WPF custom View without Generic.xaml - wpf

I am trying to implement custom views that are specific to an application without any luck. Here is my problem:
I need a custom view because I would like for the user to be able to switch views dynamically at runtime. I need a custom view (as opposed to only datatemplates) because the listview layout has to change as well as the Control template and the data template.
All of the turorials say to implement Custom classes that derive from viewbase and override the DefaultStyleKey and ItemContainerDefaultStyleKey to return a ComponentResourceKey defined in generic.xaml. However, the problem is that I am trying to create several views that are very specific to that application. certain brushes and fonts will be consistant accross the application and the custom views will use these. i.e. I have application level Forebrush, Shadowbrush, Deepshadowbrush, TextDecorator, etc. and I want the views to use these. If the view will be defined in an external generic.xaml it will be very convoluted markup to bind to these. And besides, it would make them application specific anyway (if they bind to these brushes).
Anyone have an idea how to define styles for views internaly in the application that will be able to be changed at runtime?

I'm slightly confused on your details, however you can set the Style of a ListView at runtime as such...where CustomStyle is a predefined style that you want to apply to the ListView.
ListView view = new ListView();
view.Style = CustomStyle;
The DefaultStyleKey is applicable to a custom Control (this is different then a UserControl). So say you want a new Control called a Widget. You would need ot define the DefaultStyleKey for that Widget since it does not have a default style defined. A UserControl is a collection of Controls, therefore it does not have a pre-defined style as such.
In addition you can create a ResourceDictionary to break apart your styles. You can then merge them via the App.xaml as such...
<ResourceDictionary Source="Themes/Generic.xaml"/>
<ResourceDictionary Source="Themes/ListViewStyles.xaml"/>


XAML base class: user control, vs other control

What are the benefits and downsides of implementing a custom control in XAML by inheriting from UserControl:
<UserControl x:Class="MyButton" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml">
<!-- custom content here -->
<!-- custom behaviors in the code behind -->
vs inheriting from the control I'm putting inside the UserControl?
<Button x:Class="MyButton" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml">
<!-- custom content here -->
<!-- custom behaviors in the code behind -->
There is no benefit to using a UserControl if you really want a Button. A UserControl just provides a simple way to create a control. From the UserControl Class page on MSDN:
If you do need to create a new control, the simplest way is to create a class that derives from UserControl. Before you do so, consider that your control will not support templates and therefore will not support complex customization. However, deriving from UserControl is a suitable model if you want to build your control by adding existing elements to it, similar to how you build an application, and if you do not need to support complex customization. (If you want to use templates with your control, derive from Control instead.)
As the remarks from MSDN note, using UserControl instead of Button as your base class will mean that your control cannot be templated, whereas when using a Button as the base class, you could still provide a new ControlTemplate.
You should always use the control that most closely suits your needs as the base class. The UserControl is only there to provide an easy way for us to add a collection of already existing controls to the UI. If that is not what you want to do, then don't use it.

Override Control Style

I have created a CustomControlLibrary.dll, that contains a Control (MyControl), with its style in the Generic.xaml of the Themes folder, as per the default automatic setup.
If I want to include that dll in 2 different projects, each of which providing a custom style for "MyControl" to give it a different look, where do I put those custom styles?
I thought I just had to have a Themes\Generic.xaml for each application, that defines the custom style, but having done this, it still ends up using the style defined in CustomControlLibrary.dll
You have CustomControlLibrary.dll which is the owner of MyControl. Inside that dll you have your themes defined. Any other project that may contain your dll doesnt haven to have themes defined.
Other projects may define their custom style for MyControl in their window resource for example.
Styles may be defined at any level. :)
Check this link out:
Solution will be to define specific style for each project and apply it correspondingly.
But keep in mind that you can create proper style "inheritance" by using BasedOn property. After all you should get a set of styles that you'll manage in MergedDictionaries:
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/CustomControlLibrary;component/styles.xaml"/>

How can data templates in generic.xaml get applied automatically (redux)?

This is a follow-up to a question posted by Thiado de Arruda. In short, he wanted to have a DataTemplate in his generic.xaml file, but the template wasn't being applied.
The answer given suggested placing the DataTemplate in the ControlTemplate.Resources for the control that hosted his custom type. This works very well, however, suppose that he needed the DataTemplate to apply in other places, not just within the host control. Would it be necessary to copy the DataTemplate to the ControlTemplates of every other host control?
Edit (restating question):
I am developing a WPF application using MVVM design principles. MainWindow.xaml contains the structure of the UI, and all of the styling is coded in Themes\generic.xaml. (The behavior is coded in a separate view model class, but that's irrelevant.) As part of the UI, I created a subclass of ListBox (MyListBoxSubClass) to display a collection of an ordinary .Net object of my own creation (MyObject). MyListBoxSubClass has a style in generic.xaml that redefines the Template property, and it gets applied as expected. I also have a DataTemplate for MyObject in generic.xaml, but this does not get applied. According to the above link, I have to place the DataTemplate in the Resources collection of the ControlTemplate for MyListBoxSubClass in order for this DataTemplate to be applied. This works wonderfully.
My question is how to get the DataTemplate to apply to MyObject everywhere in my application without having to duplicate the DataTemplate? I've tried adding a key to the DataTemplate and referencing it where I need it, but for some reason, I get a XAML parse error at runtime, and Resharper says that it can't resolve my DataTemplate key.
Add the data template in a separate resource dictionary in another XAML file.
Bring the XAML file into your generic.xaml control template resources:
<ControlTemplate ...>
<ResourceDictionary Source="wherever.xaml" />
Then wherever else you want to use this data template, you can bring it into merged dictionary of resources of wherever you want - user control, window, another control template, etc...
<Window x:Name="someWindow">
<ResourceDictionary Source="wherever.xaml" />
Hope this helps.

