How to avoid sql server page fragmentation in this scenario? - sql-server

I want to order SQL Inserts into a table to optimize page use by avoiding fragmentation as much as possible.
I will be running a .net Windows Service, which every 2 hours will take some data from a database and optimize it
for future queries. A varchar(6000) column is involved, though I estimate it will rarely go beyond 4000 bytes.
In fact, this column can vary normally between 600 and 2400.
It's 6000 to help avoiding truncating errors. Still I can control that column size through .net.
There won't ever be updates nor delete. Just selects (and inserts every 2 hours).
There will be around 1000 inserts every 2 hours.
I'm using Sql Server 2005. Page size are said to be 8096 bytes.
I need to insert rows in a table. Given the size of rows, between 4 and 12 rows could fit in a page.
So from .net I will read data from database, store it in memory, (use some clustering algorithm maybe?), and the insert around 1000 rows.
I was wondering if there is a way to avoid or minimize page fragmentation in this scenario.

Is the table a btree or a heap? Do you have a clustered index on it? If yes, then what column is the clustered index on, and how is the column value computed at insert?
Why do you care about fragmentation to start with? Space consideration or read ahead performance? For space, you should skip SQL 2005 and go to SQL 2008 for Page compression. For read ahead, it would be worth investigating why you need large read aheads to start with.
Overall, index fragmentation is more of an overhiped bru-ha-ha everyone talks about but very few really understand. There are many many more aveanues to pursue before fragmentation becomes the real bottleneck.


Sql Server 2008 R2 DC Inserts Performance Change

I have noticed an interesting performance change that happens around 1,5 million entered values. Can someone give me a good explanation why this is happening?
Table is very simple. It is consisted of (bigint, bigint, bigint, bool, varbinary(max))
I have a pk clusered index on first three bigints. I insert only boolean "true" as data varbinary(max).
From that point on, performance seems pretty constant.
Legend: Y (Time in ms) | X (Inserts 10K)
I am also curios about constant relatively small (sometimes very large) spikes I have on the graph.
Actual Execution Plan from before spikes.
Table I am inserting into: TSMDataTable
1. BigInt DataNodeID - fk
2. BigInt TS - main timestapm
3. BigInt CTS - modification timestamp
4. Bit: ICT - keeps record of last inserted value (increases read performance)
5. Data: Data
Bool value Current time stampl keeps
It is local.
It is not sharing any resources.
It is fixed size database (enough so it does not expand).
(Computer, 4 core, 8GB, 7200rps, Win 7).
(Sql Server 2008 R2 DC, Processor Affinity (core 1,2), 3GB, )
Have you checked the execution plan once the time goes up? The plan may change depending on statistics. Since your data grow fast, stats will change and that may trigger a different execution plan.
Nested loops are good for small amounts of data, but as you can see, the time grows with volume. The SQL query optimizer then probably switches to a hash or merge plan which is consistent for large volumes of data.
To confirm this theory quickly, try to disable statistics auto update and run your test again. You should not see the "bump" then.
EDIT: Since Falcon confirmed that performance changed due to statistics we can work out the next steps.
I guess you do a one by one insert, correct? In that case (if you cannot insert bulk) you'll be much better off inserting into a heap work table, then in regular intervals, move the rows in bulk into the target table. This is because for each inserted row, SQL has to check for key duplicates, foreign keys and other checks and sort and split pages all the time. If you can afford postponing these checks for a little later, you'll get a superb insert performance I think.
I used this method for metrics logging. Logging would go into a plain heap table with no indexes, no foreign keys, no checks. Every ten minutes, I create a new table of this kind, then with two "sp_rename"s within a transaction (swift swap) I make the full table available for processing and the new table takes the logging. Then you have the comfort of doing all the checking, sorting, splitting only once, in bulk.
Apart from this, I'm not sure how to improve your situation. You certainly need to update statistics regularly as that is a key to a good performance in general.
Might try using a single column identity clustered key and an additional unique index on those three columns, but I'm doubtful it would help much.
Might try padding the indexes - if your inserted data are not sequential. This would eliminate excessive page splitting and shuffling and fragmentation. You'll need to maintain the padding regularly which may require an off-time.
Might try to give it a HW upgrade. You'll need to figure out which component is the bottleneck. It may be the CPU or the disk - my favourite in this case. Memory not likely imho if you have one by one inserts. It should be easy then, if it's not the CPU (the line hanging on top of the graph) then it's most likely your IO holding you back. Try some better controller, better cached and faster disk...

