Infopath for data entry/maintenance? - sql-server

I am looking for a quick way of enabling data entry to a well structured SQL database.
We have defined all our data entry rules (by that I meean validation, mandatory fields etc.) and we're now looking for a tool to make it as easy as possible to have this database populated.
The database is largely product orientated, so the ability to add/edit products is important. Whenever a change to a field is made, it should be validated against the data rules to ensure it 'makes sense' before being written to the database. The ability for us to run reports on historical information is important, so the database must hang onto all of the products historical attirbutes too.
Eventually this data will be used for some standard reporting, and will be made available via a dashboard style reporting service that we will one day be able to afford! (hopefully)
Would Infopath be a good way of doing this? Are there any articles around the place that discuss a similar approach and how they were able to do it?
If not, what would users here suggest?
Background: I am from a business/product background and am trying to do some leg work myself to get a good outcome.

Regarding Infopath - I think it will depend on the complexity of your rules.
Regardless, you will need your database design to be able to record history - have you already determined a database design which is able to meet your requirements for storing the historical attributes?
You should consider your business requirements for reporting and any point-in-time consistency and the architecture should follow. Like you said, you've got a proper IT guy, so if you've got your business rules all sorted out, they should be able to critically evaluate it and expose any things you haven't thought about. I've become a big fan of having a transactional operational database (perhaps retaining full history, but not providing rich access to it) with limited reporting capabilities and a reporting database with a model (like Kimball's dimensional data warehouse) conducive to point-in-time reporting etc.


why wordpress does not use views or stored procedures

I installed a wordpress blog and was tinkering with the database,
I noticed they are not using any sotred procedures or views why is this?
Or is it just not available for users and some premium feature for paid members?
Is it not advisable to use these to improve performance considering wordpress stores almost everything except media files in database.
Are there any resources / attempts to optimize wp database using these ?
The decision regarding where to keep transformations of / operations on data is heavily rooted in the concept of what you consider to be the central interface to the data within the application as a whole.
If you're a database programmer, you're much more likely to consider that central point to be the database. In this view, the data is the center, and the surrounding application can be thought of as just an interface on top of that data. This view makes sense when dealing with anything where data itself is key. I.e., where the data will stay put over time, and the ways in which the data is accessed, or the things which you want to do with the data will change over time. Examples which fit well into this view include: Financial systems, Healthcare records, Customer data, Phone records... pretty much anything that has a lot of ways of looking at the data, and is constantly growing.
If you're an application programmer, the data itself may be almost secondary. In this view, the data is transient. Where and how that data is stored is even less important. The MVC pattern encourages the database to be utterly replaceable, and strongly discourages putting any sort of logic related to anything other than basic data integrity into the the database. There is certainly nothing about the MVC pattern or other application-centric development practices which argue specifically against stored procedures or views, but there is much less room for them to be useful. Examples which fit well into this view inclue: Blogs, Message-boards, Stand-alone Documents... pretty much anything that has a very simple structure, does not have complex relations, and can be divided easily into self-contained units. Anything for which "what you can do" is tied closely in concept to "what you are doing it to".
A summary of the two above-mentioned viewpoints is that there are tools for which examining data is more important (data-centric), and there are tools for which creating data is more important (application-centric).
Another way of looking at it is that Stored Procedures and Views are just interfaces on top of a database. Wordpress is also an interface on top of a database, it's just written in PHP.
Well, I don't know their rationale for a fact but my guess would be that since MySQL actually stores the procedures in the "mysql" database - not the wordpress database where the tables are - that they did it because it can be an access issue. Let's say you have a DB server supporting multiple WP databases. All the procedures get put into the "mysql" database. So when you backup your WP database you don't get any of the procedures. You'd need to back up the mysql (system) database, and its likely the users would not have the rights to do so in such an environment, which is the typical environment for WP installs.
Excellent answers. To add, I think that from a plugin coding side, it is easier to update just the file system and do as little database work on an as needed basis.
Especially if a plugin update doesn't install right the first time and you have to restore the files and try again, a database change would be a lot more difficult to reverse.

Design database based on EAV or XML for objects with variable features in SQL Server?

