
insert into #t values (5,'Chennai')
insert into #t values (1,'Hyderabad')
select * from #t
order by case when cityname in ('Mumbai','Bangalore','Chennai','Hyderabad') then 0 else 1 END
Clean way of doing this,
Declare #t table (cityID int,cityname nvarchar(50))
Declare #DesireOrder table (id int identity,CityID int) -- instead of cityname
insert into #DesireOrder values (6),(3),(5),(1)
insert into #t values (2,'Gujrat')
insert into #t values (4,'Surat')
insert into #t values (6,'Mumbai')
insert into #t values (3,'Bangalore')
insert into #t values (5,'Chennai')
insert into #t values (1,'Hyderabad')
insert into #t values (8,'Delhi')
insert into #t values (7,'New Delhi')
select t.* from #t t
left join DesireOrder O on t.cityid=O.cityid
order by,t.cityID
Main idea is #DesireOrder, rest you can implement as per your requirement.

Table variable error: Must declare the scalar variable "#temp"

I am trying to achieve:
declare #TEMP table (ID int, Name varchar(max))
insert into #temp SELECT ID, Name FROM Table
But I'm getting the following error:
Must declare the scalar variable "#temp".
What am I doing wrong?
A table alias cannot start with a #. So, give #Temp another alias (or leave out the two-part naming altogether):
WHERE t.ID = 1;
Also, a single equals sign is traditionally used in SQL for a comparison.
Either use an Allias in the table like T and use T.ID, or use just the column name.
declare #TEMP table (ID int, Name varchar(max))
insert into #temp SELECT ID, Name FROM Table
There is one another method of temp table
create table #TempTable (
ID int,
name varchar(max)
insert into #TempTable (ID,name)
Select ID,Name
from Table
FROM #TempTable
Make Sure You are selecting the right database.
If you bracket the # you can use it directly
declare #TEMP table (ID int, Name varchar(max))
insert into #temp values (1,'one'), (2,'two')
WHERE [#TEMP].[ID] = 1
You should use hash (#) tables, That you actually looking for because variables value will remain till that execution only.
e.g. -
declare #TEMP table (ID int, Name varchar(max))
insert into #temp SELECT ID, Name FROM Table
When above two and below two statements execute separately.
The error will show because the value of variable lost when you execute the batch of query second time.
It definitely gives o/p when you run an entire block of code.
The hash table is the best possible option for storing and retrieving the temporary value. It last long till the parent session is alive.
try the following query:
INTO #tempTable
FROM Table
FROM #tempTable
It doesn't need to declare table.
You could stil use #TEMP if you quote the identifier "#TEMP":
declare #TEMP table (ID int, Name varchar(max));
insert into #temp SELECT 1 AS ID, 'a' Name;
db<>fiddle demo
You've declared #TEMP but in your insert statement used #temp. Case sensitive variable names.
Change #temp to #TEMP

Comma Separated String from Junction Table Inner Query (SQL Server)

I've searched many threads, sites, and blogs, as well as the API and can't seem to figure this one out. I want to create a CSV string from rows in a junction table, but here's the catch. It needs to be for an entire set of data. I know, confusing, here's the breakdown.
Let's use the generic example with the following tables:
Students (ID, Name, Gpa)
Classes (ID, Dept, Level)
StudentsInClasses (StudentID, ClassID)
Say I want to query for all classes, but within that query (for each record) I want to also get a CSV string of the Student IDs in each of the classes. The results should look something like this:
Class StudentsID_CSVString
----- --------------------
BA302 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
BA479 4,7,9,12,15
BA483 7,9,12,18
I tried to use a coalesce statement like the following, but I can't get it to work because of the goofy syntax for coalesce. Is there a better way to accomplish this goal or am I just making a dumb syntactical error?
declare #StudentsID_CSVString varchar(128)
select Dept + Level as 'Class',
coalesce(#StudentsID_CSVString + ',', '')
+ CAST(StudentID as varchar(8)) as 'StudentsID_CSVString'
from Classes
left outer join StudentsInClasses ON Classes.ID = StudentsInClasses.ClassID
I used the following code to test:
declare #Students table (ID int, Name varchar(50), Gpa decimal(3,2))
declare #Classes table (ID int, Dept varchar(4), [Level] varchar(3))
declare #StudentsInClasses table (StudentID int, ClassID int)
declare #StudentsID_CSVString varchar(128)
insert into #Students (ID) values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12),(13),(14),(15),(16),(17),(18)
insert into #Classes (ID, Dept, [Level]) values (1, 'BA', '302'), (2, 'BA', '379'), (3, 'BA', '483')
insert into #StudentsInClasses (StudentID, ClassID) values
With the technique to fill a variable #StudentsID_CSVString with a comma separated string you will only be able to get the string for one class at a time. To get more than one class in the result set you can use for xml path.
select C.Dept+C.Level as Class,
stuff((select ','+cast(S.StudentID as varchar(10))
from StudentsInClasses as S
where S.ClassID = C.ID
for xml path('')), 1, 1, '') as StudentsID_CSVString
from Classes as C
Test the query here:

Using merge..output to get mapping between and

Very simplified, I have two tables Source and Target.
declare #Source table (SourceID int identity(1,2), SourceName varchar(50))
declare #Target table (TargetID int identity(2,2), TargetName varchar(50))
insert into #Source values ('Row 1'), ('Row 2')
I would like to move all rows from #Source to #Target and know the TargetID for each SourceID because there are also the tables SourceChild and TargetChild that needs to be copied as well and I need to add the new TargetID into TargetChild.TargetID FK column.
There are a couple of solutions to this.
Use a while loop or cursors to insert one row (RBAR) to Target at a time and use scope_identity() to fill the FK of TargetChild.
Add a temp column to #Target and insert SourceID. You can then join that column to fetch the TargetID for the FK in TargetChild.
SET IDENTITY_INSERT OFF for #Target and handle assigning new values yourself. You get a range that you then use in TargetChild.TargetID.
I'm not all that fond of any of them. The one I used so far is cursors.
What I would really like to do is to use the output clause of the insert statement.
insert into #Target(TargetName)
output inserted.TargetID, S.SourceID
select SourceName
from #Source as S
But it is not possible
The multi-part identifier "S.SourceID" could not be bound.
But it is possible with a merge.
merge #Target as T
using #Source as S
on 0=1
when not matched then
insert (TargetName) values (SourceName)
output inserted.TargetID, S.SourceID;
TargetID SourceID
----------- -----------
2 1
4 3
I want to know if you have used this? If you have any thoughts about the solution or see any problems with it? It works fine in simple scenarios but perhaps something ugly could happen when the query plan get really complicated due to a complicated source query. Worst scenario would be that the TargetID/SourceID pairs actually isn't a match.
MSDN has this to say about the from_table_name of the output clause.
Is a column prefix that specifies a table included in the FROM clause of a DELETE, UPDATE, or MERGE statement that is used to specify the rows to update or delete.
For some reason they don't say "rows to insert, update or delete" only "rows to update or delete".
Any thoughts are welcome and totally different solutions to the original problem is much appreciated.
In my opinion this is a great use of MERGE and output. I've used in several scenarios and haven't experienced any oddities to date.
For example, here is test setup that clones a Folder and all Files (identity) within it into a newly created Folder (guid).
DECLARE #FolderIndex TABLE (FolderId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER PRIMARY KEY, FolderName varchar(25));
INSERT INTO #FolderIndex
(FolderId, FolderName)
VALUES(newid(), 'OriginalFolder');
DECLARE #FileIndex TABLE (FileId int identity(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, FileName varchar(10));
DECLARE #FileFolder TABLE (FolderId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, FileId int, PRIMARY KEY(FolderId, FileId));
(FolderId, FileId)
SELECT FolderId,
FROM #FolderIndex
CROSS JOIN #FileIndex; -- just to illustrate
DECLARE #sFile TABLE (FromFileId int, ToFileId int);
-- copy Folder Structure
MERGE #FolderIndex fi
USING ( SELECT 1 [Dummy],
FROM #FolderIndex [fi]
WHERE FolderName = 'OriginalFolder'
) d ON d.Dummy = 0
(FolderId, FolderName)
VALUES (newid(), 'copy_'+FolderName)
OUTPUT d.FolderId,
INTO #sFolder (FromFolderId, toFolderId);
-- copy File structure
MERGE #FileIndex fi
USING ( SELECT 1 [Dummy],
FROM #FileIndex fi
JOIN #FileFolder fm ON
fi.FileId = fm.FileId
JOIN #FolderIndex fo ON
fm.FolderId = fo.FolderId
WHERE fo.FolderName = 'OriginalFolder'
) d ON d.Dummy = 0
THEN INSERT ([FileName])
VALUES ([FileName])
OUTPUT d.FileId,
INTO #sFile (FromFileId, toFileId);
-- link new files to Folders
INSERT INTO #FileFolder (FileId, FolderId)
SELECT sfi.toFileId, sfo.toFolderId
FROM #FileFolder fm
JOIN #sFile sfi ON
fm.FileId = sfi.FromFileId
JOIN #sFolder sfo ON
fm.FolderId = sfo.FromFolderId
-- return
FROM #FileIndex fi
JOIN #FileFolder ff ON
fi.FileId = ff.FileId
JOIN #FolderIndex fo ON
