I have a table, Sheet1$ that contains 616 records. I have another table, Rates$ that contains 47880 records. Rates contains a response rate for a given record in the sheet for 90 days from a mailing date. Within all 90 days of a records Rates relation the total response is ALWAYS 1 (100%)
Sheet1$: Record 1, 1000 QTY, 5% Response, Mail 1/1/2009
Rates$: Record 1, Day 1, 2% Response
Record 1, Day 2, 3% Response
Record 1, Day 90, 1% Response
Record N, Day N, N Response
So in that, I've written a view that takes these tables and joins them to the right on the rates to expand the data so I can perform some math to get a return per day for any given record.
SELECT s.[Mail Date] + r.Day as Mail_Date, s.Quantity * s.[Expected Response Rate] * r.Response as Pieces, s.[Bounce Back Card], s.Customer, s.[Point of Entry]
FROM Sheet1$ as s
ON s.[Appeal Code] = r.Appeal
AND s.Quantity <> 0
AND s.[Expected Response Rate] <> 0
AND s.Quantity IS NOT NULL
AND s.[Expected Response Rate] IS NOT NULL);
So I save this as a view called Test_Results. Using SQL Server Management Studio I run this query and get a result of 211,140 records. Elapsed time was 4.121 seconds, Est. Subtree Cost was 0.751.
Now I run a query against this view to aggregate a piece count on each day.
SELECT Mail_Date, SUM(Pieces) AS Piececount
FROM Test_Results
GROUP BY Mail_Date
That returns 773 rows and it only took 0.452 seconds to execute! 1.458 Est. Subtree Cost.
My question is, with a higher estimate how did this execute SO much faster than the original view itself?! I would assume a piece might be that its returning rows to management studio. If that is the case, how would I go about viewing the true cost of this query without having to account for the return feedback?
SELECT * FROM view1 will have a plan
SELECT * FROM view2 (where view2 is based on view1) will have its own complete plan
The optimizer is smart enough to make the plan for view2 combine/collapse the operations into a most efficient operation. It is only going to observe the semantics of the design of view1, but it is not necessarily required to use the plan for SELECT * FROM view1 and than apply another plan for view2 - this will, in general, be a completely different plan, and it will do whatever it can to get the most efficient results.
Typically, it's going to push the aggregation down to improve the selectivity, and reduce the data requirements, and that's going to speed up the operation.
I think that Cade has covered the most important part - selecting from a view doesn't necessarily entail returning all of the view rows and then selecting against that. SQL Server will optimize the overall query.
To answer your question though, if you want to avoid the network and display costs then you can simply select each query result into a table. Just add "INTO Some_Table" after the column list in the SELECT clause.
You should also be able to separate things out by showing client statistics or by using Profiler, but the SELECT...INTO method is quick and easy.
Query costs are unitless, and are just used by the optimizer to choose what it thinks the most efficient execution path for a particular query is. They can't really be compared between queries. This, although old, is a good quick read. Then you'll probably want to look around for some books or articles on the MSSQL optimizer and about reading query plans if you're really interested.
(Also, make sure you're viewing the actual execution plan, and not the explain plan ... they can be different)
May I ask is there any way to get to know appropriate timing to update table/index statistics?
Recently performance is getting worse with one of major data mart table in our BI-DWH, SQL Server 2012.
All indexes are cared every weekend to reorganize/rebuild, according to their fragmentation percentage and now they're under 5% as avg_fragmentation_in_percent.
So we detect that's caused by obsolete table/index statistics or table fragmentations or so.
Generally, we set autostats on and that Table/index stats were updated at July 2018, maybe still it's not time to update according to their optimizer,
since that table is huge, total record is around 0.7 billions, daily increase about 0.5 million records.
Here is PK statistics and actual record count of that table.