SQL Server 2005 - Number of rows (recommended) in a table

Recently we started to get some performance issues on our SQL Server.
On analysis I found the DBA has got 800 millions rows in ONE TABLE (300 GB in size)
No partitioning, no proper indexes - lead to performance going down.
How many number of rows would one recommended for a table in SQL Server 2005
There is no "recommended" number.
You should only hold data the you use. If you don't use it, archive it.
If you do need it and you have performance problems, you DBA should be able to tune the DB. With that number of rows (not unusual), indexing and ensuring the SAN is working properly should do the trick. Horizontal scaling is another option.
Oracle user here (never used MS SQL server with such large number of rows)
I can say that in all the systems I've worked with, all the tables having hundreds of millions of rows just had to be partitioned.
According to this document you should also have such big table partitioned in MS SQL as well.
There should be no real limit on the number of rows in a single table as long as it is properly indexed - 800 million doesn't strike me as that many.
What counts as "properly indexed" will depend completely on the application and the table.
I see alot of "no limit" answers, but I'm going to disagree. Unless you have megabucks worth of hardware, this table should be partitioned. The fact that there are 800 million rows tells me that either a.) this is a fact table in the data warehouse (and should be partitioned anyway) OR b.) the dba has been asleep at the wheel.
I'm thinking b (or maybe collectively a and b). I can't imagine being the dba and letting a table get to 800 million records without some sort of intervention. I like to be proactive and this is a big red flag that the dba has no plan for aging the data. It's either growing very quickly or is completely unmanaged.