ff.FolderId = fo.FolderId
I would like to add another example to add to #Nathan's example, as I found it somewhat confusing.
Mine uses real tables for the most part, and not temp tables.
I also got my inspiration from here: another example
-- Copy the FormSectionInstance
DECLARE #FormSectionInstanceTable TABLE(OldFormSectionInstanceId INT, NewFormSectionInstanceId INT)
;MERGE INTO [dbo].[FormSectionInstance]
fsi.FormSectionInstanceId [OldFormSectionInstanceId]
, #NewFormHeaderId [NewFormHeaderId]
, fsi.FormSectionId
, fsi.IsClone
, #UserId [NewCreatedByUserId]
, GETDATE() NewCreatedDate
, #UserId [NewUpdatedByUserId]
, GETDATE() NewUpdatedDate
FROM [dbo].[FormSectionInstance] fsi
WHERE fsi.[FormHeaderId] = #FormHeaderId
) tblSource ON 1=0 -- use always false condition
( [FormHeaderId], FormSectionId, IsClone, CreatedByUserId, CreatedDate, UpdatedByUserId, UpdatedDate)
VALUES( [NewFormHeaderId], FormSectionId, IsClone, NewCreatedByUserId, NewCreatedDate, NewUpdatedByUserId, NewUpdatedDate)
OUTPUT tblSource.[OldFormSectionInstanceId], INSERTED.FormSectionInstanceId
INTO #FormSectionInstanceTable(OldFormSectionInstanceId, NewFormSectionInstanceId);
-- Copy the FormDetail
INSERT INTO [dbo].[FormDetail]
(FormHeaderId, FormFieldId, FormSectionInstanceId, IsOther, Value, CreatedByUserId, CreatedDate, UpdatedByUserId, UpdatedDate)
#NewFormHeaderId, FormFieldId, fsit.NewFormSectionInstanceId, IsOther, Value, #UserId, CreatedDate, #UserId, UpdatedDate
FROM [dbo].[FormDetail] fd
INNER JOIN #FormSectionInstanceTable fsit ON fsit.OldFormSectionInstanceId = fd.FormSectionInstanceId
WHERE [FormHeaderId] = #FormHeaderId
Here's a solution that doesn't use MERGE (which I've had problems with many times I try to avoid if possible). It relies on two memory tables (you could use temp tables if you want) with IDENTITY columns that get matched, and importantly, using ORDER BY when doing the INSERT, and WHERE conditions that match between the two INSERTs... the first one holds the source IDs and the second one holds the target IDs.
-- Setup... We have a table that we need to know the old IDs and new IDs after copying.
-- We want to copy all of DocID=1
DECLARE #newDocID int = 99;
DECLARE #tbl table (RuleID int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1), DocID int, Val varchar(100));
INSERT INTO #tbl (DocID, Val) VALUES (1, 'RuleA-2'), (1, 'RuleA-1'), (2, 'RuleB-1'), (2, 'RuleB-2'), (3, 'RuleC-1'), (1, 'RuleA-3')
-- Create a break in IDENTITY values.. just to simulate more realistic data
INSERT INTO #tbl (Val) VALUES ('DeleteMe'), ('DeleteMe');
DELETE FROM #tbl WHERE Val = 'DeleteMe';
INSERT INTO #tbl (DocID, Val) VALUES (6, 'RuleE'), (7, 'RuleF');
SELECT * FROM #tbl t;
-- Declare TWO temp tables each with an IDENTITY - one will hold the RuleID of the items we are copying, other will hold the RuleID that we create
DECLARE #input table (RID int IDENTITY(1, 1), SourceRuleID int NOT NULL, Val varchar(100));
DECLARE #output table (RID int IDENTITY(1,1), TargetRuleID int NOT NULL, Val varchar(100));
-- Capture the IDs of the rows we will be copying by inserting them into the #input table
-- Important - we must specify the sort order - best thing is to use the IDENTITY of the source table (t.RuleID) that we are copying
INSERT INTO #input (SourceRuleID, Val) SELECT t.RuleID, t.Val FROM #tbl t WHERE t.DocID = 1 ORDER BY t.RuleID;
-- Copy the rows, and use the OUTPUT clause to capture the IDs of the inserted rows.
-- Important - we must use the same WHERE and ORDER BY clauses as above
INSERT INTO #tbl (DocID, Val)
OUTPUT Inserted.RuleID, Inserted.Val INTO #output(TargetRuleID, Val)
SELECT #newDocID, t.Val FROM #tbl t
WHERE t.DocID = 1
-- Now #input and #output should have the same # of rows, and the order of both inserts was the same, so the IDENTITY columns (RID) can be matched
-- Use this as the map from old-to-new when you are copying sub-table rows
-- Technically, #input and #output don't even need the 'Val' columns, just RID and RuleID - they were included here to prove that the rules matched
SELECT i.*, o.* FROM #output o
INNER JOIN #input i ON i.RID = o.RID
-- Confirm the matching worked
SELECT * FROM #tbl t
