C and Infinity Size Variable - c

How variable beyond "unsigned long long" size is represented in C or any programming language. Is there are variable type to represent Infinity?

See: Floating point Infinity

Both floats and doubles have representations for infinity. Integral types do not have this capacity built into the language but, if you need it, there are tricks you can use to assign INT_MAX or LONG_MAX from limits.h for that purpose.
Of course, to do that, you have to have complete control of the calculations - you don't want a regular calculation ending up with that value and then being treated as infinity from there on.
For numbers larger than those that can be represented by the native types, you can turn to an arbitrary precision math library such as GMP.

Are you talking about representing the number infinity, or working with numbers too big to fit into a single native data type? For the latter, it's possible to create data structures that represent larger numbers, and write your own logic to implement arithmetic for those structures.
I've done this on a basic level for some problems at Project Euler. My approach was to extend the algorithms used in elementary school, which let you do operations on multi-digit numbers by breaking them down into operations using only single-digit numbers plus some carrying, remainders, borrowing, etc.
You might also be interested in this wikipedia article on arbitrary-precision arithmetic.

unsigned long long is the largest of the C standard integer types, it must be able to represent at least 264 – 1. There is no integer type in Standard C that must represent values larger than this. Some implementations may offer a larger type as an extension, but you can't rely on it.
test.c:3: error: ‘long long long’ is too long for GCC
The standard integer types can't represent infinity unless you dedicate a specific bit-pattern for that purpose (for example, ULLONG_MAX). I think the floating point types do have representations for infinity. You can check for whether a floating point type is infinity with the Standard C isinf macro, and you can set a floating point type to infinity with the INFINITY macro. I think that Standard C does not require floating point types to be able to represent positive and negative infinity however.


Is there a C equivalent of C#'s decimal type?

