WPF FrameworkElement not receiving Mouse input - wpf

Trying to get OnMouse events appearing in a child FrameworkElement. The parent element is a Panel (and the Background property is not Null).
class MyFrameworkElement : FrameworkElement
protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
// Trying to get here!
public class MyPanel : Panel
protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
// This is OK
OnMouse never gets called, event is always unhandled and Snoop tells me that the routed event only ever seems to get as far as the Panel element.
Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
<Border x:Name="myBorder" Background="Red">
<l:MyPanel x:Name="myPanel" Background="Transparent">
<l:MyFrameworkElement x:Name="myFE"/>
Docs say that FrameworkElement handles Input, but why not in this scenario?

OnMouseDown will only be called if your element responds to Hit Testing. See Hit Testing in the Visual Layer. The default implementation will do hit testing against the graphics drawn in OnRender. Creating a Panel with a Transparent background works because Panel draws a rectangle over its entire area, and that rectangle will catch the hit test. You can get the same effect by overriding OnRender to draw a transparent rectangle:
protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)
drawingContext.DrawRectangle(Brushes.Transparent, null,
new Rect(0, 0, RenderSize.Width, RenderSize.Height));
You could also override HitTestCore so that all clicks are counted as hits:
protected override HitTestResult HitTestCore(PointHitTestParameters hitTestParameters)
return new PointHitTestResult(this, hitTestParameters.HitPoint);

I was able to reproduce the scenario you described. I did some playing around, and it wasn't until I changed the base class of MyFrameworkElement from FrameworkElement to something more concrete, like UserControl that events started firing like they should. I'm not 100% sure why this would be, but I would recommend using one of the classes derived from FrameworkElement that would suit your needs (like Panel, as you did in the example above, or Button).
I'd be curious to know the exact reason your example above produces these results...


How do I get an notification when Rotation of my control has Changed

The UserControl class offers me events like SizeChanged. So I can do any actions on my control when the size is changed:
<UserControl x:Class="TestControl"
Loaded="UserControl_Loaded" SizeChanged="UserControl_SizeChanged">
private void UserControl_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
// do anything
Now I'd like to find out when the rotation of my control is changed, too. However, the UserControl class does not offer me a RotationChanged-Event.
The reason I want to track the rotation is I got some elements in my user control that I would like to rotate back, so they are always aligned to the horizontally axis / orientation of the application. (Other parent elements won't be rotated, so I don't have to care about those.)
Here is an image that illustrates the thing I want to archive a bit more:
The black box is the user control while the red box is an UIElement in my user control. Default state is on top.
When the user is rotating my control (bottom sample) I want to back-rotate the element in my control. If there is no RotationChanged event, how else can I do it?
To the given solution of Sheridan I want to mention the event has to subscribed in the Loaded event of my user control. And in the Changed event I can simply cast to RotateTransform and check for null. On the initial rotation I have to try to cast this.RenderTransform to RotateTransform or TransformGroup (that children I can to loop through) at the Loaded event. On this way I get my angle.
BUT, if you are trying to archive the same as I did, there is a further problem, because the designer will override your RenderTransform node, thus the RenderTransform.Changed event will be lost. I separated it as own question here on StackOverflow: Subscription to RenderTransform.Changed will be lost when it does not fulfill the XAML pattern of the designer on initial time
There is no RotationChanged event on the UserControl class because rotation is not performed by that class. Instead in WPF, rotation is performed by the RotationTransform Class. It is on that class that you can find the Freezable.Changed event.
RotationTransform transform = new RotationTransform();
transform.Changed += OnRotationChanged;
public void OnRotationChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

WPF - Maximizing borderless window by taking in account the user taskbar

I am creating a WPF window with a custom chrome, so I setted ResizeMode="NoResize" and WindowStyle="None" to implement my own chrome. However, there is an issue while maximizing the borderless window: it takes the whole screen.
I found the following trick to fix part of the issue:
This successfully restrain the window size to prevent from covering a taskbar. However, if the user have his taskbar positionned at the left or at the top, this won't work, as the window is at position 0,0.
Is there any way to retrieve more accurately the available area, or to query the user taskbar's position so I can position the maximized window accordingly?
I had a quick play around and it seems that setting the Windows Left and Top properties is ignored when setting WindowState.Maximized with a borderless form.
One workaround would be to ignore the WindowState functions and create your own Maximize/Restore functions
Rough example.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private Rect _restoreLocation;
public MainWindow()
private void MaximizeWindow()
_restoreLocation = new Rect { Width = Width, Height = Height, X = Left, Y = Top };
System.Windows.Forms.Screen currentScreen;
currentScreen = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.FromPoint(System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position);
Height = currentScreen.WorkingArea.Height;
Width = currentScreen.WorkingArea.Width;
Left = currentScreen.WorkingArea.X;
Top = currentScreen.WorkingArea.Y;
private void Restore()
Height = _restoreLocation.Height;
Width = _restoreLocation.Width;
Left = _restoreLocation.X;
Top = _restoreLocation.Y;
private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
private void Button_Click_2(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="74.608" Width="171.708" ResizeMode="NoResize" WindowStyle="None">
<Button Content="Max" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="0,29,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" Click="Button_Click_1"/>
<Button Content="Restore" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="80,29,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" Click="Button_Click_2"/>
Obviously you will want to clean this code up, but it seems to work wherever the Taskbar is located, However you may need to add some logic to get the correct Left, Top if the users font DPI is larger than 100%
Another way to do this is by handling the WM_GETMINMAXINFO Win32 message. The code here shows how to do that.
Note that there are a few things that I would do differently, such as returning IntPtr.Zero instead of (System.IntPtr)0 in WindowProc and making MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST a constant. But that's just coding style changes, and doesn't affect the net result.
Also make sure to pay attention to the update where the WindowProc is hooked during the SourceInitialized event instead of OnApplyTemplate. That's the better place to do it. If you're implementing a class derived from Window, then another option is to override OnSourceInitialized to hook the WindowProc instead of attaching to the event. That's what I normally do.

