When to build a separate reporting database? - database

We're building an application that has a database (yeah, pretty exciting huh :). The database is mainly transactional (to support the app) and also does a bit of "reporting" as part of the app - but nothing too strenuous.
Above and beyond that we have some reporting requirements - but they're pretty vague and high-level at the moment. We have a standard reporting tool that we-use in-house which we'll use to do the "heavier" reporting as the requirements solidify.
My question is: how do you know when a separate database for reporting is required?
What sort of questions need to be asked? What sort of things would make you decide a separate reporting database was necessary?

In general, the more mission critical the transactional app and the more sophisticated the reporting requirements, the more splitting makes sense.
When transaction performance is critical.
When it's hard to get a maintenance window on the transactional app.
If reporting needs to correlate results not only from this app, but from other application silos.
If the reports need to support trending or other types of reporting that are best suited for a star schema/Business Intelligence environment.
If the reports are long running.
If the transactional app is on an expensive hardware resource (cluster, mainframe, etc.)
If you need to do data cleansing/extract-transform-load operations on the transactional data (e.g., state names to canonical state abbreviations).
It adds non-trivial complexity, so imo, there has to be a good reason to split.

Typically, I would try to report off the transactional database initially.
Ensure that any indexes you add to facilitate efficient reporting are all frequently used. The more indexes you add, the poorer performance is going to be on inserts and (if you alter keys) updates.
When you do go to a reporting database, remember there are only a few reasons you are going there:
Ultimately, the number one thing about reporting databases is that you are removing locking contention from the OLTP database. So if your reporting database is a straight copy of the same database, you're simply using delayed snapshots which won't interfere with production transactions.
Next, you can have a separate indexing strategy to support the reporting usage scenarios. These extra indexes are OK to maintain in the reporting database, but would cause unnecessary overhead in the OLTP database.
Now both the above could be done on the same server (even the same instance in a separate database or even just in a separate schema) and still see benefits. When CPU and IO are completely pegged, at that point, you definitely need to have it on a completely separate box (or upgrade your single box).
Finally, for ultimate reporting flexibility, you denormalize the data (usually into a dimensional model or star schemas) so that the reporting database is the same data in a different model. Reporting of large amounts of data (particularly aggregates) is extremely fast in dimensional models because the star schemas are very efficient for that. It also is efficient for a larger variety of queries without a lot of re-indexing or analysis to change indexes, because the dimensional model lends itself better to unforeseen usage patterns (the old "slice and dice every which way" request). You could view this is a kind of mini-data warehouse where you use data warehousing techniques, but aren't necessarily implementing a full-blown data warehouse. Also, star schemas are particular easy for users to get to grips with, and data dictionaries are much simpler and easier to build for BI tools or reporting tools from star schemas. You could do this on the same box or different box etc, just like discussed earlier.

This question requires experience rather than science.
As a BI architect, the approach I take on designing each BI solution for my clients are very different. I don't go through a checklist. It requires a general understanding of their system, their reporting requirements, budget and man power.
I personally prefer to keep the reporting processes as much as possible on the database side (Best practice in BI world). REPORTING TOOLS ARE FOR DISPLAYING PURPOSE ONLY (MAXIMUM FOR SMALL CALCULATIONS). This approach requires a lot of pre-processing of data which requires different staging tables, triggers and etc.
When you said:
I work on projects with hundreds of millions of rows with real time reporting along with hundreds of users accessing the application/database at the same time with out issue.
There are a few things wrong with your statement.
Hundreds of millions of rows are A LOT. even today's in memory tools like Cognos TM1 or Qlikview would struggle to get such a results. (look at SAP HANA from SAP to understand how giants in the industry handle it).
If you have Hundreds of millions of rows in database, it doesn't necessarily mean that the report needs to go through all those records. maybe the report worked on 1000s not millions. probably that's what you saw.
Transactional reports are very different than dashboards. Most dashboard tools pre-processing and cache the data.
My point is that it all comes to experience for deciding when to:
design a new schema
create a semantic database
work on the same transactional database
or even use a reporting tool (Sometimes handwritten dashboards with Java/JSF/Ajax/jQuery or JSP would work fine for client)

