Interruptible in-place sorting algorithm - c

I need to write a sorting program in C and it would be nice if the file could be sorted in place to save disk space. The data is valuable, so I need to ensure that if the process is interrupted (ctrl-c) the file is not corrupted. I can guarantee the power cord on the machine will not be yanked.
Extra details: file is ~40GB, records are 128-bit, machine is 64-bit, OS is POSIX
Any hints on accomplishing this, or notes in general?
To clarify: I expect the user will want to ctrl-c the process. In this case, I want to exit gracefully and ensure that the data is safe. So this question is about handling interrupts and choosing a sort algorithm that can wrap up quickly if requested.
Following up (2 years later): Just for posterity, I have installed the SIGINT handler and it worked great. This does not protect me against power failure, but that is a risk I can handle. Code at and

Jerry's right, if it's just Ctrl-C you're worried about, you can ignore SIGINT for periods at a time. If you want to be proof against process death in general, you need some sort of minimal journalling. In order to swap two elements:
1) Add a record to a control structure at the end of the file or in a separate file, indicating which two elements of the file you are going to swap, A and B.
2) Copy A to the scratch space, record that you've done so, flush.
3) Copy B over A, then record in the scratch space that you have done so, flush
4) Copy from the scratch space over B.
5) Remove the record.
This is O(1) extra space for all practical purposes, so still counts as in-place under most definitions. In theory recording an index is O(log n) if n can be arbitrarily large: in reality it's a very small log n, and reasonable hardware / running time bounds it above at 64.
In all cases when I say "flush", I mean commit the changes "far enough". Sometimes your basic flush operation only flushes buffers within the process, but it doesn't actually sync the physical medium, because it doesn't flush buffers all the way through the OS/device driver/hardware levels. That's sufficient when all you're worried about is process death, but if you're worried about abrupt media dismounts then you'd have to flush past the driver. If you were worried about power failure, you'd have to sync the hardware, but you're not. With a UPS or if you think power cuts are so rare you don't mind losing data, that's fine.
On startup, check the scratch space for any "swap-in-progress" records. If you find one, work out how far you got and complete the swap from there to get the data back into a sound state. Then start your sort over again.
Obviously there's a performance issue here, since you're doing twice as much writing of records as before, and flushes/syncs may be astonishingly expensive. In practice your in-place sort might have some compound moving-stuff operations, involving many swaps, but which you can optimise to avoid every element hitting the scratch space. You just have to make sure that before you overwrite any data, you have a copy of it safe somewhere and a record of where that copy should go in order to get your file back to a state where it contains exactly one copy of each element.
Jerry's also right that true in-place sorting is too difficult and slow for most practical purposes. If you can spare some linear fraction of the original file size as scratch space, you'll have a much better time of it with a merge sort.
Based on your clarification, you wouldn't need any flush operations even with an in-place sort. You need scratch space in memory that works the same way, and that your SIGINT handler can access in order to get the data safe before exiting, rather than restoring on startup after an abnormal exit, and you need to access that memory in a signal-safe way (which technically means using a sig_atomic_t to flag which changes have been made). Even so, you're probably better off with a mergesort than a true in-place sort.

Install a handler for SIGINT that just sets a "process should exit soon" flag.
In your sort, check the flag after every swap of two records (or after every N swaps). If the flag is set, bail out.

The part for protecting against ctrl-c is pretty easy: signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);.
As far as the sorting itself goes, a merge sort generally works well for external sorting. The basic idea is to read as many records into memory as you can, sort them, then write them back out to disk. By far the easiest way to handle this is to write each run to a separate file on disk. Then you merge those back together -- read the first record from each run into memory, and write the smallest of those out to the original file; read another record from the run that supplied that record, and repeat until done. The last phase is the only time you're modifying the original file, so it's the only time you really need to assure against interruptions and such.
Another possibility is to use a selection sort. The bad point is that the sorting itself is quite slow. The good point is that it's pretty easy to write it to survive almost anything, without using much extra space. The general idea is pretty simple: find the smallest record in the file, and swap that into the first spot. Then find the smallest record of what's left, and swap that into the second spot, and so on until done. The good point of this is that journaling is trivial: before you do a swap, you record the values of the two records you're going to swap. Since the sort runs from the first record to the last, the only other thing you need to track is how many records are already sorted at any given time.