Canvas in ScrollViewer (Preview)MouseButtonDown event order

If we have
<ScrollViewer Name="scroll_viewer" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch">
<Canvas Name="canvas" Height="200" Width="200">
<Rectangle Fill="AliceBlue" Width="100" Height="100"/>
with handlers for:
Then if we click in the Rectangle we get scroll_viewer_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown called first then canvas_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown but scroll_viewer_MouseLeftButtonDown is not called.
I want to handle the click event first in the canvas - if an object is clicked I want to handled the event (for object drag). If no canvas object is clicked I want to handle event in scroll_viewer (to manage scrollview panning with the mouse).
How to manage this given that the call order is the oposite of what i want and that the non perview version scroll_viewer.MouseLeftButtonDown is not called?
From this post: Silverlight forums
((FrameworkElement)scroll_viewer.GetValue(ScrollViewer.ContentProperty)).MouseLeftButtonDown += scroll_viewer_MouseLeftButtonDown;
DOES work ie does get called after the preview events - can some explain why this less than obvious syntax is required?
The problem is that the ScrollViewer already handles the MouseLeftButtonDown event internally, like so:
protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {
if (base.Focus())
e.Handled = true;
You can "fix" this using a custom class, like so:
public class MyScrollViewer : ScrollViewer {
protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) {
e.Handled = false;
SIDE NOTE: You should use x:Name in XAML, not Name. Otherwise you may run into compilation errors using the above class.
Alternatively, you could attach your handler for all MouseLeftButtonDown events, including handled ones. So instead of:
this.scroll_viewer.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(scroll_viewer_MouseLeftButtonDown);
You'd use:
this.scroll_viewer.AddHandler(ScrollViewer.MouseLeftButtonDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(this.scroll_viewer_MouseLeftButtonDown), true);
The Preview events follow a routing strategy similar to the Tunneling strategy, meaning that the event starts at the top of the element tree, and travels down it. So it would hit your ScrollViewer first, then your Canvas.
The non-Preview events follow a routing strategy similar to the Bubbling strategy, meaning that events start on the object they occurred on, and travel up the element tree. In this case, the Canvas would get hit first, then the ScrollViewer.
You can read more about the Routing strategies here
As a side note, for Canvas objects to be visible for HitTest events, they need to have a non-transparent background. So if you have a Canvas with no background color specified, it will default to Transparent and not be visible for HitTests.

What's special about mouse capture and middle mouse button in WPF?

When I call CaptureMouse() in response to a MouseDown from the middle mouse button, it will capture and then release the mouse.
I've tried using Preview events, setting Handled=true, doesn't make a difference. Am I not understanding mouse capture in WPF?
Here's some minimal sample code that reproduces the problem.
// TestListBox.cs
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Controls;
namespace Local
public class TestListBox : ListBox
public TestListBox()
MouseDown += (_, e) =>
Debug.WriteLine(" Capture: " + CaptureMouse());
GotMouseCapture += (_, e) => Debug.WriteLine("GotMouseCapture");
LostMouseCapture += (_, e) => Debug.WriteLine("LostMouseCapture");
Generating a default WPF app that has this for its main window will use the test class:
<Window x:Class="Local.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
Upon clicking the middle button down, I get this output:
Capture: True
So I'm calling CaptureMouse, which in turn grabs and then releases capture, yet returns true that capture was successfully acquired.
What's going on here? Is it possible that this is something with my Logitech mouse driver doing something goofy, trying to initiate 'ultrascroll' or something?
This can be diagnosed by setting your debugger to break on UIElement.ReleaseMouseCapture() method and looking at the call stack. If you do this you will find that it is ListBox's OnMouseMove that is causing the problem.
So all you have to do to is override OnMouseMove and not call the base class if the middle button is down:
public class TestListBox : ListBox
protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
I found someone else had run into the same problem and narrowed it down to a specific issue with ListBox.
If I switch to a Canvas then it works as I expect. So the ListBox is doing something with capture. Handling things via Previews with Handled=true and even overriding OnGotMouseCapture etc. without calling the base does not work around the issue.