I want to make a database that can store any king of objects and for each classes of objects different features.
Giving some of the questions i asked on different forums the solution is or with some kind of validation before storage.
Can you please give me an alternative to the ones above or some advantages or examples that would help decide which of the two methods is the best one in my case?
Is your db read or write intensive?
will be both -> auction engine
Will you ever conceivably move off SQL Server and onto another platform?
I won't move it, I will use a WCF Service to expose functionality to mobile devices.
How do you plan to surface your data to the application?
Entity Framework for DAL and WCF Service Layer for Bussiness
Will people connect to your data through means other than those you control?
While #marc_s is correct in his cautions, there unarguably are situations where the relational model is just not flexible enough. For quite a number of years now, I've been working with a database that is straightforwardly relational for the largest part, but has a small EAV part. This is because users can invent new properties any time for observation purposes in trials.
Admittedly, it is awkward wrt querying and reporting, to name a few, but no other strategy would suffice here. We use stored procedures with T-Sql's pivot to offer flattened data structures for reporting and grids with dynamic columns for display. Once the infrastructure stands it's pretty comfortable altogether.
We never considered using XML data because it wasn't there yet and, apart from its common limitations, it has some drawbacks in our context:
The EAV data is queried heavily. A development team needs more than standard sql knowledge because of the special syntax. Indexing is possible but "there is a cost associated with maintaining the index during data modification" (as per MSDN).
The XML datatype is far less accessible than regular tables and fields when it comes to data processing and reporting.
Hardly ever do users fetch all attribute values of an entity, but the whole XML would have to be crunched anyway.
And, not unimportant: XML datatype is not (yet) supported by Entity Framework.
So, to conclude, I would go for a design that is relational as much as possible but EAV where necessary. Auction items could have a number of fixed fields and EAV's for the flexible data.
I will use my answer from another question:
Storage. If your value will be used often for different products, e.g. clothes where attribute "size" and values of sizes will be repeated often, your attribute/values tables will be smaller. Meanwhile, if values will be rather unique that repeatable (e.g. values for attribute "page count" for books), you will get a big enough table with values, where every value will be linked to one product.
Speed. This scheme is not weakest part of project, because here data will be changed rarely. And remember that you always can denormalize database scheme to prepare DW-like solution. You can use caching if database part will be slow too.
Elasticity This is the strongest part of solution. You can easily add/remove attributes and values and ever to move values from one attribute to another!
XML storage is more like NoSQL: you will abdicate database functionality and you wisely prepare your solution to:
Do not lose data integrity.
Do not rewrite all database functionality in application (it is senseless)
I think there is way too much context missing for anyone to add any kind of valid comment to the discussion.
Is your db read or write intensive?
Will you ever conceivably move off SQL Server and onto another platform?
How do you plan to surface your data to the application?
Will people connect to your data through means other than those you control?
First do not go either route unless the structure truly cannot be known in advance. Using EAV or XML because you don't want to actually define the requirements will result in an unmaintainable mess and a badly performing mess at that. Usually at least 90+% (a conservative estimate based on my own experience) of the fields can be known in advance and should be in ordinary relational tables. Only use special techiniques for structures that can't be known in advance. I can't stress this strongly enough. EAV tables look simple but are actually very hard to query especially for complex reporting queries. Sure it is easy to get data into them, but very very difficult to get the data back out.
If you truly need to go the EAV route, consider using a nosql database for that part of the application and a relational database for the rest. Nosql databases simply handle EAV better.

Using LDAP server as a storage base, how practical is it?