Use heap sort, and prevent interruptions (e.g. block signals) during each swap operation.

Backup whatever you plan to change. The put a flag that marks a successful sort. If everything is OK then keep the result, otherwise restore backup.

Assuming a 64-bit OS (you said it is a 64bit machine but could still be running 32bit OS), you could use mmap to map the file to an array then use qsort on the array.
Add a handler for SIGINT to call msync and munmap to allow the app to respond to Ctrl-C without losing data.


What happens after a process is forked?

Say a process is forked from another process. In other words, we replicate a process through the fork function call. Now since forking is a copy-on-write mechanism, what happens is that whenever the forked process or the original process write to a page, they get a new physical page to write. So what I've understood, things go like this when both forked and original processes are executing.
--> when forking, all pages of original and forked process are given read only access, so that the kernel get to know which page is written. When that happens, the kernel maps a new physical page to the writing process, writes the previous content to it, and then gives the write access to that page. Now what I am not clear about is if both fork and original process write to the same page, will one of them will still hold the original physical page (prior to forking that is) or both will get new physical pages. Secondly, is my assumption correct that all pages in forked and original process are given read only access at time of forking?
--> Now since each page fault will trigger an interrupt, that means each write to original or forked process will slow down execution. Say if we know about the application, and we know that alot of contiguous memory pages will be written, wouldn't it be better to give write permission to multiple pages ( a group of pages lets say ) when one of the page in the group is written to. That would reduce the number of interrupts due to page fault handling. Isn't it? Sure, we may sometimes make a copy unnecessarily in this case, but I think an interrupt has much more overhead than writing 512 variables of type long (4096 bytes of a page). Is my understanding correct or am I missing something?
If I'm not mistaken, one of the processes will be seen as writing to the page first. Even if you hae multiple cores, I believe the page fault will be handled serially. In that case, the first one to be caught will de-couple the pages of the two processes, so by the time the second writes to it, there won't be a fault, because it'll now have a writable page of its own.
I believe when that's done, the existing page is kept by one process (and set back to read/write), and one new copy is made for the other process.
I think your third point revolves around one simple point: "Say if we know about the application...". That's the problem right there: the OS does not know about the application. Essentially the only thing it "knows" will be indirect, through observation by the kernel coders. They will undoubtedly observe that fork is normally followed by exec, so that's the case for which they will undoubtedly optimize. Yes, that's not always the case, and you're obviously concerned about the other cases -- all I'm saying here is that they're sufficiently unusual that I'd guess little effort is expended on them.
I'm not quite sure I follow the logic or math about 512 longs in a 4096 byte page -- the first time a page is written, it gets duplicated and decoupled between the processes. From that point onward, further writes to either process' copy of that page will not cause any further page faults (at least related to the copy on write -- of course if a process sites idle a long time that data might be paged out to the page file, or something on that order, but it's irrelevant here).
Fork semantically makes a copy of a process. Copy-on-write is an optimization which makes it much faster. Optimizations often have some hidden trade-off. Some cases are made faster, but others suffer. There is a cost to copy-on-write, but we hope that there will usually be a saving, because most of the copied pages will not in fact be written to by the child. In the ideal case, the child performs an immediate exec.
So we suffer the page fault exceptions for a small number of pages, which is cheaper than copying all the pages upfront.
Most "lazy evaluation" type optimizations are of this nature.
A lazy list of a million items is more expensive to fully instantiate than a regular list of a million items. But if the consumer of the list only accesses the first 100 items, the lazy list wins.
Well, the initial cost would be very high if fork() wouldn't use COW. If you look at typical top display, the ratio RSS/VSIZE is very small(e.g. 2MB/ 56MB for a typical vi session).
Cloning a process without COW would cause a tremendous amount of memory pressure, which would actually cause other processes to lose their attached pages (which will have to be moved to secondary storage, and maybe later restored). And that paging would actually cause 1-2 disk I/O's per page (the swap out is only needed if the page is new or dirty, the swap in will only be needed if the page is ever again referenced by the other process)
Another point is granularity: back in the days, when MMU's did not exist, whole processes had to be swapped out to yield their memory, causing the system to actually freeze for a second or so. Page-faulting on a per-page basis causes more traps, but these are spread out nicely, allowing the processes to actually compete for physical ram.
Without prior knowledge, it's hard to beat an LRU scheme.

