Memory allocation - c

I am experimenting with the c-language right at the moment, yet i have some trouble with memory allocation. After some time i have to restart my computer because my memory runs full. Is there a way to let the compiler tell me which arrays do not get deallocated after the program has run?
Thx for answers

you can use valgrind to do that.
use it on your compiled program with --leak-check=yes

You didn't tell us anything about your compiler, OS, platform... so the rest could only be wild guesses.
This sounds much that you have dead processes or something like that that keep eating your memory in the background. On linux you have top (and inside top press M) to inspect the processes running on your system and how much memory, time etc they consume. Do that to see what is happening on your machine and don't reboot it blindly without knowing the reason.
There are equivalent tools on all other operating systems that let you inspect the current state of processes.

You have tools that can tell you about memory leaks. Compilers i am afraid may not be useful for tha tpurpose.
You can also use DevPartner or Valgrind to analyse your memory leaks in case you are suspecting them. But for your system to be restarted because of memory issues how long do you run the application before you perform a restart.
How did you get to know that this is a memory related issue.

You better check your source code first, if you are under Linux, using 'splint' to your source and that will display you a lot, try to fix those warnings or errors, if everything gets done, recompile your source and try 'valgrind' to the exacutable.
You can see the reference of splint through its official website and so as valgrind.
Good luck~~~


Real-World Dangers of C Memory Leaks?

I am learning C, and am concerned about memory leaks. I understand that rebooting will generally flush memory, and assuming I don't run the program again, I will be fine. I am considering using a second, high-power machine. How badly can I screw up my system if:
I do something ridiculously stupid
I use GCC (not sure if the compiler can do anything?)
I have a memory leak and restart
Out of curiosity, if I used a VM. I probably won't, because I simply prefer using real hardware.
Would any of the following things have long-term effects on my system? Thanks.
If your product is pure software, the biggest thing that you have to worry about is a memory leak building up and eventually causing the machine to run out of memory, fail to allocate any more, and the application will crash. A lot of memory won't be happening repeatedly and won't even get this far. They will then go away when the application exits. Your application could also potentially corrupt data if something is being modified when it crashes, but that could apply to any type of crash.
If your product controls hardware in some way, you need to be very careful. If the software fails, then you don't know what the hardware may do. As one of the comments said, a spaceship with a memory leak that causes it to crash can make the spaceship crash. Robots could move unexpectedly and cause damage to property or injury to people. Other devices could cause electrical discharges.
As far as handling memory leaks, you just have to be careful. In C, any call to malloc and similar functions needs to be paired with a call to free on all paths of execution. If some type of error occurs, free still needs to be called if the application is going to continue running. Likewise, fopen should be paired with fclose. Here, you can also run into issues with running out of file handles, which is a different but similar problem in many ways. In C++, manual memory allocation with new should be paired with delete, although using "smart" pointers like std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr, and std::weak_ptr can ease memory management and prevent memory leaks. Other libraries also provide pointer types that use reference counting to handle their own lifecycle. I would recommend using these any time you can over raw pointers. If you have the option to use C++ instead of C, I would also recommend that. In most cases (performance or otherwise), you don't really need C over C++. If you're not sure that you need C, you can probably use C++.
If you're interested in finding memory leaks, check out valgrind. It has a lot of functionality that will help you find memory leaks and determine their severity.
Memory leaks won't damage your machine. When a program terminates, all of its transient resources are released, including whatever memory was allocated to it.
What will suffer is your programming style. Correctly freeing resources is not difficult, but it takes some practice. After a while, you will need to think much less in order to do it. And that is one of the things that makes you a good programmer.
Why does it matter? Because sooner or later, you will start writing programs that run for a long time, perhaps an information server, or a web browser, or a graphic editor. Something that stays active until the user no longer needs it, or because it crashes after using up all available memory. And you don't want to be responsible for the second outcome.
So right now, when you're starting, is the time to develop some good habits. Learn how to do it right, and you won't have to relearn it later.
According to the answers in the comments:
Memory leaks should go away if the system restarts
Spaceships are hard to reboot
VMs are safe if they are written properly
Thanks for the quick answers!