I want to learn how practical using an LDAP server (say AD) as a storage base. To be more clear; how much does it make sense using an LDAP server instead of using RDBMS to store data?
I can guess that most you might just say "it doesn't" but there might be some reasons to make it meaningful (especially business wise);
A few points first;
Each table becomes a container entity and each row becomes a new entity as a child. Row entities contains attributes for columns. So you represent your data in this way. (This should be the most meaningful representation I think, suggestions are welcome)
So storing data like a DB server is possible but lack of FK and PK (not sure about PK) support is an issue. On the other hand it supports attribute (relates to a column) indexing (Not sure how efficient). So consistency of data is responsibility of the application layer.
Why would somebody do this ever?
Data that application uses/stores closely matches with the existing data in AD. (Users, Machines, Department Info etc.) (But still some customization is required to existing entity schema, and new schema definitions are needed for not very much related data.)
(I think strongest reason would be this: business related) Most mid-sized companies have very well configured AD servers (replicated, backed-up etc.) but they don't have such DB setup (you can make comment to this as much as you want). Say when you sell your software which requires a DB setup to these companies, they must manage their DB setup; but if you say "you don't need DB setup and management; you can just use existing AD", it sounds appealing.
Obviously there are many disadvantages of giving up using DB, feel free to mention them but let's assume they are acceptable. (I can mention more if question is not clear enough.)
LDAP is a terrible tool for maintaining most business data.
Think about a typical one-to-many relationship - say, customer and orders. One customer has many orders.
There is no good way to represent this data in an LDAP directory.
You could try having a mock "foreign key" by making every entry of that given object class have a "foreign key" attribute, but your referential integrity just went out the window. Cascade deletes are impossible.
You could try having a "customer" object that has "order" children. However, you've just introduced a specific hierachy - you're now tied to it.
And that's the simplest use case. Once you start getting into more complex relationships, you're basically re-inventing an RDBMS in a system explicity designed for a different purpose. The clue's in the name - directory.
If you're storing a phonebook, then sure, use LDAP. For anything else, use a real database.
For relatively small, flexible data sets I think an LDAP solution is workable. However an RDBMS provides a number significant advantages:
Backup and Recovery: just about any database will provide ACID properties. And, RDBMS backups are generally easy to script and provide several options (e.g. full vs. differential). Just don't know with LDAP, but I imagine these qualities are not as widespread.
Reporting: AFAIK LDAP doesn't offer a way to JOIN values easily, much the less do things like calculate summations. So you would put a lot of effort into application code to reproduce those behaviors when you do need reporting. And what application doesn't ultimately?
Indexing: looks like LDAP solutions have indexing, but again, seems hit or miss. Whereas seemingly all databases out there have put some real effort into getting this right.
I think any serious business system's storage should be backed up in the same fashion you believe LDAP is in most environments. If what you're really after is its flexibility in terms of representing hierarchy and ability to define dynamic schemas I'd suggest looking into NoSQL solutions or the Java Content Repository.
LDAP is very usefull for storing that information and if you want it, you may use it. RDMS is just more comfortable with ORM systems. Your persistence logic with LDAP will so complex.
And worth mentioning that this is not a standard approach -> people who will support the project will spend more time on analysis.
I've used this approach for fun, i generate a phonebook from Active Directory, but i don`t think that it's good idea to use LDAP as a store for business applications.
In short: Use the right tool for the right job.
When people see LDAP you already set an expectation on your system. Don't forget that the L Lightweight. LDAP was designed for accessing directories over a network.
With a “directory database” you can build a certain type of application. If you can map your data to a tree like data structure it will work. I surely would not want to steam videos from LDAP! You can probably hack something but I would prefer a steaming server..
There might be some hidden gotchas down the line if you use a tool not designed for what it is supposed to do. So, the downside is you'll have to test stuff that would have been a given in some cases.
It's not is not just a technical concern. Your operational support team might “frown” on your application as they would have certain expectations/preconceptions based on your applications architectural nature. Imagine their surprise if you give them CRM system (website + files and popped email etc.) in a LDAP server as database to maintain.
If I was in your position, I would steer towards one of the NoSQL db solutions rather than trying to use LDAP. LDAP is fine for things like storing user and employee information, but is terrible to interact with when you need to make changes. A NoSQL db will allow you to store your data how you want without the RDBMS overhead you would like to avoid.
The answer is actually easy. Think of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete). If a lot of Read will be made in your system, you can think of using LDAP. Because LDAP is quick in read operations and designed so. If the other operations will be made more, the RDMS would be a better option.

Should business rules be enforced in both the application tier and the database tier, or just one of the two?