Execute Large C Program By Generating Intermediate Stages

I have an algorithm that takes 7 days to Run To Completion (and few more algorithms too)
Problem: In order to successfully Run the program, I need continuous power supply. And if out of luck, there is a power loss in the middle, I need to restart it again.
So I would like to ask a way using which I can make my program execute in phases (say each phase generates Results A,B,C,...) and now in case of a power loss I can some how use this intermediate results and continue/Resume the Run from that point.
Problem 2: How will i prevent a file from re opening every time a loop iterates ( fopen was placed in a loop that runs nearly a million times , this was needed as the file is being changed with each iteration)
You can separate it in some source files, and use make.
When each result phase is complete, branch off to a new universe. If the power fails in the new universe, destroy it and travel back in time to the point at which you branched. Repeat until all phases are finished, and then merge your results into the original universe via a transcendental wormhole.
Well, couple of options, I guess:
You split your algorithm along sensible lines with this a defined output from a phase that can be the input to the next phase. Then, configure your algorithm as a workflow (ideally soft-configured through some declaration file.
You add logic to your algorithm by which it knows what it has successfully completed (commited). Then, on failure, you can restart the algorithm and it bins all uncommitted data and restarts from the last commit point.
Note that both these options may draw out your 7hr run time further!
So, to improve the overall runtime, could you also separate your algorithm so that it has "worker" components that can work on "jobs" in parallel. This usually means drawing out some "dumb" but intensive logic (such as a computation) that can be parameterised. Then, you have the option of running your algorithm on a grid/ space/ cloud/ whatever. At least you have options to reduce the run time. Doesn't even need to be a space... just use queues (IBM MQ Series has a C interface) and just have listeners on other boxes listening to your jobs queue and processing your results before persisting the results. You can still phase the algorithm as discussed above too.
Problem 2: Opening the file on each iteration of the loop because it's changed
I may not be best qualified to answer this but doing fopen on each iteration (and fclose) presumably seems wasteful and slow. To answer, or have anyone more qualified answer, I think we'd need to know more about your data.
For instance:
Is it text or binary?
Are you processing records or a stream of text? That is, is it a file of records or a stream of data? (you aren't cracking genes are you? :-)
I ask as, judging by your comment "because it's changed each iteration", would you be better using a random-accessed file. By this, I'm guessing you're re-opening to fseek to a point that you may have passed (in your stream of data) and making a change. However, if you open a file as binary, you can fseek through anywhere in the file using fsetpos and fseek. That is, you can "seek" backwards.
Additionally, if your data is record-based or somehow organised, you could also create an index for it. with this, you could use to fsetpos to set the pointer at the index you're interested in and traverse. Thus, saving time in finding the area of data to change. You could even persist your index in an accompanying index file.
Note that you can write plain text to a binary file. Perhaps worth investigating?
Sounds like classical batch processing problem for me.
You will need to define checkpoints in your application and store the intermediate data until a checkpoint is reached.
Checkpoints could be the row number in a database, or the position inside a file.
Your processing might take longer than now, but it will be more reliable.
In general you should think about the bottleneck in your algo.
For problem 2, you must use two files, it might be that your application will be days faster, if you call fopen 1 million times less...

Program communicating with itself between executions

I want to write a C program that will sample something every second (an extension to screen). I can't do it in a loop since screen waits for the program to terminate every time, and I have to access the previous sample in every execution. Is saving the value in a file really my best bet?
You could use a named pipe (if available), which might allow the data to remain "in flight", i.e. not actually hit disk. Still, the code isn't any simpler, and hitting disk twice a second won't break the bank.
You could also use a named shared memory region (again, if available). That might result in simpler code.
You're losing some portability either way.
Is saving the value in a file really my best bet?
Unless you want to write some complicated client/server model communicating with another instance of the program just for the heck of it. Reading and writing a file is the preferred method.

