Ruby C Extension using Singleton - c

I only wanted to allow one instance of my C extension class to be made, so I wanted to include the singleton module.
void Init_mousetest() {
VALUE mouseclass = rb_define_class("MyMouse",rb_cObject);
VALUE singletonmodule = rb_const_get(rb_cObject,rb_intern("Singleton"));
### ^ Why do I need this line here?
As I understand it, what that line does is the same as Singleton.included(MyMouse), but if I try to invoke that, I get
irb(main):006:0> Singleton.included(MyMouse)
NoMethodError: private method `included' called for Singleton:Module
from (irb):6
from C:/Ruby19/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
Why does rb_include_module behave differently than I would expect it to? Also any tangential discussions/explanations or related articles are appreciated. Ruby beginner here.
Also it seems like I could have just kept my extension as simple as possible and just hack some kind of interface later on to ensure I only allow one instance. Or just put my mouse related methods into a module... Any of that make sense?

according to the rb_include_module() is actually just Module#append_features.
Apparently Module#include calls Module#append_features and Module#included. So in our C code we must also call included. Since clearly something important happens there.


LLVM Loop Simplify Pass

I am probably misunderstanding some basic concept how LLVM & passes work, anyhow here is my question:
I am currently working on a pass where I extend the runOnModule ( function. I would like to run LoopSimplify first on the IR, but I do not seem to understand how to do that. There is a run(Function &F, FunctionAnalysisManager &AM) function as described on and as far as I understand it I can call it on every function in my module. But for that I need a member of that class (LoopSimplify) to call it on which I do not know where to get from and also some FunctionAnalysisManager. What are they for and how do they need to look like? It is not like I can just feed it some empty constructs right?
I want to do this for the following guarantee:
"Loop pre-header insertion guarantees that there is a single, non-critical
entry edge from outside of the loop to the loop header. This simplifies a
number of analyses and transformations, such as LICM." as described in
While I support the directions to integrate your pass into using the pass manager, nonetheless, there is a way to force LoopSimplify to run by making your pass require it. This is also used in many of the LLVM provided passes, such as Scalar/LoopVersioningLICM.cpp
// This header includes LoopSimplifyID as an extern
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils.h"
void YourPass::getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage& AU) const {
Doing so will force the pass to be run prior to your pass, no need to invoke it. However, if you need interface with this or another pass, you can request its analysis:
getAnalysis<LoopSimplifyPass>(F); // Where F is a function&

How to insert print for each function of C language for debugging?

I am studying and debugging one software. There are thousands of functions in this software. I plan to add printf() at the entry and exit point of each function. It will take a lot of time.
Is there one tool/script to do this?
I may use '__cyg_profile_func_enter'. But it can only get address. But I have to run another script to get function name. I also hope to get value of input parameters of this function too.
You should give a try to AOP : Aspect Oriented Programming. Personnaly I've only tried with Java and Spring AOP but there's an API for C too : AspectC ( From what I've seen, it's not the only one.
From what I've red about this library, you can add an pointcut before compiling with AspectC :
// before means it's a before function aspect
// call means it's processed when a function is called
// args(...) means it applies to any function with any arguments
// this->funcName is the name of the function handled by AspectC
before(): call(args(...)) {
printf("Entering %s\n", this->funcName);
(not tried by myself but extracted from the reference page
This is only a basic overview of what can be done and you still have to deal with the compilation (documented in the page linked before) but it looks like it could possibly help you. Give a try with a simple POC maybe.

InvalidOperationException in Fsharp.Core.dll

So I am doing a simple personal project in winforms with F#. My code used to work, but now throws this exception for seemingly no reason.
An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in FSharp.Core.dll
Additional information: The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
The code is a member method that is being invoked from the constructor of the form itself
//lots of other constructor code before this point
// render the form
//several other members before here
member form.ReloadGoals =
let x = 10 //crashes on this line
The website where I grabbed the template for the project I am using is this one.
Unfortunately I have made some substantial additions to this.
I would be glad to post more code, but I need to know what code would be relevant exactly, as I am not exactly sure and don't want to bog down the post in extraneous code.
Also I can't really find a lot of documentation on System.InvalidOperationException.
Every time I find it, it is being used as an example of an exception you can throw on your own, not what causes it.
See The F# 3.0 Language Specification (final version, PDF), ยง8.6.1 Primary Constructors in Classes:
During construction, no member on the type may be called before the last value or function definition in the type
has completed; such a call results in an InvalidOperationException.
Almost certainly, your code in the question doesn't tell the full story. If you hit the above
mentioned restriction, then there's somewhere an attempt to access a field or member not fully initialized.
Some example:
type X() as this =
let x = this.X
member __.X = 42
One workaround might be to encapsulate the offending code in a member of its own and call that in the constructor instead. Another would be the wrapping in a function definition.
This will be an incomplete answer, since I cannot reproduce the problem (using F# interactive, the given example, the ReloadGoals modification, and Form.Show, the code runs fine). However, there are strange things happening:
Taken from the template, there should be a handler method for the Form.Load event, which fires when the type is fully constructed. Why is additional loading code in the constructor instead of this event handler? Load exists precisely to counter this kind of problem with unorderly initialization.
The template you are using isn't exactly sane F#. For example, initControls is a value of type unit that is evaluated where it is defined; its binding to a name is absolutely useless and should be replaced with a simple do. Writing initControls in the do block later has no effect at all. form.ResumeLayout(false); form.PerformLayout() should be equivalent to form.ResumeLayout(true), but I don't understand what these are doing in the constructor in the first place. The event handlers have two possibly unnecessary indirections: one to a delegate constructor, another to a method that has no real reason to exist -- the handlers should be lambdas or simple, private functions. Why are they public members?!
The error appearing in the question is probably caused by the usage of form in its own constructor. Move your new usage to the Load event handler, and it should work.
Personally, I would go further and ditch implementation inheritance by instantiating a plain Form and subscribing to its events. For example, in FSI, something similar to the template could be done like this:
open System.Drawing
open System.Windows.Forms
let form = new Form()
form.ClientSize <- new Size(600, 600)
form.Text <- "F# Form"
let formLabel = new Label()
formLabel.Text <- "Doubleclick test!"
formLabel.DoubleClick.Add <| fun _ -> form.Close()
which uses no inheritance at all. (In an application, you'd use Application.Run etc instead of form.Show().) This does not run into initialization problems as easily and, additionally, is very useful if you want to encapsulate the form inside a simpler type or even just a function.

