jquery-ui button disable behavior is not right - jquery-ui-button

I disable my jqueryui button in its click event like this
and it seems that the button always stays in hover state when I enable it in another place later. I have tried to add $('#btn').button('refresh'), but it's not work.
How can I restore its state to default when it's been enabled?

You can use .trigger('mouseout').
Demo here

When you use the jQuery UI, usually you also use the embedded CSS. When you disable an element the library add the relative class. Maybe you can disable this behaviour when you declare the button.
Try http://jqueryui.com/demos/button/


Custom Select with radio buttons as options

I need to do this in a React component:
I tried to hide/show a div, but the problem is to set a click listener on the whole page to hide the div, and it seems to be wrong.
I'm also using Formik, but I can't find the way to customize the select Field to have this kind of look.
How is the best way to approach this?
You can use an onBlur event to hide this div, instead of setting an event listener for the whole page.

Check if click event was fired by touch action

I have a classic dropdown menu on an Angular project with a main link always shown and a tree of sublinks shown only when hovering this one.
I have two events on the parent:
And they work perfectly fine. The main link has a simple:
ng-click="vm.navToState(item.urlState, $event)"
With a $state.go within to go to the string passed as parameter. On mobile devices, ng-mouseenter is being triggered on tap, showing the dropdown menu and this is perfect. The thing is that ng-click is being triggered too so the menu is only visible a fraction of a second before the next state loads. Is there any way to detect if ng-click is being fired by a touch event so I could add an if statement to navToState() and prevent the $state.go()? I understand that this way that main link would be unreachable in mobile but I'll take care of that adding an extra link within the dropdown.
Any other workaround for the same result is fine too.
Could you set a variable based on whether it is a mobile browser and use that as a check navToStart as to whether you state change or not, then have a separate state change function that doesn't care whether it's mobile or not so you can still change states in the mobile browser? That's one idea, but if it doesn't work, could be worth putting some code in your question for a reference.
Here's an answer on detecting mobile browsers:

How to trigger Angular-Strap modal with event other than click event?

Angular Strap V2's modal seems to have lost some functionality of V1, and I'm struggling to work out how to achieve what was fairly straightforward with V1 (using angular-strap's $modal service).
The documentation only shows an example where the modal is attached to a DOM element like a button and seems to be automatically wired to the click event. However I want to use other events eg SwipeLeft is a common convention for deleting something, but I'd like to pop up an "Are you sure?" modal prompt for this action. Is this possible?
Is there any way to use the V2 modal with any event other than the click event?
Looking at the source code, it looks like you can bind your own events, or use the default click event.
It should work if you add a data-trigger='myEvent' to your markup.

Ext.button click() method

ExtJS 4.1.
Is there something like Ext.button.click(); method on Ext.button class?
Is it possible to programmically "click" a button with one method?
Or if you have an MVC structure you can fire the click event of the button, and if you're listening to the event in your controller and have an associated function it will get called.
button.fireEvent('click', button);
The last answer on this forum might give you more insight on how you can do that
here they are-
1)Create the event code in a function and call the function from both sides: btn.on("clic", ...) and from the code you want to simulate the click.
2)Use: btnView.btnEl.dom.click();
from -
ExtJS 4.2.1
works for me.
In case of buttons using handler, you can directly call the function of button.
Considering button is an Ext JS component, you can use:
or if you want to reach a function of event 'click':
That would also work to call different button events.
Since I needed it for many buttons, it was easier to implement an override on the button class, which adds a click function:
click:function() {
After this override has been added to the code base, the following works like a charm:
Unlike fireEvent or fireHandler, this will work with all kinds of buttons - no matter whether they have a click event or a handler, or whether they are toggle buttons where the clicked button has to be marked as pressed also.
If you need to execute the "handler" of the button, just run this (tested with ExtJS 4.2)
If you want to do this in your test scripts, take a look at my Ext.ux.Test library. If you need it for something other, I would suggest reconsidering your approach.
None of the other answers worked for me, but i found something simplier i think :
var button=Ext.get('the_id_div');

ExtJS 3 Checkbox Click Listener

Right now I have change listener but it requires the checkbox to lose focus to register. I looked around online and was unable to find out if such listener (or better substitute) exists.
Is there anyway at all to create a click listener?
Have you tried check?