Linking View to ViewModel using DataTemplate for a WPF Application using the MVVM pattern

Current I have some Views linked to ViewModels using code similar to the following:
<DataTemplate DataType="{ x:Type vm:AgeIndicatorViewModel}">
<v:AgeIndicatorView />
I have two questions regarding this:
Does this method allow me to only link one View to each View Model (I think it does improse this limitation on me, but want to be sure)
When using this method, where should I put all of my DataTemplate declarations? At the moment there are only a few, and they are all in App.Xaml - Is there a better location for these, or is App.Xaml fine / Best location?
The most important question is the second really, as at the moment I want to link my ViewModel to my View in this way, as it requires no external libraries etc.
The way my ViewModels are setup, with their Properties and Commands etc is all working already.
Does this method allow me to only link one View to each View Model (I think it does improse this limitation on me, but want to be sure)
Yes. If you're trying to link multiple ViewModels to multiple Views, you need to encapsulate them within a separate VM, and add a new DataTemplate.
When using this method, where should I put all of my DataTemplate declarations? At the moment there are only a few, and they are all in App.Xaml - Is there a better location for these, or is App.Xaml fine / Best location?
App.Xaml is fine, or really any place in the visual hierarchy above where the DataTemplate will be used.
That being said, if the project gets to be a very large scale project, it's often nicer to start using Merged Resource Dictionaries - this allows you to setup resource dictionaries "near" where you define the View/ViewModel pairs, but then use them at a higher level (ie: merge them into App.Xaml).
Specifying the implicit DataTemplate like you do in your question does tie your View-Model to a single View. You can override this at any control level though, so you could have:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:AgeIndicatorViewModel}">
<v:AgeIndicatorView2 />
This would change the view applied to a view-model for the given window. This can be done on any control at any level.
The benefit of doing this at the app-level though is that it is applied across all windows in your application. While my example above would only be applied to a single window.
In general, the app resources is the best place to define these. Since if you have multiple Windows (i.e. Window1 and Window2), then your view-model will always pick up your implicit DataTemplate.

Is it possible to set code behind a resource dictionary in WPF for event handling?

Is it possible to set code behind a resource dictionary in WPF. For example in a usercontrol for a button you declare it in XAML. The event handling code for the button click is done in the code file behind the control. If I was to create a data template with a button how can I write the event handler code for it's button click within the resource dictionary.
I think what you're asking is you want a code-behind file for a ResourceDictionary. You can totally do this! In fact, you do it the same way as for a Window:
Say you have a ResourceDictionary called MyResourceDictionary. In your MyResourceDictionary.xaml file, put the x:Class attribute in the root element, like so:
<ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
Then, create a code behind file called MyResourceDictionary.xaml.cs with the following declaration:
namespace MyCompany.MyProject
partial class MyResourceDictionary : ResourceDictionary
public MyResourceDictionary()
... // event handlers ahead..
And you're done. You can put whatever you wish in the code behind: methods, properties and event handlers.
== Update for Windows 10 apps ==
And just in case you are playing with UWP there is one more thing to be aware of:
<Application x:Class="SampleProject.App"
<!-- no need in x:ClassModifier="public" in the header above -->
<!-- This will NOT work -->
<!-- <ResourceDictionary Source="/MyResourceDictionary.xaml" />-->
<!-- Create instance of your custom dictionary instead of the above source reference -->
<rd:MyResourceDictionary />
I disagree with "ageektrapped"... using the method of a partial class is not a good practice. What would be the purpose of separating the Dictionary from the page then?
From a code-behind, you can access a x:Name element by using:
Button myButton = this.GetTemplateChild("ButtonName") as Button;
if(myButton != null){
You can do this in the OnApplyTemplate method if you want to hookup to controls when your custom control loads. OnApplyTemplate needs to be overridden to do this. This is a common practice and allows your style to stay disconnected from the control. (The style should not depend on the control, but the control should depend on having a style).
Gishu - whilst this might seem to be a "generally not to be encouraged practice" Here is one reason you might want to do it:
The standard behaviour for text boxes when they get focus is for the caret to be placed at the same position that it was when the control lost focus. If you would prefer throughout your application that when the user tabs to any textbox that the whole content of the textbox was highlighted then adding a simple handler in the resource dictionary would do the trick.
Any other reason where you want the default user interaction behaviour to be different from the out of the box behaviour seems like good candidates for a code behind in a resource dictionary.
Totally agree that anything which is application functionality specific ought not be in a code behind of a resource dictionary.
Adding on....these days, with the advent of {x:Bind ...}, if you want to put your DataTemplate into a shared ResourceDictionary file, you are required to give that file a code behind.
XAML is for constructing object graphs not containing code.
A Data template is used to indicate how a custom user-object is to be rendered on screen... (e.g. if it is a listbox item) behavior is not part of a data template's area of expertise. Redraw the solution...
