Active Directory Login Problem - active-directory

I have 2 users in my AD installation with the same CN
CN=jack,CN=Users,DC=xyz,DC=com and
When I try to authenticate to the AD Server using the Apache Directory Studio client and give the following credentials
User: jack
Password: <password>
the authentication fails. The following credentials work
User: CN=jack,CN=Users,DC=xyz,DC=com
Passwprd: <password>
When I have only a single user CN=tom,DC=xyz,DC=com with a given CN
I am able to login with
User: tom
Password: <password>
without having to specify the entire DN (CN=tom,DC=xyz,DC=com) .
I need to write a module to authenticate users against an AD installation. I have with me only the usernames and passwords and not the fully qualified BASE DNs. I cannot bind to the AD server to be able to use filters like (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=jack)). How do I do this as the problem it seems happens when there are more than one user with the same CN ?
EDIT: Can I configure the AD server to bind against mail address/sAMAccountName of the users instead of CN ? This would solve my problem as these are unique while CN's are not

I found the attribute I was looking for --> userPrincipalName (UPN) . This has a unique value in Active Directory and can be supplied as the user name while attempting to authenticate. So now I need a list of UPNs and the corresponding passwords for login.
Check here too.

What kind of login are you doing in your 'module'? If you cannot bind and do an ldap query, then what interface are you logging in with? You need to configure whatever that is to use sAMAccountName as that is the only guarenteed unique per domain name. Of course if you have more than one domain in the forest then they only have to be unique per domain, so that may not work so well.
If you are only able to do an LDAP bind as the user, and not query. Perhaps you could try to connect as sAMAccountname=jack as you pass credentails.


Moodle LDAP integration - LDAP-module cannot connect to any servers

I managed to get my Active Directory up and running, and now I want to integrate my MS-AD into my Moodle server. I followed the steps from the Moodle docs as close as I can.
This is the error message I get when trying to log into my Moodle server with an Active Directory User:
LDAP-module cannot connect to any servers: Server: 'ldap://', Connection: 'Resource id #16', Bind result: ''
And here is my LDAP server configuration within Moodle:
LDAP server settings
Host URL: ldap://
Version: 3
Use TLS: No
Bind settings
Distinguished name: cn=ldap-user,dc=europe,dc=domain,dc=com
User lookup settings
User type: MS ActiveDirectory
Contexts: ou=moodleusers,dc=europe,dc=domain,dc=com
Thats what I have done so far:
Created "moodleusers" OU
Created ldap-user AD user account & set the password to "Password never expires."
What have I done wrong?
There's a possible answer here in the Moodle forums
Bind result normally refers to two things.
Your bind user is entered incorrectly (perhaps an expired or changed password)
Your bind user does not have the necessary permissions on the OU referenced in the context.
Maybe also try one of the LDAP tools to test the connection outside of Moodle
For example

ldap queries - need the dn of the users who are authenticated via ldap protocol and their IP address

LDAP/AD Experts,
It might be simple for you but its challenging task for me!.
"ldap queries - need the dn of the users who are authenticated via ldap protocol and their IP address"
We are migrating authentication out of AD/LDAP.
We’re looking to migrate applications that are directly using AD for employees.
Its not specific to OU and Group but overall active directory.
We have plenty of applications which uses AD/LDAP for authentication.
How do I pull such data? At least need to have user details.
Getting the DN of a user is easy with any ldapsearch utility.
There is no method to obtain "the users who are authenticated" from LDAP. You could find the "time" a user did last Authenticate, regardless of how, from the lastLogon or LastLogonTimeStamp.
Generally, the IP Address of the user is not available as part of the user entry within Microsoft Active Directory.
You might be able to obtain this from some power-shell script, but I was unable to find anything from a quick search.