The main reason you would need a separate database for reporting issues is when the generation of the reports interferes with the transactional responsibilities of the app. E.g. if a report takes 20 minutes to generate and utilizes 100% of the CPU/Disk/etc... during a time of high activity you might think of using a separate database for reporting.
As for questions, here are some basic one:
Can I do the high intensity reports during non-peak hours?
Does it interfere with the users using the system?
If yes to #2, what are the costs of the interference Vs the cost of another database server, refactoring code, etc...?

I would also add another reason for which you might use a reporting database, and that is: CQRS pattern (Command Query Responsibility Separation).
If you have a large number of users accessing and writing to a small set of data, you would do wise to consider this pattern. It basicly, in its simplest form, means that all your commands (Create, Update, Delete) are pushed to the transactional database.
All of your queries (Read) are from your reporting database. This lets you freely scopy your architecture and upgrade function.
There are MUCH more to it in the pattern, I just mentioned the bit which was interesting due to your question regarding reporting database.

Basically, when the database load from the app becomes incompatible with the database load for reporting. This could be due to:
Reporting consuming inordinate amount of database server resources impacting the app's DB performance.
A part of this category would be the app DB work having to wait on a majorly slow report query due to locking, though it might be possible to resolve with less drastic methods like locking tuning.
Reporting queries being very incompatible with app queries as far as tuning (e.g. indices but not limited to that) - the most dumb example would be something like a hot spot affecting app inserts because of the reporting-purpose index.
Timing issues. E.g. the only small windows for DB maintenance available (due to application usage) are the times of heavy reporting work
Reporting data's sheer volume (e.g. logging, auditing, statistics) is so big that your primary DB server architecture is a bad solution for such reporting (see Sybase ASE vs. Sybase IQ). BTW, this is a real scenario - we moved our performance reporting to IQ because of this.

I would also add that transactional databases are meant to hold current state and oftentimes do so to be self-maintaining. You don't want transactional databases growing beyond their necessary means. When a workflow or transaction is complete then move that data out and into a Reporting database, which is much better designed to hold historical data.


Loading data from SQL Server to Elasticsearch

Looking for suggesting on loading data from SQL Server into Elasticsearch or any other data store. The goal is to have transactional data available in real time for Reporting.
We currently use a 3rd party tool, in addition to SSRS, for data analytics. The data transfer is done using daily batch jobs and as a result, there is a 24 hour data latency.
We are looking to build something out that would allow for more real time availability of the data, similar to SSRS, for our Clients to report on. We need to ensure that this does not have an impact on our SQL Server database.
My initial thought was to do a full dump of the data, during the weekend, and writes, in real time, during weekdays.
ElasticSearch's main use cases are for providing search type capabilities on top of unstructured large text based data. For example, if you were ingesting large batches of emails into your data store every day, ElasticSearch is a good tool to parse out pieces of those emails based on rules you setup with it to enable searching (and to some degree querying) capability of those email messages.
If your data is already in SQL Server, it sounds like it's structured already and therefore there's not much gained from ElasticSearch in terms of reportability and availability. Rather you'd likely be introducing extra complexity to your data workflow.
If you have structured data in SQL Server already, and you are experiencing issues with reporting directly off of it, you should look to building a data warehouse instead to handle your reporting. SQL Server comes with a number of features out of the box to help you replicate your data for this very purpose. The three main features to accomplish this that you could look into are AlwaysOn Availability Groups, Replication, or SSIS.
Each option above (in addition to other out-of-the-box features of SQL Server) have different pros and drawbacks. For example, AlwaysOn Availability Groups are very easy to setup and offer the ability to automatically failover if your main server had an outage, but they clone the entire database to a replica. Replication let's you more granularly choose to only copy specific Tables and Views, but then you can't as easily failover if your main server has an outage. So you should read up on all three options and understand their differences.
Additionally, if you're having specific performance problems trying to report off of the main database, you may want to dig into the root cause of those problems first before looking into replicating your data as a solution for reporting (although it's a fairly common solution). You may find that a simple architectural change like using a columnstore index on the correct Table will improve your reporting capabilities immensely.
I've been down both pathways of implementing ElasticSearch and a data warehouse using all three of the main data synchronization features above, for structured data and unstructured large text data, and have experienced the proper use cases for both. One data warehouse I've managed in the past had Tables with billions of rows in it (each Table terabytes big), and it was highly performant for reporting off of on fairly modest hardware in AWS (we weren't even using Redshift).