-- statistics
dbcc show_statistics("DM1","PK_DM1")
Name Updated Rows Rows Sampled Steps Density AveragekeylengthString Index Filter Expression Unfiltered Rows
PK_DM1 07 6 2018 2:54PM 661696443 1137887 101 0 28 NO NULL 661696443
-- actual row count
select count(*) row_cnt from DM1;
-- Current Index Fragmmentations
SELECT a.index_id, name, avg_fragmentation_in_percent
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(N'DM1'),
JOIN sys.indexes AS b
ON a.object_id = b.object_id AND a.index_id = b.index_id;
index_id name avg_fragmentation_in_percent
1 PK_DM1 1.32592173128252
7 IDX_DM1_01 1.06209021193359
9 IDX_DM1_02 0.450888386865285
10 IDX_DM1_03 4.78448190118396
So there is less than 10%, but over 45 millions difference between the statistics row counts and actual record counts.
I'm wondering if it can be worth to update the table/index stats manually in this case.
If there are any other information you decided the appropriate timing to update the stats, any advice would be so much appreciated.
Thank you.
-- Result
Thanks to #scsimon advice, I checked all index statistics in detail and main index was missing RANGE_HI_KEY -- that index based on registration date and there was no range after July 2018 last updated statistics.
(The claim was made by user when he searched for 2018 September records)
So I decided to update table/indexes statistics and confirmed the same query was improved from 1 hour 45 mins to 3.5 mins.
Deelpy appreciated all of the advices to my question.
Best Regards.
Well you have auto-update statistics to on so that's good. Also, each time an index is rebuilt, the statistics are recomputed. SQL Server 2008R2 onward, until 2016, has the same behavior as TF 2371 meaning the large table takes fewer rows to need changing to auto compute. Read more here on that.
Also you are showing stats for a single index not the whole table. That index could be filtered. And, remember that the Total number of rows sampled for statistics calculations. If Rows Sampled < Rows, the displayed histogram and density results are estimates based on the sampled rows. You can read more on that here
Back to the core problem of performance... you are focusing on statistics and the indexes which isn't a terrible idea, but it's not necessarily the root cause. You need to identify what query is running slow. Then, get help with that slow query but following the steps in that blog, and others. The big one here is to ask a question about that query with the execution plan. The problem could be the indexes, or it could be:
Memory contention / misallocation
CPU bottleneck
Parallelism (maybe your have MAXDOP set to 0)
Slow disks
Little memory, causing physical reads
The execution plan isn't optimal anymore and perhaps, you need to recompile that query
etc, etc etc... this is where the execution plan and wait stats will shed light
I'm trying to assess load level on sql server 2008/2016 by insert query.
There are articles I found which discuss that, like:
which talks about execution time.
I'm not very proficient in sql server, e.g. don't know how to evaluate execution plans.
I know that are handy performance reports, like "Performance - Top Queries by Total CPU Time".
I've searched and not found definitions of those reports.
So question is - which server tasks does this report include in CPU time calculations of queries, i.e.
indexes recalculation?
maybe even executing of triggers?
something else?
Thank you!
These are MDW or Management Data Warehouse reports and in particular the Query Statistics History introduced in SQL Server 2008. If you are interested in collecting this data then enable and Configure the Management Data Warehouse.
What are these reports anyway.
By default, only the top 10 queries will be included in the Top 10 Queries by CPU, however, you can emulate the query behind the report and tweak the desired outcome using a query similar to the one below as discussed in this article.
qs.total_worker_time/(qs.execution_count*60000000) as [Minutes Avg CPU Time],
qs.execution_count as [Times Run],
qs.min_worker_time/60000000 as [CPU Time in Mins],
(case when qs.statement_end_offset = -1 then len(convert(nvarchar(max), qt.text)) * 2
else qs.statement_end_offset end -qs.statement_start_offset)/2) as [Query Text],
db_name(qt.dbid) as [Database],
object_name(qt.objectid) as [Object Name]
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs cross apply
sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) as qt
ORDER BY [Minutes Avg CPU Time] DESC
Index recalculations and trigger executions are not performed as part of a query. Index updates are part of maintenance activity and trigger executions are part of Insert/Update/Delete activity.
