Accessing resources during initialization of control - wpf

lets assume we have the following control definition
<ctrl:ChildWindow x:Class="Control.Editor"
Width="400" Height="300"
local:AttachedProperties.DialogResult="{Binding Path=DialogResult}"
Title="{Binding Path=Caption}" Style="{StaticResource Title}" DataContext="{Binding}" HasCloseButton="False">
<ResourceDictionary Source="/Control;component/Resources/BaseAppearance.xaml" />
The problem is that the style on the root control cannot be set because the ResourceDictionary is not loaded.
How can I get access to the StaticResource Title during the initialization of the control, when I don't have access to the App class? I'm also not sure that it would be possible, if I would have access to it.

I'd recommend accessing your resource and doing the work in the .Loaded() event of your control.
Edit: On second thought... I think I know what you're doing now... You have a resource set in your App.xaml class, but you want to access it in your control.
Easy way around the problem is to set it to a DynamicResource instead... but this is less performant.
What is the BuildAction set to on your App.xaml in the property's tab?
If it is ApplicationDefinition... then you should be able to access your resource as you currently are.

I found the common way without using code behind. I knew it is possible. ^^
<ctrl:ChildWindow x:Class="Control.Editor"
Width="400" Height="300"
local:AttachedProperties.DialogResult="{Binding Path=DialogResult}"
Title="{Binding Path=Caption}" DataContext="{Binding}" HasCloseButton="False">
<ResourceDictionary Source="/Control;component/Resources/BaseAppearance.xaml" />
<StaticResource ResourceKey="Title" />


WPF - Define a alias for a SolidColorBrush In App.Resource (StaticResourceExtension?)

I use MaterialDesign in my app and I would like to give an alias to the PrimaryHueLightBrush SolidColorBursh, which is defined there. I have found that StaticResourceExtension seems to be the solution to this. But I have not been able to get this to work.
Also I would like the "alias" to be defined in the App.xaml so the alias will be accessible from my entire application.
I have defined the "alias" in the App.xaml and I use it in the MainWindow.xaml.
<Application x:Class="MaterialDesignTest.App"
<materialDesign:BundledTheme BaseTheme="Light" PrimaryColor="DeepPurple" SecondaryColor="Lime" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MaterialDesignThemes.Wpf;component/Themes/MaterialDesignTheme.Defaults.xaml" />
<StaticResourceExtension x:Key="MyAlias" ResourceKey="PrimaryHueLightBrush" />
<Window x:Class="MaterialDesignTest.MainWindow"
Background="{DynamicResource MaterialDesignPaper}"
TextElement.Foreground="{DynamicResource MaterialDesignBody}"
Title="MainWindow" Height="Auto" Width="500">
<Border Background="{DynamicResource MyAlias}" />
In the designer of my MainWindow I can see that the Border gets the DeepPurple color defined in the App.xaml file. So that connection seem to work.
When I try to run my application there is an error:
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
VS point the error to the beginning of the x:Key parameter of the StaticResourceExtension element in the App.xaml-file.
Is there a solution for this?
I don't need to use a StaticResourceExtension. Just something so I can have an alias.
PrimaryHueLightBrush is the "alias".
What you can do is to create a copy of the brush and reference the copy instead:
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="MyAlias" Color="{Binding Color,
Source={StaticResource PrimaryHueLightBrush}}"/>

Cannot instantiate UserControl from another assembly - Resource cannot be found

I have a solution with two WPF projects: Primary and Secondary.
In the Primary project, a Window named PrimaryView instantiates an UserControl called SecondaryControl, defined in Secondary project.
SecondaryControl uses SecondaryStyle, which is defined in SecondaryResourceDictionary (as you might have guessed already, defined in SecondaryProject).
The fact is: when I try to run the solution, I get a XamlParseError, and digging InnerExceptions I eventually find the culprit, the ResourceNotFound error.
So my questions are:
If SecondaryControl and its SecondaryStyle are defined in the same assembly, why can't I instantiate it it PrimaryAssembly?
Should I make SecondaryStyle available to PrimaryProject namespace somehow? Why?
I try to help you by explanation how it works in my projects.
A separate assembly contains a common control and common resource dictionary like this:
<!-- Some resources -->
<UserControl x:Class="YourAssembly.SomeCommonControl"
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/YourAssembly;component/CommonResources.xaml" />
<!-- Some specific content -->
I can use this control and resources from another assemblies and WPF-projects like this:
<Window x:Class="YourWPFProject.SomeWindow"
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/YourAssembly;component/CommonResources.xaml" />
<common:SomeCommonControl />
I hope this will help you.

