Securing a deployed Roo/GWT application - google-app-engine

I recently succeded in uploading a Roo/GWT project on Google App Engine.
But, how can I secure it from the Google App Engine application dashboard?
Is there a way to tell to GAE to put a Google Login Box at the start and set a list of authorized accounts?
Thank you very much,

Just answered ~same q. here Adding an authentification system in a deployed Roo/Gwt project
This is in progress to be implemented for GWT 2.1/Roo 1.1.0. See this for more details
If you can't wait, check the Spring Security in Google App Engine article, at That approach is not supported by Roo though (so once you change the generated code, it will be harder, but still possible, to continue using Roo)


Deploy non-web Java application

I have a relatively small Java app, which I'd like to move over to the Google App Engine. It runs in the console, with no user input needed after the initial startup. I researched a bit on how to deploy it, but all tutorials seem to focus on Java web apps, when I don't really need that. Is it possible to deploy my app if it's not a web app?
App Engine is probably the wrong GCP platform for you - you'd probably be better served just deploying your jar directly onto a Google Compute Engine node. GAE is pretty explicitly oriented around web applications and you'd need to do a bunch of configuration in order to have it work for your use case.
Does your non-web Java app handle web requests? If not, it seems difficult to imagine that you would be able to reach your deployed app and use it for any purpose, once deployed. Your Java app should be able to handle requests, to make deployment worthwhile, and the deployed app useful.
You may find out about how your app should handle requests by reading the How Requests are Handled documentation page.

Disable weak cipher for Google Cloud App engine custom domain website

I have set up a custom domain website using a PHP Google Cloud App engine. After some third party security testing i've been advised to disable the use of cipher suite DES-CBC3-SHA (TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA).
I'm trying to find out if its possible to disable this for a Google PHP App engine? Most of what I can find online either doesn't answer this particular question or is somewhat out of date.
I found this post useful, Can Google App Engine Java support TLS>1.0 . This suggests it's not possible, however it doesn't actually answer the question, it just concludes that if its good enough for google it should be fine.
Currently it is not possible to disable this cipher suite for a custom domain on the user end. However, it is possible to file a ticket to the GCP support and ask them to do this for your domain.

How to deploy the project on Google App Engine by preserving the changes of other developers?

Till now I was working alone on a project on Google App Engine. So I had to write the code and upload it on App Engine using gcloud app deploy project-path/app.yaml.
But now a bigger project has arrived. So a team has to work on it and everyone has their own systems. I simply want to ask how can we deploy project from different devices still preserving the changes made by other developers? As everyone has to deploy their code on cloud for the same project. I searched over the web but found nothing. Is it even possible?
maybe this article will help you. It describes how to deploy from Gitlab to Google App Engine

Google Web Toolkit throws

I'm trying to read a sqlite db from the server side code in my gwt project. It throws AccessControlException. I looked a lot on the web and all solutions seems to be disabling Google App Engine, but when I do this, I can't run my project. I'm new to GWT and I have no idea where it runs when Google App Engine is shut down. I look for possibly this two solutions: Any setting that Google App Engine is set to be able to read any file, or other engine that I run my application on. Thanks
The problem is that Google App Engine (GAE) does not support sqlite (I assume you are reading it using JDBC).
If your intention is to make a GWT project that will not be deployed on GAE, you should create the project disabling this feature from the very beginning, because afterwards its a nightmare as you are experiencing right now.
If your intention is to deploy in GAE, you must use the google's persistence mechanisms (JDO) to store your data. SqlLite is off the table here.

Does hosting an appengine app on custom domain force me to be a google apps customer?

I have a domain I bought (via - let's call it
I have an gae app - let's call it
I added a masked redirect at godaddy dns management console and now gets redirected to (even though the address bar shows
This stops working well in some cases like when I give a direct url redirect like href='/static/url/tohelppage.html' or when I attempt to redirect for OAuth authorization. So I read other posts on what I need to do and the most referred one was
Based on that page it appears that it is necessary to sign up for a new Google Apps account with the new domain name?
So I Have to pay for Google Apps separately beyond what I am paying for Google AppEngine?
And also manage a separate apps domain and its services? I already have google apps domains and this seems more overhead to run a small app on gae.
Could you please help me understand if I've understood this right? And if there is a way to avoid the additional overhead of an extra google apps account?
The way that I do this, is I set up a basic google apps account (which is free), and I link the GAE app to my google apps account. Then you can set google apps to alias "www" to the appengine app, and now your appengine app works on www.yourdomain.tld
It's explained more here, which I know you already looked at, but it explains it well. Try reading it again.