Database that can handle >500 millions rows

I am looking for a database that could handle (create an index on a column in a reasonable time and provide results for select queries in less than 3 sec) more than 500 millions rows. Would Postgresql or Msql on low end machine (Core 2 CPU 6600, 4GB, 64 bit system, Windows VISTA) handle such a large number of rows?
Update: Asking this question, I am looking for information which database I should use on a low end machine in order to provide results to select questions with one or two fields specified in where clause. No joins. I need to create indices -- it can not take ages like on mysql -- to achieve sufficient performance for my select queries. This machine is a test PC to perform an experiment.
The table schema:
create table mapper {
key VARCHAR(1000),
attr1 VARCHAR (100),
attr1 INT,
attr2 INT,
value VARCHAR (2000),
INDEX (attr1),
INDEX (attr2)
MSSQL can handle that many rows just fine. The query time is completely dependent on a lot more factors than just simple row count.
For example, it's going to depend on:
how many joins those queries do
how well your indexes are set up
how much ram is in the machine
speed and number of processors
type and spindle speed of hard drives
size of the row/amount of data returned in the query
Network interface speed / latency
It's very easy to have a small (less than 10,000 rows) table which would take a couple minutes to execute a query against. For example, using lots of joins, functions in the where clause, and zero indexes on a Atom processor with 512MB of total ram. ;)
It takes a bit more work to make sure all of your indexes and foreign key relationships are good, that your queries are optimized to eliminate needless function calls and only return the data you actually need. Also, you'll need fast hardware.
It all boils down to how much money you want to spend, the quality of the dev team, and the size of the data rows you are dealing with.
Updating due to changes in the question.
The amount of information here is still not enough to give a real world answer. You are going to just have to test it and adjust your database design and hardware as necessary.
For example, I could very easily have 1 billion rows in a table on a machine with those specs and run a "select top(1) id from tableA (nolock)" query and get an answer in milliseconds. By the same token, you can execute a "select * from tablea" query and it take a while because although the query executed quickly, transferring all of that data across the wire takes awhile.
Point is, you have to test. Which means, setting up the server, creating some of your tables, and populating them. Then you have to go through performance tuning to get your queries and indexes right. As part of the performance tuning you're going to uncover not only how the queries need to be restructured but also exactly what parts of the machine might need to be replaced (ie: disk, more ram, cpu, etc) based on the lock and wait types.
I'd highly recommend you hire (or contract) one or two DBAs to do this for you.
Most databases can handle this, it's about what you are going to do with this data and how you do it. Lots of RAM will help.
I would start with PostgreSQL, it's for free and has no limits on RAM (unlike SQL Server Express) and no potential problems with licences (too many processors, etc.). But it's also my work :)
Pretty much every non-stupid database can handle a billion rows today easily. 500 million is doable even on 32 bit systems (albeit 64 bit really helps).
The main problem is:
You need to have enough RAM. How much is enough depends on your queries.
You need to have a good enough disc subsystem. This pretty much means if you want to do large selects, then a single platter for everything is totally out of the question. Many spindles (or a SSD) are needed to handle the IO load.
Both Postgres as well as Mysql can easily handle 500 million rows. On proper hardware.
What you want to look at is the table size limit the database software imposes. For example, as of this writing, MySQL InnoDB has a limit of 64 TB per table, while PostgreSQL has a limit of 32 TB per table; neither limits the number of rows per table. If correctly configured, these database systems should not have trouble handling tens or hundreds of billions of rows (if each row is small enough), let alone 500 million rows.
For best performance handling extremely large amounts of data, you should have sufficient disk space and good disk performance—which can be achieved with disks in an appropriate RAID—and large amounts of memory coupled with a fast processor(s) (ideally server-grade Intel Xeon or AMD Opteron processors). Needless to say, you'll also need to make sure your database system is configured for optimal performance and that your tables are indexed properly.
The following article discusses the import and use of a 16 billion row table in Microsoft SQL.
From the article:
Here are some distilled tips from my experience:
The more data you have in a table with a defined clustered index, the
slower it becomes to import unsorted records into it. At some point,
it becomes too slow to be practical. If you want to export your table
to the smallest possible file, make it native format. This works best
with tables containing mostly numeric columns because they’re more
compactly represented in binary fields than character data. If all
your data is alphanumeric, you won’t gain much by exporting it in
native format. Not allowing nulls in the numeric fields can further
compact the data. If you allow a field to be nullable, the field’s
binary representation will contain a 1-byte prefix indicating how many
bytes of data will follow. You can’t use BCP for more than
2,147,483,647 records because the BCP counter variable is a 4-byte
integer. I wasn’t able to find any reference to this on MSDN or the
Internet. If your table consists of more than 2,147,483,647 records,
you’ll have to export it in chunks or write your own export routine.
Defining a clustered index on a prepopulated table takes a lot of disk
space. In my test, my log exploded to 10 times the original table size
before completion. When importing a large number of records using the
BULK INSERT statement, include the BATCHSIZE parameter and specify how
many records to commit at a time. If you don’t include this parameter,
your entire file is imported as a single transaction, which requires a
lot of log space. The fastest way of getting data into a table with a
clustered index is to presort the data first. You can then import it
using the BULK INSERT statement with the ORDER parameter.
Even that is small compared to the multi-petabyte Nasdaq OMX database, which houses tens of petabytes (thousands of terabytes) and trillions of rows on SQL Server.
Have you checked out Cassandra?
As mentioned pretty much all DB's today can handle this situation - what you want to concentrate on is your disk i/o subsystem. You need to configure a RAID 0 or RAID 0+1 situation throwing as many spindles to the problem as you can. Also, divide up your Log/Temp/Data logical drives for performance.
For example, let say you have 12 drives - in your RAID controller I'd create 3 RAID 0 partitions of 4 drives each. In Windows (let's say) format each group as a logical drive (G,H,I) - now when configuring SQLServer (let's say) assign the tempdb to G, the Log files to H and the data files to I.
I don't have much input on which is the best system to use, but perhaps this tip could help you get some of the speed you're looking for.
If you're going to be doing exact matches of long varchar strings, especially ones that are longer than allowed for an index, you can do a sort of pre-calculated hash:
BigStringID int identity(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED,
Value varchar(6000) NOT NULL,
Chk AS (CHECKSUM(Value))
--Load 500 million rows in BigStrings
DECLARE #S varchar(6000);
SET #S = '6000-character-long string here';
-- nasty, slow table scan:
SELECT * FROM BigStrings WHERE Value = #S
-- super fast nonclustered seek followed by very fast clustered index range seek:
SELECT * FROM BigStrings WHERE Value = #S AND Chk = CHECKSUM(#S)
This won't help you if you aren't doing exact matches, but in that case you might look into full-text indexing. This will really change the speed of lookups on a 500-million-row table.
I need to create indices (that does not take ages like on mysql) to achieve sufficient performance for my select queries
I'm not sure what you mean by "creating" indexes. That's normally a one-time thing. Now, it's typical when loading a huge amount of data as you might do, to drop the indexes, load your data, and then add the indexes back, so the data load is very fast. Then as you make changes to the database, the indexes would be updated, but they don't necessarily need to be created each time your query runs.
That said, databases do have query optimization engines where they will analyze your query and determine the best plan to retrieve the data, and see how to join the tables (not relevant in your scenario), and what indexes are available, obviously you'd want to avoid a full table scan, so performance tuning, and reviewing the query plan is important, as others have already pointed out.
The point above about a checksum looks interesting, and that could even be an index on attr1 in the same table.