In relation to: Convert Decimal to Double
Now, I got to many questions relating to C#'s floating-point type called decimal and I've seen its differences with both float and double, which got me thinking if there is an equivalent to this type in C.
In the question specified, I got an answer I want to convert to C:
double trans = trackBar1.Value / 5000.0;
double trans = trackBar1.Value / 5000d;
Of course, the only change is the second line gone, but with the thing about the decimal type, I want to know it's C equivalent.
Question: What is the C equivalent of C#'s decimal?
C2X will standardize decimal floating point as _DecimalN: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n2573.pdf
In addition, GCC implements decimal floating point as an extension; it currently supports 32-bit, 64-bit, and 128-bit decimal floats.
Edit: much of what I said below is just plain wrong, as pointed out by phuclv in the comments. Even then, I think there's valuable information to be gained in reading that answer, so I'll leave it unedited below.
So in short: yes, there is support for Decimal floating-point values and arithmetic in the standard C language. Just check out phuclv's comment and S.S. Anne's answer.
In the C programming language, as others have commented, there's no such thing as a Decimal type, nor are there types implemented like it. The simplest type that is close to it would be double, which is implemented, most commonly, as an IEEE-754 compliant 64-bit floating-point type. It contains a 1-bit sign, an 11-bit exponent and a 52-bit mantissa/fraction. The following image represents it quite well(from wikipedia):
So you have the following format:
A more detailed explanation can be read here, but you can see that the exponent part is a power of two, which means that there will be imprecisions when dealing with division and multiplication by ten. A simple explanation is because division by anything that isn't a power of two is sure to repeat digits indefinitely in base 2. Example: 1/10 = 0.1(in base 10) = 0.00011001100110011...(in base 2). And, because computers can't store an unlimited amount of zeroes, your operations will have to be truncated/approximated.
In the case of C#'s Decimal, from the documentation:
The binary representation of a Decimal number consists of a 1-bit sign, a 96-bit integer number, and a scaling factor used to divide the integer number and specify what portion of it is a decimal fraction.
This last part is important, because instead of being a multiplication by a power of two, it is a division by a power of ten. So you have the following format:
Which, as you can clearly see, is a completely different implementation from above!
For instance, if you wanted to divide by a power of 10, you could do that exactly, because that just involves increasing the exponent part(N). You have to be aware of the limitation of the numbers that can be represented by Decimal, though, which is at most a measly 7.922816251426434e+28, whereas double can go up to 1.79769e+308.
Given that there are no equivalents (yet) in C to Decimal, you may wonder "what do I do?". Well, it depends. First off, is it really important for you to use a Decimal type? Can't you use a double? To answer that question, it's helpful to know why that type was created in the first place. Again, from Microsoft's documentation:
The Decimal value type is appropriate for financial calculations that require large numbers of significant integral and fractional digits and no round-off errors
And, just at the next phrase:
The Decimal type does not eliminate the need for rounding. Rather, it minimizes errors due to rounding
So you shouldn't think of Decimal as having "infinite precision", just as being a more appropriate type for calculations that generally need to be made in the decimal system(such as financial ones, as stated above).
If you still want a Decimal data type in C, you'd have to work in developing a library to support addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc --- Because C doesn't support operator overloading. Also, it still wouldn't have hardware support(e.g. from the x64 instruction set), so all of your operations would be slower than those of double, for example. Finally, if you still want something that supports a Decimal in other languages(in your final question), you may look into Decimal TR in C++.
As other pointed out, there's nothing in C standard(s) such as .NET's decimal, but, if you're working on Windows and have the Windows SDK, it's defined:
DECIMAL structure (wtypes.h)
Represents a decimal data type that provides a sign and scale for a
number (as in coordinates.)
Decimal variables are stored as 96-bit (12-byte) unsigned integers
scaled by a variable power of 10. The power of 10 scaling factor
specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point, and
ranges from 0 to 28.
typedef struct tagDEC {
USHORT wReserved;
union {
struct {
BYTE scale;
BYTE sign;
USHORT signscale;
union {
struct {
ULONG Mid32;
DECIMAL is used to represent an exact numeric value with a fixed precision and fixed scale.
The origin of this type is Windows' COM/OLE automation (introduced for VB/VBA/Macros, etc. so, it predates .NET, which has very good COM automation support), documented here officially: [MS-OAUT]: OLE Automation Protocol, 2.2.26 DECIMAL
It's also one of the VARIANT type (VT_DECIMAL). In x86 architecture, it's size fits right in the VARIANT (16 bytes).
Decimal type in C# is used is used with precision of 28-29 digits and it has size of 16 bytes.There is not even a close equivalent in C to C#.In Java there is a BigDecimal data type that is closest to C# decimal data type.C# decimal gives you numbers like:
+/- someInteger / 10 ^ someExponent
where someInteger is a 96 bit unsigned integer and someExponent is an integer between 0 and 28.
Is Java's BigDecimal the closest data type corresponding to C#'s Decimal?

Storing floating point numbers in a file

For a C application that I am implementing, I need to be able to read and write a set of configuration values to a file. These values are floating point numbers. In the future it is possible that another application (could be written in C++, Python, Perl, etc...) will use this same data, so these configuration values need to be stored in a well defined format that is compiler and machine independent.
Byte order conversion functions (ntoh/hton) can be used to handle the Endianness, however what is the best way to get around the different meanings of "float" value? Is there are common method for storing floats? Rounding and truncating is not a problem, just as long as it is defined.
There are probably two main options:
Store in text format. Here you would standardise on a particular format using a well-defined decimal separator and use scientific notation, i.e. 6.66e42.
Store in binary format using the IEEE754 standard. Use either the 4 or 8 byte data type. And as you noted, you'd have to settle on an endianness convention.
A text format is probably more portable because there are machines that do not natively understand IEEE754. That said, such machines are rare in these times.
The C formatted input/output functions have a format specifier for this, %a. It formats a floating-point number in a hexadecimal floating-point format, [-]0xh.hhhhp±d. That is, it has a “-” sign if needed, hexadecimal digits for the fraction part, including a radix point, a “p” (for “power”) to start the exponent and a signed exponent of two (in decimal).
As long as your C implementation uses binary floating-point (or any floating-point such that its FLT_RADIX is a power of two), conversion with the %a format should be exact.
IEEE 754, or ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559:2011, is the standard for floating point used by most languages.
For C, it's officially taken by standard in C11. (C11 Annex F IEC 60559 floating-point arithmetic)
For small amounts of data, such as configuration values, go with text not binary. If you want, go for structured text of some form, such as JSON, XML. Do decide on how many digits to write to represent a floating-point number according to your requirements.
As the range of required portability (across languages, operating systems, time, space, etc) increases so the force of the argument in favour of text becomes stronger.