Can't get any speedup from parallelizing Quicksort using Pthreads

I'm using Pthreads to create a new tread for each partition after the list is split into the right and left halves (less than and greater than the pivot). I do this recursively until I reach the maximum number of allowed threads.
When I use printfs to follow what goes on in the program, I clearly see that each thread is doing its delegated work in parallel. However using a single process is always the fastest. As soon as I try to use more threads, the time it takes to finish almost doubles, and keeps increasing with number of threads.
I am allowed to use up to 16 processors on the server I am running it on.
The algorithm goes like this:
Split array into right and left by comparing the elements to the pivot.
Start a new thread for the right and left, and wait until the threads join back.
If there are more available threads, they can create more recursively.
Each thread waits for its children to join.
Everything makes sense to me, and sorting works perfectly well, but more threads makes it slow down immensely.
I tried setting a minimum number of elements per partition for a thread to be started (e.g. 50000).
I tried an approach where when a thread is done, it allows another thread to be started, which leads to hundreds of threads starting and finishing throughout. I think the overhead was way too much. So I got rid of that, and if a thread was done executing, no new thread was created. I got a little more speedup but still a lot slower than a single process.
The code I used is below.
Does anybody have any clue as to what I could be doing wrong?
Starting a thread has a fair amount of overhead. You'd probably be better off creating a threadpool with some fixed number of threads, along with a thread-safe queue to queue up jobs for the threads to do. The threads wait for an item in the queue, process that item, then wait for another item. If you want to do things really correctly, this should be a priority queue, with the ordering based on the size of the partition (so you always sort the smallest partitions first, to help keep the queue size from getting excessive).
This at least reduces the overhead of starting the threads quite a bit -- but that still doesn't guarantee you'll get better performance than a single-threaded version. In particular, a quick-sort involves little enough work on the CPU itself that it's probably almost completely bound by the bandwidth to memory. Processing more than one partition at a time may hurt cache locality to the point that you lose speed in any case.
First guess would be that creating, destroying, and especially the syncing your threads is going to eat up and possible gain you might receive depending on just how many elements you are sorting. I'd actually guess that it would take quite a long while to make up the overhead and that it probably won't ever be made up.
Because of the way you have your sort, you have 1 thread waiting for another waiting for another... you aren't really getting all that much parallelism to begin with. You'd be better off using a more linear sort, perhaps something like a Radix, that splits the threads up with more further data. That's still having one thread wait for others a lot, but at least the threads get to do more work in the mean time. But still, I don't think threads are going to help too much even with this.
I just have a quick look at your code. And i got a remark.
Why are you using lock.
If I understand what you are doing is something like:
left, right = partition(array);
You shouldn't need lock.
Normally each call to quick sort do not access the other part of the array.
So no sharing is involve.
Unless each thread is running on a separate processor or core they will not truly run concurrently and the context switch time will be significant. The number of threads should be restricted to the number of available execution units, and even then you have to trust the OS will distribute them to separate processors/cores, which it may not do if they are also being used for other processes.
Also you should use a static thread pool rather than creating and destroying threads dynamically. Creating/destroying a thread includes allocating/releasing a stack from the heap, which is non-deterministic and potentially time-consuming.
Finally are the 16 processors on the server real or VMs? And are they exclusively allocated to your process?