sql server delete slowed drastically by indexes

I am running an archive script which deletes rows from a large (~50m record DB) based on the date they were entered. The date field is the clustered index on the table, and thus what I'm applying my conditional statement to.
I am running this delete in a while loop, trying anything from 1000 to 100,000 records in a batch. Regardless of batch size, it is surprisingly slow; something like 10,000 records getting deleted a minute. Looking at the execution plan, there is a lot of time spent on "Index Delete"s. There are about 15 fields in the table, and roughly 10 of them have some sort of index on them. Is there any way to get around this issue? I'm not even sure why it takes so long to do each index delete, can someone shed some light on exactly whats happening here? This is a sample of my execution plan:
alt text
(The Sequence points to the Delete command)
This database is live and is getting inserted into often, which is why I'm hesitant to use the copy and truncate method of trimming the size. Is there any other options I'm missing here?
Deleting 10k records from a clustered index + 5 non clustered ones should definetely not take 1 minute. Sounds like you have a really really slow IO subsytem. What are the values for:
Avg. Disk sec/Write
Avg. Disk sec/Read
Avg. Disk Write Queue Length
Avg. Disk Read Queue Length
On each drive involved in the operation (including the Log ones!). If you placed indexes in separate filegroups and allocated each filegroup to its own LUN or own disk, then you can identify which indexes are more problematic. Also, the log flush may be a major bottleneck. SQL Server doesn't have much control here, is all in your own hands how to speed things up. that time is not spent in CPU cycles, is spent waiting for IO to complete and you need an IO subsystem calibrated for the load you demand.
To reduce the IO load you should look into making indexes narrower. Primarily, make sure the clustered index is the narrowest possible that works. Then, make sure the nonclustered indexes don't include sporious unused large columns (I've seen that...). A major gain may be had by enabling page compression. And ultimately, inspect index usage stats in sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats and see if any index is good for the axe.
If you can't reduce the IO load much, you should try to split it. Add filegroups to the database, move large indexes on separate filegroups, place the filegroups on separate IO paths (distinct spindles).
For future regular delete operations, the best alternative is to use partition switching, have all indexes aligned with the clustered index partitioning and when the time is due, just drop the last partition for a lightning fast deletion.
Assume for each record in the table there are 5 index records.
Now each delete is in essence 5 operations.
Add to that, you have a clustered index. Notice the clustered index delete time is huge? (10x) longer than the other indexes? This is because your data is being reorganized with every record deleted.
I would suggest dropping at least that index, doing a mass delete, than reapplying. Index operations on delete and insert are inherently costly. A single rebuild is likely a lot faster.
I second the suggestion that #NickLarsen made in a comment. Find out if you have unused indexes and drop them. This could reduce the overhead of those index-deletes, which might be enough of an improvement to make the operation more timely.
Another more radical strategy is to drop all the indexes, perform your deletes, and then quickly recreate the indexes for the now smaller data set. This doesn't necessarily interrupt service, but it could probably make queries a lot slower in the meantime. Though I am not a Microsoft SQL Server expert, so you should take my advice on this strategy with a grain of salt.
More of a workaround, but can you add an IsDeleted flag to the table and update that to 1 rather than deleting the rows? You will need to modify your SELECTs and UPDATEs to use this flag.
Then you can schedule deletion or archiving of these records for off-hours.
It would take some work to implement it given this is in production, but if you are on SQL Server 2005 / 2008 you should investigate and convert the table to being partitioned, then the removal of old data can be achieved extremely quickly. It is designed for a 'rolling window' type effect and prevents large scale deletes tieing up a table / process.
Unfortunately with the table in production, migrating it across to this technique will take some T-SQL coding, knowledge and a weekend to upgrade / migrate it. Once in place though any existing selects and inserts will work against it seamlessly, the partition maintenance and addition / removal is where you need the t-sql to control the process.