Wrapping Ruby With An Anonymous Module

There are several Ruby C API functions for running some Ruby code. Most just run the code in an isolated binding like require does. But some of them first wrap the code in an anonymous module before running it. For example, rb_load takes an argument for whether you want this wrapping, rb_eval_string_wrap is just rb_eval_string_protect but with wrapping.
In C, the wrapping looks like this:
/* load in anonymous module as toplevel */
th->top_self = rb_obj_clone(rb_vm_top_self());
th->top_wrapper = rb_module_new();
rb_extend_object(th->top_self, th->top_wrapper);
What is the point of doing this? I've tested these functions alongside their unwrapped equivalents and the result is always the same. Is there some use-case I'm not seeing?
I should've done some more testing. It looks like this is a bug.
The point of wrapping code in an anonymous module is to not pollute the toplevel namespace with constants/methods defined in the code. rb_load does this wrapping properly, rb_eval_string_wrap does not.

Automatically Generate C Code From Header

I want to generate empty implementations of procedures defined in a header file. Ideally they should return NULL for pointers, 0 for integers, etc, and, in an ideal world, also print to stderr which function was called.
The motivation for this is the need to implement a wrapper that adapts a subset of a complex, existing API (the header file) to another library. Only a small number of the procedures in the API need to be delegated, but it's not clear which ones. So I hope to use an iterative approach, where I run against this auto-generated wrapper, see what is called, implement that with delegation, and repeat.
I've see Automatically generate C++ file from header? but the answers appear to be C++ specific.
So, for people that need the question spelled out in simple terms, how can I automate the generation of such an implementation given the header file? I would prefer an existing tool - my current best guess at a simple solution is using pycparser.
update Thanks guys. Both good answers. Also posted my current hack.
so, i'm going to mark the ea suggestion as the "answer" because i think it's probably the best idea in general. although i think that the cmock suggestion would work very well in tdd approach where the library development was driven by test failures, and i may end up trying that. but for now, i need a quicker + dirtier approach that works in an interactive way (the library in question is a dynamically loaded plugin for another, interactive, program, and i am trying to reverse engineer the sequence of api calls...)
so what i ended up doing was writing a python script that calls pycparse. i'll include it here in case it helps others, but it is not at all general (assumes all functions return int, for example, and has a hack to avoid func defs inside typedefs).
from pycparser import parse_file
from pycparser.c_ast import NodeVisitor
class AncestorVisitor(NodeVisitor):
def __init__(self):
self.current = None
self.ancestors = []
def visit(self, node):
if self.current:
self.current = node
return super(AncestorVisitor, self).visit(node)
if self.ancestors:
class FunctionVisitor(AncestorVisitor):
def visit_FuncDecl(self, node):
if len(self.ancestors) < 3: # avoid typedefs
print node.type.type.names[0], node.type.declname, '(',
first = True
for param in node.args.params:
if first: first = False
else: print ',',
print param.type.type.names[0], param.type.declname,
print ')'
print '{fprintf(stderr, "%s\\n"); return 0;}' % node.type.declname
print '#include "myheader.h"'
print '#include <stdio.h>'
ast = parse_file('myheader.h', use_cpp=True)
UML modeling tools are capable of generating default implementation in the language of choice. Generally there is also a support for importing source code (including C headers). You can try to import your headers and generate source code from them. I personally have experience with Enterprise Architect and it supports both of these operations.
Caveat: this is an unresearched answer as I haven't had any experience with it myself.
I think you might have some luck with a mocking framework designed for unit testing. An example of such a framework is: cmock
The project page suggests it will generate code from a header. You could then take the code and tweak it.