SQL server & Azure active directory - creating new contained azure ad guest users

I'm trying to create database users that are integrated with azure active directory. All of our users are guest users. I've been following multiple articles on how to create users in the SQL db but none have worked.
For example, this article:
Suggest to create users like so:
This yields the error:
Principal 'name#domain.comm' could not be found or this principal type is not supported.
Googling this error lands me on stackoverflow post (
which suggests:
CREATE USER [<yourAzureSubscriptionPrefix>] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER
and accesses:
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader', '<yourAzureSubscriptionPrefix>'
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datawriter', '<yourAzureSubscriptionPrefix>'
and this does not give an error, but it also does not provide access to the database. Since I get error NT AUTHORITY/ANONYMOUS LOGIN
I also tried to create an AAD group and provide that group access, also no error here but couldn't login either.
Couple of notes:
All IP addresses are allowed on the firewall
all users have been added in sql db IAM (not sure if this is even necessary)
I've enabled Active Directory Admin in the sql server, I put the subscription admin here
This is also the users with which I created users in the SQL DB
I'm able to create native sql users without a problem
Still I'm only able to login using the Active Directory Admin, and no other user is able to login.
Any advice on how I can login to my Azure sql database using windows credentials from Azure Active Directory?
When using external users, you need to use the "mangled user principal name" when adding them.
That's this one:
CREATE USER [<your-azure-ad-default-domain>] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER
Secondly, the users will be created only in that database; they cannot connect to master.
So you need to choose the DB to connect to.
You may also need to specify the AAD tenant id in advanced connection settings.
The reason you might need to do this is because by default an external user will login to their home tenant. Which is not the one connected to your DB. So you may need to specify the tenant to have them explicitly login against your tenant.

User name or password is incorrect when performing domain join to Azure VM

Installed AAD Domain Services with domain name ""
Added verified custom domain ""
Made "" primary
Created AAD user ""
Converted temp password to permanent password
Logged into Azure with permanent password
Added "" to domain administrators group
Ensured VM can see domain services for ""
When performing domain join, receive "The user name or password is incorrect"
I've tried the following credential combinations when doing the domain join (username : password)
admin : pwd : pwd\admin : pwd\ : pwd
None of these work and ultimately give me a lock out indication. I create additional users to continue trying these steps but nothing is working.
The user "" you created must belongs to the Azure AD DC administrators group. Only members of this group have privileges to join machines to the managed domain.
For the details, you could refer to here.
The last step in the instructions from the link below was missed. Had to enable password hash synchronization to Azure Active Directory Domain Services and wait about 20 minutes. All worked correctly after that.

LDAP authentication works with DN but not with CN of AD

Recently I had to interact with an application that interacts with 2 ADs on host1 and host2. I find that ldap connections have been failing when connecting to 1 of the hosts. The error looks like this:
Connection to 'LDAP://[host1]/RootDSE' failed.
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException (0x8007052E):
Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.
For troubleshooting purposes I installed Apache Directory tool and different CN/DN combinations and my observations are:
when connecting to host1 with the CN (in this case, Administrator) /[password], I get the following error when fetching base DNs:
Error while fetching base DNs
[LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903A9, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v1db1
when connecting to host1 with the distinguished name for Administrator and same password, I am able to successfully retrieve base DNs
when connecting to host2 with just the CN (Administrator again) /, I can successfully retrieve the list of base DNs.
So my question is, are there AD settings I can set to allow authentication using just CN instead of the full DN?
I'm completely new to AD, so if there are things I can supply in my question to make it better for people browsing for similar issues, please let me know. Thanks.
What are host1 and host2 - are they different Domain Controllers (DC) for the same domain or are they for different domains? From what you are explaining they seem to be for different domains if that is the case, then host2 simply have different Administrator with different password.
To answer your questions directly. AD allows CN to be used for user logon if and only if the given CN is unique. So there is no need to make any configuration for that.
However there are a number of other ways to login in AD. You can use sAMAccountName or userPrincipalName attributes of the users, these contain the usernames of the user. The first one contains the username from the DOMAIN\username, where the DOMAIN is the AD's NetBIOS domain name (I am not sure that is the exact term, but I am using it for lack of better). The second attribute contains the username in the form, where the is usually the AD's DNS domain name (although it can be different).
So if you are searching for something shorter than the DN use one of above.