Generally speaking, there are no "server tasks" included in the calculations for the Top Queries report. A query execution plan is based on that query and the data statistics available at the start of the query compilation. The plan generated is independent of maintenance or IUD activity taking place on the server.
It is possible that other activity make cause the actual duration to increase, but that additional time is not directly attributable to the query. The query is just forced to wait while the other activity completes.
Does that help?
Here is modified query which shows top CPU time consumers.
It is not average, it is summarized.
Also it is grouped by query_plan_hash so same query with different params will be in one group.
Note 1: if query running frequently (~1 time every second) then it's statistics will be flushed every hour.
Note 2: User name will exist if only query is running at the moment
Note 3: If you need to keep stats for long time, you will need to store it somewhere separately. Also adding grouping by date will help with reporting
SUM(qs.total_worker_time)/(1000000) AS [CPU Time Seconds],
SUM(qs.execution_count) AS [Times Run],
qs.query_plan_hash AS [Hash],
MIN(creation_time) AS [Creation time],
MIN(qt.text) AS [Query],
MIN(USER_NAME(r.user_id)) AS [UserName]
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs CROSS apply
sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS qt
LEFT JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests AS r ON qs.query_plan_hash =
GROUP BY qs.query_plan_hash
ORDER BY [CPU Time Seconds] DESC
I'm using SQL Server 2008 and I noticed an enormous difference in performance when running these two almost identical queries.
Fast query (takes less than a second):
SELECT Season.Description, sum( Sales.Value ) AS Value
FROM Seasons, Sales
WHERE Sales.Property05=Seasons.Season
GROUP BY Seasons.Description
Slow query (takes around 5 minutes):
SELECT Season.Description, sum( Sales.Value ) AS Value
FROM Seasons, Sales
WHERE Sales.Property04=Seasons.Season
GROUP BY Seasons.Description
The only difference is that the tables SALES and SEASONS are joined on Property05 in the fast query and Property04 in the slow one.
Neither of the two property fields are in a key nor in an index so I really don't understand why the execution plan and the performances are so different between the two queries.
Can somebody enlighten me?
EDIT: The query is automatically generated by a Business Intelligence program, so I have no power there. I would have normally used the JOIN ON sintax, although I don't know if that makes a difference.
Slow query plan: https://www.brentozar.com/pastetheplan/?id=HkcBc7gXZ
Fast query plan: https://www.brentozar.com/pastetheplan/?id=rJQ95mgXb
Note that the query above were simplified to the essential part. The query plans are more detailed.
I've been tasked with improving the performance (and this is my first real-world performance tuning taks) of a reporting stored procedure which is called by an SSRS front-end and the stored procedure currently takes about 30 seconds to run on the largest amount of data (based on filters set from the report frontend).
This stored procedure has a breakdown of 19 queries executing in it, most of which are transforming the data from an initial (legacy) format from inside the base tables into a meaningful dataset to be displayed to the business side.
I've created a query based on a few DMV's in order to find out which are the most resource-consuming queries from the stored procedure (small snippet below) and I have found one query which takes about 10 seconds, in average, to complete.
object_name(st.objectid) [Procedure Name]
, dense_rank() over (partition by st.objectid order by qs.last_elapsed_time desc) [rank-execution time]
, dense_rank() over (partition by st.objectid order by qs.last_logical_reads desc) [rank-logical reads]
, dense_rank() over (partition by st.objectid order by qs.last_worker_time desc) [rank-worker (CPU) time]
, dense_rank() over (partition by st.objectid order by qs.last_logical_writes desc) [rank-logical write]
from sys.dm_exec_query_stats as qs
cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text (qs.sql_handle) as st
cross apply sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan (qs.plan_handle, qs.statement_start_offset, qs.statement_end_offset) as qp
where st.objectid in ( object_id('SuperDooperReportingProcedure') )
, [rank-execution time]
, [rank-logical reads]
, [rank-worker (CPU) time]
, [rank-logical write] desc
Now, this query is a bit strange in the sense that the execution plan shows that shows that the bulk of the work (~80%) is done when inserting the data into the local temporary table and not when interrogating the other tables from which the source data is taken and then manipulated. (screenshot below is from SQL Sentry Plan Explorer)
Also, in terms of row estimates, the execution plan has way off estimates for this, in the sense that there are only 4218 rows inserted into the local temporary table as opposed to the ~248k rows that the execution plan thinks its moving into the local temporary table. So, becasue of this, I'm thinking "statistics", but still do those even matter if ~80% of the work is the actual insert into the table?
