Extracting MDX calculated members' values - sql-server

Does anyone know of a way to "extract" the formulas for all calculated members of a cube into some kind of flat, readable file? Alternatively, a less-painful method of getting an overview of the code than using Analysis Services' Cube Editor and clicking on each Calculated Member would be helpful. Yes, I'm new to MDX. Many thanks!

This is what "Registered User" was referring to - but it won't answer your question if I'm understanding it correctly.
Fortunately, if I understand your question correctly, there is a very simple solution. When you are using BIDS against your cube, on the "Calculated Members" tab, click on the 12th icon from the left which is "Script View" - I think this is what you are looking for.
Credit to ssas-info for the image (can't embed or post links because of my "reputation" - doesn't make sense, but ok).

If you are connecting to the OLAP cube via an Excel pivot table, then you can use the Olap Tools -> Convert to Formulas feature to expose the underlying cube formulas. I would recommend doing it for the smallest possible data because Excel will issue a large number of discovery requests to the OLAP server. Please note I don't have any calculated measures, so I couldn't test if it actually does this...


Can I use visio as an output for information stored in a database, so that I can select filters to render different content into visio objects?

Can any one tell me if I can use visio as an output for information stored in a database, so that I can select filters to render different content into visio objects? Or is there a microsoft product that can do this?
I am unable to find a product that appears to do this
Unless I have misunderstood, this the very basic of what Visio does.
It would take too long to explain all the possible options in detail, but in summary:
there are assistants in Visio that help you connect to a datasource (Access, Excel, ODBC, ...)
these assistants draw automatically the desired diagram. If the some special case is not covered, you can easily use some code - eg VBA - to draw the diagram by yourselves.
the diagrams are dynamic
you can see the data connected to a stage shape either in the custom data window, or you can add automatic labels - smart datagraphics
you can even export to the web to show the results in a web browser.
Some videos on youtube found very quickly:
I can give you more detailed help here (file exchange is easier and great community): http://visguy.com/vgforum/index.php

Is there a way to export a Informatica maplet 'graphical' data to a simple csv/Excel file?

The firm I work in has a lot of data sources entering the firm database using the Informatica ETL tool, stored in maplets and other data models (sorry If I'm not using the exact terminology).
The problem is that all the business logic is stored in the 'graphical interface' and nowhere else - Every time I want to see what field goes into the target field I have to trace the inputs through the maplet and that takes a very long time.
The Question is: Is there a tool that can takes all the relationships in the Informatica maplet and somehow export them to a excel table (so I can see it all without tracing)? that way I could try to make proper documentation....
Thanks in Advance.
It's possible to export mappings or whole workflows to XML. Next, you can use this tool - it will create tables with source to target dependency for every mapping.
Keep in mind it will only map input to output, it won't extract the full logic and transformations done along the way - that would've been to complex for simple visualization.
Informatica supports exporting mapping information to Excel - just search the documentation which tells you how to do it.
However, for anything other than the simplest of mappings, what ends up in Excel is not that easy to understand. If your Informatica installation supports it, then using the lineage capabilities is a much better bet.

Binding/Auto-Updating charts in Word document with data from MS SQL Server

I've a task wherein I'm required to work with Microsoft Word document and database. Basically the word document has numerous charts that are created by users in two steps, first is to prepare charts in excel, then take screenshot and paste in Word document. It's tedious process as it requires re-doing charts anytime someone wants to do what-if simulations.
When I insert a chart in Word, the underlying data comes from Excel Sheet which I am able to fetch from database as 1 time operation, but it's not productive that much as users will have to open excel sheet, refresh data in sheet manually.
I tried to find different solutions but I'm blank as it's totally new work for me, there are elementary examples suggesting VSTO but I couldn't find more detailed examples specifically for charts like the scenario I've.
Has anyone tackled similar issue? If so please advise. I'm open to use either VSTO, OpenXML or even R packages that can help to auto-generate word document with updated charts.
Thank you.
I found solution by using R, it satisfies what I was looking for. A related task and steps are in my other question are here!

sql data base with pictures

I'm working on a SQL server database and I need to have pictures
its for a catalog and most pictures are 1-4 mbs I don't thing embedding the pictures in SQL will be a good idea
what the best solution
till now I used to use access
I would really like to make a wpf form
but when I make a data source I don't understand exactly how linked images work
my main point is that I need it to run really quick and print out a catalog with inventory info each day for thousands of items
I'm looking for a form to manage it
I have tried an access form but access doesn't handle good the linked pictures
Just store the path to the image in the database.
Or, if using SQL 2008 or higher, there is also a new table called FileTable that stores data in the file system directly.
"I need it to run really quick" If speed is a must, Access might not be a good choice for this.. You should use a more professional RDBMS, IMHO.
If this is a hobby project I'd suggest using sqlserver express (I assume you have microsoft knowledge) and either storing a link to an image on the file system/web server or storing the object in the db. For small data volumes either way is likely to perform fairly well.
It is all very easy in MS Access 2010, just bind an image control to a table of paths. For example, my table is called Pictures, with the following entries.
I now just need an image control on a report bound to the table Pictures with a control source set to PicturePath, the images will be displayed.

Exporting MS-Access form results to Excel?

I'm kind of new to Access. I've got some experience working with integrating MySQL and Oracle with PHP to create web-based database search engines, but I am having difficulty understanding certain concepts with Access.
I've got a small database with around 200 entries with 20 fields each. I've written a form to search it by using VBA to run an SQL query against the database and displays the results in datasheet mode to a different form (is this the standard way of doing this, or is there a better way?)
I want to be able to add a button to export those results to excel (or csv or tab or whatever, it doesn't really matter). However, I'm not sure how to do this with the form results. Its easy with an entire database, but I can't find documentation on how to do this. Is there a way to do this? Or am I doing this wrong?
If at all required, I can provide more details.
You said "I've written a form to search it by using VBA to run an SQL query against the database and displays the results in datasheet mode to a different form".
If you mean an actual form in datasheet view, you can export that form's data to Excel with the DoCmd.OutputTo method.
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputForm, "frmResults", acFormatXLS, _
However, if you're opening a query in datasheet view, rather than an actual form, you can export the query's result set.
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "qryResults", acFormatXLS, _
You can choose a different OutputFormat instead of Excel if you wish. Look at Access' Help topic for the OutputTo method to see the available choices.