printf slows down my program

I have a small C program to calculate hashes (for hash tables). The code looks quite clean I hope, but there's something unrelated to it that's bugging me.
I can easily generate about one million hashes in about 0.2-0.3 seconds (benchmarked with /usr/bin/time). However, when I'm printf()inging them in the for loop, the program slows down to about 5 seconds.
Why is this?
How to make it faster? mmapp()ing stdout maybe?
How is stdlibc designed in regards to this, and how may it be improved?
How could the kernel support it better? How would it need to be modified to make the throughput on local "files" (sockets,pipes,etc) REALLY fast?
I'm looking forward for interesting and detailed replies. Thanks.
PS: this is for a compiler construction toolset, so don't by shy to get into details. While that has nothing to do with the problem itself, I just wanted to point out that details interest me.
I'm looking for more programatic approaches for solutions and explanations. Indeed, piping does the job, but I don't have control over what the "user" does.
Of course, I'm doing a testing right now, which wouldn't be done by "normal users". BUT that doesn't change the fact that a simple printf() slows down a process, which is the problem I'm trying to find an optimal programmatic solution for.
Addendum - Astonishing results
The reference time is for plain printf() calls inside a TTY and takes about 4 mins 20 secs.
Testing under a /dev/pts (e.g. Konsole) speeds up the output to about 5 seconds.
It takes about the same amount of time when using setbuffer() in my testing code to a size of 16384, almost the same for 8192: about 6 seconds.
setbuffer() has apparently no effect when using it: it takes the same amount of time (on a TTY about 4 mins, on a PTS about 5 seconds).
The astonishing thing is, if I'm starting the test on TTY1 and then switch to another TTY, it does take just the same as on a PTS: about 5 seconds.
Conclusion: the kernel does something which has to do with accessibility and user friendliness. HUH!
Normally, it should be equally slow no matter if you stare at the TTY while its active, or you switch over to another TTY.
Lesson: when running output-intensive programs, switch to another TTY!
Unbuffered output is very slow.
By default stdout is fully-buffered, however when attached to terminal, stdout is either unbuffered or line-buffered.
Try to switch on buffering for stdout using setvbuf(), like this:
char buffer[8192];
setvbuf(stdout, buffer, _IOFBF, sizeof(buffer));
You could store your strings in a buffer and output them to a file (or console) at the end or periodically, when your buffer is full.
If outputting to a console, scrolling is usually a killer.
If you are printf()ing to the console it's usually extremely slow. I'm not sure why but I believe it doesn't return until the console graphically shows the outputted string. Additionally you can't mmap() to stdout.
Writing to a file should be much faster (but still orders of magnitude slower than computing a hash, all I/O is slow).
You can try to redirect output in shell from console to a file. Using this, logs with gigabytes in size can be created in just seconds.
I/O is always slow in comparison to
straight computation. The system has
to wait for more components to be
available in order to use them. It
then has to wait for the response
before it can carry on. Conversely
if it's simply computing, then it's
only really moving data between the
RAM and CPU registers.
I've not tested this, but it may be quicker to append your hashes onto a string, and then just print the string at the end. Although if you're using C, not C++, this may prove to be a pain!
3 and 4 are beyond me I'm afraid.
As I/O is always much slower than CPU computation, you might store all values in fastest possible I/O first. So use RAM if you have enough, use Files if not, but it is much slower than RAM.
Printing out the values can now be done afterwards or in parallel by another thread. So the calculation thread(s) may not need to wait until printf has returned.
I discovered long ago using this technique something that should have been obvious.
Not only is I/O slow, especially to the console, but formatting decimal numbers is not fast either. If you can put the numbers in binary into big buffers, and write those to a file, you'll find it's a lot faster.
Besides, who's going to read them? There's no point printing them all in a human-readable format if nobody needs to read all of them.
Why not create the strings on demand rather that at the point of construction? There is no point in outputting 40 screens of data in one second how can you possibly read it? Why not create the output as required and just display the last screen full and then as required it the user scrolls???
Why not use sprintf to print to a string and then build a concatenated string of all the results in memory and print at the end?
By switching to sprintf you can clearly see how much time is spent in the format conversion and how much is spent displaying the result to the console and change the code appropriately.
Console output is by definition slow, creating a hash is only manipulating a few bytes of memory. Console output needs to go through many layers of the operating system, which will have code to handle thread/process locking etc. once it eventually gets to the display driver which maybe a 9600 baud device! or large bitmap display, simple functions like scrolling the screen may involve manipulating megabytes of memory.
I guess the terminal type is using some buffered output operations, so when you do a printf it does not happen to output in split micro-seconds, it is stored in the buffer memory of the terminal subsystem.
This could be impacted by other things that could cause a slow down, perhaps there's a memory intensive operation running on it other than your program. In short there's far too many things that could all be happening at the same time, paging, swapping, heavy i/o by another process, configuration of memory utilized, maybe memory upgrade, and so on.
It might be better to concatenate the strings until a certain limit is reached, then when it is, write it all out at once. Or even using pthreads to carry out the desired process execution.
As for 2,3 it is beyond me. For 4, I am not familiar with Sun, but do know of and have messed with Solaris, There may be a kernel option to use a virtual tty.. i'll admit its been a while since messing with the kernel configs and recompiling it. As such my memory may not be great on this, have a root around with the options to see.
user#host:/usr/src/linux $ make; make menuconfig **OR kconfig if from X**
This will fire up the kernel menu, have a dig around in to see the video settings section under the devices sub-tree..
but there's a tweak you put into the kernel by adding a file into the proc filesystem (if a such thing does exist), or possibly a switch passed into the kernel, something like this (this is imaginative and does not imply it actually exists), fastio
Hope this helps,
Best regards,