Very large tables in SQL Server

We have a very large table (> 77M records and growing) runing on SQL Server 2005 64bit Standard edition and we are seeing some performance issues. There are up to a hundred thousand records added daily.
Does anyone know if there is a limit to the number of records SQL server Standard edition can handle? Should be be considering moving to Enterprise edition or are there some tricks we can use?
Additional info:
The table in question is pretty flat (14 columns), there is a clustered index with 6 fields, and two other indexes on single fields.
We added a fourth index using 3 fields that were in a select in one problem query and did not see any difference in the estimated performance (the query is part of a process that has to run in the off hours so we don't have metrics yet). These fields are part of the clustered index.
Agreeing with Marc and Unkown above ... 6 indexes in the clustered index is way too many, especially on a table that has only 14 columns. You shouldn't have more than 3 or 4, if that, I would say 1 or maybe 2. You may know that the clustered index is the actual table on the disk so when a record is inserted, the database engine must sort it and place it in it's sorted organized place on the disk. Non clustered indexes are not, they are supporting lookup 'tables'. My VLDBs are laid out on the disk (CLUSTERED INDEX) according to the 1st point below.
Reduce your clustered index to 1 or 2. The best field choices are the IDENTITY (INT), if you have one, or a date field in which the fields are being added to the database, or some other field that is a natural sort of how your data is being added to the database. The point is you are trying to keep that data at the bottom of the table ... or have it laid out on the disk in the best (90%+) way that you'll read the records out. This makes it so that there is no reorganzing going on or that it's taking one and only one hit to get the data in the right place for the best read. Be sure to put the removed fields into non-clustered indexes so you don't lose the lookup efficacy. I have NEVER put more than 4 fields on my VLDBs. If you have fields that are being update frequently and they are included in your clustered index, OUCH, that's going to reorganize the record on the disk and cause COSTLY fragmentation.
Check the fillfactor on your indexes. The larger the fill factor number (100) the more full the data pages and index pages will be. In relation to how many records you have and how many records your are inserting you will change the fillfactor # (+ or -) of your non-clustered indexes to allow for the fill space when a record is inserted. If you change your clustered index to a sequential data field, then this won't matter as much on a clustered index. Rule of thumb (IMO), 60-70 fillfactor for high writes, 70-90 for medium writes, and 90-100 for high reads/low writes. By dropping your fillfactor to 70, will mean that for every 100 records on a page, 70 records are written, which will leave free space of 30 records for new or reorganized records. Eats up more space, but it sure beats having to DEFRAG every night (see 4 below)
Make sure the statistics exist on the table. If you want to sweep the database to create statistics using the "sp_createstats 'indexonly'", then SQL Server will create all the statistics on all the indexes that the engine has accumulated as requiring statistics. Don't leave off the 'indexonly' attribute though or you'll add statistics for every field, that would then not be good.
Check the table/indexes using DBCC SHOWCONTIG to see which indexes are getting fragmented the most. I won't go into the details here, just know that you need to do it. Then based on that information, change the fillfactor up or down in relation to the changes the indexes are experiencing change and how fast (over time).
Setup a job schedule that will do online (DBCC INDEXDEFRAG) or offline (DBCC DBREINDEX) on individual indexes to defrag them. Warning: don't do DBCC DBREINDEX on this large of a table without it being during maintenance time cause it will bring the apps down ... especially on the CLUSTERED INDEX. You've been warned. Test and test this part.
Use the execution plans to see what SCANS, and FAT PIPES exist and adjust the indexes, then defrag and rewrite stored procs to get rid of those hot spots. If you see a RED object in your execution plan, it's because there are not statistics on that field. That's bad. This step is more of the "art than the science".
On off peak times, run the UPDATE STATISTICS WITH FULLSCAN to give the query engine as much information about the data distributions as you can. Otherwise do the standard UPDATE STATISTICS (with standard 10% scan) on tables during the weeknights or more often as you see fit with your observerations to make sure the engine has more information about the data distributions to retrieve the data for efficiently.
Sorry this is so long, but it's extremely important. I've only give you here minimal information but will help a ton. There's some gut feelings and observations that go in to strategies used by these points that will require your time and testing.
No need to go to Enterprise edition. I did though in order to get the features spoken of earlier with partitioning. But I did ESPECIALLY to have much better mult-threading capabilities with searching and online DEFRAGING and maintenance ... In Enterprise edition, it is much much better and more friendly with VLDBs. Standard edition doesn't handle doing DBCC INDEXDEFRAG with online databases as well.