Replicating PostgreSQL data for analytics

I'm currently scoping out at a potential development project where we will develop an analytical solution to support a production application. Obviously we want to run queries on reasonably up-to-date data, but we don't want the operational risk of querying the main database directly with (possibly expensive) analytical queries.
To do this I believe we would like to do the following:
Make a replica of a "production" PostgreSQL database into a separate "analytics" database
Add additional tables / views etc to the "analytics" database, which will support the analytics solution only and not be part of the application DB.
Maintain the replica copy of the production data in a reasonably up-to-date fashion (realtime replication not strictly needed, but no more than a few seconds lag would be good)
The database will not be excessively large (it is a web/mobile application with a lot of users but most not likely to be active at any one time).
Is this likely to be feasible with PostgreSQL, and if so what is the best strategy / replication technique to use?
You cannot use streaming replication for that, because you cannot add tables to a read-only database. But you might rethink the requirement to not add the additional tables to the production database.
However, there are other replication techniques like Slony, Bucardo or Londiste.
One thing that you should keep in mind is that a data model that is suitable for an online transaction processing database is usually not well suited for analytical applications, and you might end up being pretty unhappy with the performance of your analytical queries. For these, the normal thing to do is to build some sort of data warehouse where data are stored in a more denormalized form, usually in something like a star schema.
But for that you cannot have “no more than a few seconds lag”. Double check if that is really essential, it usually isn't for analytical queries.

SQL Server - Production DB Schema vs. Reporting DB Schema. Should they be the same?