Best way to find memory leaks in a C program

I am trying to complete a college assignment, and the marking criteria specifies 5% for memory management - specifically for having no memory leaks.
As I understand it, memory leaks in simple C programs, are only caused by pointers which have become abandoned by the program - ie, malloc/calloc/etc calls which are never have a corresponding free.
My question is in 3 parts:
Whats the simplest way on Solaris
and OSX to 'prove' that you haven't
leaked any memory?
Does XCode have
any tools to help determine memory
Does the operating system
release all previously allocated
memory within a c program once the
process ends?
Valgrind is your friend.
For every malloc(), you need to ensure that you have exactly one free().
I haven't worked with XCode, but this forum entry may help.
Yes. It's still poor form to let your running program 'leak,' however.
In general, it's a good idea to learn how to avoid leaks without using tools like a memory debugger (early on) -- especially for your simple programs. It's painful, however: when it comes to building anything non-trivial you'll want to start learning how to use the more advanced debugging tools (like Valgrind, as Alex Reynolds suggested in another answer.)
Answer for Mac OS and an example to be avoided (saved you half an hour).
Mac OS doesn't come with Valgrind or dmalloc. Moreover, Valgrind has some compatibility issues when trying to get it installed in Sierra.
There is utility called "leaks", which I get it running by this:
leaks -atExit --/Contents/Developer/usr/lib/libLeaksAtExit.dylib ./a.out
Unfortunately, this doesn't report obvious memory leaks... Maybe I am using it wrong, but I was just searching for an easy way to check that my C program free'd its memory as it should.
If you have time, then maybe read and use Using OSX Leaks for C Programs on the Command Line?
Finding Memory Leaks
Using the "leaks" command on a C/C++ executable
PS: Maybe if used with "iprofiler", then it might be useful, but I didn't had it installed.
there's dmalloc too

How to detect where my app collapsed in linux

HI, i am recently in a project in linux written in C.
This app has several processes and they share a block of shared memory...When the app run for about several hrs, a process collapsed without any footprints so it's very diffficult to know what the problem was or where i can start to review the codes....
well, it could be memory overflown or pointer malused...but i dunno exactly...
Do you have any tools or any methods to detect the problems...
It will very appreciated if it get resolved. thanx for your advice...
Before you start the program, enable core dumps:
ulimit -c unlimited
(and make sure the working directory of the process is writeable by the process)
After the process crashes, it should leave behind a core file, which you can then examine with gdb:
gdb /some/bin/executable core
Alternatively, you can run the process under gdb when you start it - gdb will wake up when the process crashes.
You could also run gdb in gdb-many-windows if you are running emacs. which give you better debugging options that lets you examine things like the stack, etc. This is much like Visual Studio IDE.
Here is a useful link
Valgrind is where you need to go next. Chances are that you have a memory misuse problem which is benign -- until it isn't. Run the programs under valgrind and see what it says.
I agree with bmargulies -- Valgrind is absolutely the best tool out there to automatically detect incorrect memory usage. Almost all Linux distributions should have it, so just emerge valgrind or apt-get install valgrind or whatever your distro uses.
However, Valgrind is hardly the least cryptic thing in existence, and it usually only helps you tell where the program eventually ended up accessing memory incorrectly -- if you stored an incorrect array index in a variable and then accessed it later, then you will still have to figure that out. Especially when paired with a powerful debugger like GDB, however (the backtrace or bt command is your friend), Valgrind is an incredibly useful tool.
Just remember to compile with the -g flag (if you are using GCC, at least), or Valgrind and GDB will not be able to tell you where in the source the memory abuse occurred.