The first thing I'd look at is indexing. If you use the execution plan generator in Management Studio, you want to see index seeks or clustered index seeks. If you see scans, particularly table scans, you should look at indexing the columns you generally search on to see if that improves your performance.
You should certainly not need to move to Enterprise edition for this.
[there is a clustered index with 6 fields, and two other indexes on single fields.]
Without knowing any details about the fields, I would try to find a way to make the clustered index smaller.
With SQL Server, all the clustered-key fields will also be included in all the non-clustered indices (as a way to do the final lookup from non-clustered index to actual data page).
If you have six fields at 8 bytes each = 48 bytes, multiply that by two more indices times 77 million rows - and you're looking at a lot of wasted space which translates into a lot
of I/O operations (and thus degrades performance).
For the clustered index, it's absolutely CRUCIAL for it to be unique, stable, and as small as possible (preferably a single INT or such).
Do you really need to have access to all 77 million records in a single table?
For example, if you only need access to the last X months worth of data, then you could consider creating an archiving strategy. This could be used to relocate data to an archive table in order to reduce the volume of data and subsequently, query time on your 'hot' table.
This approach could be implemented in the standard edition.
If you do upgrade to the Enterprise edition you can make use of table partitioning. Again depending on your data structure this can offer significant performance improvements. Partitioning can also be used to implement the strategy previously mentioned but with less administrative overhead.
Here is an excellent White paper on table partitioning in SQL Server 2005
I hope what I have detailed is clear and understandable. Please do feel to contact me directly if you require further assistance.
You've got some room to grow.
As far as performance issues, that's a whole other question. Caching, sharding, normalizing, indexing, query tuning, app code tuning, and so on.
Standard should be able to handle it. I would look at indexing and the queries you use with the table. You want to structure things in such a way that your inserts don't cause too many index recalcs, but your queries can still take advantage of the index to limit lookups to a small portion of the table.
Beyond that, you might consider partitioning the table. This will allow you to divide the table into several logical groups. You can do it "behind-the-scenes", so it still appears in sql server as one table even though it stored separately, or you can do it manually (create a new 'archive' or yearly table and manually move over rows). Either way, only do it after you looked at the other options first, because if you don't get that right you'll still end up having to check every partition. Also: partitioning does require Enterprise Edition, so that's another reason to save this for a last resort.
In and of itself, 77M records is not a lot for SQL Server. How are you loading the 100,000 records? is that a batch load each day? or thru some sort of OLTP application? and is that the performance issue you are having, i.e adding the data? or is it the querying that giving you the most problems?
If you are adding 100K records at a time, and the records being added are forcing the cluster-index to re-org your table, that will kill your performance quickly. More details on the table structure, indexes and type of data inserted will help.
Also, the amount of ram and the speed of your disks will make a big difference, what are you running on?
maybe these are minor nits, but....
(1) relational databases don't have FIELDS... they have COLUMNS.
(2) IDENTITY columns usually mean the data isn't normalized (or the designer was lazy). Some combination of columns MUST be unique (and those columns make up the primary key)
(3) indexing on datetime columns is usually a bad idea; CLUSTERING on datetime columns is also usually a bad idea, especially an ever-increasing datetime column, as all the inserts are contending for the same physical space on disk. Clustering on datetime columns in a read-only table where that column is part of range restrictions is often a good idea (see how the ideas conflict? who said db design wasn't an art?!)
What type of disks do you have?
You might monitor some disk counters to see if requests are queuing.
You might move this table to another drive by putting it in another filegroup. You can also to the same with the indexes.
Initially I wanted to agree with Marc. The width of your clustered index seems suspect, as it will essentially be used as the key to perform lookups on all your records. The wider the clustered index, the slower the access, generally. And a six field clustered index feels really, really suspect.
Uniqueness is not required for a clustered index. In fact, the best candidates for fields that should be in the clustered index are ones that are not unique and used in joins. For example, in a Persons table where each Person belongs to one Group and you frequently join Persons to Groups, while accessing batches of people by group, Person.group_id would be an ideal candidate, for this particular use case.
