Silverlight custom control ToolTip not showing up each time - silverlight

In a Silverlight application I have a custom control with a number of custom properties. In the declaration class of the custom control additionally to defining its properties as dependency properties, I define showing a ToolTip:
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
Border bordercntr = base.GetTemplateChild("PART_SBorder") as Border;
bordercntr.MouseEnter += new MouseEventHandler(bordercntr_MouseEnter);
bordercntr.MouseLeave += new MouseEventHandler(bordercntr_MouseLeave);
private void bordercntr_MouseEnter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
string _sno = this.SomeProperty.ToString();
ToolTipService.SetToolTip(this, "Some text " + _sno);
VisualStateManager.GoToState(this, "Hovered",false);
The problem is, that a ToolTip pops up not the first time mouse points to a custom control, but only after the second time. After I reload page this happens again: the first time I hover over a control nothing is shown up and then from the second time and further on the ToolTip pops up again. (not always in a stable way, I mean not 100% each time mouse hovers).
What could prevent the ToolTip from showing up in a stable manner each time a mouse hovers over control and starting showing up from the very first time of hovering it after reloading the page?

Set the ToolTip in the setter for SomeProperty The ToolTip you define in the ToolTipService will behave like a normal ToolTip and only appear when the mouse is over the control. You shouldn't need to handle the MouseEnter and MouseLeave events at all.


Setting Default Keyboard Focus On Loading A UserControl

I have an MVVM setup with a mainwindow that contains a ContentControl.
I set this to a particular viewmodel which then maps to a view.
A view is a usercontrol.
I want to be able to set the default keyboard focus to a default element in the usercontrol(View) when it loads so the application can eventually be driven just by using up, down, left, right and enter.
Some of my failed attempts are setting
FocusManager.FocusedElement="{Binding ElementName=DefaultElement}"
in my content control tag. This sets the logical focus but not the keyboard focus
I'd rather keep the solution in xaml if possable but have tried placing the following in code behind.
This does not work but if I popup a message box first it does. I'm a little confused as to why.
I just placed this in my onloaded event of my user control. It seems to work but can anyone see any issues that might arrise at this priority level. I.E a circumstance when the action will never run?
new Action(delegate()
It seems that this wpf the you have to implement a workaround on a case by case basis. The solution that seemed to work best, most of the time for me was to insert the focus code inside the dispatcher when OnVisible was changed. This sets the focus not only when the View/Usercontrol loads but also if you a changing Views by way of Visibility. If you Hide and then Show a ContentControl that is mapped to your ViewModels then the Loaded event won't fire and you'll be forced to Mouse input, or tabbing (Not so good if you want to navigate your app with a remote control).
VisibilityChanged will always fire however. This is what I ended up with for my listbox.
private void ItemsFlowListBox_IsVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if ((bool)e.NewValue == true)
new Action(delegate()
I had the same symptom for a WPF UserControl hosted in a Winforms application. Just wanted to note I was about to try this solution when I found a normal TabIndex in the Winforms app fixed it
Per How to set which control gets the focus on application start
"The one with the minimum tab index automatically gets the focus
(assuming the TabStop property is set to true). Just set the tab
indices appropriately."
It's a tricky one with no easy answer. I'm currently doing this, although I'm not sure I like it:
public MyView()
// When DataContext changes hook the txtName.TextChanged event so we can give it initial focus
DataContextChanged +=
(sender, args) =>
txtName.TextChanged += OnTxtNameOnTextChanged;
private void OnTxtNameOnTextChanged(object o, TextChangedEventArgs eventArgs)
// Setting focus will select all text in the TextBox due to the global class handler on TextBox
// Now unhook the event handler, since it's no longer required
txtName.TextChanged -= OnTxtNameOnTextChanged;
And in case you're wondering what the global class handler does, it's this:
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
// Register a global handler for this app-domain to select all text in a textBox when
// the textBox receives keyboard focus.
typeof (TextBox), UIElement.GotKeyboardFocusEvent,
new RoutedEventHandler((sender, args) => ((TextBox) sender).SelectAll()));
which auto selects TextBox text when receiving keyboard focus.

Popup to appear on the bottom-right corner of its parent

I'm trying to design a Popup which will appear on the bottom-right corner of its PlacementTarget
Let's admit that you set its PlacementTarget to a Window, well, the Popup will act as classic toaster notifications.
Given the fact that WPF is not smart enough to provide us a "corner" solution, I'm trying to implement a new control, inheriting from Popup , which will place itself at the appropriate location.
Here is my first idea: work on Loaded event to determine where should I place the Popup.
Problem? I don't want to give any fixed dimensions to the popup, which is supposed to size itself according to the text displayed.
However, I can't get the ActualWidth property when Loaded event is raised.
I can't have it either when Opened event is raised.
Here is the draft code so far:
public class ExceptionPopup : Popup
public ExceptionPopup()
Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(ExceptionPopup_Loaded);
void ExceptionPopup_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (PlacementTarget != null)
if (PlacementTarget is FrameworkElement)
parentWidth = (PlacementTarget as FrameworkElement).ActualWidth;
parentHeight = (PlacementTarget as FrameworkElement).ActualHeight;
protected override void OnOpened(EventArgs e)
this.HorizontalOffset = parentWidth;
this.VerticalOffset = parentHeight;
Is there any other event I could use to catch what I want here?
I'd basically like to set HorizontalOffset to parentWidth - ActualWidth/2 , same for height :)
Any idea?
Usually I set the PlacementTarget to either Bottom or Right, then apply a RenderTransform which shifts the Popup by the remaining value.
For example, I might use Placement=Bottom, then use a RenderTransform to shift the popup (Window.Width - Popup.Width) to the right, and Popup.Height upwards. You might not even need to re-adjust based on the Popup Height/Width becauase MSDN says that Popups are not allowed to be displayed off screen, and it will automatically adjust their placement to keep them visible
Be sure you use a RenderTransform instead of a LayoutTransform, because RenderTransforms get applied after the Popup gets Rendered, so the ActualHeight and ActualWidth will be greater than 0.