One of my first recommendations was to re-write the entire process and the stored procedure so as to not include the moving and transforming of the data into the reporting stored procedure and to do the data transformation nightly into some persisted tables (real-time data is not required, only relevant data until end of previous day). But the business side does not want to invest time and resources into redesigning this and instead "suggests" I do performance tuning in the sense of finding where and what indexes I can add to speed this up.
I don't believe that adding indexes to base tables will improve the performance of the report since most of the time needed for running the query is saving the data into a temporary table (which from my knowledge it will hit tempdb, which means that they will be written to disk -> increased time due to I/O latency).
But, even so, as I've mentioned this is my first performance tuning task and I've tried to read as much as possible related to this in the last couple of days and these are my conclusions so far, but I'd like to ask for advice from a broader audience and hopefully get a few more insights and understanding on what I can do to improve this procedure.
As a few clear questions I'd appreciate if could be answered are:
Is there anything incorrect in what I have said above (in my understanding of the db or my assumptions) ?
Is it true that adding an index to a temporary table will actually increase the time of execution, since the table (and its associated index(es) is/are being rebuilt on each execution)?
Could there anything else be done in this scenario without having to re-write the procedure / queries and only be done via indexes or other tuning methods? (I've read a few article headlines that you could also "tune tempdb", but I didn't get into the details of those, yet).
Any help is very much appreciated and if you need more details I'll be happy to post.
Update (2 Aug 2016):
The query in question is (partially) below. What is missing are a few more aggregate columns and their corresponding lines in the GROUP BY section:
,case when b.AM IS null and b.ProgramName IS not null
then 'Unassigned'
else b.AM
end as AM
,rtrim(ltrim(b.Store)) Store
,isnull(trd.countLeadActual,0) as Actual
,isnull(sum(case when b.budgetType = 0 and b.budgetMonth between #start_date and #end_date then b.budgetValue else 0 end),0) as Budget
,isnull(sum(case when b.budgetType = 0 and b.budgetMonth between #start_date and #end_date and (trd.considerMe = -1 or b.StoreID < 0) then b.budgetValue else 0 end),0) as CleanBudget
into #SalvesVsBudgets
from #StoresBudgets b
left join #temp_report_data trd on trd.store_ID = b.StoreID and trd.newSourceID = b.ProgramID
where (b.StoreDivision is not null or (b.StoreDivision is null and b.ProgramName = 'NewProgram'))
group by
,case when b.AM IS null and b.ProgramName IS not null
then 'Unassigned'
else b.AM
I'm not sure if this is actually helpful, but since #kcung requested it, I added the information.
Also, to answer some his questions:
the temporary tables have no indexes on them
RAM size: 32 GB
Update (3 Aug 2016):
I have tried #kcung's suggestions to move the CASE statements from the aggregate-generating query and unfortunately, overall, the procedure time has not improved, noticeably, as it still fluctuates in the range of ±0.25 to ±1.0 second (yes, both lower and higher time than the original version of the stored procedure - but I'm guessing this is due to variable workload on my machine).
The execution plan for the same query, but modified to remove the CASE conditions, leaving only the SUM aggregates, is now:
Adding indexes to the temporary table will definitely improve the read call but slows down the write calls to the temporary table.
Here, as you mentioned, there are 19 queries executing in the procedure, so analyzing only one query with execution plan would not be more helpful.
Adding more, if possible, execute this query only & check how much time it takes (rows affected).
