Free FoxPro DB to SQL Server DB sync tool - sql-server

Which software can you recommend to sync data from a FoxPro source to a SQL Server destination?

Here are a couple links with information that might be of help:
Migrating From Visual FoxPro
VFP conversion to support SQL server Backend

At my company we have data being written to foxpro tables daily, and are synced to SQL Server nightly using SSIS, so for the actual conversion I recommend that.
Getting the foxpro data to your central location could be accomplished by transferring the foxpro files via FTP (we've done this for years), or you could set up some sort of Web Service.

I don't think you'll find a tool to do this automatically and on a scheduled basis especially if they are geographically remote and the sync has to happen over the public internet. I'd be looking at writing a web service of some sort, which will sit on a server on the VFP side with methods to expose the VFP data, and another service on the SQL Server side to access that web service periodically and perform CRUD operations.


Transferring data regulary from MongoDB to SQL Server

We have a MongoDB that have heavy writes from a device. We want to regularly (maybe on schedule) read data from that MongoDB and transfer it to a SQL Server. Then that SQL server is where we would do all our analysis from.
What would be the best way to do the transfer and load from MongoDB to SQL Server?
Has anyone tried Apache Spark to do this?
Ended up using a 3rd party utility called Studio 3T. It has functionality for MongoDB to SQL Migration and a task can be created for it and can be scheduled. Also, the utility has more functionality other than migration which I find useful.
This utility was chosen due to limited budget. We just had to pay for ultimate license.

Occasionally connected application (SQL Server data synchronization)

There is a central server that is running SQL Server 2008 R2 and WinForms clients, which use SQL Server CE to cache data. Data can be changed on both the server and client side. Each user can only edit his own data and view some of the data of other users. For example, a user can create a "Contract" and upload it to the server via synchronization, other users need to see this "Contract", except for customer's contact information, etc.
What a way to synchronize data is most suitable for this task?
Thanks in advance.
you can use Sync Framework to synchronize the local cache to a central server. You can either use the Local Database Cache Wizard in Visual Studio or code the sync yourself.
see Synchronizing SQL Server and SQL Server Compact
or Programming Common Client and Server Synchronization Tasks

Microsoft Access 2007 Database on Django?

I have a Microsoft Access 2007 database (.accdb) used in a CRM, and I'd very much like to create an unmanaged model in django to access the data (read-only) for a quick and dirty web application.
What are my options here? I looked at django-pyodbc, but they unfortunately only support ms sql connections at this time. That made me wonder, perhaps there is a way to mirror a Microsoft Access database to a MS SQL server through ODBC, and then connect to that through the django-mssql or django-pyodbc application?
Another option is to convert the access database to some intermediary database file which could then be accessed through django. The downfall to this approach is that I'd need to ensure that I regularly syncronize this intermediary database with the access database, so the intermediary db is up to date.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can connect to my Access 2007 CRM data through django?
Access files really don't like more than one person touching them. You've outgrown them. Get a proper multi-user networked database and migrate to that. Microsoft will sell you SQL Server for the price of a small yacht or give you SQL Express for free in the hope that soon you'll need to upgrade.
Or use PostgreSQL via ODBC for free for ever. But don't try and use a file as a database without going through a server first.

Sync Framework: Can I synchronise Stored Procedure

Does the sync framework allow me to synchronise (download only) the Store Procedures on a sql server 2008 server with the Stored procedures on the SQL Server 2008 client?
i.e. overwrite the SP on the client when the server SP's have been modified or new ones created?
No you cant do that, The Sync Framework is designed to sync data from server to a users pc and back again. While it can synchronize between servers, you are better off using SQL2008 replication engine, or a 3rd party API, such as Redgates SQLcompare, which you can operate programatically.
Microsoft Sync Framework is used to synchronize data not the database schema or the periphery. Generally speaking, this is an application update issue.

Exporting SQL Server Databases for offline use

I have a desktop application (C# .NET 3.5) that uses a SQL server for it's database. I have had a request from the client, however, to make it possible to export the database as it stands, and be able to use it on a laptop without connectivity. They understand that updates to the parent server will not be reflected in these offline clients.
Is there a way I can just save the DataSet's to a binary form and write them to a disk and send those files to the offline clients.
There is an entire line of tools and technologies covering this case, namely the Synch Framework. See Synchronizing Databases. See Getting Started: Client and Server Synchronization for a starting example involving a SQL Server Compact Edition file on the client (.SDF file) that is synchronized with a SQL Server central database. Note that the client won't install anything else other than you application, the SQL Server CE is just a few in-process DLLs that you distribute with your app, nothing nearly as complex as a SQL Express edition on the client.
The good news is that Synch Framework no only allows the client to get their own on-the-go snapshot of the database, it actually allows for changes applied while disconnected to be merged back into the central site.
You could either use Compact Edition (aka. SDF files), or you can save the datasets as XML using the built-in method.
Can't you just take a SQL Server level backup and have them install e.g. SQL Server Express on their laptops and restore the database there?
That way you wouldn't have to do anything special in your app at all - just change the connection string to point to the local SQL Server Express instance, and off you go! No mucking around with serialized data sets and stuff......