I have been enforcing business rules in both my application tier (models) and my database tier (stored procedures who raise errors).
I've been duplicating my validations in both places for a few reasons:
If the conditions change between
when they are checked in the
application code and when they are
checked in the database, the
business rule checks in the database
will save the day. The database
also allows me to lock various
records in a simpler manner than in
my application code, so it seems
natural to do so here.
If we have
to do some batch data
insertions/updates to the database directly, if I route
all these operations through my
stored procedures/functions which
are doing the business rule
validations, there's no chance of me
putting in bad data even though I lack the protections that I would get if I was doing single-input through the application.
enforcing these things ONLY in the
database would have the same effect
on the actual data, it seems
improper to just throw data at the
database before first making a good
effort to validate that it conforms
to constraints and business rules.
What's the right balance?
You need to enforce at the data tier to ensure data integrity. That's your last line of defense, and that's the DBs job, to help enforce its world view of the data.
That said, throwing junk data against the DB for validation is a coarse technique. Typically the errors are designed to be human readable rather than machine readable, so its inefficient for the program to process the error from the DB and make heads or tails out of it.
Stored Procedures are a different matter. Back in the day, Stored Procedures were The Way to handle business rules on the data tiers, etc.
But today, with the modern application server environments, they have become a, in general, better place to put this logic. They offer multiple ways to access and expose the data (the web, web services, remote protocols, APIs, etc). Also, if your rules are CPU heavy (arguably most aren't) it's easier to scale app servers than DB servers.
The large array of features within the app servers give them a flexibility beyond what the DB servers can do, and thus much of what was once pushed back in to the DBs is being pulled out with the DB servers being relegated to "dumb persistence".
That said, there are certainly performance advantages using Stored Procs and such, but now that's a tuning thing where the question becomes "is it worth losing the app server capability for the gain we get by putting it in to the DB server".
And by app server, I'm not simply talking Java, but .NET and even PHP etc.
If the rule must be enforced at all times no matter where the data came from or how it was updated, the database is where it needs to be. Remember databases are affected by direct querying to make changes that affect many records or to do something the application would not normally do. These are things like fixing a group of records when a customer is bought out by another customer and they want to change all the historical data, the application of new tax rates to orders not yet processed, the fixing of a some bad data inputs. They are also affected sometimes by other applications which do not use your data layer. They may also be affected by imports run through ETL programs which also cannot use your data layer. So if the rule must in all cases be followed, it must be in the database.
If the rule is only for special cases concerning how this particular input page works, then it needs to be in the application. So if a sales manager has only specific things he can do from his user interface, these things can be specified in the application.
Somethings it is helpful to do in both places. For instance, it is silly to allow a user to put a non-date in an input box that will relate to a date field. The datatype in the database should still be a datetime datatype, but it is best to check some of this stuff before you send.
Your business logic can sit in either location, but should not be in both. The logic should NOT be duplicated because it's easy to make a mistake trying to keep both in sync. If you put it in the model you'll want all data access to go through your models, including batch updates.
There will be trade-offs to putting it in the database vs the application models (here's a few of the top of my head):
Databases can be harder to maintain and update than applications
It's easier to distribute load if it's in the application tier
Multiple, disparate dbs may require splitting business rules (which may not be possible)

User defined data objects - what is the best data storage strategy?