Other approach you may try, not sure if possible in your case, try using table variable instead of temporary table. This is because, using table variable over the temporary table has additional advantages such as, procedure is pre-compiled, no transactional logs are maintained. & more, you don't need to write drop table.
Any chance I can see the query ? and the indexes on both tables ?
How big is your ram ? how big is the row in each table(roughly) ?
Can you update statistics for both table and resend the query planner ?
To answer your question :
You're mostly right, except in the part of adding indexes. Adding indexes will help the query to do lookup. It will also give chance to the query planner to consider nested loop join plan instead of the hash join plan. Unfortunately, I can't answer more until my question being answered.
You shouldn't need to add index to the temp table. Adding index to this temp(or any insert destination table) table will increase write time, because the insert will need to update that index. Just imagine an index as copy of your table with less information and it sits on top of your table and it needs to be in sync with your table. Every write (insert, update, delete) needs to update this index.
Looking at both tables total rows, this query should run way faster than 10s, unless you have a lemon PC, then it's a different story.
Just want to point out for point 2, I didn't realise you're source table is temp table as well. Temporary table is destroyed after each session of a connection ended. Adding index to temporary table means that you will add extra time to create this index everytime you create this temporary table.
Sorry, I'm using phone now. I'm just gonna be short.
So essentially 2 things :
add primary key on temp table creation time so you do it in one go. Don't bother with adding nonclustered index or any covering index you will end up spending more time creating those.
see your query, all of the case when statement, instead of doing it in this query, why don't you add them as another column in the table. Essentially you want to avoid calculation on the fly when doing group by. You can leave the sum() in the query as it's an aggregate query, but try and reduce run time calculation as much as possible.
Sample :
case when b.AM IS null and b.ProgramName IS not null
then 'Unassigned'
else b.AM
end as AM
You can create a column named AM when creating table b.
Also those rtrim and ltrim. Please remove those and stick it in table creation time. :)
One suggestion is to increase the execution time of stored procedure.
cmd.CommandTimeout = 200 // in seconds.
You can also generate a report link and email it to user when the report was generated.
Other than that use CTE never use temp tables as they are more expensive.
if I run this query
select user from largetable where largetable.user = 1155
(note I'm querying user just to reduce this to its simplest case)
And look at the execution plan, an index seek is planned [largetable has an index on user], and the estimated rows is the correct 29.
But if I do
select user from largetable where largetable.user = (select user from users where externalid = 100)
[with the result of the sub query being the single value 1155 just like above when i hard code it]
The query optimizer estimates 117,000 rows in the result. There are about 6,000,000 rows in largetable, 1700 rows in users. When I run the query of course I get back the correct 29 rows despite the huge estimated rows.
I have updated stats with fullscan on both tables on the relevent indexes, and when I look at the stats, they appear to be correct.
Of note, for any given user, there are no more than 3,000 rows in largetable.
So, why would the estimated execution plan show such a large number of estimated rows? Shouldn't the optimizer know, based on the stats, that it's looking for a result that has 29 corresponding rows, or a MAXIMUM of 3,000 rows even if it doesn't know the user which will be selected by the subquery? Why this huge estimate? The problem is, that this large estimate is then influencing another join in a larger query to do a scan instead of a seek. If I run the larger query with the subquery, it takes 1min 40 secs. If run it with the 1155 hard coded it takes 2 seconds. This is very unusual to me...
The optimizer does the best it can, but statistics and row count estimations only go so far (as you're seeing).
I'm assuming that your more complex query can't easily be rewritten as a join without a subquery. If it can be, you should attempt that first.
Failing that, it's time for you to use your additional knowledge about the nature of your data to help out the optimizer with hints. Specifically look at the forceseek option in the index hints. Note that this can be bad if your data changes later, so be aware.
Did you try this?
SELECT lt.user
FROM Users u
INNER JOIN largeTable lt
ON u.User = lt.User
WHERE u.externalId = 100
Please see this: subqueries-vs-joins