How to disable hide/unhide in WPF Ribbon Control

I am using the latest Ribbon Control from MS. When one double click the Tab Header, the whole Ribbon will hide the content and show only the header text. I want to disable this hide/unhide feature. So even if user double click Tab Header, the Ribbon remain as it is.
I think it should be the OnMouseDoubleClick Event in RibbonTab but have no clue how to override it. Am I suppose to give it a x:Name to each and every RibbonTab then write an empty method ribbonTab1_OnMouseDoubleClick to each Ribbon Tab?
Use the PreviewMouseDoubleClick event in the Ribbon:
and then in the handler, mark the event as handled:
private void ribbon_PreviewMouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;

Prevent WPF ListBox from selecting item under mouse when layout changes

If a WPF ListBox gets a MouseMove event while the mouse button is held down, it will change the listbox's selection. That is, if you click the mouse on item #1, and then drag over item #2, it will deselect item #1 and select item #2 instead. How can I prevent this?
That's the short version. The slightly longer version is this: When the user double-clicks an item in my ListBox, I make other changes to my layout, which includes showing other controls above the ListBox. This moves the ListBox downwards, which means the mouse is now positioned over a different ListBoxItem than it was when the user double-clicked.
Since I make these layout changes in response to the DoubleClick event (which is a mouse-down event), it's very likely that the mouse button will still be pressed when this layout change completes, which means WPF will send the ListBox a MouseMove event (since the mouse's position, relative to the ListBox, has changed). ListBox treats this as a drag, and selects the event that's now under the mouse.
I don't want the selection to change between the time I get the double-click event and the time the user releases the mouse (which might be well after the layout changes). I suspect that the simplest way to achieve this would be to disable the "change selection on drag" behavior, but I'm open to other suggestions.
How can I "lock in" the selection on double-click, and prevent it from changing until mouseup?
After some digging around in ILSpy, I found that there's no property that disables the "drag to select" behavior, nor is there an event I can mark as Handled to stop it.
But there is a good inflection point for changing this behavior: ListBoxItem.OnMouseEnter is virtual, and it calls back into the listbox to change the selection. It doesn't seem to do anything else substantive, so all I need to do is override it and do nothing.
EDIT: As it turns out, the above only keeps the selection from changing while you move the mouse around inside the listbox. It doesn't help if you move the mouse above or below the listbox -- then the auto-scroll kicks in and moves the selection. Most of the auto-scroll code is again in non-virtual methods; it looks like the best way to prevent auto-scroll is probably to disable mouse capture. Another override on ListBoxItem can take care of this.
It looks like the best way to use my own ListBoxItem descendant is to descend from ListBox. The final code looks something like this:
public class ListBoxEx : ListBox
protected override DependencyObject GetContainerForItemOverride()
return new ListBoxExItem();
protected override bool IsItemItsOwnContainerOverride(object item)
return item is ListBoxExItem;
public class ListBoxExItem : ListBoxItem
private Selector ParentSelector
get { return ItemsControl.ItemsControlFromItemContainer(this) as Selector; }
protected override void OnMouseEnter(MouseEventArgs e)
protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)

No events passed to WPF adorner layer

I am trying to make a nice "drag and drop zone" in WPF that is displayed in the adorner layer when something is being dragged into the main application. The problem is that I do not get any events from my adorner, even though it according to documentation should receive all input events since it is in a higher z-order.
To debug my problem I created a really simple example where I have a user control with only a button in it. This user control is displayed in the adorner layer, but I cannot click the button. Why? What have I done wrong?
My adorner class is constructed like this:
public ShellOverlayAdorner(UIElement element, AdornerLayer adornerLayer)
_adornerLayer = adornerLayer;
_overlayView = new AdornedElement();
_overlayView.AllowDrop = true;
and is created in the main window by
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
adornerLayer = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(MyTopGridWithButtonInIt);
ShellOverlayAdorner shell = new ShellOverlayAdorner(MyTopGridWithButtonInIt, adornerLayer);
I do not get any events at all from my control, i.e. no mouse clicks, mouse over, button clicks. I cannot even click the button in the adorner layer. What have I done wrong?
I don't know if you already tried that:
If you want the element added to react to events, I think that the element must be bound to the visual tree of the adorner.
The way to do it is to use a VisualCollection, intitialized to the adorner itself, or at least, this way it seems to be working:
VisualCollection visualChildren;
FrameworkElement #object;
public CustomAdorner(UIElement adornedElement) :
visualChildren = new VisualCollection(this);
#object = new Button {Content = "prova"};
protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index)
return visualChildren[index];
This way the events are correctly routed.
I just had the same issue. Following the advice from MSDN sorted it for me:
Adorners receive input events just
like any other FrameworkElement.
Because an adorner always has a higher
z-order than the element it adorns,
the adorner receives input events
(such as Drop or MouseMove) that may
be intended for the underlying adorned
element. An adorner can listen for
certain input events and pass these on
to the underlying adorned element by
re-raising the event.
To enable pass-through hit testing of
elements under an adorner, set the hit
test IsHitTestVisible property to
false on the adorner.
i.e In the adorner itself, make sure IsHitTestVisible = false