We recently put a new production database into use. The schema of this database is optimized for OLTP. We're also getting ready to implement a reporting server to be used for reporting purposes. I'm not convinced we should just blindly use the same schema for our reporting database as we do for our production database, and replicate data over.
For those of you that have dealt with having separate production and reporting databases, have you chosen to use the same database schema for your reporting database, or a schema that is more efficient for reporting; for example, perhaps something more denormalized?
Thanks for thoughts on this.
There's really two sides to the story:
if you keep the schema identical, then updating the reporting database from the production is a simple copy (or MERGE in SQL Server 2008) command. On the other hand, the reports might get a bit harder to write, and might not perform optimally
if you devise a separate reporting schema, you can optimize it for reporting needs - then the creation of new reports might be easier and faster, and the reports should perform better. BUT: The updating is going to be harder
So it really boils down to: are you going to create a lot of reports? If so: I'd recommend coming up with a specific reporting schema optimized for reports.
Or is the main pain point the upgrade? If you can define and implement that once (e.g. with SQL Server Integration Services), maybe that's not really going to be a big issue after all?
Typically, chances are that you'll be creating a lot of reports of time, so there's a good chance it might be beneficial in the long run to invest a bit upfront in a separate reporting schema, and a data loading process (typically using SSIS) and then reap the benefit of having better performing reports and faster report creation time.
I think that the reporting database schema should be optimized for reporting - so you'll need a ETL Process to load your data. In my experience I was quickly at the point that the production schema does not fit my reporting needs.
If you are starting your reporting project I would suggest that you design your reporting database for your reports needs.
For serious reporting, usually you create data warehouse (Which is typically at least somewhat denormalized and certain types of calculations are done when the data is refreshed to save from averaging the values of 1.3 million records when you run the report. This is for the kind of reporting reporting that includes a lot of aggregate data.
If your reporting needs are not that great a replicated database might work. It may also depend on how up-to-date you need the data to be as data warehouses are typically updated once or twice a day so the reporting data is often one day behind, OK for monthly and quarterly reports not so good to see how many widgits have been ordered so far today.
The determinate of whether you need a data warehouse tends to be how long it would take to runthe reports they need. This is why datawarehouse pre-aggregate data on loading it. IF your reoports are running fine and you just want to get the worokload away from the input workload a replicated adatabase should do the trick. If you are trying to do math on all the records for the last ten years, you need a data warehouse.
You could do this in steps too. Do the replication now, to get reporting away from data input. That should be an immediate improvement (even if not as much as you want), then design and implement the datawarehouse (which can be a fairly long and involved project and which will take some time to get right).
It's easiest just to copy over.
You could add some views to that schema to simplify queries - to conceptually denormalize.
If you want to go the full Data Warehouse/Analysis Services route, it will be quite a bit of work. But it's very fast, takes up less space, and users seem to like it. If you're concerned about large amounts of data and response times, you should look into this.
If you have many many tables being joined, you might look into actually denormalizing the data. I'd do a test case just to see how much gain for pain you'll be getting.
Without going directly for the data warehouse solution you could always put together some views that rearrange data for better reporting access. This helps you in that you don't have to start a large warehouse project right away and could help scope out a warehouse project if you decide to go that way.
All the answers I've read here are good, I would just add that you do this in stages, stopping as soon as your goals for performance and functionality are met:
Keep the schema identical - this just takes contention and load off the OLTP server
Keep the schema identical - but add new indexed views OR index base tables differently
Build a partial data-warehouse style model (perhaps not keeping snapshot-style history or slowly changing dimensions or anything special not catered for in your normal database) from the copy-schema in another schema or database on the same reporting server. The benefits of star-schema models are huge for reporting, views flattened for users and data dictionaries etc. In this model, if your OLTP database loses changes (for instance customer name changes) due to overwrites, the data warehouse doesn't capture that information (often it's not that important if you stop at this spot). Effectively you are getting data warehouse-style organization for "current" data only. The benefits of retaining the copy of the original schema on your reporting server at this point are that you can pull from the source data in original SQL Server form instead of some kind of intermediate form (like text files) without affecting production OLTP, and you can migrate data models gradually, some in stars, some in normal form, all without affecting production. At some point later, you might be able to drop all or part of the copy.
Build a full data-warehouse including slowly changing dimensions where all the data is captured from the source system.

Swapping out databases?