Floats and Longs

I used sizeof to check the sizes of longs and floats in my 64 bit amd opteron machine. Both show up as 4.
When I check limits.h and float.h for maximum float and long values these are the values I get:
Max value of Float:340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000
Max value of long:9223372036854775807
Since they both are of the same size, how can a float store such a huge value when compared to the long?
I assume that they have a different storage representation for float. If so, does this impact performance:ie ,is using longs faster than using floats?
It is a tradeoff.
A 32 bit signed integer can express every integer between -231 and +231-1.
A 32 bit float uses exponential notation and can express a much wider range of numbers, but would be unable to express all of the numbers in the range -- not even all of the integers. It uses some of the bits to represent a fraction, and the rest to represent an exponent. It is effectively the binary equivalent of a notation like 6.023*1023 or what have you, with the distance between representable numbers quite large at the ends of the range.
For more information, I would read this article, "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic" by David Goldberg: http://web.cse.msu.edu/~cse320/Documents/FloatingPoint.pdf
By the way, on your platform, I would expect a float to be a 32 bit quantity and a long to be a 64 bit quantity, but that isn't really germane to the overall point.
Performance is kind of hard to define here. Floating point operations may or may not take significantly longer than integer operations depending on the nature of the operations and whether hardware acceleration is used for them. Typically, operations like addition and subtraction are much faster in integer -- multiplication and division less so. At one point, people trying to bum every cycle out when doing computation would represent real numbers as "fixed point" arithmetic and use integers to represent them, but that sort of trick is much rarer now. (On an Opteron, such as you are using, floating point arithmetic is indeed hardware accelerated.)
Almost all platforms that C runs on have distinct "float" and "double" representations, with "double" floats being double precision, that is, a representation that occupies twice as many bits. In addition to the space tradeoff, operations on these are often somewhat slower, and again, people highly concerned about performance will try to use floats if the precision of their calculation does not demand doubles.
It's unlikely to matter whether operations on long are faster than operations on float, or vice versa.
If you only need to represent whole number values, use an integer type. Which type you should use depends on what you're using it for (signed vs. unsigned, short vs. int vs. long vs. long long, or one of the exact-width types in <stdint.h>).
If you need to represent real numbers, use one of the floating-point types: float, double, or long double. (float is actually not used much unless memory space is at a premium; double has better precision and often is no slower than float.)
In short, choose a type whose semantics match what you need, and worry about performance later. There's no great advantageously in getting wrong answers quickly.
As for storage representation, the other answers have pretty much covered that. Typically unsigned integers user all their bits to represent the value, signed integers devote one bit to representing the sign (though usually not directly), and floating-point types devote one bit for the sign, a few bits for an exponent, and the rest for the value. (That's a gross oversimplification.)
Floating point maths is a subject all to itself, but yes: int types are typically faster than float types.
One trick to remember is that not all values can be expressed as a float.
e.g. the closest you may be able to get to 1.9 is 1.899999999. This leads to fun bugs where you say if (v == 1.9) things behave unexpectedly!
If so, does this impact performance: ie, is using longs faster than using floats?
Yes, arithmetic with longs will be faster than with floats.
I assume that they have a different storage representation for float.
Yes. The float types are in IEEE 754 (single precision) format.
Since they both are of the same size, how can a float store such a huge value when compared to the long?
It's optimized to store numbers at a few points (near 0 for example), but it's not optimized to be accurate. For example you could add 1 to 1000000000. With the float, there probably won't be any difference in the sum (1000000000 instead of 1000000001), but with the long there will be.