Wpf ScrollViewer Scroll Amount

Is it possible to change the amount that the WPF ScrollViewer scrolls? I am simply wondering if it's possible to change the scrollviewer so that when using the mouse wheel or the scrollviewer arrows, the amount of incremental scrolling can be changed.
The short answer is: there is no way to do this without writing some custom scrolling code, but don't let that scare you it's not all that hard.
The ScrollViewer either works by scrolling using physical units (i.e. pixels) or by engaging with an IScrollInfo implementation to use logical units. This is controlled by the setting the CanContentScroll property where a value of false means "scroll the content using physical units" and a value of true means "scroll the content logically".
So how does the ScrollViewer scroll the content logically? By communicating with an IScrollInfo implementation. So that's how you could take over exactly how much the content of your panel scrolls when someone performs a logical action. Take a look at the documentation for IScrollInfo to get a listing of all the logical units of measurment that can be requested to scroll, but since you mentioned the mouse wheel you'll be mostly interested in the MouseWheelUp/Down/Left/Right methods.
Here's a simple, complete and working WPF ScrollViewer class that has a data-bindable SpeedFactor property for adjusting the mouse wheel sensitivity. Setting SpeedFactor to 1.0 means identical behavior to the WPF ScrollViewer. The default value for the dependency property is 2.5, which allows for very speedy wheel scrolling.
Of course, you can also create additional useful features by binding to the SpeedFactor property itself, i.e., to easily allow the user to control the multiplier.
public class WheelSpeedScrollViewer : ScrollViewer
public static readonly DependencyProperty SpeedFactorProperty =
new PropertyMetadata(2.5));
public Double SpeedFactor
get { return (Double)GetValue(SpeedFactorProperty); }
set { SetValue(SpeedFactorProperty, value); }
protected override void OnPreviewMouseWheel(MouseWheelEventArgs e)
if (ScrollInfo is ScrollContentPresenter scp &&
ComputedVerticalScrollBarVisibility == Visibility.Visible)
scp.SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset - e.Delta * SpeedFactor);
e.Handled = true;
Complete XAML demo of 'fast mouse wheel scrolling' of around 3200 data items:
note: 'mscorlib' reference is only for accessing the demonstration data.
<UserControl x:Class="RemoveDuplicateTextLines.FastScrollDemo"
<local:WheelSpeedScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={x:Type sys:Object},Path=Assembly.DefinedTypes}" />
Fast mouse wheel:
You could implement a behavior on the scrollviewer. In my case CanContentScroll did not work. The solution below works for scrolling with the mouse wheel as well as draging the scrollbar.
public class StepSizeBehavior : Behavior<ScrollViewer>
public int StepSize { get; set; }
#region Attach & Detach
protected override void OnAttached()
AssociatedObject.ScrollChanged += AssociatedObject_ScrollChanged;
protected override void OnDetaching()
AssociatedObject.ScrollChanged -= AssociatedObject_ScrollChanged;
private void CheckHeightModulesStepSize()
var height = AssociatedObject.Height;
var remainder = height%StepSize;
if (remainder > 0)
throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(StepSize)} should be set to a value by which the height van be divised without a remainder.");
private void AssociatedObject_ScrollChanged(object sender, ScrollChangedEventArgs e)
const double stepSize = 62;
var scrollViewer = (ScrollViewer)sender;
var steps = Math.Round(scrollViewer.VerticalOffset / stepSize, 0);
var scrollPosition = steps * stepSize;
if (scrollPosition >= scrollViewer.ScrollableHeight)
You would use it like this:
<ScrollViewer MaxHeight="248"
<behaviors:StepSizeBehavior StepSize="62" />
I wanted to add to Drew Marsh accepted answer - while the other suggested answers solve it, in some cases you cannot override the PreviewMouseWheel event and handle it without causing other side effects. Namely if you have child controls that should receive priority to be scrolled before the parent ScrollViewer - like nested ListBox or ComboBox popups.
In my scenario, my parent control was a ItemsControl with its ItemsPanel being a VirtualizingStackPanel. I wanted its logical scrolling to be 1 unit per item instead of the default 3. Instead of fiddling with attached behaviors and intercepting/handling the mouse wheel events, I simply implemented a custom VirtualizingStackPanel to do this.
public class VirtualizingScrollSingleItemAtATimeStackPanel : VirtualizingStackPanel
public override void MouseWheelDown()
public override void MouseWheelUp()
public override void PageDown()
public override void PageUp()
then we use that panel like we normally would in our xaml markup:
<controls:VirtualizingScrollSingleItemAtATimeStackPanel />
Obviously my scenario is contrived and the solution very simple, however this might provide a path for others to have better control over the scrolling behavior without the side effects I encountered.
I did this to ensure whole numbers on scrollbar1.ValueChanged:
scrollbar1.Value = Math.Round(scrollbar1.Value, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)