It seems like the goal of a lot of ORM tools and custom data access layers (DAO pattern, etc.) is to abstract the database to the point where you could supposedly swap out the entire database system with minimal work.
Following the common DAL patterns is usually a good idea in code, but it seems like it would never be minimal work to swap out a database. (Cost, training, data migration, etc.)
Does anyone have any experience with swapping out one database for another in a large system, and dealing with the implications in code? Is it worth it to worry about abstracting the actual database from your code?
Question 1: Does anyone have any experience with
swapping out one database for another
in a large system, and dealing with
the implications in code?
Yes we tried it. Our customer is using a large MS Access based Delphi client server application. After about five years we considered switching to SQL Server. We analyzed the problem and concluded that swapping the database would be very costly and provide only a few advantages. Customer decided not to swap the database. The application is still running fine and the customer is still happy.
Note that:
MS Access is only being used for data storage and report generation.
The server application ensures that MS Access is only being accessed on the server. Normal multi-user MS Access applications will transfer large chunks of the Access database over the network - resulting in slow and unreliable database functionality. This is not the case for this application. Client <> Server <> MS Access. Only the server application communicates with the MS Access database. Actually the Server has exclusive access to the MS Access database. No other computer can open to the MS Access database. Conclusion: MS Access is being used as a true RDBMS, Relational DataBase Management System - please no flaming about MS Access being inferior and unstable - it has been running fine for more than 10 years.
The most important issues you will have to consider:
SQL statements: (SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, CREATE TABLE) and make sure they would be compatible with the SQL database. It's amazing how much all the RDBMS differ in the details (date formats, number formats, search formats, string formats, join syntax, create table syntax, stored procedures, user defined functions, (auto) primary keys, etc.)
Report generation: Depending on your database you might be using a different reporting tool. Our customer has over 200 complex reports. Converting all these reports is very time consuming.
Performance: all RDBMS have different performances in different environments. Normally performance optimalisations are very much RDBMS dependent.
Costs: the costs of tools, developers, server and user licenses varies greatly. It ranges from free to very expensive. Free does not mean cheap and expensive does not always equate to good. A cost/value comparison will have to be made.
Experience: making the best use of your RDBMS requires experience. If you have to develop for an "unknown" RDBMS your productivity will suffer.
Question 2: Is it worth it to worry about
abstracting the actual database from
your code?
Yes. In an ideal world, swapping a database would just be adjusting the data connection string. In the real world this is not possible because all databases are different. They all have tables and SQL support but the differences are in the details. If you can keep the differences of the databases shielded through abstraction - please do so. Make a list of the databases you need to support. Check the selected database systems for the differences. Provide centralized code to handle the differences. Support one RDBMS and provide stubs for future support of other RDBMS.
I disagree that the purpose is to be able to swap out databases, and I think you are correct in showing some suspicion about ORMs leading towards that goal.
However, I would still use an ORM, as it abstracts away the details of data access. Isn't this the goal of object oriented programming? Keep your concerns separated.
I think the primary use case for database abstraction (via ORM tools) is to be able to ship a product that works with multiple database brands. I believe it's a rarer occurrence for a company to switch between database vendors, but that's still one of the use cases.
I've worked jobs where we started out using MySQL for monetary reasons (think a startup) and, one we started making money, wanted to switch to Oracle. We didn't end up making the switch, but it was nice to have the option.
Still, ORM tools are not a completely leak-less abstractions and I know our migration still would have been painful and costly. It totally depends on what you are building, but it has been my experience that -- for performance reasons, usually -- you end up either working around your ORM solution or exploiting vendor-specific features at some point.
The only time I've seen a database switch was from HSQL during early development to Oracle as the project progressed. The ORM made this easy.
I often use the DAO pattern to swap out data services (from a database to web service or to swap a web service to a test stub).
For ORM I don't think the goal is to enable you to switch databases - it is to hide you from the complexities of different database implementations and removing the need to worry about the fine details of translating from relational to object represenations of your data.
By having someone smart write an ORM that handles caching, only updates fields that have changed, groups updates, etc I don't need to. Although in the cases where I need something special I can still revert to SQL if I want.

RDBMS data-relation burden

Our in-house system is built on SQL Server 2008 with a 40-table 6NF schema. Most of the tables FK to 3 others, a key few as many as 7. The system will ultimately support 100s of employees working with 10s of 1000s of customers and store 100s of 1000s of transactional records -- prime-time access should peak at 1000 rows per second.
Is there any reason to think that this depth of RDBMS inter-relation would overburden a system built using modern hardware with ample RAM? I'm attempting to evaluate whether we need to adjust our design or project direction/goals before we approach the final development phase (in a couple of months).
In SQl Server terms what you describe is a smallish database. With correct design SQL Server can handle terrabytes of data.
This is not to guarantee that your current design may perform well. There are many ways to construct poorly performing t-SQL and many bad database design choices.
If I were you I would load test data to twice the size you expect the tables to have and then start testing your code. Load testing might also be a good idea. It is far easier to fix database performance problems before they go to production. Far, far easier!