Floating point again

Yesterday I asked a floating point question, and I have another one. I am doing some computations where I use the results of the math.h (C language) sine, cosine and tangent functions.
One of the developers muttered that you have to be careful of the return values of these functions and I should not make assumptions on the return values of the gcc math functions. I am not trying to start a discussion but I really want to know what I need to watch out for when doing computations with the standard math functions.
You should not assume that the values returned will be consistent to high degrees of precision between different compiler/stdlib versions.
That's about it.
You should not expect sin(PI/6) to be equal to cos(PI/3), for example. Nor should you expect asin(sin(x)) to be equal to x, even if x is in the domain for sin. They will be close, but might not be equal.
Floating point is straightforward. Just always remember that there is an uncertainty component to all floating point operations and functions. It is usually modelled as being random, even though it usually isn't, but if you treat it as random, you'll succeed in understanding your own code. For instance:
This should be treated as if it was:
If you want an estimate of the size of the errors, you need to dig into each operation/function to find out. Different compilers, parameter choice etc. will yield different values. For instance, 0.09-0.089999 on a system with 5 digits precision will yield an error somewhere between -0.000001 and 0.000001. this error is comparable in size with the actual result.
If you want to learn how to do floating point as precise as posible, then it's a study by it's own.
The problem isn't with the standard math functions, so much as the nature of floating point arithmetic.
Very short version: don't compare two floating point numbers for equality, even with obvious, trivial identities like 10 == 10 / 3.0 * 3.0 or tan(x) == sin(x) / cos(x).
you should take care about precision:
Structure of a floating-point number
are you on 32bits, 64 bits Platform ?
you should read IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic
there are some intersting libraries such GMP, or MPFR.
you should learn how Comparing floating-point numbers
etc ...
Agreed with all of the responses that say you should not compare for equality. What you can do, however, is check if the numbers are close enough, like so:
if (abs(numberA - numberB) < CLOSE_ENOUGH)
// Equal for all intents and purposes
Where CLOSE_ENOUGH is some suitably small floating-point value.

Can doubles be used to represent a 64 bit number without loss of precision

I want to use lua (that internally uses only doubles) to represent a integer that can't have rounding errors between 0 and 2^64-1 or terrible things will happen.
Is it possible to do so?
At least some bits of a 64-bit double must be used to represent the exponent (position of the binary point), and hence there are fewer than 64-bits available for the actual number. So no, a 64-bit double can't represent all the values a 64-bit integer can (and vice-versa).
Even though you've gotten some good answers to your question about 64-bit types, you may still want a practical solution to your specific problem. The most reliable solution I know of is to build Lua 5.1 with the LNUM patch (also known as the Lua integer patch) which can be downloaded from LuaForge. If you aren't planning on building Lua from the C source, there is at least one pure Lua library that handles 64-bit signed integers -- see the Lua-users wiki.
The double is a 64bit type itself. However you lose 1 bit for the sign and 11 for the exponent.
So the answer is no: it can't be done.
From memory, a double can represent a 53-bit signed integer exactly.
No, you cannot use Double to store 64-bit integers without losing precision.
However, you can apply a Lua patch that adds support for true 64-bit integers to the Lua interpreter. Apply the LNUM patch to your Lua source and recompile.
On 64 bits you can only store 2^64 different codes. This means that a 64-bit type which can represent 2^64 integers doesn't have any place for representing something else, such as floating point numbers.
Obviously double can represent a lot of non-integers numbers, so it can't fit your requirements.
IEEE 754 double cannot represent 64-bit integers exactly. It can, however, represent exactly every 32-bit integer value.
i know nothing about lua
but if you could figure out how to perform bitwise manipulation of the float in this language, you could in theory make a wrapper class that took your number in the form of a string and set the bits of the float in the order which represents the number you gave it
a more practical solution would be to use some bignum library