I am building a system that allows front-end users to define their own business objects. Defining a business object involves creating data fields for that business object and then relating it to other business objects in the system - fairly straight forward stuff. My question is, what is the most efficient storage strategy?
The requirements are:
Must support business objects with potentially 100+ fields (of all common data types)
The system will eventually support hundreds of thousands of business object instances
Business objects sometimes display data and aggregates from their relationships with other business objects
Users must be able to search for business objects by their data fields (and fields from related business objects)
The two possible solutions I can envisage are:
Have a dynamic schema such that when a new business object type is created a new table is created for storing instances of that object. The object's fields become columns in the storage table.
Have a fixed schema where instance data fields are stored as rows in basically a big long table.
I can see pros and cons to both approaches:
the dynamic schema allows me to index search columns
the dynamic tables are potentially limited in width by the max column size
dynamic schemas rule out / cause issues with replication
the static schema means less or even no dynamic sql generation
my guess is the static schema may perform like a dog when it comes to searching across 100,000+ objects
So what is the best soution? Is there another approach I haven't thought of?
Edit: The requirement I have been given is to build a generic system capable of supporting front-end user defined business objects. There will of course be restrictions on how these objects can be constructed and related, but the requirement itself is not up for negotiation.
My client is a service provider and requires a degree of flexibility in servicing their own clients, hence the need to create business objects.
I think your problem matches very well to a graph database like Neo4j, as it's built for the requested kind of flexibility from the beginning. It stores data as nodes and relationships/edges, and both nodes and relationships can hold arbitrary properties (in a key/value fashion). One important difference to a RDBMS is that a graph database won't need to lookup the relationships in a big long table (like in your fixed schema solution), so there should be a significant performance gain there. You can find out about language bindings for Neo4j in the wiki and read what others say about it in this stackoverflow thread. Disclaimer: I'm part of the Neo4j team.
Without much understanding of your situation...
Instead of writing a general purpose one-size-fits-all business objects system (which is the holy grail for Oracle, Microsoft, SAS, etc.), why not do it the typical way, where the requirements are gathered, and a developer designs and implements the users' business objects in an effective manner?
If your users are typical, they will create a monster, which will end up running slow, and they will hate it. Most users will view the data as an Excel sheet, and not understand relationships like: parent/child. As a result there will be some crazy objects built, and impossible-to-solve reports. You'll be forced to create scripts to manually convert many old objects to better and properly defined ones, etc...
Your requirements sound a little bit like an associative database with a front end to compose and edit entities.
I agree with KM above, unless you have a very compelling reason not to, you would be better off using a traditional approach. There are a lot of development tools and practices that allow you to build a robust and scalable system. Otherwise you will have to implement much of this yourself.
I don't know the best way to do this, because it sounds like something that has already been implemented by others. If I were asked to implement this feature, I would recommend buying a wheel instead of reinventing it.
Perhaps there are reasons you have to invent your own? If so, then you should add those reasons to the requirements you listed.
If you absolutely must be this generic, I still recommend buying a system that has been architected for this requirement. Not just the storage requirements, which are the least of the problems your customer will have; but also: how do you keep the customer from screwing up totally when given this much freedom. Some of the commercial systems already meet this challenge without going out of business because of customers messing up.
If you still need to do this on your own, then I suggest that your requirements (or perhaps those of another vendor?) must include: allow the customer to get it right, and help keep the customer from getting it wrong. You'll need some sort of UI to allow the customer to define these business objects, and the UI should validate the model that the customer builds.
I recommend a UI that works at a conceptual level. As an example, see NORMA, a Visual Studio add-in for Object-Role Modeling (the "other" ORM). Consider it as a example only, if your end users cannot afford a Visual Studio Standard license. Otherwise, you'll find that it is extensible, already produces many types of artifact (from SQL in various dialects to code), and will validate the model to see that it makes sense. End users would also be able to enter sample data that they believe should be valid, and the system will validate the data against the model.
If your customers are producing sensible (if dynamic) business objects, then the question of storage will be much simpler.
Have you thought about an XML based solution? The requirements suggested to me "Build a system that allows users to dynamically generate an XML Schema and work with XML documents based on that schema." I don't know enough about storing and querying XML documents to comment on your original question.
Another possibility might be to leverage NHibernate's ability to generate database schemas. If you can dynamically generate business objects, then you can generate XML mappings or Fluent mappings and use that to generate a normalized database schema.
Every user that I have ever talked to has always wanted "everything" in their project. Part of the job of gathering requirements is to guide the user, not just write down everything they say.
Your only hope is to build several template objects, that they can add properties to, you could code your application to handle each type of these objects, but allow the user to still slightly modify each as necessary.
You need to inform the user upfront of the major flaws this type of design has. This will help you in the end, when it runs slow, or if they screw up and need help fixing something. I'd put this in writing.
How many possible objects would they really need? Perhaps you could set these up using your system first. I have developed several very customizable systems over the years and when the user is sitting at an empty screen, it is like a deer in the headlights.
In any event, good luck.