ResourceDictionary in application resources cannot be found

I'm facing some strange issue with a ResourceDictionary in my Application.Resources.
In order to fill multiple ComboBoxes inside my application, I want to store the data in a ResourceDictionary.
However, I get the "Cannot find a Resource with that Name/Key..." error constantly.
My XAML-Code here:
<ResourceDictionary x:Key="RDArray">
<sys:String x:Key="item1">Item1</sys:String>
<sys:String x:Key="item2">Item2</sys:String>
<sys:String x:Key="item3">Item3</sys:String>
<ListBox x:Name="lb" ItemsSource="{Binding Values, Source={StaticResource RDArray}}" />
Due to some lucky circumstances I was able to find out that putting another resource like Style above the Dictionary solves the problem.
<Style x:Key="fubar" />
<ResourceDictionary x:Key="RDArray">
<sys:String x:Key="item1">Item1</sys:String>
<sys:String x:Key="item2">Item2</sys:String>
<sys:String x:Key="item3">Item3</sys:String>
The "bug" occurs in a WPF application as well as in Silverlight.
Although I can solve this using the shown "trick", I am curious where this error is coming from. I wasn't able to find anything about this. Maybe it is just me and something I am understanding wrong about resources in WPF.
This is because if you have a resource dictionary as the only item in the resources section then the contents simply get added to the parent dictionary (I snooped and this seems to be the case). To get around this you need to put your resource dictionary in separate xaml file (List.xaml in this case):
<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""
<ResourceDictionary x:Key="RDArray">
<sys:String x:Key="item1">Item1</sys:String>
<sys:String x:Key="item2">Item2</sys:String>
<sys:String x:Key="item3">Item3</sys:String>
and then reference that in your main app:
<ResourceDictionary Source="List.xaml"/>
<ListBox x:Name="lb" ItemsSource="{Binding Values, Source={StaticResource RDArray}}"/>
Thanks for your answer.
In my real application I created that separated file, but I didn't make a second ResourceDictionary inside of it a nd just put the string values there. So it looked like:
<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""
<sys:String x:Key="item1">Item1</sys:String>
<sys:String x:Key="item2">Item2</sys:String>
<sys:String x:Key="item3">Item3</sys:String>
So this was of course not working either.
Thanks for your answer, definitely solves this one.

Referencing a Parent's ResourceDictionary in a UserControl

I have a library of WPF UserControls, and a ResourceDictionary that is shared within the library.
All the UserControls in this library appear only within a single 'shell' parent control, which is really just a container for a collection of smaller controls. I'm able to access the ResourceDictionary from my shell control as expected when I add the following XAML
<ResourceDictionary Source="MyResources.xaml" />
However I can't access the ResourceDictionary from child controls that sit inside the 'shell' control.
I was under the impression that WPF should check locally for resources, and then traverse upwards until appropriate resources are found?
Instead I'm getting
Cannot find resource named '{BoolInverterConverter}'.
Resource names are case sensitive. Error at
object 'System.Windows.Data.Binding' in markup file...
Obviously I can (and am) referencing the ResourceDictionary in my child controls; but each and every control now needs to reference this dictionary and I believed that this was not necessary.
Any ideas, am I doing something strange or is my expectation of behaviour incorrect?
What's going on is described here, though the documentation's a little opaque. If you add a ResourceDictionary to an element'sResources property without specifying a key, WPF expects that you're merging in resource dictionaries, and it populates the dictionary with the contents of the dictionaries in its MergedDictionaries property. It ignores the actual contents of the ResourceDictionary with no key.
So what you want to do is this:
<ResourceDictionary Source="MyResources.xaml"/>
A working example:
<Window x:Class="MergedDictionariesDemo.MainWindow"
xmlns:x="" xmlns:MergedDictionariesDemo="clr-namespace:MergedDictionariesDemo" Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<ResourceDictionary Source="Dictionary1.xaml" />
<MergedDictionariesDemo:UserControl1 />
<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="UCBrush"
Color="Bisque" />
<UserControl x:Class="MergedDictionariesDemo.UserControl1"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
<Border Margin="10" BorderBrush="Navy" BorderThickness="1" CornerRadius="10">
<TextBlock Margin="10"
Background="{DynamicResource UCBrush}">
The background of this is set by the resource UCBrush.

How to add more than one resource to a XAML window?

I have a little problem right now and I don't know how to fix it. I want to add two resources to a window. One is a XAML File style resource, the other a ValueConverter Class.
Both of them work if I use only one resource at a time:
<ResourceDictionary Source="Resources\MyStyles.xaml" />
<local:MarginConverter x:Key="adjustMargin"/>
But if I try something like this:
<local:MarginConverter x:Key="adjustMargin"/>
<ResourceDictionary Source="Resources\MyStyles.xaml" />
I get the message the resource is already been set and can not set twice.
I have no idea how to get this done. Is there something like a resource group?
<ResourceDictionary Source="Resources\MyStyles.xaml" />
<local:MarginConverter x:Key="adjustMargin"/>