memory leaks during development

So, I've recently noticed that our development server has a steady ~300MB out of 4GB ram left after the finished development of a certain project. Assuming this was due to memory leaks during the development phase, will that memory eventually free itself up or will it require a server restart. Are there any tools that can be used to prevent this in the future (aside from the obvious, 'don't write code that produces memory leaks')? Sometimes they go unseen for a little while and over time I guess they add up as you continue testing your app.
What operating system are you running? Most operating systems these days will clean up leaked memory for a process when the process exits. It is possible that the memory you are seeing in use is actually being used for the filesystem cache. This is nothing to worry about -- the OS will reclaim this memory if necessary.
The amount of free memory indicated by
the free command includes the current
size of the buffer cache in its
calculation. This is misleading, as
the amount of free memory indicated
will often be very low, as the buffer
cache soon fills most of user memory.
Don't' panic. Applications are
probably not crowding your RAM; it is
merely the buffer cache that is taking
up all available space. The buffer
cache counts as memory space available
for application use (remembering that
it will be shrunk as required), so
subtract the size of the buffer cache
to see the real amount of free memory
available for application use
It's best to fight them during development, because then it's easier to identify the revision that introduces the leak. As you probably see now, doing it after the fact is very, very hard. Expect a lot of reports when running the tools I recommend below:
I'd suggest you to run this tools, suppress most warnings about leaks, and then fix them one by one, removing the suppresions.
And then, make sure you regularly run these tools and quickly fix any regressions!
Of course the obvious answer is "Don't write code that produces memory leaks" and it's a valid one, because they can be extremely hard to fix if you have reference counting issues, or complex code in which it's hard to track the lifetime of memory.
To address your current situation you might consider using a tool such as DevPartner for Windows, or Valgrind for Linux/Unix, both of which I've found to be very effective for tracking down memory leaks (as well as other issues such as performance bottlenecks).
Another thing you may wish to consider is to look at your use of pointers and slowly replace them with smart pointers if you can, which should help manage your pointer lifetimes.
And no, I doubt that memory is going to be recovered without restarting the process in which your code is running.
Run the program using the exceptional valgrind on Linux x86 boxes.
A commerical equivilant, Purify, is available on Windows.
These runtime analysis of your program will report memory leaks and other errors such as buffer overflows and unitialised variables.
Static code analysis - Lint and Coverity for example - can also uncover memory leaks and more serious errors.
Lets be specific about what memory leaks cause and how they harm your program:
If you 'leak' memory during operation of your program there is a risk that your application will eventually exhaust RAM and swap, or the address space of available to your program (which can be less than physical RAM) and cause the next allocation to fail. The vast majority of programs will fail to catch this error, as error checking is harder than it seems. The majority of programs will either fail by dereferencing a null pointer or will exit.
If this is on Linux, check the output of 'free' and specifically check the amount of 'cached' ram. If your development work includes a lot of disk I/O, it'll use it for caching files, and you'll see very little 'available' but it's still there if it's needed. For all practical purposes, consider free+cached as available.
The 'free' output is distilled from /proc/meminfo, and you can get more detailed information on the running process in /proc/$pid/{maps,smaps}
In theory when your process exits, any memory it had is released. Is your process exiting?
Don't assume anything, run a memory profiler over it and see what it's doing.
When I was at college we used the Borland C++ Builder 6 IDE
It included CodeGuard, which checks for memory leaks and other memory related issues.
I am not sure if this option is still available on newer versions, but it would be weird for a new version to have less features.
On linux, as mentioned before, valgrind is a good memory leak debugger.

Finding where memory was last freed?

Very general:
Is there an easy way to tell which line of code last freed a block of memory when an access violation occurs?
Less general:
My understanding of profilers is that they override the allocation and deallocation processes. If this is true, might they happen to store the line of code that last freed a section of memory so that when it later crashes because of an access violation, you know what freed it last?
Windows, ANSI C, using Visual Studio
Install the Windows Debugging Tools and use Application Verifier.
File -> Add Application, select your .exe
Under Basics, select Memory and Heaps.
Run the debug build of your program under ntsd (ntsd yourprogram.exe).
Reproduce the bug.
Now when you make the crash happen, you will get additional information in the debugger from AppVerifier. Use !avrf (may take a long time to run (minutes)) and it will try to give you as much useful information as possible.
You can all use the dps command on the memory address to get all the stored stack info (allocation, deallocation, etc).
You can also use the !heap command on the memory address:
0:004> !heap -p -a 0x0C46CFE0
Which will dump information as well.
Further Reading:
Advanced Windows Debugging, Hewardt and Pravat
Debugging with PageHeap
Short answer: no.
What you need is a debug malloc. I don't keep up with Windows any longer but there are several about, including this free one.
Looks like Visual Studio C has a built in version. See here
When the application is linked with a
debug version of the C run-time
libraries, malloc resolves to
_malloc_dbg. For more information about how the heap is managed during
the debugging process, see The CRT
Debug Heap.
... and see here for _malloc_dbg.
No, not unless you provide your own allocators (e.g. by overloading new/delete) to store this information.
What profilers do is highly dependent on what they're profiling. I'm not aware of any profiler that tracks what you're looking for.
Perhaps if you provided more details on your situation people could suggest an alternative means of diagnosing the problem you're encountering.
